Final Award in Quick Composing TT-260 | Окончательные итоги блицконкурса TT-260

Svítek theme | Тема Свитека

Theme | Тема

20 entries were received from 6 authors representing 5 countries | На конкурс поступило 20 композиций от 6 авторов из 5 стран

EN <-> RU

I received 20 problems from the tourney director in the anonymous form. The author of No 3 (Kg7-Kf5) withdrew his problem from the tournament before the provisional award, so 19 problems remain. The quality of the entries was average considering the complexity of the theme and limited time. In three problems (No 4, No 11 and No 17) I offered the authors a new version.
I congratulate the authors for their interesting contributions.

I excluded the following problems:
- No 5 (Ka3-Kc4) – repeated defensive motifs „D – preparatory move to parry the check“ = A – direct guard of the threat square (line). Motivational dual after defense 1...fxe2 „C – capturing of the threat unit + E – indirect guard by line opening“;
- No 6 (Ke2-Ke8) – motivational dual after defense 1...dxe6 (1...fxe6) – capturing of the threat unit + creating flight by unblocking of the royal square.
- No 12 (Ka6-Kd5) – „D – of threat unit line capture“ = E – creating flight by capture.
- No 13 (Kh6-Kd5) – motivational dual after defense 1...Sxf4 – E = capturing of the threat unit + creating flight by line interference.
- No 18 (Kh1-Ke4) – defense 1...Bxd5 and 1...Kxd5 the same defensive motive capturing of the threat unit.
- No 20 (Ke8-Kf5) – motivational dual after defense 1...Qxd4 in try – capturing of the threat unit + direct guard of the threat square. The most beautiful problem of the tournament, the connection of my theme with the theme of Salazar. But repeating defense 1...Qxd4 is non-thematic, it's not radical change.

Award is the following | Отличия распределились следующим образом

1st Prize - No 14
Zoltan Labai
TT-260, SuperProblem, 26-08-2021
2nd Prize - No 15
Zoltan Labai
TT-260, SuperProblem, 26-08-2021
Special Prize - No 19
Udo Degener
TT-260, SuperProblem, 26-08-2021

1st Prize - No 14, Zoltan Labai (Slovakia) 7q/2rRN1np/p1p4K/1PPrPp2/1P1k1P2/NR1p1p2/nP6/2B1Q1b1

1.Rc3? – 2.Rc4#, 1...Sxc3 (A) 2.bxc3#, 1...d2 (B) 2.Sc2#, 1...Rd6+ (C) 2.Rxd6#, 1...cxb5 (D) 2.Rxd5#, 1...axb5!

1.e6! – 2.Qe5#, 1...Be3 (E) 2.Qxe3#, 1...Sxb4 (F) 2.Qxb4#, 1...Rcxd7 (G) 2.Sxc6#, 1...Sg~ (H) 2.Sxf5#
A = capturing of the threat unit
B = creating flight by unblocking of the royal square
C = checking
D = direct guard of the threat square
E = interference of threat unit´s line
F = creating flight by capture
G = indirect guarding by unpinning
H = indirect guarding by line-opening

The only problem of the tournament, where the DM-24-88 theme is flawless, a radical change of defense motivation in four variants, 8 defenses, 8 defensive motifs, and 8 different mates.
EN <-> RU

2nd Prize - No 15, Zoltan Labai (Slovakia) 2B5/1pK1p3/rp1PR3/p1Pkp3/1P6/1P2BP1b/n1R5/1N3n2

1.dxe7? – 2.Rd6# (X), 1...bxc5 (A) 2.Rxc5# (Y), 1...Bxe6 (B) 2.Bxb7#, 1...e4 (C) 2.fxe4#, 1...b5!
1.cxb6! – 2.Rc5# (Y), 1...exd6 (D) 2.Rxd6# (X), 1...Sxe3 (E) 2.Rd2#, 1...Sc3 (F) 2.Sxc3#
A = indirect guarding by line-opening
B = capturing of the threat unit
C = creating flight by unblocking of the royal square
D = direct guard of the threat square
E = creating flight by capture
F = interference of threat unit´s line

XY – YX = pseudo le-Grand 1.dxe7 - 1...bxc5, 1.cxb6 - 1...exd6 = formal theme

A radical change of defense motivation in three variants, DM-23-66 is very interesting and cleverly complemented by the Pseudo le Grand and formal theme. Nice.
EN <-> RU

Special Prize - No 19, Udo Degener (Germany) 2R5/3N1K2/1B2BP1b/1P3p1N/1p1Pkp2/3p3Q/4bP2/q3R3

1.d5? - 2.f3#
1...Qxe1 2.Rc4# (unpinning of black)
1...Qxf6+ 2.Shxf6# (checking)
1...d2 2.Rxe2# (unblocking)
1...f3 2.Qxf5# (blocking of the threat-square)

1.Rc4? - 2.Sc5#
1...Qxd4 2.Rxd4# (creating flight by capture)
1...Qa7 2.d5# (pinning of the threat unit)

1.Rc5! - 2.Re5#
1...Qxd4 2.Bxf5#
(guarding of the threat-square)
1...Kxd4 2.Rc4# (king-flight)
Another excellent problem, but again it has a flaw. Defense 1...Qxd4 repeats itself, and this is not a radical change.
EN <-> RU
1st Hon. mention - No 17 (version)
Zoltan Labai
TT-260, SuperProblem, 26-08-2021
2nd Hon. mention - No 4 (version)
Karol Mlynka
TT-260, SuperProblem, 26-08-2021
3rd Honorable mention - No 10
Udo Degener
TT-260, SuperProblem, 26-08-2021

1st Honorable mention - No 17 (version), Zoltan Labai (Slovakia) b7/2N1B3/3p2rp/nnR5/qPpk2P1/1p1P2P1/3Q4/1N4K1

1.Re5? – 2.Qe3#, 1...Kxe5 (A) 2.Qf4#, 1...dxe5 (B) 2.Bc5#, 1...Be4 (C) 2.Rxe4#, 1...cxd3! 1.Kf2! – 2.Qe3#, 1...Re6 (D) 2.Sxe6#, 1...Rf6+ (E) 2.Bxf6#, 1...Qa2 (F) 2.Sxb5#
A = king move - indirect guarding by line-opening (2.Qe3? Be4!)
B = creating flight by capture
C = creating flight by line interference
D = direct guard of the threat square
E = checking
F = pinning of the threat unit

Active radical Svitek theme 2.Qe3# (Author.)

Very good implementation of the active radical changed defensive motifs DM-23-66A – against the same threat.
EN <-> RU

2nd Honorable mention - No 4 (version), Karol Mlynka (Slovakia) 1K4bB/p7/8/2NPRPr1/1PNk1n2/1Pppp1bp/2P3n1/3R2Q1

*1...Rxf5 (e) 2.Rxf5# (E), *1...Bxd5 (f) 2.Re4# (F)
1.Rxe3+? Rg7(x) 2.Rexd3#, 1...Kxd5! (y)
1.Re6+? Kxd5 (y) 2.Rd6#, 1...Rg7! (x)
(1.Qxe3+? (G) Sxe3! (c), 1.Rxd3+? (H) Sxd3! (b)
1.Sxd3? – 2.Sxf4#, 1...Se1 (a, A) 2.Qxe3# (G), 1...Sxd3 (b, B) 2.Rxd3# (H), 1...Be1!
1.Sxe3! - 2.Re4# (F), 1...Sxe3 (c, C) 2.Qxe3# (G), 1...Sf~ (d, D) 2.Rxd3# (H)
A - direct guard of threat mate by battery front piece
B - capturing the threat unit
C - creating flight by capture
D - pinning threat unit

Svítek theme = radical change of 2 defense motives in 2 phases combined with transferred mates (Rukhlis-like) and also with radical change of two variations between the set play and the try. (Author.)

The only problem of the tournament, where the radical change of two defensive motives, is realized with the help of a change of defenses, as in the case of Rukhlis.

Editorial: compare to yacpdb/522664.
EN <-> RU

3rd Honorable mention - No 10, Udo Degener (Germany) 2R2NB1/1P1p2Rp/n1bk4/1pr2PPp/NQ3K1P/1n2p3/4P2B/2b5

1.Kg3? - 2.Kh3#, 1...Sxb4 (A) 2.b8Q(B)#, 1...Bg2 (B) 2.Kxg2#, 1...Ke5 (C) 2.Qf4#, 1...Bb2!
1.Qe4! ~ 2.Qe7#, 1...Bxe4 (D) 2.Rxd7#, 1...Rc4 (E) 2.Kf3#, 1...Rxf5+ (F) 2.Kxf5#, 1...Re5 2.Qxe5#
A = indirect guarding by unpinning
B = direct guard of the threat square
C = king move to distant flight
D = capturing of the threat unit
E = pinning of the threat unit.
F = checking

Very nice problem with the excellent key and four mates of the royal battery with Dalton theme. Unfortunately, defense 1...Re5 has a motivational dual – interference of threat unit's line + direct guard of the threat square.
EN <-> RU
4th Honorable mention - No 7
Udo Degener
TT-260, SuperProblem, 26-08-2021
1st Special Hon. mention - No 8
Udo Degener
TT-260, SuperProblem, 26-08-2021
2nd Special Hon. mention - No 9
Udo Degener
TT-260, SuperProblem, 26-08-2021

4th Honorable mention - No 7, Udo Degener (Germany) 8/8/5Q2/K3p2b/5Pp1/p3rPk1/5R1R/8

1.fxe5? - 2.Rfg2# (X), 1...gxf3 (A) 2.Qh4# (Y), 1...Rxe5+ (B) 2.Qxe5#, 1...Re2!
1.fxg4! - 2.Qh4# (Y), 1...Rf3 (C) 2.Rfg2# (X), 1...Kxg4 (D) 2.Qg5#
A = direct guard of the threat square
B = checking
C = creating flight by line interference
D = king move to distant flight

A nice example of the theme in two variants, supplemented by the Pseudo le Grand theme, in the form of a Meredith.
EN <-> RU

1st Special Honorable mention - No 8, Udo Degener (Germany) 6n1/q2p1Qr1/1nR2PpN/1P1pk3/p2NP2B/2P1PP1b/3P3p/3Kb3

1.Qxg6? – 2.f4#, 1...Bg3 (A) 2.Bxg3#, 1...Bg4 (B) 2.Sxg4#, 1...Bf5 (C) 2.Qxf5#, 1...Rxg6 (D) 2.Sf7#, 1...dxe4 2.Qxe4#, 1...dxc6! 1.Sdf5! – 2.d4#, 1...Sb~ (E) 2.Qxd5#, 1...Bxd2 (F) 2.Bg3#, 1...d4 (G) 2.cxd4#, 1...dxe4 2.f4# (2.d4? exd3 e.p!)
A = direct guard of the threat square
B = pinning of the threat unit
C = creating flight by line interference
D = creating flight by capture
E = indirect guarding by line-opening
F = capturing of the threat unit
G = stopping a threat pawn

Problem with rich content. But the repeated defense 1 ... dxe4 is not thematic, it is not radical change. In addition, this defense in try has two motifs - creating flight by capture + creating flight by unblocking of the royal square. There is only theme DM-2 (4.3) -77.
EN <-> RU

2nd Special Honorable mention - No 9, Udo Degener (Germany) 1r1RR3/1r1p4/2p4K/NpBkp3/Nn1bp3/8/3QB3/8

1.Qg5? – 2.Qg8#, 1...Be3 (a, A) 2.Rxe5#, 1...Bxc5 (b, B) 2.Qxe5#, 1...e3 (c, C) 2.Bf3#, 1...d6 (g, G) 2.Rxd6#, 1...bxa4! (f)
1.Bf8! – 2.Sc3#, 1...Sa2 (d, D) 2.Qxa2#, 1...Sd3 (e, E) 2.Qa2#, 1...bxa4 (f, F) 2.Bc4#, 1...d6 (g, H) 2.Rxd6#
A = pinning of the threat unit
B = creating flight by capture
C = creating flight by unblocking of the royal square
D = direct guard of the threat square
E = indirect guarding by unpinning
F = capturing of the threat unit
G = indirect guarding by line-opening
H = creating flight by line interference

Another interesting problem, in which there are a total of 8 defense motives. But again, the repeating defense 1 ... d6 is unthematic. The value of the problems is also reduced by repeating the checkmate in the solution. Only DM-23-66 abcABC/defDEF and gG/H.
EN <-> RU
1st Commendation - No 16
Zoltan Labai
TT-260, SuperProblem, 26-08-2021
2nd Commendation - No 11 (version)
Zoltan Labai
TT-260, SuperProblem, 26-08-2021
3rd Commendation - No 1
Daniil Yakimovich
TT-260, SuperProblem, 26-08-2021

1st Commendation - No 16, Zoltan Labai (Slovakia) 5K2/prP2Q2/r1p3p1/2BPk1bR/3Rp1P1/7n/8/1b6

1.dxc6? – 2.Rd5#, 1...Sf4 (A) 2.Rxg5#, 1...e3 (B) 2.Qe7#, 1...Rb8+ (C) 2.cxb8Q(B)#, 1...Ba2!
1.Kg7! – 2.Qf6#, 1...cxd5 (D) 2.Rxd5#, 1...gxh5 (E) 2.Qf5#, 1...Rxc7 (F) 2.Qxc7#
A = direct guard of the threat square
B = creating flight by unblocking of the royal square
C = checking
D = indirect guarding by line-opening
E = indirect guarding by unpinning
F = pinning of the threat unit

A radical change of defensive motifs DM-23-66 with the changed function of moves: threat-mate.
EN <-> RU

2nd Commendation - No 11 (version), Zoltan Labai (Slovakia) 8/4p3/1R4K1/1NR1P1p1/r1p1k3/1Npp2B1/1b3P2/3B4

1.Rd6? – 2.Rd4#, 1...c2 (A) 2.Sd2#, 1...Ra6 (B) 2.Rxc4#, 1...exd6 (C) 2.Sxd6#, 1...cxb3!
1.Rf6! – 2.Bf3#, 1...d2 (D) 2.Bc2#, 1...g4 (E) 2.Rf4#, 1...exf6 (F) 2.Sxd6#
A = indirect guarding by line-opening
B = pinning of the threat unit
C = capturing of the threat unit
D = creating flight by unblocking of the royal square
E = direct guard of the threat square
F = creating flight by capture

Radical change defensive motifs DM-23-66, 1x Rukhlis.
EN <-> RU

3rd Commendation - No 1, Daniil Yakimovich (USA) 8/6bb/K1p5/N7/3P3R/1P1k1r2/3P2q1/B2BQ3

*1...Q~ 2.Qe2# (A), *1...R~ 2.Qe3# (B)

1.Sb7? – 2.Sc5#
1...Qg5 2.Qe2# (A) (direct guard of the threat square)
1...Rf5 2.Qe3# (B) (direct guard of the threat square)
1...Bxd4 2.Rxd4#

1.Sxc6? – 2.Sb4#
1...Qg6 2.Qe2# (A) (pinning of the threat unit)
1...Rf6 2.Qe3# (B) (pinning of the threat unit)
1...Bf8 2.Se5#

1.Sc4! – 2.Sb2#
1...Qg4 2.Qe2# (A)
(Barulin defense)
1...Rf4 2.Qe3# (B) (Barulin defense)
1...Qxd2 2.Qxd2#
1...Bxd4 2.Rxd4#
1...Be4 2.Qxe4#
3-phase transferred mates in two variations with Svitek's theme – (Author.)

This is only a three-phase radical change of one defensive motif in two defenses. This is not transferred mates, as the author claims. This is not Rukhlis.
EN <-> RU
4th Commendation - No 2
Daniil Yakimovich
TT-260, SuperProblem, 26-08-2021

4th Commendation - No 2, Daniil Yakimovich (USA) 3B4/8/3p2Kp/1R1Bp1p1/3kN3/3p3R/NPr5/4q2Q

1.Sxd6? – 2.Sf5#
1...Qf1(f2) 2.Qe4# (A) (direct guard of the threat square)
1...Rf2 2.Bb6# (B) (direct guard of the threat square)
1...Rc6! (pinning of the threat unit)

1.Sxg5? – 2.Se6#
1...Qg1 2.Qe4# (A) (pinning of the threat unit)
1...Rg2 2.Bb6# (B) (pinning of the threat unit)
(1...Qg3 2.Qe4# )
1...hxg5! (capturing of the threat unit)

1.Sd2! – 2.Sb3#
1...Qxd2 2.Qe4# (A)
(capturing of the threat unit)
1...Rxd2 2.Bb6# (B) (capturing of the threat unit)
1...Rc3 2.bxc3# (direct guard of the threat square)
1...Rxb2 2.Bb6# (direct guard of the threat square)
(1...e4 2.Bf6#)
(1...Qg3(e4) 2.Q(x)e4#)
"Svítek theme with cyclical caprice" (Author.)

This is again only a three-phase radical change of one defensive motif in two defenses. This is not transferred mates, as the author claims. This is not Rukhlis. The connection with the refutation of tries is interesting. But it wants a new scheme without duplicate defenses.
EN <-> RU

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