Quick Composing Tourneys for 2021
No |
Tourney name |
Section |
Closing date |
Award |
Winner |
Judge |
название конкурса
раздел (задание) |
дд-мм-гггг |
dd-mm-yyyy |
А/З |
И. Фамилия победителя |
отличие и место, например, 1st Prize, 1st Place
имя и фамилия автора по-английски
TT-XXX, SuperProblem, dd.mm.yyyy |
здесь решение задачи
8/8/8/8/8/8/8/8 |
# |
условие |
арбитр |
263 |
Parade of all types of troops |
h#2.5-n |
16-12-2021 |
30-12-2021 |
12/22 |
M. Caillaud |
1st Place - No 19 Michel Caillaud TT-263, SuperProblem, 20-12-2021 |
1.d1S Ke1 2.Se3 fxe3 3.Bb3 e4 4.Bd5 exd5 5.Qa7 d6 6.Rb7 d7+ 7.Kb8 d8Q#
1.h1S Kg1 2.Sg3 fxg3 3.Bc2 g4 4.Bf5 gxf5 5.Qc7 f6 6.Rd7 f7 7.Kd8 f8Q#
2k5/6qr/8/1p2p1p1/b7/5p2/3p1P1p/5K2 |
h#7 |
2.1.. |
formula |
262 |
Kill a dragon and become him |
s#2-12 |
11-11-2021 |
16-11-2021 |
6/10 |
M. Caillaud |
1st Prize - No 10 Michel Caillaud TT-262, SuperProblem, 16-11-2021 |
1.e8B! Bh1 2.Bxc6! Bg2 3.Bd5 Bh1 4.c8Q Bg2 5.Be1!! Bh1(Ke3) 6.Qxc5(+) Bg2(Kf3) 7.Qb4 Bh1(Ke3) 8.Bxf2(+) Bg2(Kf3) 9.Bc5+ Bxf1#
8/2P1P3/2pP1p2/2p1pB2/2K1Pp2/1NP2k1p/3B1bbP/5Q2 |
s#9 |
Aleksey Oganesjan |
261 |
Bohemia |
#3-N |
30-09-2021 |
29-10-2021 |
14/31 |
S. Dowd S. Dowd |
1st-2nd Prize - No 26 Steven B. Dowd TT-261, SuperProblem, 29-10-2021 |
1...Kf4 2.Bg3+ Kxf5 3.Qb1+ Sd3 4.Qxd3#
1...g3 2.Qxg3+ Ke2 3.Qe3+ Kd1 4.Qe1# (3...Kf1 4.Bh3#)
1...Ke2 2.Qe1+ Kf3 3.Be4+ Kf4 4.Bg3#
1...Sd1 2.Bg3 Ke2 3.Qe1+ Kf3 4.Be4#
1...Sc4(a4) 2.Bd3 Sb6+ 3.Kb7 ~ 4.Qg3#
K7/8/5p2/3P1Bp1/6p1/5k2/1n3B1Q/8 |
#4 |
1st-2nd Prize - No 31 Steven B. Dowd TT-261, SuperProblem, 29-10-2021 |
1.Rc3! – 2.Qb8+ Sb7 3.Rc6#
1...Rc2 2.Bd7 (A) – 3.Sd5#, 2...Kxc7 3.Qa7# (B), 2...Sxd7 3.Qa6#
1...Kxc7 2.Qa7+ (B) Kc8 3.Bd7# (A)
1...Bxc3 2.Sd5+ Kxb5 3.Sd6#
Q5K1/2N2N2/1k6/bBn5/4p3/6R1/1r1p4/3b4 |
#3 |
Gennady Koziura |
260 |
Svítek theme |
#2 |
19-08-2021 |
26-08-2021 |
6/20 |
Z. Labai |
1st Prize - No 14 Zoltan Labai TT-260, SuperProblem, 26-08-2021 |
1.Rc3? – 2.Rc4#, 1...Sxc3 (A) 2.bxc3#, 1...d2 (B) 2.Sc2#, 1...Rd6+ (C) 2.Rxd6#, 1...cxb5 (D) 2.Rxd5#, 1...axb5!
1.e6! – 2.Qe5#, 1...Be3 (E) 2.Qxe3#, 1...Sxb4 (F) 2.Qxb4#, 1...Rcxd7 (G) 2.Sxc6#, 1...Sg~ (H) 2.Sxf5#
7q/2rRN1np/p1p4K/1PPrPp2/1P1k1P2/NR1p1p2/nP6/2B1Q1b1 |
#2 |
Miroslav Svítek |
259 |
Vaccination against virus |
#4-N |
22-07-2021 |
17-08-2021 |
7/21 |
R. Krätschmer |
1st Prize - No 16 Ralf Krätschmer TT-259, SuperProblem, 17-08-2021 |
1.c4? (2.Rd5#) 1...b2+! (2.e3 Qxe3 3.dxe3/fxe3 b1S+ 4.Kb2 Sd3+ 5.Kxb1 ~ 6.Rd5#)
1.d4+ exd3 e. p. 2.e4 (3.Rd5#) 2...fxe3 e.p. (2.c4? Bg2!) 3.f4+ gxf3 e. p. 4.c4 ~ 5.Rd5#
2BR4/5p2/8/2N1kPB1/4ppp1/KpP4q/3PPP2/2n2b2 |
#5 |
Grigory Popov |
258 |
Battery games |
hs#3-5 |
15-07-2021 |
03-08-2021 |
6/16 |
M. Parrinello |
1st Prize - No 15 Mario Parrinello TT-258, SuperProblem, 03-08-2021 |
a) diagram: 1.Bg2 Qd2 (Qc2?) 2.Sd5 Kc6 3.Rf3 Kxd5 4.Re3+ Qxg2#
b) Ba8->b8: 1.Bh2 Qc2 (Qd2?) 2.Sd6 Kc7 3.Rf4 Kxd6 4.Re4+ Qxh2#
B3N3/3p4/1k6/2p5/1Npp4/2q5/1r3R2/7K |
hs#4 |
b) Ba8->b8 |
Velko Alexandrov |
257 |
Geometry and algebra |
#2 |
20-06-2021 |
01-07-2021 |
6/8 |
M. Svítek |
1st Prize - No 5 Miroslav Svítek TT-257, SuperProblem, 01-07-2021 |
1.Sxe2? – 2.Se7# (A) / 2.Qa5# (B), 1...Rg4!
1.Kf6? – 2.Se7# (A), 1...dxe5! (a)
1.Rd2? – 2.Qa5# (B), 1...Rxd4! (b)
1.Bxd7? – 2.Be6# (C), 1...dxe5 (a) 2.Se7# (A), 1...Rxd4 (b) 2.Qa5# (B), 1...Bh3!
1.Ra2? - 2.Ra5# (D), 1...dxc6 (c) 2.Be6# (C), 1...dxe5 (a) 2.Se7# (A), 1...Rxd4! (b)
1.Rc4! – 2.Qa5# (B)
1...dxe5 (a) 2.Se7# (A)
1...dxc6 (c) 2.Be6# (C)
n7/2pp2K1/2Pp2NR/3kP3/1P1Nr3/1P3P1B/2R1p1b1/Q7 |
#2 |
Karol Mlynka & Ivan Jarolín |
256 |
Twin as reincarnation of move |
h#2-N |
11-07-2021 |
26-07-2021 |
16/43 |
M. Witztum, E. Navon & P. Einat P. Pitton |
Prize - No 15 M. Witztum, E. Navon, P. Einat TT-256, SuperProblem, 26-07-2021 |
a) diagram:
1.Sf5-h4 f3-f4 2.gxf4 Kxh4#
b) Sf5->h4:
*1...f4! 2.gxf4 Kxh4#
1.Sxg6 hxg6 2.h5+ Kxg5#
c) Pf3->f4:
1.gxf4 ?? 2.Sh4 Kxh4#
*1...fxg5! 2.Sh4 Kxh4#
1.Se3+ Kxg3+ 2.Sg4 Bxg4#
8/4B1p1/3Pk1Pp/3qbnpP/3p2K1/3P1PpB/6P1/8 |
h#2 |
b) Sf5->h4 c) Pf3->f4 |
Prize - No 43 Pietro Pitton TT-256, SuperProblem, 26-07-2021 |
a) diagram: 1.Rc3-c6 Kd2-e3 2.Kb4-c5 d3-d4#
b) Rc3->c6: 1.Kc5 Bc4 2.b4 Bf2#
c) Kd2->e3: 1.Kc5 Kf4 2.Kd4 Bf2#
d) Kb4->c5: 1.Kd4 Bg3 2.Rc5 e3#
e) Pd3->d4: 1.Ra3 Bb3 2.d5 Kc2#
6B1/8/1p1p4/1p6/1k6/2rP4/3KP3/4B3 |
h#2 |
b) Rc3->c6 c) Kd2->e3; d) Kb4->c5 e) Pd3->d4 |
Boris Shorokhov |
255 |
In the footsteps of Black King |
h#2 h#2.5-N |
29-04-2021 |
14-07-2021 |
34/127 26/91 |
P. Petkov V. Paliulionis |
1st Prize - No 181 Petko Petkov TT-255, SuperProblem, 14-07-2021 |
1.Sc5 Sd3 (c) 2.Kf3 (a) Sd4# (b)
1.Bf5 Sf4 (d) 2.Kd4 (b) Sf3# (a)
1.Bc5 Sf3 (a) 2.Kd3 (c) Sf4# (d)
1.Sd5 Sd4 (b) 2.Kf4 (d) Sd3# (c)
4R3/3p2p1/3bN3/1K2N1r1/1n2k1b1/1np1p1p1/2p3p1/8 |
h#2 |
4.1.. |
1st Prize - No 171 Viktoras Paliulionis TT-255, SuperProblem, 14-07-2021 |
1...Ka5 2.Sd2 Kb4 3.Sf3 Kc4 4.Bd5+ Kd3 5.Se5+ Ke2 6.Ke4 Sf7 7.Qf4 Sd6#
1...Sf7 2.Be5 Ka7 3.Ke6 Sg5+ 4.Kd6 Kb8 5.Sc3 Kc8 6.Qe6+ Kd8 7.Sd5 Se4#
7N/8/K1b2q2/5k2/3b4/8/8/1n6 |
h#6.5 |
2.1.. |
Ivan Antipin |
254 |
Change of defensive motive or weakening effect |
#2 |
08-04-2021 |
23-04-2021 |
9/16 |
K. Mlynka & I. Jarolín |
1st Prize - No 9 K. Mlynka & I. Jarolín TT-254, SuperProblem, 23-04-2021 |
a) +wRh6: 1.Kc7! – 2.Bd6# 1...Rxf6 (A) 2.gxf6# 1...exd5 (B) 2.Sd7#
b) +wBh1: 1.Qh8! – 2.Qb8# 1...Rxf6 (C) 2.f4# 1...exd5 (D) 2.Qe8#
c) –wPf3: 1.Qd1! – 2.Sd7# 1...Rxf6 (E) 2.Qd4# 1...exd5 (F) 2.Qxd5# (1...Rd4 2.Qxd4#)
8/1p3p2/1K2pN2/3Pk1PQ/2p2r2/B3PPN1/8/8 |
#2 |
zero a)+wRh6; b)+wBh1; c)–wPf3 |
Miroslav Svítek |
253 |
Successive AUW |
#3-N |
22-04-2021 |
18-05-2021 |
3/6 |
G. Popov |
Prize - No 5 Grigory Popov TT-253, SuperProblem, 07-05-2021 |
1.h8Q? h1B(S)! 2.Kb2! (Qd8? pat) 2...Kd2 3.Qd8+ Ke1 4.Qb6 Kd2 5.Qd4+ Ke1 6.Qe3?? Kd1 7.Qc1#
1.Sg4! (2.Se5 ~ 3.Sd3#) 1...h1B! 2.Sh2 gxh2 3.h8S! hxg1R! 4.Sg6 fxg6 5.f7 gxf5! 6.e4 fxe4 7.f8Q! e3 8.Kb2 Kd1(d2) 9.Qd6+! (Qd8+?) 9...Ke1 10.Qg6! Kd1(d2) 11.Qc2+ Ke1 12.Qc1#
8/5p1P/5P1N/5P2/5P2/2P1Ppp1/2K1prpp/4kbR1 |
#12 |
Aleksey Oganesjan |
252 |
Many pieces – one square |
s#3 |
25-02-2021 |
26-03-2021 |
3/6 |
V. Volchek |
1st Place - No 1 Victor Volchek TT-250, SuperProblem, 10-02-2021 |
1.Qxb4? - 2.Qc5+ Rxc5+ 3.e4+ Qxe4#,2.Qb1+ Rc2+ 3.e4+ Qxe4#
1...Rc4+ (a) 2.e4+ (A) Rxe4 3.Qxe4+ (C) Qxe4#
1...Re6+ (b) 2.Qe4+ (B) Rxe4 3.Rxf4+ (D) Rxf4#
[1...Sa6/Sd7 2.Qb1+ Rc2+ 3.e4+ Qxe4#]
1.Qe7! - 2.Qc5+ Rxc5+ 3.e4+ Qxe4#
1...Rc4+ (a) 2.Qe4+ (B) Rxe4 3.Rxf4+ (D) Rxf4#
1...Re6+ (b) 2.e4+ (A) Rxe4 3.Qxe4+ (C) Qxe4#
[1...fxe3 2.Rh5+ Rxh5 3.Qe6+ Rxe6#
1...Sa6/Sd7 2.Qd7+ Re6+ 3.e4+ Qxe4#]
qn3N2/nQ5N/2r2B2/5k2/1p3p1R/4PKpr/4P1pb/7b |
s#3 |
Ivo Tominic |
251 |
Chumakov 3+ |
h#3-N |
14-02-2021 |
03-03-2021 |
4/6 10/21 6/9 |
V. Paliulionis V. Alexandrov V. Paliulionis |
1st Prize - No 37 Viktoras Paliulionis TT-251, SuperProblem, 03-03-2021 |
1.Qc7 Bxc7 2.g5 Bxg3 3.g4 Be5 4.g3 Kf7 5.g2 Ke6 6.g1S Kd5 7.Se2 Kc4 8.Sc3 Kb3 9.Sb1 Bxb2#
1.Rf3 Kh7 2.Rf7+ Kh6 3.Bg7+ Kg5 4.Kb2 Bd8 5.Kc3 Kg4 6.Kd4 Bg5 7.Ke5 Bh6 8.Kf6 Kf4 9.Qe6 Bg5#
6K1/8/2q3p1/B7/8/6r1/1b6/k7 |
h#9 |
2.1.. |
1st Prize - No 8 Velko Alexandrov TT-251, SuperProblem, 03-03-2021 |
1.Qc7 Bxc7 2.g5 Bxg3 3.g4 Be5 4.g3 Kf7 5.g2 Ke6 6.g1S Kd5 7.Se2 Kc4 8.Sc3 Kb3 9.Sb1 Bxb2#
1.Rf3 Kh7 2.Rf7+ Kh6 3.Bg7+ Kg5 4.Kb2 Bd8 5.Kc3 Kg4 6.Kd4 Bg5 7.Ke5 Bh6 8.Kf6 Kf4 9.Qe6 Bg5#
5B2/4q3/4r3/2p5/4p1K1/1NkpP3/8/2b5 |
h#3 |
2.1.. |
1st Prize - No 26 Viktoras Paliulionis TT-251, SuperProblem, 03-03-2021 |
1.Qc7 Bxc7 2.g5 Bxg3 3.g4 Be5 4.g3 Kf7 5.g2 Ke6 6.g1S Kd5 7.Se2 Kc4 8.Sc3 Kb3 9.Sb1 Bxb2#
1.Rf3 Kh7 2.Rf7+ Kh6 3.Bg7+ Kg5 4.Kb2 Bd8 5.Kc3 Kg4 6.Kd4 Bg5 7.Ke5 Bh6 8.Kf6 Kf4 9.Qe6 Bg5#
8/1p3n1r/1p2k3/p2p4/3r1n2/q7/P4K2/8 |
h#6 |
2.1.. |
Yuri Bilokin |
250 |
Change of weakening motive and mate |
#2 |
28-01-2021 |
10-02-2021 |
8/20 |
M. Svítek |
1st Place - No 11 Miroslav Svítek TT-250, SuperProblem, 10-02-2021 |
*1...Sd4 (A) 2.e4# (K)
*1...Bxd6 (B) 2.Qxh1# (L)
*1...Sxe6 (C) 2.Qxe6# (M)
1.Sd7? – 2.e4# (K), 1...Sxe3 (C) 2.Sxe3# (N), 1...e1Q/R!
1.Sb3? – 2.e4# (K), 1...Sxe3 (B) 2.Rc5# (O), 1...e1Q/R!
1.Se4! – 2.Ra5#
1...Sd4 (B) 2.Rc5# (O)
1...Bxd6 (C) 2.Rxd6# (P)
1...Sxe6 (A) 2.Sf6# (Q)
8/BK4n1/R2PP2Q/2Nk4/1p4N1/p2PP3/2n1p2b/2Rb3r |
#2 |
C. G. S. Narayanan |
249 |
Pawns that don’t want to promote |
h#2-n |
31-12-2020 |
23-01-2021 |
39/76 |
V. Paliulionis |
1st Place - No 63 Viktoras Paliulionis TT-249, SuperProblem, 23-01-2021 |
a) diagram: 1.Kf1 g3 2.Kg2 Ke2 3.Kxh3 Kf1 4.Kg4 Kg2 5.g5 f3#
b) Pg7->d5: 1.Kd1 c3 2.Kc2 Ke2 3.Kxb3 Kd1 4.Kc4 Kc2 5.c5 d3#
c = b) Ke1->g1: 1.Kh2 f3 2.Kg3 d4 3.Kh4 Kf2 4.Kh4-g5 h4+ 5.Kg5-f4 g3#
d) Ke1->d1: 1.Kc1 d4 2.Kb2 Kd2 3.Ka3 Kc1 4.Ka3-b4 Kb2 5.a5 c3#
e = d) Ke3->h4: 1.Kxc2 Kg5 2.Kd3 Kg6 3.Ke4 Kxg7 4.Ke4-f4 g3+ 5.Kf4-g5 f4#
f) Ke3->a8: 1.Kxd2 Kb7 2.Kc3 Kc6 3.Kc3-b4 c3+ 4.Ka5 Kc5 5.b4 cxb4#, 1.Kxf2 d4 2.Ke3 d5 3.Kd4 c4 4.Kc5 b4+ 5.Kb6 c5#
8/2p3p1/p7/1p3p1p/8/1P2K2P/2PP1PP1/4k3 |
h#5 |
see text |
formula |
248 |
If you can’t win, copy them |
#2 |
20-12-2020 |
22-03-2021 |
16/34 |
P. Murashev |
1st Prize - No 4 Pavel Murashev TT-248, SuperProblem, 22-03-2021 |
1.Qb2? – 2.Qd4# (A) / 2.Se7# (B), 1...Sxc6 2.Bxb6#, 1...Sc3!
1.Qe3? – 2.Qd4# (A), 1...Qxe3 2.Be6#, 1...Sxb5!
1.Sc4? – 2.Se7# (B), 1...Qf6 (a) / Qd6 (b) / Qe6 (c) / Qxc6 (d) 2.Se3#, 1...e3 (e) 2.Qxd3#, 1...Ba5 2.Bxa7#, 1...Bxc5 2.Rxc5#, 1...Qg5!
1.Qg5! – 2.Se7# (B), 1...Qf6 (a) 2.exf6#, 1...Qd6 (b) 2.exd6#, 1...Qe6 (c) / Qxg5 2.Be6#, 1...Qxc6 (d) 2.e6#, 1...Sxc6/Sc8 2.Bxb6#, 1...Bxa5 2.Bxa7#, 1...e3 (e) 2.Qg2#,
1...Bxc5 2.Rxc5#, 1...Sxb4+ 2.Sxb4#
4R3/n1pB2p1/KbN4q/NRBkP3/1P2p2p/1P1p4/n2Qp3/8 |
#2 |
Ilija Serafimović |
Explanatory notes to the TT table
- The numbers of active TT are highlighted with red background; the numbers of failed TT - with yellow one.
- The date format in the table: day-month-year (DD-MM-YYYY).
- The closing date column contains hyperlink to the announcement of appropriate TT.
- Column marked with the icon
shows the ratio of authors/works in appropriate TT.
- Column marked with the icon
contains hyperlinks to the winner compositions of appropriate TT; a composition appears in a new window when you click on the link.
Terms and Abbreviations
- ТТ - quick composing thematic tourney.
- active ТТ - closing date is not expired, one may submit original(s) to the tourney.
- closed ТТ - closing date is expired; waiting for award...
- completed ТТ - final award of the TT is published; all claims were considered.
- failed ТТ - no award, no winner.
- X-judge - a judge whose name is unknown to the TT participants prior to publication of the TT award.
Conditions of participation in TT
- TT winners will offer the theme for the next TT reporting its formulation to TT Director and have the right to be the judge of the next TT.
Each participant in a TT is encouraged to ponder on a theme he would like to propose for the next TT in case he wins the current tourney.
TT Winners for 2021 |
click on diagram to view award of corresponding TT |