Final Award in Quick Composing TT-269 | Окончательные итоги блицконкурса ТТ-269Bohemia-2 | Богемия-2Theme | Тема 27 entries were received from 10 authors representing 5 countries | На конкурс поступило 27 композиций от 10 авторов из 5 странEN <-> RU I have received 27 problems for this TT for model mates. The quantity is decent, but the quality is not impressive. There were no obvious leaders among sent problems, and after much deliberation I propose the following award. Award is the following | Отличия распределились следующим образом
Prize - No 17, Igor Agapov (Russia) 8/8/4p3/4p3/1Pk1P3/P1P5/b2Q4/R3K3 *1...Kb3 2.Qxa2+ Ka4 3.Qxe6! Kb5 4.a4# (MM), 2...Kxc3!1.0-0-0! 1...Bb1 (~) 2.Kb2! Kb5 3.Qd7+ Ka6 4.Rd6# (MM) 1...Kb3 2.Qxa2+! Ka4 3.Rd6 Kb5 4.a4# (MM) 2...Kxa2 3.Kc2 Kxa3 4.Ra1# (MM) (1...Kb5 2.Qd7+ Kc4 3.Kb2 Bb1 4.Qc6#)
Key with castling, Bristol clearance in threat and unexpected sacrifice of White Queen. Once more model mate in set play.
EN <-> RUHonorable mention - No 16, Eugene Fomichev & Mikhail Kostylev (Russia) 8/p1p4p/2P4P/P2B2P1/3kp3/PQ5P/6P1/K7 1.g3? – 2.Be6(f7,g8) – 3.Kb2! – 4.Qc3#, 3…e3 4.Qd5# (MM), 2…e3 3.Qc4+, 1…e3!1.Be6? – 2.g3! – 3.Kb2! e3 4.Qd5# (MM), 1…e3 2.Qd5+ Kc3 3.Bf5! – 4.Qd3# (MM), 1…Ke5! 1.Bf7? – 2.g3! – 3.Kb2! e3 4.Qd5# (MM), 1…Ke5 2.g3 – 3.Kb2, 2…Kd6 3.Qe6+ Kc5 4.Qd5# (MM), 1…e3! 1.Bg8! – 2.g3! – 3.Kb2! e3 4.Qd5# (MM), 2…e3 3.Qc4+ 1…Ke5 2.g3 Kf5 3.Qd5+ Kg6 4.Bf7# (MM), 2…Kd6 3.Qe6+ Kc5 4.Qd5# (MM), 2…Kd4 3.Kb2 1…e3 2.Qd5+ Kc3 3.Bxh7! – 4.Qd3# (MM)
Three echo-mates, Bristol theme.
EN <-> RUHonorable mention - No 19, Aleksandr Sygurov (Russia) 1Q6/5p2/3Bkp1p/8/7p/1P5K/2P5/8 1.Bh2! zz1...Kf5 2.Kxh4 h5 3.Kxh5! Ke4 4.Qf4+ Kd5 5.Qc4# (MM), 2...Ke6 3.Qd6+ Kf5 4.Kh5 Ke4 5.Qd3# (MM) 1...Ke7(d7) 2.Qd6+ Ke8 3.Bg1! f5 4.Bc5 f6 5.Qe7# (MM) 1...h5 2.Qc8+ Ke7 3.Bc7! f5 4.Qd8+ Ke6 5.Qd6# (MM)
The play of white pieces towards each other.
EN <-> RU
Honorable mention - No 20, Aleksandr Sygurov (Russia) 8/3pp2p/4k2p/3p3K/3B4/2P5/2Q5/8 1.Qa4! zz1...Kf7 2.Qxd7 Kf8 3.Bc5 ~ 4.Qxe7+ Kg8 5.Qf8# (MM) 1...d6 2.Qe8! Kf5 3.Qxe7 Kf4 4.Qh4+ Kf3 5.Qg4# (MM) 1...Kd6 2.Qa6+! Kc7 3.Qa7+ Kc8 4.Bb6 d6 5.Qc7# (MM) 1...Kf5 2.Qxd7+ e6 3.Qxh7+! Kf4 4.Qg6 Kf3 5.Qg4# (MM) (2...Ke4 3.Qh3 ~ 4.Qe3+ Kf5 5.Qxe5#)
The black king is mated on the squares far from each other.
EN <-> RUHonorable mention - No 22, Victor Volchek (Belarus) 2Q2n2/3Pp3/2Np2p1/3kp1P1/Pp3p1K/1P1p2P1/3P2b1/8 1.Qb7! - 2.Sxe7+ Ke6 3.d8S#, 2...Kc5 3.Qa7# (MM), 2...Kd4 3.Qxb4#1...Ke6 2.Sd8+ Kf5 3.g4# (MM) 1...e4 2.Qb5+ Ke6 3.Sd8# (MM) 1...Sxd7 2.Sd8+ Kd4 3.Se6# (MM)
Mates on d8 by initial and promoted Knights.
EN <-> RUCommendation - No 26, Aleksandr Maksimov (Russia) 8/1K1R4/1p2N3/1N6/1b2kB2/6Pb/4B3/8 1.Rd6! - 2.Sg5+ Kf5 3.Sd4#1...Bg2 2.g4 - 3.Rd4#, 2...Bxd6 3.Sxc3# (MM) 1...Bxe6 2.Rxe6+ Kd5 3.Re5# (MM), 2...Kf5 3.Sd4# 1...Bxd6 2.Sxd6+ Kd5 3.Bc4# (MM) 1...Bc5 2.Sc3+ Kf5 3.Sg7# 1...Kf5 2.Sg7+ Ke4 3.Rd4# 1...Bc3 2.Sxc3+ Kf5 3.Sd4(g7)#
A variation in response to 1…Bg2 looks good.
EN <-> RU
Commendation - No 18, Igor Agapov (Russia) 8/6n1/6p1/6N1/2pkN3/7P/3PPKP1/3Q1n2 1.Qb1! zz1...Sg~ 2.Qb5! - 3.Qc5# 1...Se6! 2.Sf3+ Kd5 3.Qb7# (MM) 1...Sf~ 2.e3+ Ke5 3.Qb5# (MM) 1...Se3! 2.d:e3+ Ke5 3.Qb5# (MM) 1...Ke5 2.Qb8+ Kf5 3.g4# (MM), 2...Kd5/Kd4 3.Qd6# 1...Kd5 2.Qb5+ Kd4 3.Qc5# 1...c3 2.Qb5 Se6 3.dxc3#, 2...cxd2 3.Qc5#
Correction of both Black Knights, but unfortunately the mate in response to 1…Sg~ is not model.
EN <-> RUCommendation - No 27, Aleksandr Maksimov (Russia) 6b1/7r/Q3p3/2Nk3p/8/2p1Bp1P/2p2KP1/8 1.Sd7! - 2.Qb7+ Kd6 3.Bc5# (MM), 2...Kc4 3.Se5# (MM)1...Ke4 2.Qc4+ Kf5 3.Qd3# (MM) 1...Rxd7 2.Qb5+ Kd6 3.Qc5# (MM), 2...Ke4 3.gxf3# (MM)
It is unpleasant that each of White Pawns is necessary only in one mate.
EN <-> RUJudge: Yury Gorbatenko May 16, 2022Судья: Юрий Горбатенко 16.05.2022 |