Final Award in Quick Composing TT-276 | Окончательные итоги блицконкурса ТТ-276

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Theme | Тема

27 entries were received from 14 authors representing 9 countries | На конкурс поступило 27 композиций от 14 авторов из 9 стран

Award is the following | Отличия распределились следующим образом

16 points, 1st Place - No 25
Ingemar Lind
TT-276, SuperProblem, 27-01-2023
b) Rg4->a4
c, d) Ka8->d6, c2
14 points, 2nd Place - No 20
Zoltán Laborczi
TT-276, SuperProblem, 27-01-2023
h#2b) Sb3->f5
c) Bf8->c1
d) Kc3->f6
e=d) Bf8->c1
f=e) Sg6->c4
g=f) Kf6->a8
12 points, 3rd Place - No 12
Ivan Antipin
TT-276, SuperProblem, 27-01-2023
h#3b) Bc8->d5
c) Pd3->d5
d) Se6->f2

16 points, 1st Place - No 25, Ingemar Lind (Sweden) k5r1/B5p1/K1p1p1P1/1p1prp1p/4p1R1/1Pn5/3P4/1bNq2b1

a) 1.f4 Rxf4 2.Rf8 Rxf8#, 1.h4 Rxh4 2.Rh8 Rxh8#
b) 1.b4 Rxb4 2.Rb8 Rxb8#, 1.d4 Rxd4 2.Rd8 Rxd8#
c) 1.e3 Bb8+ 2.Kc5 b4#, 1.Ke7 Bf2 2.Kf6 Bh4#
d) 1.Kxd2 Be3+ 2.Ke1 Rxg1#, 1.Kb2 Bd4 2.Ka1 Bxc3#

S = 2 * 8 = 16

14 points, 2nd Place - No 20, Zoltán Laborczi (Hungary) 5B2/7p/2K3N1/8/6p1/1Nk3p1/p3pp2/8

a) 1.Kb2 Sd2 2.Ka1 Bg7#
b) 1.Kd2 Se3 2.Ke1 Bb4#
c) 1.Kb4 Sc5 2.Ka5 Bd2#
d) 1.Kg5 Sf4 2.Kh4 Be7#
e) 1.Kg7 Se7 2.Kh8 Bb2#
f) 1.Ke7 Sd6 2.Kd8 Bg5#
g) 1.a1R Bf4 2.Ra7 Sb6#

S = 2 * 7 = 14

12 points, 3rd Place - No 12, Ivan Antipin (Russia) 2b1K3/6R1/4n3/2p5/P4r2/1pkPb3/4p1P1/1r6

a) 1.Kd4 Rc7 2.Ke5 Ke7 3.Sd4 Rxc5#
b) 1.Kb4 d4 2.Ka5 dxc5 3.Rb4 Ra7#
c) 1.Kb2 Rg3 2.Ka1 Rxe3 3.b2 Ra3#
d) 1.Kd2 g3 2.Ke1 gxf4 3.Bd2 Rg1#

S = 3 * 4 = 12

12 points, 4th Place - No 10
Lkhundevin Togookhuu
TT-276, SuperProblem, 27-01-2023
h#3b) Qd6->g5
c=b) Pc5->e3
d=c) Bd5->c2
12 points, 5th Place - No 18
Gábor Tar
TT-276, SuperProblem, 27-01-2023
h#3b,c) Sa2->a8,c8
d=c) Bh6->a5
12 points, 6th Place - No 17
Ralf Krätschmer & Dieter Werner
TT-276, SuperProblem, 27-01-2023
h#4b) Kg5->f4
c=b) Se2->f1

12 points, 4th Place - No 10, Lkhundevin Togookhuu (Mongolia) 2bn4/p2pp2p/3q4/2pBk3/8/p6p/r7/3KB1n1

a) 1.Kf6 Bg3 2.Kg7 Bxd6 3.Kh8 Be5#
b) 1.Kf4 Bd2+ 2.Kg3 Bxg5 3.Kh2 Bf4#
c) 1.Kd6 Bb4+ 2.Kc7 Bxe7 3.Kb8 Bd6#
d) 1.Kd4 Bf2 2.Kc3 Bxe3 3.Kb2 Bd4#

S = 3 * 4 = 12

12 points, 5th Place - No 18, Gábor Tar (Hungary) 8/pp1p1p1p/7B/3pk3/K7/7p/N5p1/1rb3nr

a) 1.Kd4 Sb4 2.Kc3 Be3 3.Kb2 Bd4#
b) 1.Kd6 Sb6 2.Kc7 Bf8 3.Kb8 Bd6#
c) 1.Kf6 Bg5+ 2.Kg7 Se7 3.Kh8 Bf6#
d) 1.Kf4 Bd2+ 2.Kg3 Bxc1 3.Kh2 Bf4#

S = 3 * 4 = 12

12 points, 6th Place - No 17, Ralf Krätschmer (Germany) & Dieter Werner (Switzerland) 8/2pp1p2/1r4n1/2qb2k1/Kp6/2p3b1/Rpp1nrP1/8

a) 1.Kf6 Rxb2 2.Ke7 Rxb4 3.Kd8 Rxb6 4.Qe7 Rb8#
b) 1.Bh2 Ra1 2.Kg3 Re1 3.Sef4 Re5 4.Sh4 Rg5#
c) 1.Ke3 Ra3 2.Kd2 Rxc3 3.Kc1 Re3 4.Sd2 Re1#

S = 4 * 3 = 12

11 points, 7th Place - No 1
Ingemar Lind
TT-276, SuperProblem, 27-01-2023
10 points, 8th Place - No 5
Ivan Antipin
TT-276, SuperProblem, 27-01-2023
h#2b,c) Rg2->b4,d4
d,e) Se3->g3,g8
10 points, 9th Place - No 26
Tibor Érsek
TT-276, SuperProblem, 27-01-2023

11 points, 7th Place - No 1, Ingemar Lind (Sweden) 8/b1p2p2/1pPp1P2/kPpP1p2/p1K1pP2/P1P1P3/8/B7

1.Bb8 Bb2 2.Ba7 Bc1 3.Bb8 Bd2 4.Ba7 Be1 5.Bb8 Bh4 6.Ba7 Bg5 7.Bb8 Bh6 8.Ba7 Bf8 9.Bb8 Bxd6 10.Ba7 Bxc5 11.Bb8 Bb4#

10 points, 8th Place - No 5, Ivan Antipin (Russia) 8/2p2n1q/ppP1rk1p/5p2/8/BK2nP2/6R1/8

a) 1.Ke5 Bd6+ 2.Kd4 Rd2#
b) 1.Ke7 Rxb6+ 2.Kd8 Rb8#
c) 1.Kg7 Bb2 2.Kh8 Rd8#
d) 1.Kg5 Bc1+ 2.Kh4 Rh2#
e) 1.Qg7 Bf8 2.Se7 Bxg7#

S = 2 * 5 = 10

10 points, 9th Place - No 26, Tibor Érsek (Hungary) 8/p2pr2p/1n4p1/4k1n1/prpb1p2/8/3P2K1/3b4

1.Be3 dxe3 2.Kf6 exf4 3.Kg7 Kg3 4.Kh6 Kh4 5.Rg7 fxg5#
1.Bc5 d4+ 2.Kd6 dxc5+ 3.Kc7 cxb6+ 4.Kd8 bxa7 5.Rb8 axb8Q#

S = 5 * 2 = 10

10 points, 10th Place - No 8
János Csák
TT-276, SuperProblem, 27-01-2023
10 points, 11th Place - No 9
János Csák
TT-276, SuperProblem, 27-01-2023
h#5b) Ra1->h1(3+13)
10 points, 12th Place - No 16
Ralf Krätschmer & Dieter Werner
TT-276, SuperProblem, 27-01-2023
h#5b) Kf4->d8(2+15)

10 points, 10th Place - No 8, János Csák (Hungary) 1n5n/p2p2q1/1p5p/p7/1p4Pk/P4p2/K4b2/3b4

1.Kg3 g5 2.Kf4 gxh6 3.Ke3 hxg7 4.Kd2 gxh8Q 5.Kc1 Qb2#
1.Kg5 axb4 2.Kf6 bxa5 3.Ke7 axb6 4.Kd8 bxa7 5.Qe7 axb8Q#

S = 5 * 2 = 10

10 points, 11th Place - No 9, János Csák (Hungary) nkrb4/p7/K1n1q3/1p6/bp4p1/1p4P1/1P6/r7

a) 1.Ra3 bxa3 2.Qe3 axb4 3.Sa5 bxa5 4.Qb6+ axb6 5.Bc7 bxa7#
b) 1.Rh4 gxh4 2.Bg5 hxg5 3.Qf6 gxf6 4.Se7 fxe7 5.Rd8 exd8Q#

S = 5 * 2 = 10

10 points, 12th Place - No 16, Ralf Krätschmer (Germany) & Dieter Werner (Switzerland) 4nr2/1p2b2p/p2p2p1/1b2p3/r1p1qk2/2P5/4p3/4K3

a) 1.Qd4 cxd4 2.Kg5 dxe5 3.Kh6 exd6 4.Kg7 dxe7 5.Kh8 exf8Q#
b) 1.Kc7 Kd2 2.Kb6 Kc1 3.Ka5 Kb2 4.Rb4+ Ka3 5.b6 cxb4#

S = 5 * 2 = 10

10 points, 13th Place - No 7
János Csák
TT-276, SuperProblem, 27-01-2023
h#5b) Pb5->d6(3+14)
8 points, 14th Place - No 24
Nallusamy Velmurugan
TT-276, SuperProblem, 27-01-2023
8 points, 15th Place - No 4B
Pavel Murashev
TT-276, SuperProblem, 27-01-2023

10 points, 13th Place - No 7, János Csák (Hungary) 5n2/2rp2p1/4p1pb/1p2rpq1/4pk2/1n6/1P5P/3K4

a) 1.Rec5 h4 2.Ke5 hxg5 3.Kd6 gxh6 4.Ke7 hxg7 5.Kd8 gxf8Q#
b) 1.Sc5 b4 2.Qe7 bxc5 3.Kg5 cxd6 4.Kf6 dxe7 5.Bg5 exf8Q#

S = 5 * 2 = 10

8 points, 14th Place - No 24, Nallusamy Velmurugan (India) 1B1K4/2p5/p2k4/8/8/1p1n1p1p/p5p1/8

1.Ke5 Ke7 2.Kf4 Kf6 3.Kg3 Kg5 4.Sf2 Bxc7#
1.Kc5 Kxc7 2.Kb4 Kb6 3.Ka3 Ka5 4.Sb2 Bd6#

S = 4 * 2 = 8

8 points, 15th Place - No 4B, Pavel Murashev (Russia) 1bn5/2q1p3/1p1kp3/3p2Kp/2p1P1pB/3p2P1/8/8

1.Kc5 e5 2.Kd4 Kf4 3.Qc5 Bf6 4.Bxe5+ Bxe5#
1.Qd8 Kf4 2.Qf8+ Ke3 3.Ke5 Bxe7 4.Qf4+ gxf4#

S = 4 * 2 = 8

8 points, 16th Place - No 6
Zoltán Laborczi
TT-276, SuperProblem, 27-01-2023
8 points, 17th Place - No 15
Illo Krampis
TT-276, SuperProblem, 27-01-2023
7.5 points, 18th Place - No 2
Gábor Tar
TT-276, SuperProblem, 27-01-2023

8 points, 16th Place - No 6, Zoltán Laborczi (Hungary) 6k1/6P1/6K1/8/Pp1pPp1p/1pPp1pPp/R7/8

1.b2 Rxb2 2.bxc3 Rb8#
1.d2 Rxd2 2.dxc3 Rd8#
1.f2 Rxf2 2.fxg3 Rf8#
1.h2 Rxh2 2.hxg3 Rh8#

S = 2 * 4 = 8

8 points, 17th Place - No 15, Illo Krampis (Latvia) 4k2b/3p4/p2p1pp1/5p2/2P5/1PP1P2P/4P3/B2K4

1.Kd8 Bb2 2.Kc7 Ba3 3.Kb6 Bxd6 4.Ka5 Bc7#
1.Ke1 Bg7 2.Kf2 Bh6 3.Kg3 Bxe3 4.Kh4 Bf2#

S = 4 * 2 = 8

7.5 points, 18th Place - No 2, Gábor Tar (Hungary) 6bk/7p/4p2P/3pP3/2pP4/2P1p1p1/4P1Pb/2K5

1...Kb2 2.Bg1 Ka3 3.Bf2 Kb4 4.Be1 Kc5 5.Bxc3 Kd6 6.Bxd4 Ke7 7.Bxe5 Kf8 8.Bg7+ hxg7#

S = 7.5 * 1 = 7.5

6 points, 19th Pl., Sp.HM - No 11
Ivan Antipin
TT-276, SuperProblem, 27-01-2023
h#2b) Sb5->f8
c=b) Pb7->f6
6 points, 20th Place - No 3
Pavel Murashev
TT-276, SuperProblem, 27-01-2023
6 points, 21st Pl., Sp. Prize - No 19
Lkhundevin Togookhuu
TT-276, SuperProblem, 27-01-2023

6 points, 19th Place, Special Honorable mention - No 11, Ivan Antipin (Russia) 8/1p6/2k5/1Nbp4/r1p1n1K1/8/1BN5/8

a) 1.Bd6 Sa7+ 2.Kc5 Bd4#
b) 1.Bb6 Be5 2.Sc5 Sd4#
c) 1.Kd6 Bc1 2.Ke5 Bf4#

S = 2 * 3 = 6
New Year tree
EN <-> RU

6 points, 20th Place - No 3, Pavel Murashev (Russia) 6R1/8/2p1p3/2ppk1P1/1r1q1p2/2RPB1p1/K3n3/8

1.Kd6 Rg7 2.Qe5 Bxc5#
1.Qxe3 Rd8 2.d4 Rxc5#
1.Qxc3 Rf8 2.Sd4 Bxf4#

S = 2 * 3 = 6

6 points, 21st Place, Special Prize - No 19, Lkhundevin Togookhuu (Mongolia) 5nbn/5p1k/4pp1q/2b1pp2/K3pr2/5p2/4pP2/4r3

1.Be3 fxe3 2.Rg1 exf4 3.e1B fxe5 4.Bb4 exf6 5.Be7 fxe7 6.Rg7 exf8S#

S = 6 * 1 = 6
The White Pawn “crawling” got to the top of the New Year tree and set there a Christmas tree horse toy (or replaced the light bulb with a new one)
EN <-> RU
4 points, 22th Place - No 21
Béla Majoros
TT-276, SuperProblem, 27-01-2023
4 points, 23rd Place - No 23
Béla Majoros
TT-276, SuperProblem, 27-01-2023
h#2b) Pc4->c6(4+4)
4 points, 24th Pl., Sp. HM - No 27
Ingemar Lind
TT-276, SuperProblem, 27-01-2023

4 points, 22th Place - No 21, Béla Majoros (Hungary) 5Bb1/4pp2/8/4k2K/8/8/1b6/q7

1.Kf6 Bxe7+ 2.Kg7 Bf8+ 3.Kh8 Kh6 4.f6 Bg7#

S = 4 * 1 = 4

4 points, 23rd Place - No 23, Béla Majoros (Hungary) 6K1/3p4/3qk2B/1N3n2/2P5/8/8/8

a) 1.Qe7 Bg7 2.Sd6 Sd4#
b) 1.Qe5 Bg5 2.d6 Sc7#

S = 2 * 2 = 4

4 points, 24th Place, Special Honorable mention - No 27, Ingemar Lind (Sweden) 3r2b1/2b1K2p/3B2k1/2p4p/3r2p1/8/8/8

1.Kh6 Kf6 2.Rf8+ Bxf8#
1.Kg7 Bxc7 2.Kh8 Be5#

S = 2 * 2 = 4
Digits 2 and 3 – dedication to 2023rd year
EN <-> RU
4 points, 25th Pl., Sp. Comm. - No 14
Aleksandr Spitsyn
TT-276, SuperProblem, 27-01-2023
4 points, 26th Place - No 13
Aleksandr Spitsyn
TT-276, SuperProblem, 27-01-2023
3 points, 27th Place - No 22
Béla Majoros
TT-276, SuperProblem, 27-01-2023

4 points, 25th Place, Special Commendation - No 14, Aleksandr Spitsyn (Ukraine) 4R3/4K3/2prbrp1/4k3/4P3/3P1P2/8/8

1.Rd8 Rxd8 2.Rf4 d4#
1.Rf8 Rxf8 2.Rd4 f4#

S = 2 * 2 = 4
New Year tree
EN <-> RU

4 points, 26th Place - No 13, Aleksandr Spitsyn (Ukraine) 5Q2/4b1p1/4prP1/4p3/1P2p3/P1qpp3/2pk1PK1/8

1.Qxb4 Qxe7 2.Kc3 Qxb4#
1.exf2 Qxf6 2.Ke3 Qxf2#

S = 2 * 2 = 4

3 points, 27th Place - No 22, Béla Majoros (Hungary) 2b4K/Bp6/8/4k3/8/8/7b/6R1

1.Kd6 Ra1 2.Kc7 Bg1 3.Kb8 Bxh2#

S = 3 * 1 = 3

January 27, 202327.01.2023