Final Award in Quick Composing TT-263 | Окончательные итоги блицконкурса TT-263

Parade of all types of troops | Парад всех родов войск

Theme | Тема

23 entries were received from 13 authors representing 8 countries | На конкурс поступило 23 композиций от 13 авторов из 8 стран

Award is the following | Отличия распределились следующим образом

1st Place, 34 points - No 19
Michel Caillaud
TT-263, SuperProblem, 20-12-2021
2nd Place, 32 points - No 18
Michel Caillaud
TT-263, SuperProblem, 20-12-2021
3rd Place, 27.5 points - No 20
Viktoras Paliulionis
TT-263, SuperProblem, 20-12-2021

1st Place, 34 points - No 19, Michel Caillaud (France) 2k5/6qr/8/1p2p1p1/b7/5p2/3p1P1p/5K2

1.d1S Ke1 2.Se3 fxe3 3.Bb3 e4 4.Bd5 exd5 5.Qa7 d6 6.Rb7 d7+ 7.Kb8 d8Q#
1.h1S Kg1 2.Sg3 fxg3 3.Bc2 g4 4.Bf5 gxf5 5.Qc7 f6 6.Rd7 f7 7.Kd8 f8Q#

S = 7 * 2 + 10 + 10 = 34

2nd Place, 32 points - No 18, Michel Caillaud (France) 3n4/1kp2p2/p1p4p/p5b1/5p2/1q3P1K/2r3r1/1b6

1.Rc5 Kxg2 2.Be4 fxe4 3.Qd5 exd5 4.Kb6 dxc6 5.Sb7 cxb7 6.c6 b8Q#
1.Bh4 Kxh4 2.Rg4+ fxg4 3.f5 gxf5 4.Se6 fxe6 5.Kc8 e7 6.Qb7 e8Q#

S = 6 * 2 + 10 + 10 = 32

3rd Place, 27.5 points - No 20, Viktoras Paliulionis (Lithuania) 1B1n4/1p4b1/8/8/3k1r2/8/6q1/K7

1...Kb1 2.Kc5 Kc1 3.Qc6 Kd2 4.Rc4 Ke3 5.Bd4+ Kf4 6.Qb5 Kf5 7.Sc6 Ke6 8.b6 Bd6#

S = 7.5 * 1 + 10 + 10 = 27.5
4th Place, 27 points - No 21
Viktoras Paliulionis
TT-263, SuperProblem, 20-12-2021
5th Place, 26.5 points - No 3
Rolf Wiehagen (after pdb/P1373236)
TT-263, SuperProblem, 20-12-2021
6th Place, 26.5 points - No 4
Luis Miguel Martin
TT-263, SuperProblem, 20-12-2021

4th Place, 27 points - No 21, Viktoras Paliulionis (Lithuania) 8/2p5/2q5/4k3/8/3KBr2/2n5/2b5

1.Sb4+ Ke2 2.Sd5 Ba7 3.Rd3 Bb8 4.Be3 Kf3 5.Kd4 Kg4 6.Qc4 Kf5 7.c5 Be5#

S = 7 * 1 + 10 + 10 = 27

5th Place, 26.5 points - No 3, Rolf Wiehagen (Germany), after pdb/P1373236 8/k7/7q/4p3/3n4/1b4K1/r5P1/8

1...Kg4 2.Sf3 gxf3 3.e4 fxe4 4.Bd5 exd5 5.Qc6 dxc6 6.Ka8 c7 7.Ra7 c8Q#

S = 6.5 * 1 + 10 + 10 = 26.5

6th Place, 26.5 points - No 4, Luis Miguel Martin (Spain) 8/6b1/8/3rk1n1/5p2/6q1/K5P1/8

1...Kb1 2.Qe3 g4 3.Sh7 g5 4.f3 g6 5.Kf4 gxh7 6.Rf5 h8Q 7.Be5 Qh4#

S = 6.5 * 1 + 10 +10 = 26.5
7th Place, 26.5 points - No 8
Zoltán Laborczi
TT-263, SuperProblem, 20-12-2021
8th Place, 26 points - No 10
Viktor Yuzyuk
TT-263, SuperProblem, 20-12-2021
9th Place, 26 points - No 13
Zoltán Laborczi
TT-263, SuperProblem, 20-12-2021

7th Place, 26.5 points - No 8, Zoltán Laborczi (Hungary) 8/6Kb/8/8/1n1kp3/1P2qr2/8/8

1...Kh8 2.Sa6 b4 3.Qe2 b5 4.Rc3 bxa6 5.e3 a7 6.Bc2 a8Q 7.Kd3 Qd5#

S = 6.5 * 1 + 10 +10 = 26.5

8th Place, 26 points - No 10, Viktor Yuzyuk (Ukraine) 1K6/3r3q/8/8/4k3/8/1B2np2/8

1.f1B Be5 2.Sc3 Bc7 3.Bc4 Kb7 4.Rd3 Kc6 5.Kd4 Kd6 6.Qe4 Bb6#

S = 6 * 1 + 10 +10 = 26

9th Place, 26 points - No 13, Zoltán Laborczi (Hungary) 1q2b3/8/5r2/1k6/3pn3/8/3P4/6K1

1.Sc3 dxc3 2.Ra6 Kf2 3.d3 Ke3 4.Ka5 Kd4 5.Ba4 Kc5 6.Qb4+ cxb4#

S = 6 * 1 + 10 +10 = 26
10th Place, 17.5 points - No 22
Viktoras Paliulionis
TT-263, SuperProblem, 20-12-2021
11th Place, 17 points - No 11
Viktor Yuzyuk
TT-263, SuperProblem, 20-12-2021
12th Place, 17 points - No 12
Viktor Yuzyuk
TT-263, SuperProblem, 20-12-2021

10th Place, 17.5 points - No 22, Viktoras Paliulionis (Lithuania) 8/7k/8/8/5b2/1p6/2q5/K1N5

1...Sd3 2.Kh6 Sf2 3.Qh7 Kb2 4.Bc1+ Kc3 5.b2 Kd4 6.b1R Ke5 7.Rb5+ Kf6 8.Rh5 Sg4#

S = 7.5 * 1 + 10 = 17.5

11th Place, 17 points - No 11, Viktor Yuzyuk (Ukraine) 4k1qr/5bnp/5n2/8/2p5/p7/P7/K7

1.c3 Kb1 2.Bb3 axb3 3.Qc4 bxc4 4.Sd5 cxd5 5.Se6 dxe6 6.0-0 e7 7.Kh8 exf8Q#

S = 7 * 1 + 10 = 17

12th Place, 17 points - No 12, Viktor Yuzyuk (Ukraine) r3k1b1/bp3p1n/4q2n/3p4/6r1/6p1/6P1/7K

1.Rd4 Kg1 2.Qh3 gxh3 3.Sg4 hxg4 4.f5 gxf5 5.Be6 fxe6 6.0-0-0 e7 7.Kb8 exd8Q#

S = 7 * 1 + 10 = 17
13th Place, 16.5 points - No 7
Vladimir Evseev
TT-263, SuperProblem, 20-12-2021
14th Place, 16 points - No 5
Anton Bidlen
TT-263, SuperProblem, 20-12-2021
15th Place, Sp.Pr., 16 pts - No 16
Mykhailo Galma
TT-263, SuperProblem, 20-12-2021

13th Place, 16.5 points - No 7, Vladimir Evseev (Ukraine) 8/5p2/r7/5k2/2n5/1b3p2/q4P2/4K3

1...Kf1 2.Ke5 Kg1 3.f5 Kh2 4.Rf6 Kg3 5.Sd6 Kxf3 6.Be6 Ke3 7.Qd5 f4#

S = 6.5 * 1 + 10 = 16.5

14th Place, 16 points - No 5, Anton Bidlen (Slovakia) 1n6/3p4/8/5k1r/5p2/q1bK1P2/8/8

1.Ke6 Ke4 2.Rd5 Kxf4 3.Be5+ Kg5 4.Qe7+ Kg6 5.d6 f4 6.Sd7 f5#

S = 6 * 1 + 10 = 16

15th Place, Special Prize, 16 points - No 16, Mykhailo Galma (Ukraine) 3q4/4n3/2p3k1/2p2pb1/1pp1b3/2pnrp2/B1K5/r3r3

1.Bd5 Bxc4 2.Re5 Kxd3 3.f4 Kc2 4.Kf5 Bf1 5.Sg6 Kd3 6.Qf6 Bh3#

S = 6 * 1 + 10 = 16
New Year miracles have happened. Black Pawn promotes and goes to the New Year dance. Our Cinderella becomes a princess and dances for the first time. At the end on the board there is silhouette of Tiger – a symbol of 2022. (author.)
EN <-> RU
16th Place, 6 points - No 2
Luis Miguel Martin
TT-263, SuperProblem, 20-12-2021
h#3b) Pb3->b5(6+3)
17th Place, 6 points - No 23
Anatolii Vasylenko
TT-263, SuperProblem, 30-12-2021
h#3b) Bf4->b8(5+12)
18th Place, 5.5 points - No 15
Mykhailo Galma
TT-263, SuperProblem, 20-12-2021

16th Place, 6 points - No 2, Luis Miguel Martin (Spain) 7K/8/8/8/N3kq1N/1P6/2P1r3/5B2

a) diagram: 1.Kd4 Sg2 2.Re5 Bc4 3.Qe4 c3#
b) Pb3->b5: 1.Kd5 Sf3 2.Re6 Bd3 3.Qd6 c4#

S = 3 * 2 + 0 = 6

17th Place, 6 points - No 23, Anatolii Vasylenko (Ukraine) 8/2p5/1nrq4/nk1N1Kp1/3rpbB1/P2Pp3/8/7b

a) diagram: 1.Qc5 Bd1 2.Rd6 Kg4 3.c6 Sc7#
b) Bf4->b8: 1.Rc3 Kxg5 2.c5 Bc8 3.Qc6 Sxc3#

S = 3 * 2 + 0 = 6

18th Place, 5.5 points - No 15, Mykhailo Galma (Ukraine) 2b3N1/4p3/4n2p/2qk4/5p2/4p3/2r5/6K1

1...Kf1 2.Qd6 Ke1 3.Rc6 Kd1 4.Sc5 Kc2 5.e5 Kc3 6.Be6 Sf6#

S = 5.5 * 1 + 0 = 5.5
19th Place, 5 points - No 17
Rainer Kuhn
TT-263, SuperProblem, 20-12-2021
20th Place, Sp. HM, 5 pts - No 9
Zoltán Laborczi
TT-263, SuperProblem, 20-12-2021
21st Place, 5 points - No 1
Frank Richter
TT-263, SuperProblem, 20-12-2021
h#2.5b) Ra8->h8(5+6)

19th Place, 5 points - No 17, Rainer Kuhn (Germany) 5b2/4n3/1q6/3pr3/2k3K1/8/3P4/8

1.d4 Kf3 2.Rb5 Ke2 3.Sd5 Kd1 4.Bb4 Kc2 5.Qc5 d3#

S = 5 * 1 + 0 = 5

20th Place, Special Honorable mention, 5 points - No 9, Zoltán Laborczi (Hungary) 8/8/2rr4/2qn4/1k2n3/p4K2/2bP4/8

1.Ba4 Kxe4 2.Qc3 dxc3+ 3.Ka5 Kd4 4.Ra6 Kc5 5.Sb4 cxb4#

S = 5 * 1 + 0 = 5
Christmas tree
EN <-> RU

21st Place, 5 points - No 1, Frank Richter (Germany) r1n1kn2/7r/4p3/8/4Q3/3P1P2/4B3/1K6

a) diagram: 1...f4 2.Se7 Bf3 3.0-0-0 Qb7#
b) Ra8->h8: 1...d4 2.Sd7 Bd3 3.0-0 Qxh7#

S = 2.5 * 2 + 0 = 5
22nd Place, Sp.Comm., 3 pts - No 14
Mykhailo Galma
TT-263, SuperProblem, 20-12-2021

22nd Place, Special Commendation, 3 points - No 14, Mykhailo Galma (Ukraine) 8/1P1b1q2/1pppr2p/2ppk1p1/8/8/6K1/8

1.Rf6 b8S 2.Bf5 Kf3 3.Qe6 Sxc6#

S = 3 * 1 + 0 = 3
These New Year days, fairy ship will go on the waves (Pawns g5, h6) and will bring our wishes. Santa Claus (Kg2) will bring gifts to everyone and congratulate Happy new year 2022. At the end on the board – Santa Claus and fairy ship. (author.)
EN <-> RU


Dedicated to the participants
of TT-263
- Mykhailo Galma
SuperProblem, 20-12-2021
Dedicated to the participants
of TT-263
- Aleksey Ivunin
SuperProblem, 20-12-2021

Dedicated to the participants of TT-263 - Mykhailo Galma (Ukraine) 8/8/7N/3q4/2pk4/1B1r4/3R4/3K4

1.c3 Rxd3+ 2.Kxd3 Sf5 3.Qc4 Bc2#
Ideal mate. “1” on the board – January, 1. I congratulate all with New Year 2022 and wish a health and creative successes! (author.)
EN <-> RU

Dedicated to the participants of TT-263 - Aleksey Ivunin (Russia) 4r3/4k1nK/8/8/3q4/b2P4/8/8

1.Qf6 d4 2.Kf7 d5 3.Bf8 d6 4.Re7 d7 5.Se8 d8S#
1.Qe4+ dxe4 2.Sf5 exf5 3.Rg8 f6+ 4.Kf8 f7 5.Be7 fxg8Q#
Editorial. The problem is non-thematic for TT-263: the White must play by pieces of at least two kinds, but wK doesn’t execute any move.
EN <-> RU

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