Final Award in Quick Composing TT-201 | Окончательные итоги блицконкурса TT-201

Rook square | Ладейный квадрат

Theme | Тема

68 entries were received from 28 authors representing 15 countries | На конкурс поступило 68 композиций от 28 авторов из 15 стран

EN <-> RU

68 entries were received for the tourney: 12 direct mates, 48 – helpmates, 8 – selfmates.
In 2012 Quick Composing Tourneys “Knight square” (TT-4) and “Bishop square” (TT-51) were held. So I decide to hold “Rook square” (also there is “Pawn square” – for the future). Judging by content of sent compositions, Rook material is difficult for realization of variety concepts. But the most “inquisitive” authors was managed to find interesting ideas, for what I thank them. “Who seeks will always find!” – it’s Russian proverb.
There were few direct mates and selfmates in this tourney, that’s why (as agreed with TT Director) I decided to combine this sections into the one. Also after much thought I decided to include only the most notable problems in the award. I hope that the authors of rest problems will understand my choice.
I didn’t include following problems in the award:
- No 51 (Ka8-Ka6, s#2) – there is no answer for 1...d4+ in the initial position;
- No 19 (Kh7-Kf7, #4) – simplification of yacpdb/220084.
In helpmate section I didn’t distinguish problems with “mates-building principle” (just with some exceptions) because in chess composition it is need to realize artistic IDEAS in chess form. Also I didn’t distinguish problems in which one of thematic Rooks can be replaced on another piece or even be removed at least in one solution.I didn’t consider Bristol clearance as an achievement in this TT because it is the most simply concept that can be realized in this material. I evaluated only IDEAS which were realized by authors on set theme.

Award is the following | Отличия распределились следующим образом

#2-4 & s#2-4
20 entries were received from 12 authors representing 10 countries | На конкурс поступило 20 композиций от 12 авторов из 10 стран
1st Prize, 1st Place - No 26
Grigory Atayants
TT-201, SuperProblem, 18-02-2018
2nd Prize, 2nd Place - No 4
Anatoly Vasilenko
TT-201, SuperProblem, 18-02-2018
1st Honorable mention, 3rd Place - No 25
Ralf Krätschmer
TT-201, SuperProblem, 18-02-2018

1st Prize, 1st Place - No 26, Grigory Atayants (Russia) 1BB5/4n2K/1p2RRP1/q3rr1p/4P1kp/2p1P2N/p5pP/5bN1

1.g7! – 2.Rfg6+! Rg5 3.Sf2#, 2...Sxg6 3.Rexg6#
1...Rxf6 2.Sf2+! Rxf2 3.Reg6#, 2...Kg5 3.Sgh3#
1...Rf3 2.Rf4+! Rxf4 3.Reg6#
1...Rxe6 2.Bf4! - 3.Sf2#, 2...Rxf4 3.Rxf4#
Reciprocal change of 2nd and 3rd moves in a threat and in a variation. In 2nd pair – play on the same square, and 2nd move in one variation becomes a mating move in another. All variations and threat are connected between each other, that’s why we can talk about style synthesis by Adabashev. (author.)

If we see a solution in full notation then it turns out that there is no any reciprocal change. Also there is no style synthesis by Adabashev. [see the programmatic article “Синтез Адабашева” in the magazine “Шахматная композиция” (“Shahmatnaja Kompozitsija”), No 137, 2017.]
But the problem is very interesting because the author was managed to find a scheme with rich tactic opportunities which realized here in two pairs of variation: with quasi-reciprocal change (1st pair) and with White play on the same square (2nd pair). Generally presented complex corresponds to “strategic” synthesis (by Adabashev). This problem is quite competitive in usual (non-thematic) tourney. My congratulations to the author! And especial “Thanks!” for progression of Adabashev’s ideas.
EN <-> RU

2nd Prize, 2nd Place - No 4, Anatoly Vasilenko (Ukraine) 5rRb/5Rrk/4P1pN/7P/2QB4/1p6/1K6/8

1.Qd3? – 2.Qxg6#, 1...Rfxf7 2.Qxg6+ Rxg6 3.Rxh8#, 1...Kxh6! 2.Rxh8+ Rh7 3.Qxg6#, 2...Kg5 3.Qg3#, 2...Rxh8!
1.Sg4! – 2.Rgxf8 zz 2...Rxf7 3.Rxh8#, 2...g5/gxh5 3.Qd3#
1...Rf~ 2.Rg8xR! Rxf7 3.Rxh8#, 2...gxh5/g5 3.Qd3#
1...Rfxf7! 2.exf7! – 3.f8S#, 2...Rxf7 3.Rxh8#, 2...Rxg8 3.fxg8Q#
1...Rfxg8! 2.Qc1! – 3.Sf6#/Qh6#, 2...Rf~ 3.Sf6#, 2...Rxf7 3.Qh6#, 2...g5 3.Qb1#
1...Rgxf7 2.hxg6+ Kxg8 3.Sh6#
(1...gxh5 2.Qd3+! Kxg8 3.Sf6/Sh6#)
This problem attracts primarily its unusual construction. Formally here there is a “black correction” with two exact moves. But the main thing is that here there is a story with needle pithy game, and it’s always pleasant! The apogee of play is in variation 1...Rfxf7 2.exf7! Rxg8 3.fxg8Q#, where all Rooks eliminated! I want to emphasize that in Prize problems thematic “Rook square” play actively, that has a greatest value for this TT.
EN <-> RU

1st Honorable mention, 3rd Place - No 25, Ralf Krätschmer (Germany) 2K1k3/2p3p1/p3P1N1/8/1pBp4/2b5/1prR4/2rR4

1.Bd5? – 2.Bc6#, 1...Bxd2!
1.Rf2? – 2.Rf8#, 1...Rxf2!
1.Rf1? – 2.Rf8#, 1...Rxf1!
1.Rh2? – 2.Rh8#, 1...Rxh2 2.Rf1 Rf2!
1.Rh1! (2.Rh8#) 1...Rxh1 2.Rf2 (3.Rf8#) Rxf2 3.Bd5 – 4.Bc6#, 3...Rf7 4.exf7#,
2...Rf1 3.Rf7 – 4.Re7#, 3...Rxf7 4.exf7#; 2...Rh8 3.Rf7 ~ 4.Re7#
Logical problem with two foreplans (1.Bd5?, 1.Rf2?) and two tries (1.Rf1?, 1.Rh2?)
EN <-> RU
2nd Honorable mention - No 3
Jaroslaw Brzozowicz
TT-201, SuperProblem, 18-02-2018
1st Commendation - No 47
Ingemar Lind
TT-201, SuperProblem, 18-02-2018
2nd Commendation - No 52
Phani Bhushan
TT-201, SuperProblem, 18-02-2018

2nd Honorable mention - No 3, Jaroslaw Brzozowicz (Poland) 7b/3Q1p2/5p2/1rrN1K2/1RR2pn1/5k1b/6pP/2N3B1

*1...Rxd5+ 2.Qxd5+ Rxd5#
*1...Ra5 2.Rb3+ Se3#
*1...Rxb4 2.Rxf4+ Rxf4#

1.Rb2? – 2.Rf2+ Sxf2#, 1...Rxd5+ 2.Qxd5+ Rxd5#, 1...Rxb2!
1.Rc2? – 2.Rf2+ Sxf2#, 1...Rxd5+ 2.Qxd5+ Rxd5#, 1...Rxc2!

1.Qa7! – 2.Qa3+ Se3#
1...Rxc4 2.Qf2+ Sxf2#
1...Rxb4 2.Rxf4+ Rxf4#
1...Ra5 2.Rb3+ Se3#
The best problem among selfmates.
EN <-> RU

1st Commendation - No 47, Ingemar Lind (Sweden) 8/PB6/Kp1N4/RrknQ3/rRb1P3/1p1p4/3P4/8

1.Sf5! – 2.Rxb5+ Bxb5#
1...Kxb4 2.Qd6+ Rc5#
1...Rxb4 2.Qc7+ Sxc7#
Pity that a key 1.Qc3-e5 is impossible in view of unanswered check 1...Sb4+ in the initial position.
EN <-> RU

2nd Commendation - No 52, Phani Bhushan (India) 8/3b3B/kBpN4/2Pp4/3PrR2/4RrpQ/8/2K5

1.Rf8! – 2.Ra8#
1...Be8/Bc8 2.Qc8#
1...Re8 2.Bd3#
1...Rf1+ 2.Qxf1#
1...Rxf8 2.Ra3#
3rd Commendation - No 8
Gábor Tar
TT-201, SuperProblem, 18-02-2018
Special Commendation - No 42
Ingemar Lind
TT-201, SuperProblem, 18-02-2018

3rd Commendation - No 8, Gábor Tar (Hungary) 6B1/8/5P2/6PN/3P4/8/PP3Rrp/K4Rrk

1.Rf4? zz 1...Rxg5!
1.Rf5! zz
1...R2~ 2.Bd5+ Rg2(f3, e4) 3.Sf4 Rxf1#
1...Rxf1+ 2.Rxf1+ Rg1 3.Sf4 Rxf1#

Special Commendation - No 42, Ingemar Lind (Sweden) 4Q1K1/5BN1/5p1k/5rR1/5Rrp/7p/7P/8

1.Qe3! zz
1...Rf~ 2.Rxf6#
1...Rfxf4 2.Rh5#
1...Rg~ 2.Rxh4#
1...Rgxf4 2.Rg6#
1...Kxg5 2.Rxf5#
1...fxg5 2.Sxf5#
Compared with yacpdb/23340, yacpdb/198717 and yacpdb/439891, here we see additional variation with capture of White Rook. Duals are eliminated, form are normalized.
EN <-> RU
48 entries were received from 24 authors representing 12 countries | На конкурс поступило 48 композиций от 24 авторов из 12 стран
1st Prize, 1st Place - No 16
Anatoly Vasilenko & Andrey Frolkin
TT-201, SuperProblem, 18-02-2018
2nd Prize, 2nd Place - No 5
Živko Janevski
TT-201, SuperProblem, 18-02-2018
3rd Prize, 3rd Place - No 18
Vitaly Medintsev & Anatoly Skripnik
TT-201, SuperProblem, 18-02-2018

1st Prize, 1st Place - No 16, Anatoly Vasilenko & Andrey Frolkin (Ukraine) 4k1rr/1n3pRR/5bp1/5p1p/1KbqP2p/2p1Q1p1/8/8

1.Qd7 Qc5 2.Rxh7 Rxg8#
1.Qd5 exd5+ 2.Kf8 Rxf7#
1.Rxg7 Qh6 (B) 2.0-0 Rh8# (A)
1.Kf8 Rxh8 (A) 2.Kxg7 Qh6# (B)
HOTF. Two mates by promoted Rook in one pair of solutions. Two captures of promoted Rook (Zilahi/Ceriani) in second pair of solutions with reciprocal change of moves. Dismantling of a retrocage: bPh7→h5, bR~6→h6→h7, wR~6→h6, bPg7→g6, bRh7→g7→g8→f8, wPf6(h6)xg7→g8R→Rg7, bRf8→g8, wRh6→h7 (authors).

Very precise author’s comment. This problem fascinated arbitrator at first sight! Powerful heavy-pieces-material with both sides. Also the play is original and large-scale! Retro-proof of opportunity of castling is only a “background” for subsequent performance. Excellent problem!

Note: I cannot distinguish the problem No 17 (Ka1-Ka8) (probably it is composed by the same author), which belongs to the retro-genre in its essence.
EN <-> RU

2nd Prize, 2nd Place - No 5, Živko Janevski (Macedonia) q7/1b1K4/np1n4/1rRp4/1RrkP3/1p3P2/1PpP4/8

1.Sxb4 Rcxb5 2.Sc6 Rcxd5#
1.Rbxc5 Rbb5 2.Rc6 Rbxd5#
1.Rcxb4 Rxd5+ 2.Kc4 d3#
1.Kxc5 Ra4 2.Rc3 d4#
HOTF: combination of Zilahi paradox and Fox theme (author).

Author’s comment is need to correction. The combination of three ideas: Zilahi theme (1st pair) + Telkis theme (2nd pair) with “single Avanta”. It’s excellent problem, bravo! Especial gratitude to the author for Avanta...
EN <-> RU

3rd Prize, 3rd Place - No 18, Vitaly Medintsev & Anatoly Skripnik (Russia) 1B2K3/1qrR2p1/p1Rrp3/2pp4/7N/5p2/8/7k

1.Rdxd7 Rxe6 2.Rc6 (Rс8+?) Re1#
1.Rdxc6 Rxd5 2.Rf7
(Rd7?) Rd1#
1.Rcxd7 Rxc5 2.Rb6
(Rc6?) Rc1#
1.Rcxc6 Rxb7 2.Rd7
(Rd8+?) Rb1#
1)+2) and 3)+4) – double Zilahi.
2)+3) – dual-avoidance choice od 2nd Black move which is motivated by avoidance of roentgen of mating pieces.
1)+4) – white-black FML on 2nd move; in mating positions Black Rooks stand on the squares in which White Rooks stand in initial position.
In all solutions only thematic pieces play and Black open a line for wB. (authors.)

The problem is densely saturated by tactic ideas. I want to note a spicy nuance: only thematic Rooks play!
EN <-> RU
4th Prize - No 39
Aleksandr Kostyukov
TT-201, SuperProblem, 18-02-2018
Special Prize - No 44
Ingemar Lind
TT-201, SuperProblem, 18-02-2018
h#2b) Re5<->Re6
c) Re6<->Rf6; d) Rf6<->Rf5;
e) Rf5<->Re5
1st Honorable mention - No 40
Aleksandr Kostyukov
TT-201, SuperProblem, 18-02-2018

4th Prize - No 39, Aleksandr Kostyukov (Russia) 1n1rRb2/3Rrpn1/4k3/2PpB3/2p1p3/8/3K4/8

1.Kxe5 Rexd8 2.Kd4 Rxd5#
1.Kxd7 Rxe7+ 2.Kc8 Rc7#
1.Rexe8 Rd6+ 2.Ke7 Bf6#
Three-phase cyclic Zilahi. (author.)

Zilahi is... Zilahi! Pity that wPc5 plays only in one solution.
EN <-> RU

Special Prize - No 44, Ingemar Lind (Sweden) 3bb3/2p5/4rR2/4Rr2/6k1/4p3/4K2n/6q1

a) diagram: 1.Kh3 Rg6 2.Rff6 Rh5#
b) Re5<->Re6: 1.Rh5 Rf3 2.Reg5 Re4#
c) Re6<->Rf6: 1.Kf4 Rxe3 2.Qg5 R6e4#
d) Rf6<->Rf5: 1.Re7 Rh5 2.Rf4 Reg5#
e) Rf5<->Re5: 1.Bh5 Rf3 2.Rg5 R6f4#
Here we see 5 from 6 possible locations of “Rook square” – it is a record! This is superior to the judge’s example (14.11.2017) – yacpdb/437709, where only 4 locations.
EN <-> RU

1st Honorable mention - No 40, Aleksandr Kostyukov (Russia) 5RR1/3n1rr1/4Pk1p/4p2P/8/5K2/8/8

1.Sc5 Rxg7 2.Sxe6 Rfxf7#
1.Rxf8 Ke4 2.Re7 Rg6#
1.Rxg8 exf7 2.Kg7 fxg8Q#
Once more 3-phase cyclic Zilahi. But in last solution the Pawn promotes and checkmates, and this fact simplifies a realization of this difficult concept.
EN <-> RU
2nd Honorable mention - No 6
Živko Janevski
TT-201, SuperProblem, 18-02-2018
3rd Honorable mention - No 31
Vladimir Koci
TT-201, SuperProblem, 18-02-2018
4th Honorable mention - No 46
Ingemar Lind
TT-201, SuperProblem, 18-02-2018
h#2b) Bh6->g6(5+5)

2nd Honorable mention - No 6, Živko Janevski (Macedonia) 3N4/8/3RR3/3rrp2/2bk4/6NK/8/8

1.Rxd6 Sb7 2.Kd5 Rxd6#
1.Rxe6 Se2+ 2.Ke5 Rxe6#
Combination of Zilahi and Chumakov themes with model mates in economic and elegant Meredith without White Pawns. (author.)

A beauty of this problem is in economy of mating pictures! I want to slightly clarify author’s comment: “Combination of Zilahi and Chumakov themes with model mates in economic and elegant gravure (!) without White Pawns”

I remember for foreign composers: the form of problems with 8-10 pieces called as “gravure” in Russia (in the Russian-speaking space). Information about it was, for example, in “Thematic dictionary of helpmate genre” [magazine “Problemist of Ukraine” (“Проблемист Украины”), 2017, No 4].
EN <-> RU

3rd Honorable mention - No 31, Vladimir Koci (Czech Republic) 7B/4p3/2b1rR1q/3pRr2/3k4/P2p1P2/n2P1K2/b7

1.Sb4 axb4 2.Rg5 Rf4#
1.Kxe5 Rg6+ 2.Kf4 Rg4#
1.Bb5 Rfxf5 2.Bc4 Rxd5#
1.Rexe5 Rxc6 2.Qe3+ dxe3#
Here the basis of a concept is in line-opening of wBh8 in different views.
EN <-> RU

4th Honorable mention - No 46, Ingemar Lind (Sweden) 8/3q2p1/7B/5rr1/5RR1/3k4/2N4K/8

a) diagram: 1.Rg6 Sd4 2.Ke3 Rf3#
b) Bh6->g6: 1.Ke2 Bh5 2.Qd3 Rg2#
Gravure with two unconventional diagonal battery mates. Nice!
EN <-> RU
Special Hon. mention - No 53
Velmurugan Nallusamy
TT-201, SuperProblem, 18-02-2018
1st Commendation - No 62A
Viktoras Paliulionis
TT-201, SuperProblem, 18-02-2018
2nd Commendation - No 15
Christer Jonsson
TT-201, SuperProblem, 18-02-2018

Special Honorable mention - No 53, Velmurugan Nallusamy (India) 1n6/bq6/b7/8/8/8/rr5p/RR2K2k

1.Rb6 Rb5 2.Rf2 Kxf2#
1.Rb5 Rb2 2.Kg1 0-0-0#
Frontal battery mates, castling is a particular case of battery. It’s nice too!
EN <-> RU

1st Commendation - No 62A, Viktoras Paliulionis (Lithuania) 3K4/2rR4/2Rr4/8/8/3k4/4n1n1/8

1.Sd4 Rc2 2.Re6 Rdxc7 3.Re4 R7c3#
1.Rd4 Re6 2.Rc2 Re4 3.Sc3 Rdxd4#
Chumakov theme, echo-mates.
EN <-> RU

2nd Commendation - No 15, Christer Jonsson (Sweden) KRR5/nrr2p2/1PP2kp1/7p/8/q7/8/8

1...bxc7 2.Rxb8 cxb8Q 3.Ke7 Qe5#
1...cxb7 2.Rxc8 bxc8Q 3.Kg7 Qh8#
Two analogous solutions with pure helpmate strategy: mutual annihilation of thematic material.
EN <-> RU
3rd Commendation - No 22
Aleksandr Spitsyn
TT-201, SuperProblem, 18-02-2018
4th Commendation - No 14
Christer Jonsson
TT-201, SuperProblem, 18-02-2018
h#2b) Kd5->d4(8+5)
5th Commendation - No 54
V. Nallusamy & M. Solaiappan
TT-201, SuperProblem, 18-02-2018

3rd Commendation - No 22, Aleksandr Spitsyn (Ukraine) 6n1/3p4/3P3P/k1K1bprR/4bpRr/3p1Pp1/6P1/7n

1.Rhxg4 Rxh1 2.Ba1! Rxa1#
1.Rgxh5 Rxg8 2.Ba8! Rxa8#
Corner maneuvers of Black Bishops look freshly.
EN <-> RU

4th Commendation - No 14, Christer Jonsson (Sweden) 8/3p4/4P3/1P1k1p2/N4rR1/K4Rr1/4P2N/8

a) diagram: 1.Rfxf3 Sxf3 2.dxe6 Rd4#
b) Kd5->d4: 1.Rgxg4 Sxg4 2.d5 Rxf4#
Interesting play and mating pictures.
EN <-> RU

5th Commendation - No 54, Velmurugan Nallusamy & Manikumar Solaiappan (India) b4b2/6p1/6p1/3Rr1q1/p2rR2p/5K2/8/k7

1.Rd2 Rxd2 2.Rd5 Re1#
1.Re7 Rb5 2.Rd5 Rxa4#
1.Qe7 Re2 2.Rde4 Rd1#
A leitmotif of the problem is in unpinning of White Rooks. There is not enough fourth unpinning for completeness...
EN <-> RU
6th Commendation - No 20
Anatoly Skripnik
TT-201, SuperProblem, 18-02-2018
h#2b) Pb4->a4
c) Rc2->a2, Rc1->a1;
d) Ke1->d5
Special Commendation - No 50B
Evgeny Gavryliv
TT-201, SuperProblem, 18-02-2018
f)Kd3->d6; g=e)+bSc6;
Special Commendation - No 58
Dieter Müller
TT-201, SuperProblem, 18-02-2018
h#2b) Ka3->e4(3+6)

6th Commendation - No 20, Anatoly Skripnik (Russia) 8/b7/8/8/1p6/5k2/1rr5/1RR1K3

a) diagram: 1.Rc5 Rc4 2.Rg2 Rb3#
b) Pb4->a4: 1.Rb6 Rb4 2.Rg2 Rc3#
c) Rc2->a2, Rc1->a1: 1.Kg2 Rxb2+ 2.Kg1 0-0-0#
d) Ke1->d5: 1.Ke2 Ke4 2.Rb3 Rxc2#
a), b) – black-white clearance, blockings of g2 by Black Rooks.
c), d) – captures of Black Rooks.
Gravure, white aristocrat. (author.)

“Mates-building”. I distinguish the problem in view of the twin c) with unexpected mate by castling.
EN <-> RU

Special Commendation - No 50B, Evgeny Gavryliv (Ukraine) b7/6pK/6p1/1p3rRn/5rR1/3k2pq/7b/8

a) diagram: 1.Rc5 Rd5+ 2.Kc4 Rd3 3.Rd4 Rgxd4#
b) Pb5->c3: 1.Rd4 Re4 2.Rf2 Rd5 3.Rc2 Rdxd4#
c) Pb5->c5: 1.Rd5 Re5 2.Kd4 Re3 3.Re4 Rgxe4#
d) Pb5->c6: 1.Rf2 Rd4+ 2.Ke3 Rgg4 3.R5f3 Rge4#
e) Pb5->d2: 1.Rf3 Rb4 2.Kc3 Rgg4 3.Rd3 Rgc4#
f) Kd3->d6: 1.Rf7 Rd5+ 2.Ke6 Rgg5 3.R4f6 Rge5#
g=e) +bSc6: 1.Rd5 Re5 2.Rf7 Rd4 3.Rc7 Rdxd5#
h=f) +Pg3->d7: 1.Rf6 Rxb5 2.Kc6 Rgg5 3.Rd6 Rgc5#
Variation for Bristol theme on the background of Rook square (White Bristol – e and h) – author.

Once more problem with “mates-building”. Special distinction – for an attempt of realization of maximum quantity of phases. Herewith I did not take into account the twins g) and h) because twinning is unlucky and there are repetitive moves.
EN <-> RU

Special Commendation - No 58, Dieter Müller (Germany) 7b/7b/n2Rr3/K2Rr3/8/k7/8/8

a) diagram: 1.Re4 Rd2 2.Rf6 R6d3#
b) Ka3->e4: 1.Sc5 Rd3 2.Bf5 R6d4#
Aristocrat, White Bristol, model mates, direct and indirect unpinnings on 1st move (author.)

Double Bristol in aristocrat form.

Editorial. The author with gratitude dedicates this problem to the doctors and nurses of the hospital in which not long ago he suffered a complicated operation and subsequent rehabilitation course.
EN <-> RU
Special Commendation - No 67A
Viktoras Paliulionis
TT-201, SuperProblem, 18-02-2018

Special Commendation - No 67A, Viktoras Paliulionis (Lithuanina) 8/8/KRr5/1Rr5/4k3/8/8/8

1.Rc2 Re5+ 2.Kd3 Kb5 3.R6c3 Rd6#
1.Rc7 Rb8 2.Kd5 Rd8+ 3.Kc6 Rb6#
Special distinction – for pure performance of theme: there is only thematic “Rook square” on the board!
EN <-> RU

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Sections | Разделы

#2-4 & s#2-4

Participants | Участники

Atayants G. – No 26 (#3)
Bhushan P. – No 52 (#2)
Brzozowicz J. – No 3 (s#2)
Dietrich S. – No 13 (h#2.5)
Frolkin A. – No 16* (h#2), No 17* (h#2)
Gavryliv E. – No 48 (h#2), No 49 (h#3), No 50A (h#3), No 50B (h#3)
Hadži-Vaskov G. – No 23 (h#2), No 24 (h#2)
Halma M. – No 9 (#4), No 10 (h#2), No 11 (h#2), No 12 (h#3), No 27 (#2), No 28 (s#4), No 29 (s#4)
Harl A. – No 35 (h#2)
Janevski Ž. – No 5 (h#2), No 6 (h#2)
Jonsson C. – No 14 (h#2), No 15 (h#2.5)
Koci V. – No 30 (#2), No 31 (h#2), No 32 (h#3), No 33 (s#4), No 34 (s#4)
Kostyukov A. – No 38 (h#2), No 39 (h#2), No 40 (h#2)
Krätschmer R. – No 25 (#4), No 36 (#4), No 37 (h#2)
Lind I. – No 42 (#2), No 43 (#2), No 44 (h#2), No 45 (h#2), No 46 (h#2), No 47 (s#2)
Manikumar S. – No 54* (h#2)
Medintsev V. – No 18* (h#2)
Milošeski B. – No 19 (#4), No 59 (h#2)
Mlynka K. – No 1 (h#2), No 2 (h#2)
Müller D. – No 58 (h#2)
Paliulionis V. – No 60A (h#3), No 60B (h#3), No 61 (h#3), No 62A (h#3), No 62B (h#3), No 62C (h#3), No 63 (h#3), No 64 (h#3), No 65 (h#3), No 66 (h#3), No 67A (h#3), No 67B (h#3)
Pitton P. – No 68 (h#2)
Serafimović I. – No 41 (#2)
Skripnik A. – No 18* (h#2), No 20 (h#2)
Spitsyn A. – No 21 (h#2), No 22 (h#2)
Tar G. – No 7 (h#2), No 8 (s#3)
Vasilenko A. – No 4 (#3), No 16* (h#2), No 17* (h#2)
Velmurugan N. – No 51 (s#2), No 53 (h#2), No 54* (h#2), No 55 (h#2), No 56 (h#2), No 57 (h#2)

The Winners | Победители

Grigory Atayants (#2-4 & s#2-4)

Anatoly Vasilenko (h#2-4)

Andrey Frolkin (h#2-4)

Congrats! | Поздравляем!

Judge | Арбитр

Igor Agapov

Director and editor
Директор и редактор

Aleksey Oganesjan

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