Окончательные итоги блицконкурса ТТ-98 | Final Award in Quick Composing TT-98Тема | Theme На конкурс поступили 16 композиций от 9 авторов из 7 стран | 16 entries were received from 9 authors representing 7 countriesEN <-> RU I received 16 anonymous problems from the director, a somewhat average number compared to my expectations. Although the number of problems is not very high, the super high quality of the top problems compensates it and more! I tried to give a place in the award to any problem showing some interesting content and originality but some problems were just too simple to enter the award. Two problems sent by Ofer Comay (which were ranked as 1st and 2nd Prize in provisional award) turned to be incorrect, the composer managed to fix one of the problems but it turned to be not as good as the original version. A word about one of the non awarded problems – No 5. It is a nice problem but not thematic, no tries are present in the problem. Editorial: A small Java-program (Software) was developed by Evgeni Bourd for testing of such chess problems that are presented in the award.Java Runtime Environment must be installed on your PC before running the Software. You can download the Software from our server by clicking the link: TT-98_solver (zip-archive, 128 KB) Отличия распределились следующим образом | Award is the following
1st Prize, 1st Place - No 8, Menachem Witztum
a1) 1.Qxd4 Rb6 2.Qe4 Rxd6#,
a2) 1.Qe1 Re8 2.Qxe3 Sxe3#
(1.Qh1? Rb6 2.Qe4 Rxd6#,
1.Qxd4 Re8 2.Qxe3? Sxe3#)
EN <-> RU
b) mate position in a1) without mating piece 1.Qe6 Se5 2.fxe5 e4#, c) mate position in a2) without mating piece 1.Rxa6 Rxa6 2.c4 Rxd6# Great idea and execution, mutual dual avoidance between capturing the pawn on d4 and not capturing. It is nice to note that all white strong pieces play in all phases of the solution, which shows the excellent position found by the composer. 2nd Prize, 2nd Place - No 10, Ofer Comay
Mating piece becomes black
a) diagram
1.Ba5 e8=B! 2.b5 cxb6 (e.p)#;
b) mate of a) + bBe8
1.Se1!! (Sh4?) Kxe1 2.Bb5 Sc5#;
c) mate of b) + bSc5
1.Rc4 0-0 2.Ra1 Rxa1#
EN <-> RU
Try: b) 1.Sh4? then in c) white last move must be with his king or his rook, and therefore castle is not allowed (Author). A great presentation of the theme, showing the Valladao task together with an amazing try. The try Sh4 shows a great idea, black has to be careful to allow white retro-move h4-h5 in the next phase in order to allow a castle. Simply stunning idea! 3rd Prize, 3rd Place - No 12, Dieter Müller
a) diagram 1.Rd8 Bc5 2.Rf2! Sg4#
(1.Ra8/c8,e8,f8,g8,h8)? Bc5 2.Sc3 (Rf1, Rf2) Sg4#
1.Rd8 Ka4(b4)? 2.Rd6 Sg4#
1.Rd8 Bc5 2.Sc3(Rf1)? Sg4#)
EN <-> RU
b) mate position in a) without mating piece 1.Sb2! Kc3 2.Rd6! Bd4# A nice presentation of the theme showing the two sides of possible tries – a preparing move Rd8(Rb8~?) must be played in order to ensure Rd6 in the next phase and a denying move Rf2(Rf3~?) must be played in order to allow Bd4 in the second phase, well done!
1st Honorable Mention - No 2, Dieter Müller
1.Rf5(A) a) diagram 1.Re8! Sg5 2.Re3 Sb3#
(1.Re8 Sf2? 2.Re3 Sb3#, 1.d1S? Sg5 2.Se3 Sb3#,
1.d1S? Sf2 2.Se3 Sb3#)
EN <-> RU
b) Mate position in a) without mating piece 1.Re1! Rc4 2.Ke3 Re4# (1.Re2? Rc4 2.Ke3 Re4#, 1.Re4? Rc4 2.Ke3 Re4#, 1.Re4? Re5 2.Ke3 Re4#, 1.Rg3? Rc4 2.Ke3 Re4#, 1.Rf3? Rc4 2.Ke3 Re4#, 1.Rf3? Re6 2.Ke3 Re5#) c) Mate position in b) without mating piece 1.Ke2! Se4 2.Kf1 Sg3# An interesting chain in an excellent form. The highlight of the problem in my opinion is the move Re1!(R~?) with a nice preparing block for the next phase. Model mates in all solutions is a nice bonus. 2nd Honorable Mention - No 7, Viktor Aberman
a) diagram 1.Kc6 g8Q 2.d2 Qe6#
(1.Ka6? Bxd3+ 2.Ka7 g8Q(R)#);
b) Mate position in a) without mating piece 1.Kd5 Bc4+? 2.Ke4 Re7#
1.Kd5 Sb6+! 2.Ke4 Re7#;
c) Mate position in b) without mating piece 1.d1R! Sd7 2.Rd3 Bf3#
(1.d1Q? Sd7(c4) 2.Qd3 Bf3#,
1.d1R Sc4? 2.Rd3 Bf3#);
d) Mate position in c) without mating piece 1.Bh3 Sg8 2.Bf5 Sf6#
(1.Bh3 Sf7? 2.Bf5 Sf6#, 1.Rd5? Sf5 2.Bd3 Sg3#);
e) Mate position in d) without mating piece 1.Rd5 Ke2 2.Re5 Sf6#
EN <-> RU
Another long and interesting chain with a lot of tries in the middle phases. A very good execution and many tries along the way. The problem is somewhat less unified compared to the prize winners but it is a very good presentation of the theme. 3rd Honorable Mention – No 3, Dieter Müller
a) diagram 1.Kd4! S:d6 2.Sc5! (c5?) Sf5#
(1.Kd4 Sg7? 2.c5 (Sc5) Sf5#);
b) Mate position in a) + bKg8 1.Kh7! Rh3! (Re6?) 2.Bg8 R:h6#
(1.Kh8? Re6(h3) 2.Bg8? R:h6#, 1.Kh7 Re6(h3) 2.Rg8?
R:h6#, 1.Kh7 Rg3 2.Rh8? Rg7#);
c) Mate position in b) + bKd2 1.Kd1! Sg3! (Sd4?) 2.Rd2! (Sd2?) Rh1#
EN <-> RU
Three phases with a good and interesting logic, black must prepare for the move Rd2 in the final solution. I find the twinning a little more forced compared to the "normal" twinning of removing the mating piece or changing its color. Sergey Tkachenko, Andrey Frolkin, Anatoly Vasilenko, Viktor Aberman (Сергей Ткаченко, Андрей Фролкин, Анатолий Василенко, Виктор Аберман) Dedicated to all participants of the tourney | Посвящается всем участникам конкурса
Адрес этой страницы | URL address of this web page http://superproblem.ru/htm/tourneys/quick-tt/results/tt-98_award.html |