Окончательные итоги блицконкурса ТТ-91 | Final Award in Quick Composing TT-91

Сиамские близнецы | Siamese twins

Тема | Theme
На конкурс поступило 25 композиций от 12 авторов из 8 стран | 25 entries were received from 12 authors representing 8 countries

The overall quality of the tourney was rather low.
There was a high amount of problems trying to achieve the minimal requirements for tourney participation and also some problems where the theme is somewhat accidental and not really connected to main content the problem. I welcome every participation in these kinds of tourneys but the lack of effort in some of the problems is very visible. In my opinion a problem in thematic tourney should display the theme as the main dish of the problem, together with some nice appetizers (and a good dessert if possible!)

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Отличия распределились следующим образом | Award is the following

Prize, 1st Place - No 5
Sven Trommler
TT-91, SuperProblem, 06.09.2013
H#2 see text (6+12)
1st HM , 2nd Place - No 1
Dieter Müller
TT-91, SuperProblem, 01.09.2013
H#2 b) Ka4->e5 (3+4)
2nd HM , 3rd Place - No 6
Miodrad Mladenovic
TT-91, SuperProblem, 06.09.2013
H#2 see text (4+7)

Prize, 1st Place - No 5, Sven Trommler

a) diagram 1. Ke3 Bxh5 2. Bc6 Bxb6#; b) Pb6->f3 1. Ke1 Bxc4 2. Bb5 Ba5#; c) Pc4->g6 1. Kc3 Bb3 2. Bf5 Be5#; d) - Pe4 1. Kc1 Bg6 2. Bg4 Bxf4#
The best entry of the tourney, showing the theme in four different phases. Despite the somewhat unbalanced twins and the rook capture on h5 the problem manages to overcome those weaknesses and display an excellent combination. The unpinned black bishop interferes with his line pieces four times. To the mentioned above the composer manages to add a black king star and a nice play by the Bf7.
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1st Honorable Mention , 2nd Place - No 1, Dieter Müller

a) diagram 1. Bb3 Sc4 2. Sb4 Sc3#; b) Ka4->e5 1. Ke6 Sf5 2. Se5 Sf4#
A nice miniature having three thematic pieces. The move order must be white-black-white in order for the problem to be thematic and it is accomplished by the forced move order of black moves. Nice model mates in both variations.
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2nd Honorable Mention , 3rd Place - No 6, Miodrad Mladenovic

a) diagram 1. Ke5 Kg4 2. Sd6 Sd7#; b) Pf7->h5 1. Re4 Ra3 2. Se5 Se6#; c) Pf7->b3 1. Kc3 Bb1 2. Se3 Se4#; d) Kd4->d2 1. Ke1 Bb3 2. Sd2 Sd3#; e) Kd4<->Pb2 1. Ka1 Rxa5 2. Sb2 Sb3#
A strong and ambitious fivefold presentation of the theme, the highest number in the tourney. Were it not for the idle white rook in d) the problem could be a strong contender for the top spot.
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3rd Honorable Mention - No 4
Anatoly Stepochkin
TT-91, SuperProblem, 01.09.2013
H#2 2.1.. (5+5)
Commendation - No 18
Viktoras Paliulionis
TT-91, SuperProblem, 01.09.2013
H#2 2.1.. (4+2)
Commendation - No 7
Yuri Gorbatenko
TT-91, SuperProblem, 01.09.2013
H#2 2.1.. (4+12)

3rd Honorable Mention - No 4, Anatoly Stepochkin (Анатолий Стёпочкин)

1) 1. Rae6 d4 2. Sc6 Sb6# ; 2) 1. Ree6 d3 2. Be5 Be4#
A nice and very clean presentation of the theme. Both thematic twins perform the same role, one interferes the line on e6 and the other mates.
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Commendations (as equal) | Похвальные отзывы (на равных)

Commendation - No 18, Viktoras Paliulionis

1) 1. Kc5 Sfd4 2. Rd5 Rc6#; 2) 1. Kc4 Rb6 2. Rc5 Se3#
A good miniature presenting the theme in two different ways – once the white rook moves first and once the black, somewhat different and original compared to other miniatures presenting the theme.
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Commendation - No 7, Yuri Gorbatenko (Юрий Горбатенко)

1) 1. Re6 Bf1 2. Se5 Sxf5#; 2) 1. Rb3 Rg3 2. Sb2 Sc2#
A nice problem presenting the theme with moves to two different directions. A good white waiting move with a dual avoidance, even if somewhat familiar. The unbalanced black play ruins the impression a little.
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Commendation - No 15
Viktoras Paliulionis
TT-91, SuperProblem, 01.09.2013
H#2 2.1.. (4+3)
Commendation - No 5
Zivko Janevski
TT-91, SuperProblem, 01.09.2013
H#2 b) Bh7->g7 (5+10)
Commendation - No 8
Ralf Krätschmer
TT-91, SuperProblem, 01.09.2013
H#2 b) Ke5->b8, -Qb7 (4+8)

Commendation - No 15, Viktoras Paliulionis

1) 1. Sb4 Sb3 2. Sd3 Sd2#, 2) 1. Sd4 Sd3 2. Sf3 Sf2#
A simple and small miniature where every move is thematic with ideal mates.
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Commendation - No 5, Zivko Janevski

a) diagram 1. Qg6 Qf6 2. Ke4 Re8#; b) Bh7->g7 1. Qf6 Qe6 2. Kd4 Rd8#
Two similar solutions with decent complexity. I find the thematic play a little hidden behind the other motives of the problem.
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Commendation - No 8, Ralf Krätschmer

a) diagram 1. Sc6 Sc5 2. Sf4 Sf3#; b) Ke5->b8, -Qb7 1. Sb7 Sb6 2. Sc7 Sc6#
Every move is thematic and the black move order is decided nicely. The very bad twinning did not allow a higher placement.
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Commendation - No 11
Luis Miguel Martin
TT-91, SuperProblem, 01.09.2013
H#2 2.1.. (4+13)
Commendation - No 3
Anatoly Stepochkin
TT-91, SuperProblem, 01.09.2013
H#2 b) Pg4->h4 (6+6)
Commendation - No 20
Viktoras Paliulionis
TT-91, SuperProblem, 01.09.2013
H#2 2.1.. (3+3)

Commendation - No 11, Luis Miguel Martin

1) 1. Rc6 Rd5 2. Rc7 Rd6#; 2) 1. Rf2 Re3 2. Rg2 Rf3#
Interesting presentation of the theme in which the white rook is involved in two different thematic pairs.
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Commendation - No 3, Anatoly Stepochkin (Анатолий Стёпочкин)

a) diagram 1. Sf3 Sg3 2. Sg5 Sh5#; b) Pg4->h4 1. Bc8 Bd8 2. Bf5 Bg5#
Nice problem with every move as thematic. Rhe bishop on a6 seems somewhat out of place...
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Commendation - No 20, Viktoras Paliulionis

1) 1. Qe6 Kc5 2. Sf6 Sg6#; 2) 1. Kd4 Bb1 2. Se5 Sf5#
Good miniature with two echo-mates. A nice addition is the tempo move Bb1, a feature missing in the first solution.
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Commendation - No 21
Aleksandr Maksimov
TT-91, SuperProblem, 01.09.2013
H#2 b),c) Sc6->c3,d3 (4+7)
Commendation - No 7
Adolfs Feldmanis
TT-91, SuperProblem, 01.09.2013
H#2 zero, see text (4+16)

Commendation - No 21, Aleksandr Maksimov (Александр Максимов)

a) diagram 1. Bc5 Bxc4 2. Bd4 Bd3#; b) Sc6->c3 1. Bd6 Bd5 2. Be5 Be4#; c) Sc6->d3 1. Rh5 Rg4 2. Rg5 Rxf4#
Three solutions where every move is thematic, shame there are two different pairs where one pair plays only in one solution while the other in two.
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Commendation - No 7, Adolfs Feldmanis (Адольф Фельдман)

Zero-position a) Ph6->a5 1. Se5 Sf5 2. Sc6 Sd6#; b) Kb5->h7 1. Sf6 Sg6 2. Se8 Sf8#; c) Kb5->f1 1. Se3 Sf3 2. Sg2 Sh2#
Again three solutions where every move is thematic but with zero-position and a full set of black pieces.
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Адрес этой страницы | URL address of this web page http://superproblem.ru/htm/tourneys/quick-tt/results/tt-91_award.html

Разделы | Sections

H # 2

Участники | Participants

Gorbateno Y. (Горбатенко Ю.) - 1
Feldmanis A. (Фельдман А.) - 1
Hadzi-Vaskov G. - 2
Janevski Z. - 3
Krätschmer R. - 1
Maksimov A. (Максимов А.) - 1
Martín L.M. - 4
Mladenovic M. - 1
Müller D. - 2
Paliulionis V. - 6
Stepochkin A. (Стёпочкин А.) - 2
Trommler S. - 1

Победитель | The Winner Is

Sven Trommler
Поздравляем! | Congratulations!

Арбитр | Judge

Evgeni Bourd

Перевод | Translation

А. Оганесян | A. Oganesjan

Редактор | Editor

Виталий Мединцев | Vitaly Medintsev
e-mail: vitalymedintsev@rambler.ru