Moremovers - SuperProblem 2025 Informal Tourney - Многоходовки

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Entries should be sent to director of the section not later than 1st December 2025
Note! Not more than 3 originals per one author, including joint works, may be published; versions - unlimited.
Задачи направляйте директору раздела не позднее 1 декабря 2025 года
Важно! Могут быть опубликованы не более трех задач одного автора, включая совместные произведения; версии - неограниченно.

Jayakumar Vellavoor
SuperProblem, 09-01-2025
Daniele Gatti
SuperProblem, 10-01-2025
Daniele Gatti
SuperProblem, 10-01-2025
C488 (solution | решение)

Jayakumar Vellavoor(India)83p2p12pPk1Pp2P1P1pK2N3P16B13N

1. Be1! Kd5 2. Bf2 Ke6 3. Sb6 Kxe5 4. Sa8 Kd5/Ke6/Kf4 5. Sc7 Ke5 6. Be3 Kf6 7. Bd4#
C489 (solution | решение)

Daniele Gatti (Italy)8/2p5/2p5/K1P3R1/2p5/k1p2P1P/2Q1P1pp/6N1

1. Rg4! [threat 2. Rxc4 [threat 3. Ra4, Rxc3#]
1. ... hxg1=Q 2. Rxc4 [threat 3. Ra4, Rxc3#]
2. ... Qd4 3. Rxd4 [ad lib. 4. Ra4#]
2. ... Qxc5+ 3. Rxc5 [ad lib. 4. Rxc3#]
1. ... h1=B 2. Qb1 [zugzwang]
2. ... c2 3. Qxc2 [zugzwang]
3. ... c3 4. Ra4#
C490 (solution | решение)

Daniele Gatti (Italy)8/8/2p5/2p5/1p3N2/3p1NPP/pPpPRP2/R3K2k

1. Re4! [zugzwang]
1. ... c4 2. Rxc4 [threat 3. Rxc2 [threat 4. O-O-O#] 3. ... dxc2 4. Ke2+ c1=Q 5. Rxc1#]
2. ... b3 3. Rc5 [zugzwang]
3. ... c1=Q+ 4. Rcxc1 [zugzwang]
4. ... c5 5. Rc3 [ad lib. 6. O-O-O#]
Daniele Gatti
SuperProblem, 10-01-2025
Jayakumar Vellavoor
SuperProblem, 10-01-2025
Jayakumar Vellavoor
SuperProblem, 11-01-2025
C491 (solution | решение)

Daniele Gatti (Italy)B5rr/1P3p1N/kP6/P5N1/1K4P1/8/8/8

Try: 1. Se4? [ad lib. 2. Sc5#]
But 1. ... Rxg4!
Solution: 1. Sf8! [threat 2. b8=S#]
1. ... Rxf8 2. Se4 [threat 3. Sc5#]
2. ... Rc8 3. b8=S+
3. ... Rxb8 4. Sc5#
2. ... Rh5 3. gxh5 [threat 4. Sc5#]
3. ... Rc8 4. bxc8=Q/B#
C492 (solution | решение)

Jayakumar Vellavoor(India)8/8/8/3B4/8/1p1kNp2/1P1N1P2/3K4

1. Sdc4 Kd4 2. Kd2 Kc5 3. Kc3 Kb5 4. Bb7 Kc5 5. Sd5 Kb5 6. Kd4 Ka4 7. Bc6#
C493 (solution | решение)

Jayakumar Vellavoor(India)8/5p2/pN1k1P1p/1p1P1B1P/1P1P1p1K/p1N2P2/P4B2/8

1. Sa8! a5 2. Kg4 a4 3. Bg3 fxg3 4. Kf4 g2 5. Ke4 g1Q 6. Sxb5#
C494withdrawal | исключается
Béla Majoros
SuperProblem, 11-01-2025
C494 (solution | решение) withdrawal | исключается

Béla Majoros (Hungary)1k6/3K4/B7/B7/8/8/8/8

1. Bc8! Ka7 2. Kc7 Ka8 3. Bb7+ Ka7 4. Bb6#
1. - Ka8 2. Kc7 Ka7 3. Bb6+ Ka8 4. Bb7#
Полный предшественник - yacpdb/134747
C495 (solution | решение)

Name (Country)FEN

C496 (solution | решение)

Name (Country)FEN