Final Award in Quick Composing TT-251 | Окончательные итоги блицконкурса TT-251

Chumakov 3+ | Чумаков 3+

Theme | Тема

N entries were received from N authors representing N countries | На конкурс поступило N композиций от N авторов из N стран

EN <-> RU

From TT Director I have received 37 anonymous problems including 1 version. The TT theme was the impetus for new opportunities of realization of basic form of Chumakov theme. This allowed the authors of some problems to demonstrate their high quality.
Unexpected loss: No 18 (Kd4-Kd6) was non-thematic.

Rest 36 problems were divided into three subsections – by type of mating finals and by quantity of thematic black pieces:
1) ideal mates (6 problems);
2) non-ideal mates, three black thematic pieces (21 problems);
3) non-ideal mates, four or five black thematic pieces (9 problems).

Such division is explained by the expediency of evaluating problems related to the thematic content (in relation to sports terminology – problems belonging to one or another weight category).
When evaluating tasks, attention was paid to the implementation of the theme, although other points were not left without attention.

I thank the TT Director Aleksey Oganesjan for clear work and the authors – for effective feedback on the theme of the competition.

Award is the following | Отличия распределились следующим образом

6 entries were received from 4 authors representing 3 countries | На конкурс поступило 6 композиций от 4 авторов из 3 стран
1st Prize - No 37
Viktoras Paliulionis
TT-251, SuperProblem, 03-03-2021
2nd Prize - No 1
Anatoly Kirichenko
TT-251, SuperProblem, 03-03-2021
1st Honorable mention - No 13
Aleksandr Pankratyev
TT-251, SuperProblem, 03-03-2021
h#3b) Pd6->c5(2+6)

1st Prize - No 37, Viktoras Paliulionis (Lithuania) 6K1/8/2q3p1/B7/8/6r1/1b6/k7

1.Qc7 Bxc7 2.g5 Bxg3 3.g4 Be5 4.g3 Kf7 5.g2 Ke6 6.g1S Kd5 7.Se2 Kc4 8.Sc3 Kb3 9.Sb1 Bxb2#
1.Rf3 Kh7 2.Rf7+ Kh6 3.Bg7+ Kg5 4.Kb2 Bd8 5.Kc3 Kg4 6.Kd4 Bg5 7.Ke5 Bh6 8.Kf6 Kf4 9.Qe6 Bg5#
Realization of the theme in solutions of maximal length with its good dynamism and full using of the board. Maneuvers of White Bishop and promoted Black Knight.
EN <-> RU

2nd Prize - No 1, Anatoly Kirichenko (Russia) 8/5q2/8/3k1N2/8/3b4/8/4Knb1

1...Sh6 2.Ke4 Sxf7 3.Kf3 Se5+ 4.Kg2 Sxd3 5.Kh1 Kxf1 6.Bh2 Sf2#
1...Sh4 2.Sg3 Kd2 3.Be3+ Kc3 4.Se4+ Kb3 5.Kd4+ Kb4 6.Qd5 Sf3#
Minimal problem – aristocrat with rare material for h#>5 (in yacpdb and pdb there are only two one-variation problem) and with 5-moves-route of Knight and good dynamism of solutions.
EN <-> RU

1st Honorable mention - No 13, Aleksandr Pankratyev (Russia) 3qr3/3k4/2pp4/4PKb1/8/8/8/8

a) diagram: 1.Qc7 Kg6 2.Rc8 Kf7 3.Bd8 e6#
b) Pd6->c5: 1.Bf6 exf6 2.Re7 fxe7 3.Kd6 exd8Q#
Active sarifices of two Black pieces, mixed phoenix.
EN <-> RU
2nd Honorable mention - No 16
Aleksandr Pankratyev
TT-251, SuperProblem, 03-03-2021
h#4b) Pe5->f5(2+7)
Special Hon. mention - No 2
Anatoly Kirichenko
TT-251, SuperProblem, 03-03-2021
Commendation - No 30
Mykhailo Galma
TT-251, SuperProblem, 03-03-2021
h#3b) Ph4->d2(3+5)

2nd Honorable mention - No 16, Aleksandr Pankratyev (Russia) 4br2/5q2/4k1n1/2K1p1r1/6P1/8/8/8

a) diagram: 1.Rf5 g5 2.Se7 g6 3.Qf6 g7 4.Bf7 gxf8S#
b) Pe5->f5: 1.Rh5 gxh5 2.Rh8 hxg6 3.Rh6 gxf7 4.Rf6 fxe8Q#
In every twin pawn promotion provides ideal mates.
EN <-> RU

Special Honorable mention - No 2, Anatoly Kirichenko (Russia) 8/8/8/1N6/4k3/2r2p2/1K1b4/5N2

1.Kd3 Sxd2 2.Ke2 Sxf3 3.Kd1 Sxc3#
1.Rc5 Kb3 2.Re5 Kc4 3.Bf4 Sd6#
Function permutation between White pieces (wSf1/wKb2, Guard / Passive guard). Another final in 2nd solution is distinctive feature in comparison with pdb/P1097241.
EN <-> RU

Commendation - No 30, Mykhailo Galma (Ukraine) 7b/8/5kp1/5bnB/5K1P/8/8/8

a) diagram: 1.Kg7 Bxg6 2.Kh6 Kxf5 3.Bg7 hxg5#
b) Ph4->d2: 1.Be4 Kg3 2.Kf5 d4 3.Bf6 Bg4#
Capturing of Black pieces by different White pieces but with a play of thematic piece in the twin.
EN <-> RU
21 entries were received from 10 authors representing 6 countries | На конкурс поступило 21 композиций от 10 авторов из 6 стран
1st Prize - No 8
Velko Alexandrov
TT-251, SuperProblem, 03-03-2021
2nd Prize - No 11A
Emanuel Navon
TT-251, SuperProblem, 03-03-2021
h#3b) Kf4->e2(3+13)
3rd Prize - No 19
Evgeny Gavryliv
TT-251, SuperProblem, 03-03-2021
h#3.5b) Bd6->e4(4+12)

1st Prize - No 8, Velko Alexandrov (Bulgaria) 5B2/4q3/4r3/2p5/4p1K1/1NkpP3/8/2b5

1.c4 Sa1 2.Qb4 Bc5 3.Bd2 Bd4#
1.d2 Bxe7 2.Kd3 Sxc1+ 3.Kxe3 Bxc5#
The most powerful White material with unexpected capture of White Pawn. Good gift for solvers.
EN <-> RU

2nd Prize - No 11A, Emanuel Navon (Israel) Rb2rn2/1K6/8/6p1/b3pkp1/3p2p1/3p2P1/q4r2

a) diagram: 1.e3 Rxa4+ 2.Re4 Rxa1 3.Be5 Rxf1#
b) Kf4->e2: 1.Rf2 Rxb8 2.Qf1 Rxe8 3.Bd1 Rxe4#
Doubled realization of the theme but in a) the mate is not pure in view of excess wPg2.
EN <-> RU

3rd Prize - No 19, Evgeny Gavryliv (Ukraine) 8/6pK/3bp1p1/3pk3/2p2rp1/1pP2rq1/2PP4/8

a) diagram: 1...Kxg6 2.Rd3 cxd3 3.Qe3 dxe3 4.Rd4 cxd4#
b) Bd6->e4: 1...cxb3 2.Rf6 bxc4 3.R3f5 c5 4.Qf4 d4#
Active sacrifices of Black thematic pieces under each of three White Pawns. Active blockings with using of thematic pieces. Clearances. Model mates on the same square by different White Pawns.
In a) bPd6 is enough.
EN <-> RU
4th Prize - No 24
Aleksandr Pankratyev & Evgeny Gavryliv
TT-251, SuperProblem, 03-03-2021
5th Prize - No 20
Aleksandr Pankratyev & Evgeny Gavryliv
TT-251, SuperProblem, 03-03-2021
h#3b) Pb7->b6(3+12)
1st Honorable mention - No 10
Menachem Witztum & Emanuel Navon
TT-251, SuperProblem, 03-03-2021
h#3b,c) Kg6->a6,f2(3+7)

4th Prize - No 24, Aleksandr Pankratyev (Russia) & Evgeny Gavryliv (Ukraine) 2qn4/2bbK3/kpp5/2P5/8/8/8/8

1.Bd6+ cxd6 2.Qc7 dxc7 3.c5 cxd8Q 4.Bb5 Qa8#
1.Qa8 Kxd7 2.Sb7 Kxc6 3.Ka7 Kb5 4.Bb8 cxb6#
Theme for three thematic pieces is supplemented by out-of-competition but basic form of Chumakov theme for once more two Black pieces: three sacrifices – two blockings, three blockings – two sacrifices. Model mates.
EN <-> RU

5th Prize - No 20, Aleksandr Pankratyev (Russia) & Evgeny Gavryliv (Ukraine) rn2qn2/ppkr4/3pR3/1p1P4/p3K2b/8/8/8

a) diagram: 1.Qc8 Rxd6 2.Rd8 Ra6 3.Sfd7 d6#
b) Pb7->b6: 1.Sxe6 dxe6 2.Qc8 exd7 3.Kc6 dxc8Q#
Duet of White Rook and Pawn is slightly inferior than White material in No 8 but capturing of White Rook (though in twins form) can be consider as once more gift for solvers. The theme is supplemented by functions permutation of bPd6: sacrifice – using for blocking. Model mates.
EN <-> RU

1st Honorable mention - No 10, Menachem Witztum & Emanuel Navon (Israel) K7/1rr5/6k1/P3nnP1/P3P1b1/5p2/3BPpp1/5qb1

a) diagram: 1.Rh7 exf3 2.Rbg7 fxg4 3.Sf7 exf5#
b) Kg6->a6: 1.Sd3 exd3 2.Rc4 dxc4 3.Rb5 axb5#
c) Kg6->f2: 1.fxe2 g6 2.Bf3 Bg5 3.Se3 Bh4#
Two trio of Black thematic pieces if three heterogeneous twins. It is weaker than similar idea in No 11A.
EN <-> RU
2nd Honorable mention - No 7
Pietro Pitton
TT-251, SuperProblem, 03-03-2021
3rd Honorable mention - No 17
Aleksandr Pankratyev
TT-251, SuperProblem, 03-03-2021
4th Honorable mention - No 6
Pietro Pitton
TT-251, SuperProblem, 03-03-2021

2nd Honorable mention - No 7, Pietro Pitton (Italy) nnb5/1q6/kr6/3P4/3K4/8/8/8

1.Sc6+ dxc6 2.Bd7 cxb7 3.Bb5 bxa8Q# 1.Ka7 d6 2.Qa6 d7 3.Rb7 dxc8S#
The theme is supplemented by functions permutation of Black Bishop: using for blocking – sacrifice. Two promotions. Model mates.
EN <-> RU

3rd Honorable mention - No 17, Aleksandr Pankratyev (Russia) n3b3/1n1r4/k7/1pp5/2P5/5K2/7r/8

1.Sa5 Ke4 2.Ra7 Kd5 3.Bc6+ Kxc5 4.Bb7 cxb5#
1.Rd5 cxd5 2.Bc6 dxc6 3.Rh6 cxb7 4.Rb6 bxa8Q#
The theme is supplemented by functions permutation of Black Pawn b5: sacrifice – using for blocking. Model mates.
EN <-> RU

4th Honorable mention - No 6, Pietro Pitton (Italy) 2b1k2r/2p1p2p/8/2P5/8/1K6/3q4/8

1.Qd8 Kc4 2.Kd7 Kd5 3.Re8 c6#
1.Qd6 cxd6 2.0-0 dxe7 3.Kh8 exf8Q#
Two active blockings. Two active sacrifices. King castling, model mates.
EN <-> RU
5th Honorable mention - No 5
Kenan Velikhanov & Araz Almammadov
TT-251, SuperProblem, 03-03-2021
1st Commendation - No 33
Aleksandr Kostyukov
TT-251, SuperProblem, 03-03-2021
2nd Commendation - No 29
Christer Jonsson
TT-251, SuperProblem, 03-03-2021

5th Honorable mention - No 5, Kenan Velikhanov & Araz Almammadov (Azerbaijan) 8/8/8/8/p2rpp1p/p7/pk3Kp1/2qr3R

1.Rg1 Rxg1 2.Qe1+ Kxe1 3.Rd1+ Kxd1 4.Ka1 Kc2#
1.Qa1 Ke2 2.Rb1 Rc1 3.Rb4 Kd2 4.Rb3 Rc2#
Minimal problem with White Rooks and three “heavy” Black thematic pieces as in No 19 with clearances, but mates are not pure.
EN <-> RU

1st Commendation - No 33, Aleksandr Kostyukov (Russia) r3kn1r/1p3np1/8/1q5P/R1b5/8/8/K7

1.Rd8 Rxc4 2.Sd7 Rc6 3.Rf8 Re6#
1.Sg6 hxg6 2.0-0 Rxa8 3.Kh8 Rxf8#
wPh5 is need only in 2nd solution.
EN <-> RU

2nd Commendation - No 29, Christer Jonsson (Sweden) 2b4r/8/1kpn4/4b3/1K1P4/8/8/8

1.Ba6 d5 2.Sb7 d6 3.Rc8 d7 4.Bc7 dxc8S#
1.Rh7 dxe5 2.Ra7 exd6 3.Kb7 d7 4.Ka8 dxc8Q#
Two promotions, ideal and model mates, but with repetition of 3…d7.
EN <-> RU
3rd Commendation - No 9
Emanuel Navon & Menachem Witztum
TT-251, SuperProblem, 03-03-2021
Commendation - No 14
Aleksandr Pankratyev
TT-251, SuperProblem, 03-03-2021
h#3b) Sc7->a8(3+6)
Commendation - No 15
Aleksandr Pankratyev
TT-251, SuperProblem, 03-03-2021
h#3b) Pg5->h5(2+7)

3rd Commendation - No 9, Emanuel Navon & Menachem Witztum (Israel) 2b1r2b/1n6/3p3P/1P1k2p1/6r1/6p1/2nK4/8

1...Kd3 2.Bg7 hxg7 3.Rf8 gxf8Q 4.Bf5+ Qxf5#
1...h7 2.Bd4 h8Q 3.Re5 Qe8 4.Be6 Qc6#
Three active sacrifices and three active blockings but mates are not pure.
EN <-> RU

Commendation - No 14, Aleksandr Pankratyev (Russia) 3n4/kbN5/1rq5/1P1p4/8/5K2/8/8

a) diagram: 1.Ba8 bxc6 2.Sb7 cxb7 3.d4! (tempo) bxa8Q#
b) Sc7->a8: 1.Ba6 Sxb6 2.Qa8 Sd7 3.Sb7 b6#
The play of thematic piece in the twin.
EN <-> RU

Commendation - No 15, Aleksandr Pankratyev (Russia) 4br2/5q2/4k1n1/2K1ppP1/8/8/8/8

a) diagram: 1.Se7 g6 2.Qf6 g7 3.Bf7 gxf8S#
b) Pg5->h5: 1.Rh8 hxg6 2.Rh6 gxf7 3.Rf6 fxe8Q#
The play of thematic piece in the twin.
EN <-> RU
Commendation - No 21
Aleksandr Pankratyev & Evgeny Gavryliv
TT-251, SuperProblem, 03-03-2021
h#3b) Pe6->f6(3+7)
Commendation - No 22
Aleksandr Pankratyev & Evgeny Gavryliv
TT-251, SuperProblem, 03-03-2021
Commendation - No 26
Aleksandr Pankratyev & Evgeny Gavryliv
TT-251, SuperProblem, 03-03-2021
h#3.5b) Pf6->e6(3+7)

Commendation - No 21, Aleksandr Pankratyev (Russia) & Evgeny Gavryliv (Ukraine) 2r3r1/3p1k2/3np1p1/2P5/8/B7/8/2K5

a) diagram: 1.Rce8 cxd6 2.Re7 dxe7 3.Rf8 exf8Q#
b) Pe6->f6: 1.Rg7 c6 2.Rcg8 cxd7 3.Se8 d8S#
In а) the mate is not pure.
EN <-> RU

Commendation - No 22, Aleksandr Pankratyev (Russia) & Evgeny Gavryliv (Ukraine) 4r3/1n1bq2r/2pk4/4p3/2Kp3p/7P/3P4/8

1.Be6+ Kd3 2.e4+ Kxd4 3.Qc7 d3 4.Rd7 dxe4 5.Ree7 e5#
1.Bg4 hxg4 2.Qf6 g5 3.Re6 gxf6 4.Rhe7 fxe7 5.Sd8 exd8Q#
wPh3 is need only in 2nd solution.
EN <-> RU

Commendation - No 26, Aleksandr Pankratyev (Russia) & Evgeny Gavryliv (Ukraine) 5rq1/5k2/3n1pp1/4p3/3P4/B7/8/7K

a) diagram: 1...d5 2.Se8 d6 3.Qg7 d7 4.Rg8 d8S#
b) Pf6->e6: 1...dxe5 2.Re8 exd6 3.Re7 dxe7 4.Qf8 exf8Q#
In b) the mate is not pure.
EN <-> RU
Commendation - No 34
Eduard Zarubin
TT-251, SuperProblem, 03-03-2021
h#5b) Re7->b7(2+5)

Commendation - No 34, Eduard Zarubin (Russia) K7/4r3/2Bk4/3p4/2q2b2/8/8/8

a) diagram: 1.Qe4 Bd7 2.d4+ Ka7 3.Kd5 Kb6 4.Bd6 Ba4 5.Re5 Bb3#
b) Re7->b7: 1.Rb5 Ka7 2.Kc7 Ka6 3.Kb8 Bxb5 4.Ka8 Bxc4 5.Bb8 Bxd5#
The play of thematic piece in the twin.
EN <-> RU
9 entries were received from 6 authors representing 3 countries | На конкурс поступило 9 композиций от 6 авторов из 3 стран
1st Prize - No 26
Viktoras Paliulionis
TT-251, SuperProblem, 03-03-2021
2nd Prize - No 3
János Csák
TT-251, SuperProblem, 03-03-2021
h#5b) Ka8->e3(2+7)
3rd Prize - No 4
János Csák
TT-251, SuperProblem, 03-03-2021

1st Prize - No 26, Viktoras Paliulionis (Lithuania) 8/1p3n1r/1p2k3/p2p4/3r1n2/q7/P4K2/8

1.Qd3 a4 2.b5 axb5 3.Se5 b6 4.Rc7 bxc7 5.Kf5 c8S 6.Ke4 Sd6#
1.Qb3 axb3 2.Rc4 bxc4 3.Kf6 cxd5 4.Se6 dxe6 5.Kg7 exf7 6.Kh8 f8Q#
Lucky finding in multi-solutions-form for five Black thematic pieces. Functions permutation by bRh7 (sacrifice – using for blocking). Quick and slow excelsior. Model mates.
EN <-> RU

2nd Prize - No 3, János Csák (Hungary) k7/p7/5nrn/5b1r/8/2K4P/8/8

a) diagram: 1.Shg4 hxg4 2.Sd7 gxf5 3.Re6 fxe6 4.Rh8 exd7 5.Rc8+ dxc8Q#
b) Ka8->e3: 1.Kf4 Kd2 2.Bg4 Ke1 3.Rf5 Kf2 4.Kg5+ Kg3 5.Bh5 h4#
The theme is realized for five thematic Black pieces in twins. Active sacrifices of four thematic Black pieces, exchange of Black Rook and Bishop. Model mates.
EN <-> RU

3rd Prize - No 4, János Csák (Hungary) 8/8/7p/3kn3/2nppPPP/3pr1pR/2q4r/K7

1.Rf3 Rxh2 2.e3 Rxc2 3.Ke4 Rxc4 4.Kxf4 Rxd4#
1.Sd6 Rxg3 2.Qc6 Rxe3 3.Rc2 Rxe4 4.Rc4 Rxe5#
Double realization of the theme for two sets of four Black thematic pieces. Capturing of wPf4 is not justified: in 1st solution this Pawn is not need. Two another White Pawns in 2nd solution are need for elimination of cooks.
EN <-> RU
4th Prize - No 28
Petr Zabirokhin
TT-251, SuperProblem, 03-03-2021
1st Honorable mention - No 12
János Csák & Gábor Tar
TT-251, SuperProblem, 03-03-2021
h#6b) Ka8->d4(2+8)
2nd Honorable mention - No 32
Gennadi Chumakov
TT-251, SuperProblem, 03-03-2021

4th Prize - No 28, Petr Zabirokhin (Russia) 7K/4p3/1b4b1/2p1pp1p/3r1r2/3pk3/1q2p3/B7

1.Qd2 Bc3 2.Rf3 Ba5 3.Rdf4 Bxb6 4.e4 Bxc5#
1.Kf3 Bxb2 2.Kg4 Bxd4 3.Kg5 Bxe5 4.Kh6 Bxf4#
Minimal problem with four thematic Black pieces. Four-moves-maneuvers of White Bishop. Model mates.
EN <-> RU

1st Honorable mention - No 12, János Csák & Gábor Tar (Hungary) k3rb2/2K5/4q3/r7/5p2/8/4nPn1/8

a) diagram: 1.Se3 fxe3 2.Sd4 exd4 3.Bc5 dxc5 4.Qb6+ cxb6 5.Ra7+ bxa7 6.Rb8 axb8Q#
b) Ka8->d4: 1.Sg3 fxg3 2.Ke5 g4 3.Kf6 g5+ 4.Ke7 g6 5.Rf5 g7 6.Rf7 g8S#
Active sacrifices of seven Black pieces, two slow excelsiors, promotions in different pieces on mating move.
EN <-> RU

2nd Honorable mention - No 32, Gennadi Chumakov (Russia) 6nq/6nk/3K4/4P3/7b/8/8/8

1.Se7 e6 2.Sg6 e7 3.Bg5 e8S 4.Bh6 Sf6#
1.Bf6 exf6 2.Kg6 fxg7 3.Kf7 gxh8Q 4.Ke8 Qxg8#
Miniature with 4 thematic Black pieces. Promotions in different pieces on different squares. Model and ideal mates.
EN <-> RU
1st Commendation - No 31
Ivan Antipin
TT-251, SuperProblem, 03-03-2021
h#4b) Kb7->h6(2+8)
2nd Commendation - No 27
Petr Zabirokhin
TT-251, SuperProblem, 03-03-2021

1st Commendation - No 31, Ivan Antipin (Russia) 3kb3/1K1pqr2/3b4/4pp2/8/6P1/8/8

a) diagram: 1.f4 gxf4 2.Bc7 fxe5 3.Qd6 exd6 4.Re7 dxc7#
b) Kb7->h6: 1.Qe6+ Kh5 2.Ke7 g4 3.Kf6 Kh6 4.Be7 g5#
Minimal problem – gravure with model mates. 4 thematic captures (3 active sacrifices), 4 blockings. FML in both phases. Pity that a play of thematic piece in the twin does not allow to evaluate the problem higher.
EN <-> RU

2nd Commendation - No 27, Petr Zabirokhin (Russia) K7/1B6/2r3pp/3b1pb1/3pp2p/3k1q2/3p4/8

1.Rc3 Bc6 2.Bc4 Be8 3.Qe2 Bxg6 4.e3 Bxf5#
1.Ke3 Bxc6 2.Kf4 Bxd5 3.Kg4 Bxe4 4.Kh5 Bxf3#
In 1st phase – 4 active blockings, in 2nd phase – 4 passive sacrifices are supplemented by functions permutation of bPg6: sacrifice – using for blocking. Model mates. Pity that a repetition of 1…Bc6 does not allow to evaluate the problem higher.
EN <-> RU
Dedicated to the judge of TT-251
Mykhailo Galma
SuperProblem, 03-03-2021

Dedicated to the judge of TT-251 - Mykhailo Galma (Ukraine) 8/8/8/7b/4pp2/4r1pN/4kp2/7K

1...Sg5 2.Bg4 Se6 3.Kf3 Sd4#
1...Sxf4+ 2.Kf1 Sxh5 3.Re1 Sxg3#
The problem is dedicated to the judge Yuri Bilokin, Electrical Engineer, as a sign of birthday celebration (22.03.1950) – there is a light bulb silhouette on the board. I wish a health and creative successes.
EN <-> RU

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