Helpmates - SuperProblem 2025 Informal Tourney - Коопматы
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Entries should be sent to director of the section not later than 1st December 2025
Note! Not more than 3 originals per one author in each subsection (h#2, h#2.5-3, h#3.5-N, including joint works) may be published; versions - unlimited.
Attention! The director may reject an entry by one or more of the following reasons (click to show/hide the list)
Задачи направляйте директору раздела не позднее 1 декабря 2025 годаNote! Not more than 3 originals per one author in each subsection (h#2, h#2.5-3, h#3.5-N, including joint works) may be published; versions - unlimited.
Attention! The director may reject an entry by one or more of the following reasons (click to show/hide the list)
Важно! Могут быть опубликованы не более трех задач одного автора в каждом подразделе: h#2, h#2.5-3, h#3.5-N, включая совместные произведения; версии - неограниченно.
Внимание! Директор может отказать в публикации по одной или более из следующих причин (щелкните, чтобы показать/скрыть список)
E1448 (solution | решение)
János Csák (Hungary)6BB/KRq5/8/2PNNP1b/1P2k3/2P2p2/6P1/5rn1
1.Qc7-g7 g2-g4 2.Ke4*e5 Rb7-e7 # {,} 1.Qc7-f7 g2*f3 + 2.Ke4*d5 Rb7-d7 #
Compare to | сравните с: yacpdb/556953, P0580393, yacpdb/88850 (director)
E1449 (solution | решение)
János Csák (Hungary)7K/p7/1p2pk2/R3nq2/p5p1/5p2/4pp2/8
a) {diagram} 1...Ra5*a4 2.Qf5-f4 Kh8-h7 3.Qf4-b4 Kh7-h6 4.Qb4-e7 Ra4-f4 # {,
} b) bQf5<-->bPe6 {Qf5<->Pe6} 1...Ra5-d5 2.Qe6-c6 Kh8-g8 3.Qc6-c1 Kg8-f8 4.Qc1-g5 Rd5-d6 # {,
} c) bPg4-->f4 {Pg4->f4} 1...Ra5*a7 2.Qf5-e4 Ra7-h7 3.Kf6-f5 Kh8-g7 4.Se5-g4 Rh7-h5 # {,
} d) bSe5-->g3 {Se5->g3} 1...Ra5-e5 2.Kf6-g5 Re5*e2 3.Kg5-h4 Re2*f2 4.Qf5-g5 Rf2-h2 #
} b) bQf5<-->bPe6 {Qf5<->Pe6} 1...Ra5-d5 2.Qe6-c6 Kh8-g8 3.Qc6-c1 Kg8-f8 4.Qc1-g5 Rd5-d6 # {,
} c) bPg4-->f4 {Pg4->f4} 1...Ra5*a7 2.Qf5-e4 Ra7-h7 3.Kf6-f5 Kh8-g7 4.Se5-g4 Rh7-h5 # {,
} d) bSe5-->g3 {Se5->g3} 1...Ra5-e5 2.Kf6-g5 Re5*e2 3.Kg5-h4 Re2*f2 4.Qf5-g5 Rf2-h2 #
Compare to | сравните с: yacpdb/405101, yacpdb/514481 (director)
E1450 (solution | решение)
János Csák and Béla Majoros (Hungary)Q2b4/1ppb4/1ppp4/qP2p3/1P2P3/2pP1R2/2K1k1P1/4r2r
a) 1.Qa5*b4 Qa8-a4 2.Qb4*e4 Qa4*e4 # 1.Qa5*b5 Qa8-a6 2.Qb5*d3 + Qa6*d3 # {,
} b) wQa8-->c8 1.Bd7-h3 Qc8-g4 2.Bh3*g2 Qg4*g2 # {,} 1.Bd7-g4 Qc8-f5 2.Bg4*f3 Qf5*f3 #
} b) wQa8-->c8 1.Bd7-h3 Qc8-g4 2.Bh3*g2 Qg4*g2 # {,} 1.Bd7-g4 Qc8-f5 2.Bg4*f3 Qf5*f3 #
E1451 (solution | решение)
János Csák (Hungary)k6K/p2p1R2/3p2bb/1p3Brq/1p6/5pp1/8/8
1.Bg6-h7 Rf7-f8 + 2.Qh5-e8 Bf5*d7 {! (Be6?)} 3.Qe8-b8 Bd7-c6 # {(Bd5#?? - 4.Rxd5!),
} 1.Rg5-g4 Bf5-e4 + 2.Qh5-d5 Rf7*d7 {! (Re7?)} 3.Qd5-b7 Rd7-d8 # {(Re8#?? - 4.Bxe8!)}
} 1.Rg5-g4 Bf5-e4 + 2.Qh5-d5 Rf7*d7 {! (Re7?)} 3.Qd5-b7 Rd7-d8 # {(Re8#?? - 4.Bxe8!)}
Compare to | сравните с: P1329378, yacpdb/98517 (director)