Quick Composing Tourneys for 2014
No |
Tourney name |
Section |
Closing date |
Award |
Winner |
Judge |
название конкурса
раздел (задание) |
дд-мм-гггг |
dd-mm-yyyy |
А/З |
И. Фамилия победителя |
отличие и место, например, 1st Prize, 1st Place
имя и фамилия автора по-английски
TT-XXX, SuperProblem, dd.mm.yyyy |
здесь решение задачи
8/8/8/8/8/8/8/8 |
# |
условие |
арбитр |
126 |
Ideal retro |
#2-6 |
15-12-2014 |
01-01-2015 |
12/32 |
Gábor Tar |
1st Prize, 1st Place - No 21 Gábor Tar TT-126, SuperProblem, 22-12-2014 |
Thematic try:
1.h5?! d6!! 2.h6 d5 3.h7 dxc4 4.h8Q c3! zz
1.c5?! (illegal) d5 2.cxd6 е.р. b5! 3.d7 – 4.d8Q – 5.Qd5#
0...d5 1.cxd5! b5 2.d6 – 3.d7! – 4.d8Q – 5.Qd5#
0...d6! 1.h5! d5 2.h6 dxc4 3.h7 c3 4.h8Q zz 4...b6/b5 5.Qh1#!, 4...c2 5.Qa1#! |
kB6/1pKp4/8/8/2P4P/8/8/8 |
#5 |
условие |
Igor Agapov |
125 |
Play on the same square |
h#2 |
30-11-2014 |
25-01-2015 |
46/125 |
A. Kostyukov |
1st Prize, 1st Place - No 50 Aleksandr Kostyukov TT-125, SuperProblem, 13-01-2015 |
a) diagram: 1.Rxb5 Kxd6 2.Rb3 cxb3#, 1.Bxb5 Ke6 2.Bd3 cxd3#
b) wKe7->f8: 1.Sxc3 f4 2.Sd5 c3#, 1.Qxc3 Be3 2.Qe5 c4#
8/3bK3/1r1p4/1Pp5/4k1p1/2P3p1/2P2PP1/1BBnq3 |
h#2 |
2.1.. b) wKe7->f8 | (8+9)
Nikola Stolev |
124 |
Black-and-white correction |
#2 |
26-11-2014 |
11-12-2014 |
10/14 |
E. Bourd & A. Grinblat |
1st Honorable mention, 1st Place - No 2 Evgeni Bourd & Arieh Grinblat TT-124, SuperProblem, 01-12-2014 |
1.Sxg4! – 2.Sxe5#
1...S~ 2.Qf7#
1...Sc4 2.Sg3# (2.S~? Kxe4!, 2.Sc3? e2!)
1...Sd3 2.Sg1# (2.S~? e2!, 2.Sd4? Kxe4!)
1...Sxg4 2.Rh3#
1...Bb2 2.Qxe3#, 1...Bxe3 2.Qxe3#, 1...Bxe2+ 2.Bxe2#
8/3p4/b2P2p1/4n1B1/1R2P1pR/1Q2pk2/4NN1P/2bB1K2 |
#2 |
условие |
Valery Shanshin |
123 |
SuperVariation |
#3 |
11-11-2014 |
29-11-2014 |
9/13 |
A. Grinblat |
Special Prize, 1st Place - No 2 Arieh Grinblat TT-123, SuperProblem, 29-11-2014 |
1.Rb6! – 2.Sxd7+ Ke4 3.Bxb7# 1...Rfxf6 2.Sf7+ Ke4 3.Bxb7# 1...Rhxf6 2.Sg6+ Ke4 3.Bxb7# 1...Bxf6 2.Qg5+ Ke4 3.Bxb7# 1...dxe2 2.d3 – 3.Sxd7#
2...Rfxf6 3.Sf7# 2...Rhxf6 3.Sg6# 2...Bxf6 3.Qg5#
5r1N/1n1p2B1/B1RPpN1r/4k3/2Pp1pQb/K2p4/3PP2q/5b2 |
#3 |
условие |
Abdelaziz Onkoud |
122 |
Legalization of dual |
#2 |
24-10-2014 |
08-11-2014 |
12/22 |
V. Kopyl S. Trommler |
1-2 Prize, 1-2 Place - No 4 Valery Kopyl TT-122, SuperProblem, 28-10-2014 |
1.Qf5? – 2.Sfd2#, Sbd2# (A, B), 1...e4 2.Qxd5# (C), 1...Bxd3 (a) 2.Qxd3#, 1...f1S!
1.B~? – 2.Qxd5# (C), 1...Bxd3! (a)
1.Bxe5? – 2.Qxd5# (C), 1...Bxd3 (a) 2.Sfd2#, Sbd2# (A,B), 1...Sd6! (b)
1.Bc5? – 2.Qxd5# (C), 1...Bxd3 (a) 2.Sfd2# (A), 1...bxc6! (c)
1.Bb4! – 2.Qxd5# (C), 1...Bxd3 (a) 2.Sbd2# (B)
1...Sd6 (b) 2.Sxe5#, 1...bxc6 (c) 2.Qxc6#
1...d4 2.Qe6#, 1...Sf4 2.Rc3#
8/1p1Q1n1r/pKPB4/3pp3/2k5/P2R1N2/2b1np2/1N1R4 |
#2 |
условие |
1-2 Prize, 1-2 Place - No 12 Sven Trommler TT-122, SuperProblem, 28-10-2014 |
1.Bxb5? – 2.Se4# (A) / 2.Sb7# (B), 1...Bxc4! (a)
1.Bf7? – 2.Se4# (A) / 2.Sb7# (B), 1...bxc4! (b)
1.Qd1? – 2.Qd5#, 1...Bxc4 (a) 2.Se4# (A) / 2.Sb7# (B), 1...bxc4 (b) 2.Se4# (A) / 2.Sb7# (B), 1...Sd4!
1.Qh1? – 2.Qd5#, 1...Bxc4 (a) 2.Sb7# (B), 1...bxc4 (b) 2.Sb7# (B), 1...e4!
1.Qa8! – 2.Qd5#
1...Bxc4 (a) 2.Se4# (A), 1...bxc4 (b) 2.Se4# (A)
1...Sc6 2.Qxc6#
1nK1B3/8/1p1N3R/1pk1p3/1pP5/1b2p3/2n1N2b/Q7 |
#2 |
условие |
Valery Shanshin |
121 |
A single unit gives mate by double check |
fairies |
20-10-2014 |
30-12-2014 |
22/42 |
M. Rittirsch |
1st Prize, 1st Place - No 18 Manfred Rittirsch TT-121, SuperProblem, 20-12-2014 |
f8 – black Double Grasshopper (DG) a4 – black Rose (RO)
1.d8DG+? ROb6/Rb6/cxd6!
1.DGxf4! b8RO! (1...b8DG? 3.Kxe5!) 2.DGe3 d8DG#
1.d8RO+? Qe6/Be6!
1.DGxc6! b8DG! (1...b8RO? 3.Kxe4!) 2.DGd5 d8RO#
5(q1)2/1PpP1p2/2BP4/2P1PbK1/f1qkNB2/8/1rpp4/8 |
h#2 |
2.1.. |
Vlaicu Crişan & Eric Huber |
120 |
BlackJack 7 |
#3 |
22-09-2014 |
09-10-2014 |
18/21 |
I. Agapov |
1st Prize, 1st Place - No 9 Igor Agapov TT-120, SuperProblem, 18.09.2014 |
1.Qd2? h4! - zz
1.Qc3! [2.Qg3! - 3.Qf2#, 2...e1=Q 3.Qg2#]
1...h4 2.Qd2! - zz
2...e1=Q (a) 3.Qg2#(A),
2...e1=S (b) 3.Qf2#(B) (2... Kg1 3.Qe1#),
1...e1=Q(a) 2.Qf3+!(C) Kg1(e) 3.Qg2#(A) (2...Qf2 3.Q:f2#),
1...e1=S(b) 2.Qe3!(D) [- 3.Qf2/Sg3#] 2...h4(f) 3.Qf2#(B) (2...Sd3 3.Sg3#)
8/8/6p1/Q5Pp/8/7K/4p3/5k1N |
#3 |
условие |
Valery Kirillov |
119 |
Mate with exchange of places |
#3 |
17-09-2014 |
05-11-2014 |
14/43 |
J. Csák |
1st Prize, 1st Place - No 9 János Csák TT-119, SuperProblem, 25-10-2014 |
a) diagram: 1.Rg3! Kxf4 2.Re3 Kg4 3.Re4#
b) wPf2->f5: 1.Bb5! Kxd5 2.Bd3 Kc6 3.Be4#
8/8/2B1P3/K2R4/3PkBR1/2P5/5PP1/8 |
#3 |
условие |
Gábor Koder |
118 |
Let black monarch go! |
#2, #3, #4-6 |
13-09-2014 |
13-11-2014 |
20/33 18/31 16/27 |
N. Stolev I. Agapov, V. Russkih V. Russkih |
15 points, 1 место - No 74 Nikola Stolev TT-118, SuperProblem, 11-10-2014 |
1.Sh4? – 2.Qf5#, 1...d4! 1.Sd4! (~) zz 1...Ke3 2.Qf3# 1...Ke5 2.Qf5#
8/5Q2/8/2Bp4/4k3/5N2/2K5/8 |
#2 |
условие |
15 points, 1st-3rd Place - No 43 Igor Agapov TT-118, SuperProblem, 23-10-2014 |
a) diagram: 1.Rh4!! K:a3 (~) 2.Bc2! Ka2 3.Ra4#, 1...Kb3 2.Bb1! K:a3 3.Rh3#;
b) wPa3->a4: 1.Rc3! zz 1...Kb2 2.Kb4! Ka1 3.Ra3#;
c) +wPb4: 1.Bd3! – 2.Kb5 K:a3 3.Bb1#, 1...Kb3 2.Bb1+! Kc4 3.Ba2#
8/8/8/K3B3/4B3/P6R/k7/8 |
#3 |
b)wPa3->a4; c)+wPb4 |
15 points, 1st-3rd Place - No 44 Igor Agapov TT-118, SuperProblem, 23-10-2014 |
a) +wPa6: 1.Qg3! zz 1...Kd7 (a) 2.Qg6! (A) Kc8(d8) 3.Qe8#, 1...Kc8 (b) 2.Sb6+! (B) Kb8 3.Sb5#, 2...Kd8 3.Qd6#;
b) +wRd4: 1.Qa3! Kd7 (a) (~) 2.Se7+! (C) Kxc7 3.Qa7#, 1...Kc8 (b) 2.Qa4! (D) Kb8(b7) 3.Qa8#, 2...Kd8 3.Qe8#;
c) -wPe4: 1.Qe3! – 2.Qe8#, 1...Kd7 (a) 2.Qe6+! (E) Kd8 3.Qe8#, 1...Kc8 (b) 2.Qe8+! (F) Kb7 3.Qa8#;
d) +wBg1: 1.Sb6! – 2.Qd7#, 1...K:c7 (g) 2.Qd7+! (G) Kb8 3.Bh2#, 1...Ke7 (h) 2.Qf5! (H) Kd6 3.Qc5#, 2...Kd8 3.Qd7#
3k4/2N5/8/3N3K/4P3/7Q/8/8 |
#3 |
zero (see text) |
15 points, 1st-3rd Place - No 50 Vladimir Russkih TT-118, SuperProblem, 23-10-2014 |
a) diagram: 1.Qd5! zz Kg2(g1) 2.Rg4+! Kf1 3.Qd1#, 2...Kh3 3.Qg2#;
b) wQg8->g6: 1.Rd4! ~ 2.Qg4 – 3.Rd1#, 1...Ke1 2.Qe4+! Kf1 3.Rd1#
6Q1/8/8/4K3/2p1R3/2P5/5p2/5k2 |
#3 |
b) wQg8->g6 |
15 баллов, 1st Place - No 51 Vladimir Russkih TT-118, SuperProblem, 03-11-2014 |
1.0-0-0! – 2.Rd4+ Ka3 3.Qa7/Qa5#
1...b2+ 2.Kc2 (3.Rd4+) Ka4 3.Qa7+ Kb4 4.Rd4#, 2...b1Q+ 3.Rxb1+ Ka4 4.Qa7#
8/2Q5/8/1p6/1k6/1pp5/8/R3K3 |
#4 |
b) wQg8->g6 |
Valery Kirillov |
117 |
No rose without a thorn |
#2 |
26-07-2014 |
02-10-2014 |
12/19 |
V. Shanshin |
1st Prize, 1st Place - No 15 Valery Shanshin TT-117, SuperProblem, 22.09.2014 |
}1...c6-c5 {(a)} 2.Sa4-b6# {(A) }1.b3-b4? threat: 2.Sa4-b6# {(A),} 1...e3*d2! {(b);} 1.Sd8-e6? threat: 2.Sa4-b6# {(A) (2.Sc3?),} 1...e3*d2 {(b)} 2.Sa4-c3# {(B),} 1...Rc8*e8 2.Se6-c7#{,} 1...c6-c5! {(a)
1.d3-d4! threat: 2.Sa4-c3 #{(B) (2.Sb6?),} 1...e3*d2 {(b)} 2.Sa4-b6 #{(A),} 1...Rf1-c1 2.Qe2-g2 #{,}1...Kd5-e4 2.Sa4-c3 #
white Bb2 Kg5 Qe2 Pd3b3e5 Sa4d8 Rd2e8
black Kd5 Pe3g4f5c6b7 Rf1c8 Bg1 Sa1
| #2 | условие | (10+10) |
Janez Nastran |
116 |
Tempopromotion |
h# |
20-06-2014 |
30-07-2014 |
29/64 |
G. Tar |
1st Prize, 1st Place - No 13 Gabor Tar TT-116, SuperProblem, 20.07.2014 |
}a) 1.g3*h2 Bf2-g1 2.h2-h1=B Ke3-f2 3.Ke5-f4 Bg1-h2 #{ }
b) bPd3-->f3
1.g3*f2 d2-d3 2.f2-f1=B Ke3-d2 3.Ke5-d4 Sh2*f3 #
white Pd2f3h4g4c4 Sh2 Bf2 Ke3
black Pg3d3c5c6c7 Ke5
| h#3 | b) wPd3->f3 | (8+6) |
Christer Jonsson |
115 |
Pawn is stronger than queen |
#4-12 |
14-07-2014 |
07-08-2014 |
8/15 |
Z. Labai & G. Tar |
1st Prize, 1st Place - No 3 Zoltan Labai & Gabor Tar TT-115, SuperProblem, 28.07.2014 |
{ }1...Qa1*f1 2.Re4*d4 { } Qf1-b1 3.Rd4-c4+ Kc5*d5 4.Rc4-c5#{ }2...e5*d4 3.c3*d4+ Kc5*d5 4.e2-e4#{
1.c3*d4+?{[A]}e5*d4{(a)} 2.Re4*d4{[B] } Qa1*d4 3.e2-e4 threat: 4.Sd2-b3#{ }2...Qa1-b1 3.Rd4-c4+ Kc5*d5 4.Rc4-c5#{ }1...Kc5*d5 2.Re4*e5+ f6*e5 3.e2-e4#{, } 1...Qa1*d4! 2.Re4*d4 e5*d4 3.e2-e4 d4*e3 ep.!{
1.Re4*d4!{[B] } e5*d4{(a)} 2.c3*d4+{[A]} Qa1*d4 { }3.e2-e4 threat: 4.Sd2-b3#{,}2...Kc5*d4 3.e2-e4#{ } 1...Qa1-b1 2.Rd4-c4+ Kc5*d5 3.Rc4-c5#
white Pe2c3a3f4a4f5d5 Sd2 Bf1f2 Kc7 Re4
black Qa1 Ph3d4e5f6 Kc5 Bg1
| #4 | условие | (12+7) |
Sergej Abramenko |
114 |
Pawn black square |
h#3-n |
21-05-2014 |
08-07-2014 |
26/52 |
A. Fica & Z. Labai |
1st Prize, 1st Place - No 23 Alexander Fica & Zoltan Labai TT-114, SuperProblem, 08.07.2014 |
}1.Sc4-b6 c3*d4 + 2.e5*d4 Sh3-f2 3.Rc1-c4 Sf2*e4 #{ }1.d7-d6 f3*e4 2.d5*e4 c3*b4 + 3.Kc5-d5 Sh3-f4 #{ }1.Kc5-d6 Kh4-g4 2.Kd6-e6 Rg5-g6 3.Sc4-d6 Sh3-g5 #
white Pf3c3a4 Sh3 Rg5 Kh4
black Pe4d4b4e5d5a5e7d7 Sc4g7 Rc1 Kc5 Bf6c6
h#3 | 3.1.. | (6+14) |
Sébastien Luce |
113 |
Fairy black castlings |
fairies h#2 |
15-05-2014 |
23-05-2014 |
20/64 |
V. Crişan & E. Huber |
1st Prize, 1st Place - No 25 Vlaicu Crişan & Eric Huber TT-113, SuperProblem, 23.05.2014 |
b3, c3 – Leo; Neutral b1 – Pao; Neutral a1 – Vao
1.Vab2 Kd5 (Kc5?) 2.0-0-0 Lebc4#
1.Pab2 Kc5 (Kd5?) 2.0-0 Lecc4#
r3k2r/3b3q/8/8/2K5/1(Q3)(Q3)5/8/(!b2)(!r2)6 |
h#2 | 2.1.. | (3+5+2)
Anatoly Stepochkin |
112 |
Double pawn step in Djurasevic theme |
fairies #2 |
11-05-2014 |
09-06-2014 |
4/8 |
J. Nastran |
1st Prize, 1st Place - No 8 Janez Nastran TT-112, SuperProblem, 09.06.2014 |
Bishop-Lion b8,c1; Rook-Lion c7; Lion h8
1.BLg3? – 2.RLg7#, 1...e5 2.LIa1#, 1...e6!
1.RLg7! – 2.LIa1#, 1...e5 2.BLg3#, 1...d2 2.BLg5#
1.BLe5? – 2.LIa1#, 1...d2! |
1(B1)3R1(Q1)/2(R1)1p3/8/8/8/3p3K/8/2(B1)3k1 |
#2 | условие | (6+3)
Dragan Stojnić |
111 |
Last word of last warrior |
#4-12 |
04-05-2014 |
07-05-2014 |
14/26 |
P. Arestov |
1st Prize, 1st Place - No 17 Pavel Arestov TT-111, SuperProblem, 07.05.2014 |
1.g7? Bxg7 2.Rxg7 axb3 3.Rh7+ Kg1 4.Re7 Kf1! or 4.Rc7 b2!
1.d4!! Bxd4 2.g7 Bxg7 3.Rxg7 axb3 4.Rh7+ Kg1 5.Rd7! (5.Re7? Kf1! or 5.Rc7? b2!):
1) 5...a2 6.Rd1+ Kh2 7.Ra1! zz 7...b2 8.Rxa2 Kh3 9.Rxb2 Kh4 10.Kxf4 Kh5 11.Rb6! Kh4 12.Rh6#;
2) 5...b2 6.Rd1+ Kh2 7.Rb1! zz 7...a2 8.Rxb2+ Kh3 9.Rxa2 Kh4 10.Kxf4 Kh5 11.Ra6! Kh4 12.Rh6#.
8/1R6/6P1/5p2/p4p2/pP1P1K2/7k/b7 |
#12 | условие | (5+6)
Aleksey Oganesjan |
110 |
BlackJack 6 |
h#2 |
27-03-2014 |
03-04-2014 |
16/21 |
C. Jonsson & R. Wiehagen A. Stepochkin & R. Wiehagen |
1st-2nd Prize, 1-2 Place - No 10 Christer Jonsson, Rolf Wiehagen TT-110, SuperProblem, 26.03.2014 |
1.bxc5 h3 2.Qxf4 Qxc5# 1.Rxd7 h4 2.Sxf4 Qxd7# |
8/Qr1B4/1ppPnpp1/2R1qk2/K3pP2/8/7P/5R2 |
h#2 | 2.1.. | (8+9)
1st-2nd Prize, 1-2 Place - No 19 A.Stepochkin, R.Wiehagen (version) TT-110, SuperProblem, 27.03.2014 |
a) 1.Sxd2 0-0-0 (Rd1?) 2.Sf3 Sf5# b) 1.Sxd4 Rd1 (0-0-0?) 2.Sdb5 Bb4# |
1r6/2np4/3k4/2bPp3/3N4/1n4q1/p2B1r2/R3K3 |
h#2 | b) bBc5->f4 | (5+10)
Valery Kirillov |
109 |
Exuberant forces |
s#3-6 |
24-03-2014 |
01-04-2014 |
13/21 |
Steven B. Dowd |
1st Prize, 1 Place - No 12 Steven B. Dowd TT-109, SuperProblem, 01.04.2014 |
1.Se7! Bg4 2.Sg6 Kg3! (2...B~ 3.Qg2+ fxg2#) 3.Qf4+ Kh3 4.Qxf3 Bxf3# 1...Bg6 2.Qxg6 Kh4 3.Sf5+ Kh3 4.Qg2+ fxg2# |
6N1/8/8/6Qb/8/5p1k/5p2/5R1K |
s#4 | условие | (4+4)
Rodolfo Riva |
108 |
Rex Solus Challenge |
sh= |
01-04-2014 |
25-08-2014 |
26/200 |
P. Raican & A. Tüngler |
Superprize, 1st Place in category BS Paul Raican & Arno Tüngler TT-108, SuperProblem, 23.06.2014 |
*1...f8B= 1.Kxg7 2.Kf8 7.Kxb4 19.Kxf2 20.Kxe1 35.Kxc1 50.Kxe2 52.Kxc4 57.Kxe5 f8S= |
7k/5PR1/8/2P1P1P1/1BN1P3/4PP2/K3BP2/2N1R3 |
sh=57* | условие | (15+1)
Dragan Stojnić |
107 |
Royal visit |
#4-8 |
04-03-2014 |
14-03-2014 |
11/27 |
S. Abramenko |
Prize, 1st Place - No 23 Sergey Abramenko TT-107, SuperProblem, 14.03.2014 |
1.Ka2!! g6 2.Ka1!! (А) Ka5 3.Qb7 (B) Ka4 4.Qb6 (С) Ka3 5.Qa5# 1...Ka5 2.Qb7 (B) Ka4 3.Qb6 (С) g6 4.Ka1 (А) Ka3 5.Qa5# |
1Q6/6p1/k1p5/2p3P1/2p5/K1p5/2p5/2N5 |
#5 | условие | (4+7)
Dieter Müller |
106 |
BlackJack 5 |
#2 |
10-02-2014 |
25-02-2014 |
16/21 |
D. Stojnic |
1st Prize, 1st Place - No 8 Dragan Stojnic TT-106, SuperProblem, 01.02.2014 |
1.Sd5? – 2.d4# (A), Bd6# (B) but Bxc5!
1.Qh6? – 2.Bd6# (B), 1...Rg6 (a) 2.d4# (A) - Isaev 1...Bxc5 (b)
2.R6xc5#, but 1...Bb8!
1.Se2! – 2.d4# (A)
1...Rg6 (a) 2.Bd6# (B) - Isaev 1...Bxc5 (b) 2.Rcxc5#
5B2/b2K1p1B/2R2P2/2P1k1r1/2R3pQ/2NPN2n/5nr1/8 |
#2vv |
условие |
Pavel Murashev |
105 |
Heaven can wait |
#2 |
22-02-2014 |
10-03-2014 |
15/20 |
J. Gorbatenko |
Prize, 1st Place - No 13 Juri Gorbatenko TT-105, SuperProblem, 10.03.2014 |
1.Rd6? – 2.Kc6#, 1...exd6 2.Kxd6#, 1...Sb4 2.Kxb4#, 1...d3!
1.Sb2? – 2.Kc4#, 1...Sb4 2.Kxb4#, 1...Ba2!
1.Se5! – 2.Rh5#, 1...Kxe5 2.Kc4#, 1...fxe5 2.Qf1#.
8/4p3/1PR1Np1R/1QK2k2/2Npp3/p3p2P/2n5/bb6 |
#2 |
условие |
Evgeni Bourd |
104 |
Zilahi + |
h#3 |
31-01-2014 |
09-02-2014 |
27/52 |
R. Riva I. Krampis M. Parrinello E. Bourd |
1–5 Prize, 1–5 Place - No 5 Rodolfo Riva TT-104, SuperProblem, 09.02.2014 |
1) 1.Qxf6+ Sf4 2.Qc6+ (d6?) e4 3.d6 Se6#
2) 1.Bxg2+ Kf4 2.Bc6 (d5?) e3 3.d5 Be7#
8/3p4/1p3B2/2k5/1p4n1/5K1b/1q2P1N1/5Br1 |
H#3 |
2.1.. |
(5+8) |
1–5 Prize, 1–5 Place - No 17 Illo Krampis TT-104, SuperProblem, 09.02.2014 |
1) 1.Sxc5+ Kb4 2.Ke3(a) Se5(b) 3.Se4 Sg4#
2) 1.Bxc6+ Kb3 2.Ke5(b) Be3(a) 3.Be4 Bf4#
4b3/5p2/npN1pp2/2B2n2/K1P1k3/2Pp1pP1/3pp3/2b5 |
H#3 |
2.1.. |
(6+13) |
1–5 Prize, 1–5 Place - No 29 Mario Parrinello TT-104, SuperProblem, 09.02.2014 |
a) 1.Qxc3+ Kc1 2.Qf6 d4 3.Qf7 d5#
b) 1.Sxd3+ Kb3 2.Se5 c4 3.Sf7 cxd5#
8/3pp1p1/r2pk2p/8/8/2PP1p2/pKB2n2/B2Rq3 |
H#3 |
b) +bPd5 |
(6+11) |
, h#3
1–5 Prize, 1–5 Place - No 31 Mario Parrinello TT-104, SuperProblem, 09.02.2014 |
1) 1.Sxf4+ Ke3 2.Qd5 cxd5 3.Se6 d6#
2) 1.Bxc4+ Kf3 2.Re5 fxe5 3.Be6 exf6#
5n2/pN1pk2p/5pB1/rb3pP1/2P2P1b/2p5/4K1n1/7q |
H#3 |
2.1.. |
(6+13) |
1–5 Prize, 1–5 Place - No 38 Evgeni Bourd TT-104, SuperProblem, 09.02.2014 |
1...Sxh5 (Se2) 2.Ra4 Sc4 3.Ra7 Sb6#
1...Sxb1 2.Be3 Se6 3.Ba7 Sc7#
1) 1.Rxf4+ Ke1 2.Ra4 Sc4 3.Ra7 Sb6#
2) 1.Bxd2+ Ke2 2.Be3 Se6 3.Ba7 Sc7#
kn6/8/2P3p1/3P1pPb/5Nrp/1p5P/pp1N4/qrbK4 |
H#3 |
2.1.. |
(7+13) |
Dieter Müller |
103 |
The collapse of illusions |
#2 |
20-01-2014 |
24-01-2014 |
19/25 |
D. Stojnić |
1st Prize, 1st Place - No 24 Dragan Stojnić TT-103, SuperProblem, 24.01.2014 |
1...Re6 2.Qxd4#
1...cxd6 2.Sbxd4#
1...Rf6 2.Bxd4#
1...Qxb3 2.cxd4#
1...dxc3 2.d4#
1.Sexd4! – 2.Rc6#
1...Re6 2.Rd5#
1...cxd6 2.Sc7#
1...Rf6 2.Se6#
1...Qxb3 2.Sxb3#
1...Sxd6 2.Qxc7#
4nn2/K1p3Q1/3R4/RNk1r3/3p4/PBPP4/1q2Nr1b/6B1 |
#2 |
Evgeny Permyakov |
102 |
BlackJack 4 |
s# |
01-01-2014 |
04-01-2014 |
15/21 |
E. Bourd |
1st Prize, 1st Place - No 20 Evgeni Bourd TT-102, SuperProblem, 30.12.2013 |
1.Qg7! – 2.Rf2+ Kd4 3.Qa7+ Kd3 4.Bc4+(A) Sxc4#
1...Sxe6 2.Sg8+ Kd5 3.Sge7+ Kc5 4.Rc4+(B) Sxc4#
1...Sxg6 2.Bc4+(A) Se7 3.Sd5+ Ke6 4.Sdb6+ Sxc4#
1...Rg1 2.Rc4+(B) Rxg3 3.Se4+ Kf4 4.Sd2+ Sxc4#
(1...e2 2.Rf3+ Kd4 3.Qc7! – 4.Qc4+ Sxc4#)
2N1Rn2/8/p3BNPQ/p3k1P1/K4RPP/nPp1p1B1/r1p5/q1r5 |
S#4 |
Valery Kirillov |
101 |
Stop the Black King |
s#2-6 |
15-01-2014 |
22-01-2014 |
10/17 |
D. Müller & M. Schreckenbach |
1st Prize, 1st Place - No 10 D. Müller &
M. Schreckenbach TT-101, SuperProblem, 22.01.2014 |
1...Rxc2 2.Qh5+ Kxe4 3.Qf5+ Kxf5#
1.Bd1! — 2.Qh5+ Kxe4 3.Qf5+ Kxf5#
1...Rxe4 2.Se5+ Rxe5 3.Qf4+ Kxf4#
1...Sxe4 2.Sd2+ Sxd2 3.Qe3+ Kxe3#
1...Bxe4 2.Qg3+ hxg3 3.Bxe2+ Kxe2#
8/3p2p1/2bP2N1/1pn3Q1/r3P2p/2P2k1P/2B1rp1P/5N1K |
S#3 |
условие |
Michael Barth |
Explanatory notes to the TT table
1) The numbers of active TT are highlighted with red background; the numbers of failed TT - with yellow one.
2) The date format in the table: day-month-year (DD-MM-YYYY).
3) The closing date column contains hyperlink to the announcement of appropriate TT.
4) Column marked with the icon shows the ratio of authors/works in appropriate TT.
5) Column marked with the icon contains hyperlinks to the winner compositions of appropriate TT; a composition appears in a new window when you click on the link.
Terms and Abbreviations
• ТТ - quick composing thematic tourney.
• active ТТ - closing date is not expired, one may submit original(s) to the tourney.
• closed ТТ - closing date is expired; waiting for award...
• completed ТТ - final award of the TT is published; all claims were considered.
• failed ТТ - no award, no winner.
• X-judge - a judge whose name is unknown to the TT participants prior to publication of the TT award.
Conditions of participation in TT
1) The requirements regarding all entries are as follows: legality of the diagram position; no extra-set pieces; unique solution; no duals in the main (conceptual) variants.
2) TT winners will offer the theme for the next TT reporting its formulation to TT Director and have the right to be the judge of the next TT, setting its timing.
Each participant in a TT is encouraged to ponder on a theme he would like to propose for the next TT in case he wins the current tourney.
TT Winners for 2014 |
TT 101 - TT 126
click on a diagram to view an award of a corresponding TT |