Final Award in Quick Composing TT-101 | Окончательные итоги блицконкурса ТТ-101

Stop the Black King | Остановите чёрного короля

Theme | Тема

17 entries were received from 10 authors representing 4 countries | На конкурс поступило 17 композиций от 10 авторов из 4 стран

EN <-> RU

I saw some good pieces, but I missed problems with far blocks. That was pity. And, because it is a quick tourney, my following comments are shortly, too.

Award is the following | Отличия распределились следующим образом

1st Prize, 1st Place - No 10
D. Müller & M. Schreckenbach
TT-101, SuperProblem, 22.01.2014
S#3 (10+10)
2nd Prize, 2nd Place - No 15
Jaroslaw Brzozowicz
TT-101, SuperProblem, 22.01.2014
S#4 (8+5)
1st H M, 3rd Place - No 4
Sven-Hendrik Lossin
TT-101, SuperProblem, 22.01.2014
S#3 (11+10)

1st Prize, 1st Place - No 10, Dieter Müller & Michael Schreckenbach (Germany)

1...Rxc2 2.Qh5+ Kxe4 3.Qf5+ Kxf5# 1.Bd1! — 2.Qh5+ Kxe4 3.Qf5+ Kxf5#
1...Rxe4 2.Se5+ Rxe5 3.Qf4+ Kxf4#, 1...Sxe4 2.Sd2+ Sxd2 3.Qe3+ Kxe3#, 1...Bxe4 2.Qg3+ hxg3 3.Bxe2+ Kxe2#
A known mechanism but in perfect harmony. Occupation of double guarded squares to activate the king’s battery. My favorite.
EN <-> RU

2nd Prize, 2nd Place - No 15, Jaroslaw Brzozowicz (Poland)

1.Bxg4? zz 1...c1S 2.f4+ Se2 3.Qxe2+ Kc1 4.Qb2+ axb2#, 1...c1B 2.Se3+ Bxe3 3.f4+ Kc1 4.Qb2+ axb2#, 1...Kc1!
1.Be8? zz 1...Kc1 2.Qd4 gxf3 3.Bh5 f2 4.Qb2+ axb2# 1...c1S 2.Bxa4+ Sb3+ 3.Bxb3+ Kc1 4.Qb2+ axb2# 1...c1B 2.Se3+ Bxe3 3.Bxa4+ Kc1 4.Qb2+ axb2# 1...gxf3!
1.fxg4? zz 1...c1S 2.g5+ Se2 3.Qxe2+ Kc1 4.Qb2+ axb2#, 1...c1B 2.Se3+ Bxe3 3.g5+ Kc1 4.Qb2+ axb2#, 1...Kc1!
1.Qe2+? Kc1 2.Qd3 gxf3 3.Qd4 f2 4.Qb2+ axb2#, 1...Kxe2!
1.f4! — 2.Rd3+ Kc1 3.Qd4 g3 4.Qb2+ axb2#, 1...c1=S 2.Bxg4+ Se2 3.Qxe2+ Kc1 4.Qb2+ axb2#, 1...c1=B 2.Se3+ Bxe3 3.Bxg4+ Kc1 4.Qb2+ axb2#.
A promotion’s idea with multiple changed play. Only the repetition oft the moves 4.Qb2+ axb2# is boringly.
EN <-> RU

1st Honorable Mention, 3rd Place - No 4, Sven-Hendrik Lossin

1.Re6! – 2.Rdd6+ Kxc5 3.Qb5+ cxb5# 1...bxc5 2.Rxb3+ Kd4 3.Rb4+ Rxb4#, 1...Bxc5 2.Nxa3+ Bxa3 3.Rxc6+ Bc5#, 1...Bd4 2.Re3+ Kc5 3.Qb5+ cxb5#, 1...Rxd2 2.Rxd2+ Kc5 3.Qb5+ cxb5#
An asymmetric cross with the rook in all four cardinal points. Witty idea.
EN <-> RU
2nd-3rd Hon. Mention - No 2
Yuri Gordian
TT-101, SuperProblem, 22.01.2014
S#3 (9+12)
2nd-3rd Hon. Mention - No 8
Sven Trommler
TT-101, SuperProblem, 22.01.2014
S#4 (8+11)
1st Commendation - No 6
D. Müller & S. Trommler
TT-101, SuperProblem, 22.01.2014
S#3 (10+12)

2nd-3rd Honorable Mention - No 2, Yuri Gordian (Ukraine) Юрий Гордиан

1.Be3! — 2.Sh6+ Kxe3 3.Sg4+ Bxg4# 1...dxe3 2.Sh4+ Kd4 3.Sf3+ Bxf3#, 1...Bxe3 2.Sxg3+ Kf4 3.Sh5+ Bxh5#
Two problems showing the same nice idea: Siers’ Roessel. But in this problem I miss an additional (non-thematic) variant, completing the king’s cross.
EN <-> RU

2nd-3rd Honorable Mention - No 8, Sven Trommler (Germany)

1.Qd8? f5! 1.Qe8! – 2.Sc3+ Kf6 3.Se4+ Bxe4#, 2...d5 3.Bxd5+ Kf6 4.Se4+ Bxe4# 1...f6 2.Qg8+ Rf7 3.Sf4+ Kxe7 4.Sg6+ Bxg6#, 1...Bf6 2.Se3+ d5 3.Qc8+ Kxe7 4.Sf5+ Bxf5# (1...f5 2.Qg6+ Bf6 3.e8Q+ Re7 4.Qxf5+ Bxf5#)
Siers’ Roessel. In this problem I would prefer a stronger harmony between the thematic lines.
EN <-> RU

1st Commendation - No 6, Dieter Müller & Sven Trommler (Germany)

1...exf5 2.Qa6+ (A1) Sc6 3.Bc3+ Sxc3#; 1.Qc3? – 2.Sg8+ Kxf5 3.Qd3+ (B1) Sxd3# 1...Bxf5 2.Rf7+ Kg5 3.Qe3+ (C1) Sxe3# 1...exf5!
1.Qd4! – 2.Sg8+ Kxf5 3.Qd3+ (B2) Sxd3# 1...Bxf5 2.Rf7+ Kg5 3.Qe3+ (C2) Sxe3#, 1...exf5 2.Qb6+ (A2) Sc6 3.Bc3+ Sxc3#
Switchbacks in the threats of the try and the solution. An old theme of a Problem-Echo-TIT.
EN <-> RU
2nd Commendation - No 12
Ralf Krätschmer
TT-101, SuperProblem, 22.01.2014
S#3 (10+9)

2nd Commendation - No 12, Ralf Krätschmer (Germany)

1.Qb2! – 2.Sf3+ Kxc4 3.Qb5 axb5# 1...dxc4 2.Sb3+ cxb3 3.Qxc3 Kxc3#, 1...Sxc4 2.Bxc5+ Kxc5 3.Qb6 Sxb6#
The masked battery changes to a direct one and fires. Similar to the winner, but not so intensive.
EN <-> RU
URL address of this web page | Адрес этой страницы

Sections | Разделы

S# (selfmates | самоматы)

Participants | Участники

Brzozowicz J. - No 13, 15, 16, 17
Gordian Y. - No 2
Kopyl V. - No 5, 9
Krätschmer R. - No 12
Lossin S-H. - No 4
Müller D. - No 1, 3*, 6*, 10*
Richter F. - No 14
Riva R. - No 11
Schreckenbach M. - No 3*, 10*
Trommler S. - No 6*, 7, 8

The Winners Are | Победители

Dieter Müller & Michael Schreckenbach
Congrats! | Поздравляем!

Judge | Арбитр

Michael Barth

Translation | Перевод

Aleksey Oganesjan

Editor | Редактор

Vitaly Medintsev