Selfmates - SuperProblem 2025 Informal Tourney - Самоматы
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F408 (solution | решение)
Nikolaj Zujev (Lithuania)8/Bp2p3/bP1pN3/pk1P2R1/p2PN3/P1RKP3/2P5/3B4
1.Re5! dxe5 2.Sd6+! exd6 3.e4 exd4 4.Rc5+! dxc5 5.c4+! dxc3 e.p. 6.Sd4+! cxd4 7.Bc2 Kc5#F409 (solution | решение)
Daniele Gatti (Italy)8/2p3P1/2PP4/Q2rP3/5R1B/1R1P4/4P3/1Bk1K3
1.Qc5+! Rxc5 2.Rc4+ Rxc4 3.Bg5+ Rf4 4.g8Q cxd6 5.Qd5 dxe5 6.Qa5 [Phoenix-Swichback] e4 7.d4 e3 8.Qd2+ exd2#F410 (solution | решение)
Daniele Gatti (Italy)1b5N/6Pp/6BP/2P5/3P3k/1pRp1QR1/pNpP2p1/2K3B1
1.Rh3+! Kg5 2.Be3+ 2.Bf4 3.Qxg2+ 3.Kf6 4.g8S+ Ke6 5.Qg4+ Kd5 6.Be4+ Kxe4 7.Qe6+ Be5 8.d5 a1S 9.Rxb3 Sxb3#, 8...a1B 9.Rxd3 Bxb2#
F411 (solution | решение)
Daniele Gatti (Italy)rB2B1RK/7R/p1N5/3k4/1P1Pq3/2P4Q/2N2P2/b2b3r
1.c4+! Kxc4 2.Sa5+ Kd5 3.Bf7+ Qe6 4.Bxe6+ Ke4 5.Bf5+ (Bd5+?) Kd5 6.Se3+ Kxd4 7.Be5+ Kxe5 8.Qg3+ Kf6 9.Qg6+ Ke5 10.Qd6+ Kxd6#, 8...Kxd4 9.Qd6+ Kc3 10.Qd2+ Kxd2#F412 (solution | решение)
Anatoly Stepochkin (Russia)5N1b/1N2P3/6P1/1P1k3p/3p1P1p/3B4/P1p1P3/K1R5
1.e4+? dxe3 e.p.+ 2.g71.g7! h3 2.g8S! (3.Sf6+ Bxf6 4.e4+ dxe3 e.p.#) 2...Bf6! 3.e8Q Be5! 4.Qd8+ Bd6 5.Qg5+ Be5 6.Qg2+! hxg2 7.Sf6+! Bxf6 8.e4+ dxe3 e.p.#
(3...Bd8 4.e7 B~ 5.Qd8+ Bxd8 6.Sf6+ Bxf6 7.e4+)
F413 (solution | решение)
Anatoly Stepochkin (Russia)b3NN2/B4P2/K1k5/Q5p1/6P1/3p4/3P4/8
*1...Bb7#1.Sg6! Kd7 2.Qc7+ Ke6 3.f8S+! Kd5 4.Qe5+ Kc4 5.Qc3+ Kd5 6.Sf6+ Kd6 7.Qe5+ Kc6 8.Qa5! Kd6 9.Se8+ Kc6 10.Sh8 Bb7#
F414 (solution | решение)
Nikolaj Zujev (Lithuania)BN6/p7/p7/k7/1R6/5p1p/3BpP1p/4K1nr
а) diagram: 1.Sxa6! Kxa6 2.Bb7+ Ka5 3.Bc8 a6 4.Bxh3 Sxh3#в) Sb8->f7: 1.Rb3+! Ka4 2.Bd5 a5 3.Sg5 a6 4.Sxh3 Sxh3#
c) wPa6: 1.Sd7! Kxa6 2.Bc6 Ka5 3.Rh4+ Ka6 4.Rxh3 Sxh3#
d=c) wPa6->b7, +bPf4: 1.Sa6! Kxa6 2.b8Q Ka5 3.Qc8 a6 4.Qxh3 Sxh3#
F415 (solution | решение)
Nikolaj Zujev (Lithuania)2Kn1Q2/pN6/5N2/p3k3/P4R1R/6Pr/1P6/8
1.Qe7+ Se6 2.Rh5+ Rxh5 3.Sd7+ Kd5 4.c4+ Kc6 5.Sd8+ Sxd8 6.Rf6+ Se6 7.Sb8+ Kb6 8.c5+ Rxc5 9.Qc7+ Rxc7#F416 (solution | решение)
Steven Dowd (USA)8/8/3p2Pp/2pP3K/2P5/3B1kPQ/6pr/6Bb
*1...Rxh3#1.g4+! Kf4 2.Qxh2+! Kf3 3.Kh4 h5 4.Qh3+ Kf4 5.g5 Ke5 6.g7! Kf4 7.Bg6 Ke5 8.Kg3 h4+ 9.Kh2 Kf4 10.Qe3+ Kg4 11.Qg3+ hxg3# (MM)
I like the clearance move 6.g7! that looks like the pawn is running to promote but the real goal is to clear g6 for the bishop. Weber type Fata Morgana with capture of original mating piece. Self-incarceration (author).