Final Award in Quick Composing TT-258 | Окончательные итоги блицконкурса TT-258

Battery games | Батарейные игры

Theme | Тема

16 entries were received from 6 authors representing 6 countries | На конкурс поступило 16 композиций от 6 авторов из 6 стран

EN <-> RU

At first I want to thank TT Director for he proposed me to set the theme and judge this TT. Also thank to all participants! Though I was hoping there would be more participants because the hs#-genre is one of most popular in fairy section and battery play is also piques an interest.

So I have received 16 problems in anonymous form. I excluded following problems:
- No 1 (Kf1-Ke6). The problem is not economic: in every phase there are two White pieces that don’t participate in the play;
- No 2 (Kh2-Ke5). The problem is not economic: in a) there is White Bishop that doesn’t participate in the play;
- No 3 (Kd8-Ka3), No 8 (Ka4-Kh4), No 9 (Ke2-Kd8). The problem is not thematic: in diagram position, there should be no thematic battery A+B that must be formed only at the beginning of solution;
- No 4 (Kc6-Kg5). White batteries are formed not in the same way: in one solution the piece B plays in front of the piece A, in another – the piece A plays behind the piece B;
- No 5 (Kf4-Kc5). The problem is not economic: in both solutions there are several White pieces that don’t participate in the play;
- No 6 (Ke1-Kc7). In the twin there are excess White Queen and Knight;
- No 7 (Ka5-Kf1). An analogy between solutions are not full;
- No 10 (Kf6-Kb5). This is Prize problem but unfortunately non-thematic. In diagram position, there are two masked Black batteries because between Black pieces there is a White piece that plays at the end. There is no a move of Black piece for creation of initial battery. I wish good luck to the problem in a tourney in which it will participate.

As a result, 6 problems are rest.

Award is the following | Отличия распределились следующим образом

1st Prize - No 15
Mario Parrinello
TT-258, SuperProblem, 03-08-2021
hs#4b) Ba8->b8(5+7)
2nd Prize - No 14
Mario Parrinello
TT-258, SuperProblem, 03-08-2021
hs#3b) wSa4(11+4)
1st-2nd Honorable mention - No 12
Mario Parrinello
TT-258, SuperProblem, 03-08-2021
hs#3b) wBe5(10+8)

1st Prize - No 15, Mario Parrinello (Italy) B3N3/3p4/1k6/2p5/1Npp4/2q5/1r3R2/7K

a) diagram: 1.Bg2 Qd2 (Qc2?) 2.Sd5 Kc6 3.Rf3 Kxd5 4.Re3+ Qxg2#
b) Ba8->b8: 1.Bh2 Qc2 (Qd2?) 2.Sd6 Kc7 3.Rf4 Kxd6 4.Re4+ Qxh2#
The best problem in the TT. Full analogy in the play. Ideal construction – Meredith without White Pawns. Indian theme in creation of White batteries, dual avoidances in moves of Black Queen.
EN <-> RU

2nd Prize - No 14, Mario Parrinello (Italy) KB6/1P6/8/3QN1q1/R2pP3/2P5/2Pk1P2/rR6

a) diagram: 1.Qa5 Qg8 (Qd8?) 2.Rb4 Kxc3 3.Rb2+ Rxa5#
b) wSa4: 1.Qa2 Qd8 (Qg8?) 2.Sb2 Kxc2 3.Sd1+ Rxa2#
The problem shows good and rich strategy. Dual avoidances. ODT construction with creation of White batteries. Initial White battery forms after a play of rear piece.
EN <-> RU

1st-2nd Honorable mention - No 12, Mario Parrinello (Italy) 8/8/pk3P2/p3NQ2/1pp2b2/1p2P3/1P3PP1/r1R2B1K

a) diagram: 1.Rxc4 Kb5 2.Sd3+ Kxc4 3.Sc5+ Rxf1#
b) wBe5: 1.Bxc4 Kc5 2.Bc3+ Kxc4 3.Bd4+ Rxc1#
Forsberg twins. ODT construction with creation of White batteries. Transformation of White half-pin into battery. Model mates.
EN <-> RU
1st-2nd Honorable mention - No 16
Luis Miguel Martin
TT-258, SuperProblem, 03-08-2021
hs#3.52 sol.(10+7)
3rd Honorable mention - No 11
Menachem Witztum
TT-258, SuperProblem, 03-08-2021
hs#4b) Pe2->f2(9+8)
Commendation - No 13
Mario Parrinello
TT-258, SuperProblem, 03-08-2021
hs#3b) Pe5->c4(11+8)

1st-2nd Honorable mention - No 16, Luis Miguel Martin (Spain) 8/8/1kP2P2/2p2Ppq/1PRR4/5B2/4P2B/rbbK4

1...Bd3 2.Rd6 Kc7 3.Rf4 Kxd6 4.Rh4+ Bf4# 1...Be3 2.Rd5 Kxc6 3.Re4 Kxd5 4.Rg4+ Be4#
Analogous play with creation of White diagonal batteries and a play of Black half-battery. Differentiation of 4th White move via interference of Black Queen.
EN <-> RU

3rd Honorable mention - No 11, Menachem Witztum (Israel) b1K5/1r6/2N5/b2qRp2/3B4/1pPP2P1/2P1p1P1/5k2

a) diagram: 1.Re3 Qb5 2.Bc5 Kf2 3.Sd4 Kxe3 4.Sd4-f3+ Qxc5#
b) Pe2->f2: 1.Be3 Qf7 2.Re6 Ke2 3.Se5 Kxe3 4.Se5-f3+ Qxe6#
Creation of White battery via Grimshaw. A subtlety of the problem – exact first move of Black Queen.
EN <-> RU

Commendation - No 13, Mario Parrinello (Italy) 1bb5/1n3p2/nPK1pR1P/1P2PN2/4B1k1/5p2/2PQ1P2/8

a) diagram: 1.Qb4 Kf4 2.Sd4 Kxe4 3.Sxf3+ Sxb4#
b) Pe5->c4: 1.Qd8 Kg5 2.Se7 Kxf6 3.Sg6+ Sxd8#
ODT construction with creation of White batteries. Initial White battery forms after a play of rear piece.
EN <-> RU
Dedicated to the TT-258 participants
Menachem Witztum & Vitaly Medintsev
SuperProblem, 13-08-2021
hs#4b) Pg4->g3(7+8)

Dedicated to the TT-258 participants - Menachem Witztum (Israel) & Vitaly Medintsev (Russia) b2b4/1r3N2/K4P2/3qBp2/4R1p1/2P1p2k/3N4/8

a) diagram: 1.Rf4! (Bd6?) Qd7! (Kg3?) 2.Bd6 Kg3 3.Se5 Kxf4 4.Sef3+ (Sf7+?) Qxd6#
b) Pg4->g3: 1.Bf4! (Rc4?) Qb3! (Kg4?) 2.Rc4 Kg4 3.Se4 Kxf4 4.Seg5+ (Sd2+?) Qxc4#
Function exchange of White Knights involving equally-motivated dual-avoidance on W4. Complete analogy of the play in solutions.
EN <-> RU

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