В фазе 'а' белая пешка матует на поле f7. В других фазах фигуры, которые превратились из этой белой пешки, тоже матуют на поле f7. Правильные маты (author) The theme of Pal Benko MT (director)
a) 1.Bh4-f2 Kh3-h2 2.Bf2-e3 Sg4-f2 3.Rg5-g4 Sf2-h3 # {,}
b) -bRg5 1.f3-f2 Kh3*h4 2.f2-f1=R Sg4-e3 3.Rf1-f3 Se3-g2 #
На доске силуэт быка – символа 2021 года по китайскому гороскопу. Посвящается редакции и участникам SuperProblem (автор)
On the board is a silhouette of Ox - Chinese Zodiac Sign 2021. Dedicated to the editors and participants of SuperProblem internet-project (author)
E1044 (solution | решение) - Aleksandr Pankratiev (Russia) and Evgeny Gavryliv (Ukraine)8/3prp2/8/2p1NK2/2p5/1pp2Np1/2B1k1bb/3r1nB1
Tempo (waiting) by white King in both solutions and ideal chameleon echo mates (author) Compare to | сравните с: yacpdb/338737, yacpdb/454793 (director)
E1048ANTICIPATED Vladimir Evseev & Yuri Bilokin SuperProblem, 18-01-2021
black Sf7 Pg3d6d3 Rf6b2 Qg6 Kc5 Bb3e1
white Kg1 Pd2
one solution
E1049 Aleksandr Pankratiev & Evgeny Gavryliv SuperProblem, 22-01-2021
white Bg1 Rf1 Kh8
black Pg3g4c4g5d5 Bf3 Re3 Ke4 Se8
b) Pd5->c6
E1050 Aleksandr Pankratiev & Evgeny Gavryliv SuperProblem, 09-01-2021
white Bg1 Pb4e6 Sd5c7 Rf6 Kb7
black Qb1 Pd3g4f4c4b5e7 Rh4 Se4a6 Bg5 Ke5
E1048 (solution | решение) - Vladimir Evseev and & Yuri Bilokin (Ukraine)8/5n2/3p1rq1/2k5/8/1b1p2p1/1r1P4/4b1K1ANTICIPATED
Мат пешкой при семи активных блокированиях - возможно, впервые (авторы) Probably, a fresh combination of 7 active self-blocks with mate by a pawn (authors) Unfortunately, not fresh | к сожалению, не впервые: yacpdb/529538 (director)
E1049 (solution | решение) - Aleksandr Pankratiev (Russia) and Evgeny Gavryliv (Ukraine)4n2K/8/8/3p2p1/2p1k1p1/4rbp1/8/5RB1
This is an improvement of Z. Mihajloski's problem: P1374740. Four-fold Klasinc: wB-bB (d3), bB-wB (c2), bB-bR (d1), wB-bB (d3), including reciprocal Klasinc wB/b (authors)
E1053 (solution | решение) - Andrew Kalotay (USA) and János Mikitovics (Hungary)8/7p/q6P/4p3/R1P1P3/P1p3Pp/5k2/1K2R3
white Rc8 Bf6h5 Pc4d4 Kg4 Sc2
black Rg7 Qb6 Sa5d2 Pg5e4h4 Kd3
E1056 Krzysztof Drążkowski SuperProblem, 16-02-2021
white Kf3 Ra2 Pb5 Ba6 Qb7
black Rb6 Pc5 Kb4 Ba8
E1054 (solution | решение) - Steven B. Dowd (USA) and Mirko Degenkolbe (Germany)5b2/8/2k1p3/2p4p/1R1p4/2p4p/1r3q1p/7K
{try play: 1.Qc2? Ra4/c4 2.Rb5 Kxh2?? 3.Qb3 ... ist nicht spielbar, da der weiße König nicht rechtzeitig ins Spiel kommt.
Deshalb führt nur der Wechsel der Blocksteine auf den Feldern b3 & b5 zum gewünschten Ziel. }
1.Rb2-b3 {!} Rb4-a4 {!! tempo (R~?, Rc4?)} 2.Qf2-f1 + Kh1*h2 3.Qf1-b5 Kh2-g3 4.d4-d3 Ra4-h4 {!} 5.Kc6-d5 Kg3-f4 6.Kd5-c4 Kf4-e5 #
Inhalt: Blockwechsel zwischen Versuch und Lösung bezüglich der Felder b3 & b5. Auswahl im ersten weißen Zuge, die in einem Wartezug mündet, der den weißen Turm an den Brettrand führt, da der fortgesetzte Zug 1. --- Tc4? im dritten Zuge die Linie f1-b5 für die schwarze Dame verstellen würde. Im ersten Zuge zieht also der weiße Turm „gelangweilt“ auf der Themalinie in die „falsche“ Richtung. Inder. Weißes Turm-Minimal (authors)
Compare to | сравните с: P0577694, P1005274, P1087678 (director)
W1-W2 exchange with and without capture. Thematic dual-avoidance on W1. Bicolor Turton doubling. Mates by different white pieces on the same square. Double delayed Umnov effect (author) Чередование 1-2 ходов белых со взятием и без с тематическим выбором. Тертоновское чёрно-белое сдвоение (автор) Compare to | сравните с: yacpdb/528592
E1059 (solution | решение) - Alexander Fica (Czechia) and Zoltan Labai (Slovakia)8/4rk2/8/4q1b1/8/3K1NP1/8/5r2
Антидуальные шахи белому королю c активными жертвами черных тематических фигур на последнем ходу. "Ушел-пришел" с переменой функций белых пешек, чередование вторых и третьих ходов белых AB-BA (автор)
Antidual checks to the white king with the active sacrifices of Black thematic pieces on the last move. "Come-and-go" with the change of functions of the white pawns, reciprocal change of the second and third moves of White AB-BA (author)
Гравюра-аристократ с зеркальным расположением чёрного короля. Мой вольный перевод темы. Упрощенная скахография. Нужно изобразить контуры латинской буквы “L”, сделав три активных хода фигур обеих сторон на начало, конец и точку изгиба латинской буквы “L” с заданным интервалом полей между тематическими фигурами (два и одно поле). Порядок ходов на тематические поля – любой (автор) Gravure-aristocrat with mirrored initial BK position. Scacchographical: Latin letter "L" in the final positions (author)
E1065 (solution | решение) - Aleksandr Pankratiev (Russia) and Evgeny Gavryliv (Ukraine)2n4B/6nR/6rp/bq2p3/pk5K/8/1p6/r7
Probably, an adaptation of well-known idea (see P1387482), showing combination of Bukovina theme and Zilahi theme (mixed form according to Analyzer) in two matched solutions, to post-modernistic «2+1» conception (director)
Вероятно, адаптация известной идеи (см.: P1387482), демонстрирующую синтез Буковинской темы и темы Зилахи (смешанная форма, согласно Анализатору) в двух согласованных решениях, к постмодернистской концепции «2+1» (директор)
E1075 Petr Zabirokhin & Vitaly Medintsev SuperProblem, 21-04-2021
white Sd8 Pb5 Kh5 Rd4d3 Qd2 Bh2
black Ka8 Ph7h6e4g4e3g2 Bf3 Rg3g1 Se2c1 Qh1
Zajic, uniformly with sacirifice of bB. Tempo motifs in both solutions; first solution: tempo of wK, with switchback, second solution: Zajic sacrifice of bB for white tempo (see 2.Bh7? d4 3.Kc4 ?? - missing white move) - may be, original in Zajic theme. Active Zilahi Pd3/Pd4. Furthermore, in second solution, Meerane theme, anticipatory sacrifice of bB and wP, "reciprocal" Umnov wP/bK & bK/wP', on the same square (d5). Ideal mate, pseudo-identical (mating pawns are different). Gravure, 9 pieces (authors) Compare to | сравните с: P1258469 (director)
E1078 Ivan Paskalev SuperProblem, 30-04-2021
white Ka1 Pc2g3
black Kh1 Pe2e4g4
one solution
E1079 Yuri Bilokin SuperProblem, 09-05-2021
white Kh1 Ph2 Ba2
black Bf1 Pf2h3f3c4f5e6a6d7 Ka7 Sc8
one solution
E1080 Yuri Gorbatenko SuperProblem, 11-05-2021
white Rg8 Bh5 Kg1 Pb2
black Kd5 Be6f4 Re7d4 Qe5 Pe4e3d6d7c6 Sg6a6
White Excelsior, black underpromotions, annihilation, switchback of BB motivated by check prevention, model mate, Miniature (author) Compare to | сравните с: P1242103 (director)
Kniest theme, with promotion to Q/S on the theme square and mate by the promoted piece after 3/4-Rundlauf with annihilation of the same black power. Chumakov with selfblock of the same square. Model mates, minimal, Meredith. Compare to | сравните с: P1073650 (author)
1) Valladao task, 2) - 4) Active selfblock of one rook on different squares, and active sacrifice/hideaway by the other rook.
1) - 4) Mate by promoted Queen, and bK mated on adjacent squares c8,d8,e8,f8. Gravure, 10 pieces (author)
black Ph7b7 Sa6 Ra7a8 Ke8
white Pb5a5 Ba4 Kh5
4 solutions
E1084See also version E1084a Aleksey Oganesjan SuperProblem, 06-06-2021
white Kg4 Ba4 Pb5a5
black Se4a6 Pb7 Ra7a8 Ke8
2 solutions
E1085 Andrzej Babiarz SuperProblem, 11-06-2021
black Bh2a8 Pf3 Qe3 Kd3 Sa3 Rc6b8
white Bg2 Pb2 Kd5
E1086 Misha Shapiro SuperProblem, 23-06-2021
black Sc5e8 Ba1 Kf5 Pd3e3f3e4d6b6c7b7 Rb8
white Ph7g7e6a4g2 Kh8
Echo-mates by promoted Queen on different squares after self-blocks by the same Rook. Different captures axb6 - regular and en-passant. Additionally: in the first solution - probably the most economical realization of Valladao task in one line of play of h# without retro-nuances (as in the 9-pieces-problem of Keeble - yacpdb/358065) (author)
Эхо-маты превращённым ферзём на разных полях после блокирований одной и той же ладьёй. Разные взятия axb6 - обычное и на проходе.
Дополнительно: в первом решении - вероятно, самая экономичная реализация Валладао в одном решении h# без ретро-тонкостей (как в 9-фигурной задаче Кибла yacpdb/358065) (автор)
Double unbloking capture by BB includng delayed Umnov effect (on h3) in a single solution ending with model mate. Compare to | сравните с: yacpdb/389706, yacpdb/388521, yacpdb/392320 (director)
E1099 Y. Gorbatenko (after V. Chepizhny) SuperProblem, 23-08-2021
white Qh4 Pe2b2g4c5g6 Se4 Kd8
black Pe3b3e5a5b7 Kb5 Bb4a4 Sb6a6 Rc6
E1100 Francesco Simoni SuperProblem, 24-08-2021
white Qh1 Sd4 Ba6 Ka7
black Pa2f4b4d5f6e6c6h7 Re3f8 Qc3 Se4c4 Kd6 Be7d7
2.1.. b) Ba6->g6 2.1..
E1101 Béla Majoros SuperProblem, 25-08-2021
black Pe7 Rf3 Qe2 Ke3 Ba1
white Bc7 Rd7 Kb1
b) Kb1->g6
E1099 (solution | решение) - Yuri Gorbatenko (Russia) after Viktor Chepizhny3K4/1p6/nnr3P1/pkP1p3/bb2N1PQ/1p2p3/1P2P3/8
As compared to yacpdb/381034 added tempo play by Black that keeps the set play (author)
В сравнении с yacpdb/381034 добавлена темпоигра за чёрных для сохранения иллюзорной игры (автор)
bK-star, 4 x W1 by wQ, 4 x self-blocks (3 x B2 self-blocks by different pieces of bK's initial square + 1 x B1 distant self-block in a different square), 4 x B-B FML, 4 x pin mates by wS (including 3 indirect self-pins in B2), where the wQ is the pinning unit (author) Compare to | сравните с: P0503461 (director)
{Retroanalysis: if bK or bR did not move than the last Black's move was: 1. g7-g5. So: }
1...h5*g6 ep. 2.0-0 f6-f7 + 3.Kg8-h8 g6-g7 # {(MM) }
{if bK or bR made a move than castling or en passant capture is impossible (illegal) }
1...c5-c6 2.Rh8-f8 c6-c7 3.Rf8-f7 c7-c8=Q # {(MM)}
Valladao task in a retro helpmate (author)
Compare to | сравните с: P0003423 (director)
E1103 (solution | решение) - Fadil Abdurahmanović (Bosnia and Herzegovina)8/1P1p2r1/ppq1p3/1nrp4/2nkPp2/3b1p2/p7/R3K3
E1114 Andrzej Babiarz (inspired by E. Angelini) SuperProblem, 05-09-2021
white Sh2 Ke5
black Pe2g3 Bh3 Rf3d6 Ke3 Qc6
one solution (PRA)
E1115 Francesco Simoni SuperProblem, 20-09-2021
white Pg2c2b3e4 Sc6 Be5 Kc7
black Bg1 Ke3 Qg6 Pg3f4d4h5a5e7a7 Sg5d6 Rc3e8
b) Sd6->f6
E1116in memoriam R. Zalokotsky A. Semenenko & V. Semenenko SuperProblem, 21-09-2021
black Sf3g8 Pc5e3e7c7a6 Kd4 Bh7 Ra3
white Pc6e6f5g5e5f4 Bd7h2 Kc2 Rh4
E1114 (solution | решение) - Andrzej Babiarz (Poland) inspired by Eric Angelini8/8/2qr4/4K3/8/4krpb/4p2N/8
{Retroanalisis: Black to move. Whether the position is legal? What was the last White's move?
-1.Sg4-e5+! g2-g4! 0.f4xg3 e.p.+! Kf5xe5! }
1.Rf3-f2 Sh2-f3 2.Rd6-d3 Sf3-d2 3.Qc6-f3 Sd2-c4 # {(MM)}
The wK moves to self-unpin the wS. The position taken by wK specifies which of the two bS moves at B2, to open a bQ line and self-block. The bQ would in fact have two ways to reach the square e2 at B4 but must be able to move at B3 without giving check. Reciprocal dual avoidance also at the moves W2 of wS, which must not interfere the bQ at W3, so as not to prevent bQ to self-block at B4. Model mates (author)
E1116 (solution | решение) - Aleksandr Semenenko and Valery Semenenko (Ukraine) in memoriam Roman Zalokotsky6n1/2pBp2b/p1P1P3/2p1PPP1/3k1P1R/r3pn2/2K4B/8
Black sacrifice at B2 with square clearance to play W2, self-block at B3. Dual avoidances, model mates.
If black sacrificed the bSd7 at B2, the only move left to self-block at B3 would avoid the mate for black line opening. The tries fail because the bSd7, which must self-block, is captured. Cyclical exchange of functions (wSa5 / wRe1(wBe1) / wSb8) - capture and guard / passive guard / mate (author)
E1123 Misha Shapiro SuperProblem, 05-10-2021
black Kb7 Qf5 Rh8a6 Sg8a8 Pd3h6h3h2b5a7 Bc8b8
white Kh1 Pf6e6e7 Ba5
b) Ra6->d7, c) Ra6->d8
E1124 Valery Kopyl SuperProblem, 06-10-2021
white Pe6g6b5e5f5 Rd5 Bd4 Se3 Kh2
black Pa7e7g7c6h6f3e2 Rc5 Ke4 Bc3 Sh3d1
Cyclic Zilahi in the play of thematic piecees with delayed switchbacks on the initial square. Cycle of squares e3/d4/d5 (B2/W3): AB-BC-CA (author)
Циклический Зилахи в игре тематических фигур с отстрочеными возвратами на начальное поле. Цикл игры на поля ABC черными на втором ходу и белыми на третьем: AB-BC-CA (автор) Compare to | сравните с: yacpdb/457994 (director)
A combination of Zilahi theme with White's play in all 4 corners. Probably, for the first time with wR and wP. Delayed B-B FML in the first solution and W-W FML in the second one. Ambush, hideaway, Indian theme, promotion (author)
Синтез темы Зилахи и игры белых (активно) во все 4 угла. Впервые с белыми ладьей и пешкой. «Ушел-пришел» (FML) на первом и последнем ходу в первом решении черных, во втором – белых. Засада, прятки (хайдэвей), индийская тема, превращение (автор)
Compare to | сравните с: P1380376 (director)
a) 1.Ba7-b8 Sh3-g1 2.Sc8-a7 c7-c8=S 3.f2*g1=S {! (fxg1~?)} Sc8-b6 # {,}
b) bRc8 1.Rc8*c7 Sh3-g5 2.Rc7-c8 Sg5-e6 3.Rc8-b8 Se6-c7 #
a) Anticipatory sacrifice of wS (11th WCCT theme), Prenix and mixed Phoenix, black tempo promotion with full choice;
b) Unblocking capture of wP on the 7th rank, Bukovina theme, switchback of bR, black and white soloists;
a) + b) Zilahi, change of selfblock (on b8), FML, smothered model mate, Forsberg twin, gravure (authors)
a) 1.b2-b1=R Kc2*c3 2.Ke2-e1 Kc3-d3 3.Ke1-d1 Ra1*b1 # {,}
b) +bBb5 1.b2-b1=B + Kc2-b3 2.Ke2-d1 Kb3*c3 3.Bb5-e2 Ra1*b1 #
Schnoebelen theme twice. R/B-promotions of the same bP. 3 tempo-moves (zz avoidance and waiting). Minimal. Ideal mates (author) Compare to | сравните с: P1258504, P0582640. See also E1134, E1135 (director)
Schnoebelen theme twice. B/S-promotions of the same bP. Minimal. Waiting move. Thematic tempo-tries (author) Compare to P1276000. See also E1133, E1135 (director)
E1135 Valery Liskovets SuperProblem, 29-10-2021
white Pd4d3 Kc3 Ra1
black Sc4 Pa3b2d2 Ke2
b) Sc4->c2
E1136 Jamal Elbaz SuperProblem, 31-10-2021
white Pb3a4d5 Ka3 Bf6a8
black Pe4f7 Kc5 Sa5c7 Rb6 Bh8e8
E1137 Bosko Miloseski SuperProblem, 02-11-2021
black Rg1h3 Be2 Pd2a2e3b3a3f4 Kh4 Sh6 Qh7
white Bc1 Ka1 Sd4
a) 1...Rc7*f7 2.c6*b5 Sd5-f4 3.Kc2-c3 Rf7-c7 # {,}
b) bRb8-->c8 1...Rc7*b7 2.c6*d5 Sb5-d6 3.Kc2-c3 Qg8*c8 #
The twinning mechanism allows black to guard in turn one of the mating squares, thus specifying the play. The wR unpins a bP and becomes once the front piece and once the rear of indirect white batteries, firing to the same square (b3). The two wS guard the flight (c3) where the bK must move. To allow this, the unpinned bP captures a wS, in turn, at B2 and the other wS abandons the guard by moving at W2. Exchange of functions (wSb5/wSd5, Captured / Interfering + Line opening). Exchange of functions : wQg8/wRc7, Rear piece of a battery / Mate (author)
After a white line opening at W1, one of two black pieces moves twice; first to unpin a white unit, then to self-block on the same square. Dual avoidance at W2 for mutual wR/wB interference at W3: the unpinned piece moves along the opened line, but doing so it cannot stop one square earlier, because it would interfere the other white piece at W3 (author)
E1142 (solution | решение) - Alexander Fica (Czech Republic) and Zoltan Labai (Slovakia)8/3p1pn1/4Ppnp/5k1B/3p1P1b/r7/4PppK/7b
Two wQ ambush moves in each phase, dual avoidance, Zilahi, white + black critical moves, delayed Umnov (f5,d4) Exchange of functions between 3 pairs: Pd3/Pf4: captured/mating move; Rd4/Qf5: interfered/selfblock + captures + makes critical move; Bb7/Re7: close a black line + selfblock/try (author)
a) 1.Sc2-e3 Rf2-d2 2.c3*d2 Sd8-c6 # {,}
b) bKb4-->g5 1.Bf3-d1 Qc1-e3 2.f4*e3 Sd8-f7 #
Black unpins a white officer which sacrifices then. Double line-opening in each twin. Complete analogy of the play un phases (author)
Черные первым ходом развязывают белую фигуру, после чего она активно жертвуется. Двойное вскрытие линии действия белой фигуры. Полная аналогия решений (автор) Compare to | Сравните с: P1077893, P0517798 (director)
white Sd1d7 Pe2c3f6 Be6 Kf8
black Sa1h8 Pg3f3d3g5b5g6b6f7 Bf4a4 Ke4
E1147See also version E1147a M. Vasyuchko & O. Derevchuk SuperProblem, 17-11-2021
white Kf8 Sd7d1 Be6 Pf6b5c3e2
black Sh8a1 Pf7b6g6g5b3d3f3g3 Ke4 Bf4a2
E1148 M. Vasyuchko & O. Derevchuk SuperProblem, 17-11-2021
white Bf8g8 Kc5 Pa4 Rh1
black Qa8 Bd8e6 Pa7c6f6a5h5d4h3b2 Rf7h4 Ka2
E1149 Stefan Milewski & Oleksandr Derevchuk SuperProblem, 17-11-2021
white Sa7 Pb2d2f2 Ka1
black Ph4b3d3f3 Ba2 Kh2
one solution
E1147 (solution | решение) - Mykola Vasyuchko and Oleksandr Derevchuk (Ukraine)5K1n/3N1p2/1p2BPp1/1P4p1/4kb2/1pPp1pp1/b3P3/n2N4 See also version E1147a by Yuri Bilokin
wPe4/wPg4 role exchange (passive capture/active sacrifice), white castlings (author)
Чередование функций белых пешек (активная/пассивная жертва) на фоне белых рокировок (автор)
The initial position of original problem was illegal (director)
3 delayed captures of wPs + 2 delayed captures of bRs (author) 3 отложенных жертвы белых пешек и 2 отложенных жертвы чёрных ладей - своего рода каприз (автор)
Triple battery destruction and new battery creation. Triple self-block by bQ (author) Создание и игра новых батарей из уже имеющихся в начальной позиции. Все решения однородны и объединены ходами черного ферзя с блокированием поля возле черного короля (автор) Compare to | сравните с: yacpdb/368024 (director)
a) 1.Bd7*e6 + Kf5-f4 2.Be6-f5 Rf7-g7 3.Sc3-b1 Rg7-g2 # {,}
b) bPc3 1.Rf8*f7 + Kf5-g4 2.Rf7-f5 Re6-e5 3.c3-c2 Re5*b5 #
Themes: Visserman mechanism, transformation, creation and play of the white batteries, unpin of black unit c3 for sequential line-opening with self-block (author) Compare to | сравните с: P1258533, P1192673, P1074571, P1193552 (director)
Each bS has two ways to self-block on e5, but 1.Sg6? is a try, that fails because white has no tempo moves. In two solutions, black captures at B1 the rear piece of a direct battery, so that the front wS can move to interfere a black unit without giving check. Reciprocal dual avoidance at W1 due to a line opening occurring at B1. In the third solution, black self-blocks on e5 again, but this time by capturing at B1 the wS that previously gave mate (author)
E1156 Aleksandr Pankratiev & Evgeny Gavryliv SuperProblem, 27-11-2021
white Bh1 Re1h4 Sg1 Kf1 Pd2h3
black Rf5g5 Pe5h5 Sf3 Kg3
E1157 Zoran Gavrilovski SuperProblem, 27-11-2021
black Pc4f4e5b6 Kc2 Sb5a4 Rc1d5 Qb1 Bc5a8
white Pa3c3d2 Sb2 Bf2 Rh2 Kg7 Qf8
b) Qf8->f7
E1158 Zoran Gavrilovski SuperProblem, 27-11-2021
black Rd3d4 Pe4c4c5 Qg3 Ke3 Bf4
white Kf6 Rd8 Bb7b8
2 solutions
E1156 (solution | решение) - Aleksandr Pankratiev (Russia) and Evgeny Gavryliv (Ukraine)8/8/8/4prrp/7R/5nkP/3P4/4RKNB
E1157 (solution | решение) - Zoran Gavrilovski (North Macedonia)b4Q2/6K1/1p6/1nbrp3/n1p2p2/P1P5/1NkP1B1R/1qr5
a) 1.Bc5*f2 Qf8-b4 2.Bf2-c5 d2-d4 # {,}
b) wQf8-->f7 1.Rd5*d2 Qf7*c4 2.Rd2-d5 Bf2-d4 #
Bicolour Klasinc theme (bB or bR opens a line for the wQ and then returns to c5 or d5) and Zilahi with half-battery pieces wBf2 & wPd2 (bQb1 prevents 1.Kxd2 Qh5 2.Rxc3 Qd1 3.Qxd1!? & 1.Rd3 Qxc4 2.Kxd2 Qxd3 3.Qxd3!?) - author
Exchanged white moves A-B/B-A, Kniest theme, Zilahi theme and orthogonal-diagonal transformation of the play (author) Compare to | сравните с: P1092028, P1254586 (director)
Big star of the black King in two pairs of solutions: I) white Grimshaw with battery creation and battery play; II) white battery creation and battery mates (author)
white Pd3 Ke2 Ba3 Ra5
black Ba1 Pg3h3h5d7 Kf6 Sc7h7
4 solutions
E1159See also version E1159a Zoran Gavrilovski SuperProblem, 27-11-2021
white Bg5 Rh4 Kd7
black Sf2 Pe2d3a2a6f5d6 Rd1a4 Kc3 Qd5
Big star of the black King in two pairs of solutions: I) white Grimshaw with battery creation and battery play; II) Control of the b-file by the white rook and mates by the white bishop (author)
a) 1.Qe2-d2 f5-f6 2.e3-e2 Kg6-f5 3.Kd3-e3 Rg7-g3 # {,}
b) wPf5-->g5 1.Rc3-c4 Kg6-f5 2.Bd4-c3 Rg7-g6 3.Kd3-d4 Rg6-d6 #
B-B FML on B2 & B3, W-W FML on W2. Model echo-mates. Gravure without technical units (authors)
Чёрный эффект «ушёл-пришёл» на каждом ходу решения и на двух ходах белый эффект «ушёл-пришёл». Гравюра с правильными эхо-матами (авторы)
E1161 (solution | решение) - Vladimir Evseev (Ukraine)8/n2K4/8/4p3/2p1P3/1p6/4P3/1B3k2Dedicated to SuperProblem - 15 Anniversary
Посвящается 15-летию, по первоапрельской шутке Никиты Кравцова, самого русскоязычного сайта по шахматной композиции. В матовой позиции Ы – "чтобы никто не догадался". Кстати, 18 декабря 100 лет со дня рождения Юрия Никулина (автор)
E1162 Menachen Witztum SuperProblem, 30-11-2021
black Pg5e4g4f7c7 Bg8a1 Sg7f6 Ke7 Qd8 Rf8h4
white Pf5f2 Kh8 Rh6 Qh7
b) Ke7->f4
E1163 Menachen Witztum SuperProblem, 30-11-2021
white Pe2 Bd1b4 Ka4 Rg8
black Pc2c6c5f5h3 Rc4 Be5 Kh4 Sb8
a) 1.Sg7-h5 {display-departure-file} Qh7-g7 2.Sf6-d7 Rh6-e6 # {,}
b) bKe7-->f4 1.Sf6-h5 {display-departure-file} Rh6-f6 2.Sg7*f5 Qh7*f5 #
The moves of the black knights to h5 make anticipatory unpins of two white pieces, with one of them moving into a black battery and the other giving mate (author)
a) 1.Rc4-e4 e2-e3 2.Be5-d4 Bb4-e1 # {,}
b) bPc5-->c3 1.Rc4-f4 e2-e4 2.Be5-c7 Bb4-e7 #
Remark: the first solution black's first move goes through a critical slot and white enters this slot in the second solution black goes over a critical slot and black goes into that slot (author)
E1164 (solution | решение) - Menachen Witztum (Israel) and Ricardo de Mattos Vieira (Brazil)8/2p5/2r4p/2r2B1K/1pk2PN1/2p5/2Pp4/3bb3
For the first time, a combination of double Klasinc, Maslar and Bristol clearance is presented in each phase. Annihilation. ODT (authors) Впервые в каждой из фаз представлен комплекс тем двойного Класинца, Маслара и бристольской прокладки. Аннигиляция. ODT (авторы) Compare to | сравните с: yacpdb/399356 (director)
Maslar + model pin mates. Play by different wPs on the same square in W2 (author)
Тема Маслара в синтезе с правильными pin-матами, игра на одно поле (автор)
Compare to | сравните с: P1087688 (director)