Final Award in Quick Composing TT-266 | Окончательные итоги блицконкурса ТТ-266

The Cherished Outcast | Свой среди чужих, чужой среди своих

Theme | Тема

52 entries were received from 20 authors representing 13 countries | На конкурс поступило 52 композиций от 20 авторов из 13 стран

EN <-> RU

Foreword. The closing date of this tourney came shortly after the shocking aggression against Ukraine, which I strongly condemn. I didn't feel like working on the award while some of my friends were under the bombs. So, there was a concertation between me, the director and the participants and we agreed to postpone the award for 6 months. Aleksey Oganesjan then sent me the problems in due time. The further delay is my own fault (possibly the events affected some of my motivation…) and I have to present my excuses to the director and the participants for that. Now after almost one year, a great number of victims is to deplore. My thoughts go to all of them, in first place to the Ukrainians under attack.

Aleksey Oganesjan transmitted to me 52 problems in anonymous form. I was surprised by the high number and the quite decent level of the entries. With this theme, I didn't expect very original entries, rather adaptations of known strategies to fit the theme. Again I was surprised that some composers succeeded into making it a «real» theme, rather than a feature of the composition. The main way to do it was to have more than one visitor along the solution. Of course, these problems are headed to the top of the award.

General remarks. Invisible features are generally positive elements in a proof-game. However, as the visitor is a visible element, invisible features become a drawback if they are loosely connected with the main theme (No 8, No 9, ... ).
The thematic element is supposed to be the «climax» of the problem. Some less successful presentations are when:
- the visitor comes early in the game, except with some special feature as in No 3 (No 9, No 37, ... );
- the visitor comes at the end, with almost no connection with previous play (No 13, ... ).

Some other words about some problems not in the award. With already many problems with two visitors in the award, those I considered the less successful, lacking some interesting extra point (No 17, No 28, No 33) are not included.
- No 1, No 27 – not thematic;
- No 20 – a good problem but from the thematic point of view, it is a great pity that the two white Knights on g8 (after 5.g8S and 10.Sg8), that are more interesting than the final visitor Rg1, are only near-visitors because of bBd3;
- No 25, No 38 – good problems with Ceriani-Frolkin and Anti-Pronkin, but the promoted piece is only a pseudo-visitor;
- No 29 – an illustration of a method to produce a thematic problem; start from a pseudo-thematic one (P0008163, pseudo because of a promoted piece), then add technical play to eliminate the extra piece... 1st Special Com is a better presentation of the same mating picture;
- No 32 – with a similar content, 3rd HM is more successful;
- No 34 – similar to example 5 in the announcement;
- No 39 – the composer misses the opportunity to make a visitor with the Phoenix Rook 5…bxa1R 6.Qf6 Rxb1 7.Qa6 bxa6 (Rb1=visitor) 8.Ba3 Rb7 9.Qa1 Rc7 10.Qh8;
- No 40 – the composer misses the opportunity to make a visitor with the Pronkin piece 6.Qg3 Rh3 7.Qd6 Rd3 8.exd3 exd6 9.Se2 g1R (Rg1=visitor) 10.Sec3 Rg8 11.Qg4 Rh8 12.Qg8 (see also 2nd HM with missed Anti-Pronkin);
- No 44 – the position reminds P1066734, that although not thematic, is a much better problem;
- No 47 – the composer misses the opportunity to make a visitor with Sg1. Some way with similar content: 1.Sf3 e5 2.Sxe5 Se7 3.Sxd7 Sec6 4.Sxb8 (=visitor) Qxd2+ 5.Qxd2 Sxb8 6.Qd8+.

Two problems (No 5, No 22) feature the theme four times, but I didn't find their solutions very attractive, with many «technical captures», so that I preferred quality to quantity, placing them behind two problems featuring the theme «only» two times but on the same square!

After provisional award, problems No 19, 42 and 43 were deleted by the request of the author.

Award is the following | Отличия распределились следующим образом

1st Prize - No 48
Jorge Lois & Roberto Osorio
TT-266, SuperProblem, 25-02-2023
PG 16.5(16+14)
2nd Prize - No 18
Bernd Graefrath
TT-266, SuperProblem, 25-02-2023
PG 15.5(11+13)
3rd Prize - No 22
Zoltán Laborczi
TT-266, SuperProblem, 25-02-2023
PG 13.5(12+11)

1st Prize - No 48, Jorge Lois & Roberto Osorio (Argentina) 1n1qk1K1/br1p1p1r/ppp1p1pp/8/8/2PP4/PP1P1PPP/RNBQ1BNR

1.Sc3 e6 2.Sd5 Bc5 3.Se7 a6 4.Sxg8 Ba7 5.Se7 b6 6.Sd5 Bb7 7.Sc3 Be4 8.Sb1 Bd3 9.exd3 Sc6 10.Ke2 Rb8 11.Kf3 Rb7 12.Kg4 Sb8 13.Kh5 g6 14.Kh6 c6 15.Kg7 h6 16.c3 Rh7 17.Kg8
A very clever and enjoyable proof-game. The original Knight g8 prevents the white King to visit g8. It is not obvious that this Knight didn't move and had to be captured by an hidden visitor that performs a switchback (logical foreplan!).
EN <-> RU

2nd Prize - No 18, Bernd Graefrath (Germany) 2bbk1nr/2pp1ppp/n3p3/8/8/5R1K/1PPPPPP1/R2Q1qN1

1.h4 e6 2.Rh3 Qxh4 3.Rf3 Qh1 4.Sh3 Qxf1+ 5.Kxf1 b5 6.Kg1 b4 7.Kh2 b3 8.Sg1 bxa2 9.Kh3 axb1Q 10.Rxa7 Qxc1 11.Rxa8 Qa1 12.Qb1 Be7 13.Qa2 Qf1 14.Qb1 Bd8 15.Ra1 Sa6 16.Qd1
The two visitors visits the same square and are of the same kind! The original Queen is captured on f1 then is replaced by a Phoenix Queen. The switchbacks by Qd1, Ra1, Sg1 are valuable additions.
EN <-> RU

3rd Prize - No 22, Zoltán Laborczi (Hungary) rnB3n1/p1ppp2p/3k1pp1/8/8/KPN3P1/P1PPPP2/Q5N1

1.b3 g6 2.Bb2 Bh6 3.Bxh8 (A) Bg7 4.g3 Bxh8 5.Bg2 Bxa1 (B) 6.Sc3 f6 7.Qxa1 Kf7 8.Kd1 Qf8 9.Kc1 Qh6 10.Kb2 Qxh2 11.Ka3 Qxh1 (C) 12.Bxh1 Ke6 13.Bxb7 Kd6 14.Bxc8 (D)
Two pairs of chained visitors (the second visitor captures the first one, the fourth visitor captures the third one).
EN <-> RU
4th Prize - No 5
Christoph Fieberg
TT-266, SuperProblem, 25-02-2023
PG 12(11+10)
1st Honorable mention - No 12
Andrey Frolkin & Kostas Prentos
TT-266, SuperProblem, 25-02-2023
PG 15(13+14)
2nd Honorable mention - No 24
Nallusamy Velmurugan
TT-266, SuperProblem, 25-02-2023
PG 18(13+13)

4th Prize - No 5, Christoph Fieberg (Gernany) 5k2/p1ppp1pp/1p3p2/8/8/1K4P1/PP1PPP1P/RNn3N1

1.g3 b6 2.Bg2 Ba6 3.Bxa8 Bd3 4.cxd3 Sa6 5.Qb3 Qxa8 6.Kd1 Qxh1 7.Kc2 Qd5 8.Qxd5 f6 9.Qxg8 Sc5 10.Qxh8 Sxd3 11.Qxf8+ Kxf8 12.Kb3 Sxc1+
A chain of three visitors followed by a 4th somewhat unconnected one. Twenty one pieces is near the limit (20) that was given in the announcement to avoid massacre proof-games.
EN <-> RU

1st Honorable mention - No 12, Andrey Frolkin (Ukraine) & Kostas Prentos (USA) rnbqR3/prppnkp1/1b3pp1/8/8/P3P3/1PPP2P1/1NBQKBN1

1.f4 b5 2.f5 b4 3.f6 b3 4.fxe7 f6 5.a3 Kf7 6.Ra2 bxa2 7.e8R a1S 8.Re3 Sb3 9.Rxb3 Bc5 10.Rg3 Se7 11.Rg6 hxg6 12.h4 Rxh4 13.e3 Rb4 14.Rh8 Rb7 15.Re8 Bb6
A black visitor (future Prentos Sa1 after 8.Re3) and a white one (Anti-Pronkin Re8 after 15...Bb6). Attaching typical proof-game themes to the visitors sounds excellent. However some matrix elements are known from Andrey Frolkin & Kostas Prentos StrateGems 2013 and the composers «revisited» them in their 1st HM StrateGems 2022, so that, in spite of anonymity, there is little mystery about the composers' identity...
EN <-> RU

2nd Honorable mention - No 24, Nallusamy Velmurugan (India) r1nq2Rr/1pp1bk1p/npp2p2/8/8/P1P2N1P/P2PP2B/RN2KB2

1.f4 g5 2.f5 g4 3.f6 g3 4.fxe7 f6 5.Sf3 Kf7 6.e8R gxh2 7.Re6 Se7 8.Rb6 axb6 9.Rg1 Ra3 10.bxa3 h1R 11.Bb2 Rh4 12.Be5 Ra4 13.c3 Ra8 14.Qa4 Sa6 15.Qc6 dxc6 16.Bh2 Bh3 17.gxh3 Sc8 18.Rg8 Be7
Two promoted Rooks (1 Ceriani-Frolkin, 1 Pronkin). Two Rook visitors. Pity that cooks prevented adding 19.Re8 resulting in an Anti-Pronkin visitor.
EN <-> RU
3rd Honorable mention - No 36
Nallusamy Velmurugan
TT-266, SuperProblem, 25-02-2023
PG 9.52 sol.(13+12)
4th Honorable mention - No 23
Zoltán Laborczi
TT-266, SuperProblem, 25-02-2023
PG 9(13+13)
5th Honorable mention - No 26
Paul Raican
TT-266, SuperProblem, 25-02-2023
PG 11(11+10)

3rd Honorable mention - No 36, Nallusamy Velmurugan (India) Nn2kbnr/pp2pp1p/1q1p4/8/8/7P/PPP1QP1P/RNB1K2R

1.Sf3 g5 2.Se5 g4 3.Sxd7 g3 4.Sb6 Bh3 5.gxh3 g2 6.d4 gxf1B 7.d5 Bxe2 8.d6 cxd6 9.Sxa8 Qb6 10.Qxe2
1.d4 g5 2.d5 g4 3.d6 g3 4.dxc7 d6 5.Sh3 Bxh3 6.gxh3 g2 7.c8S gxf1B 8.Sb6 Bxe2 9.Sxa8 Qb6 10.Qxe2
A Zilahi-like presentation. In one solution, wSg1 is the visitor and wPd2 is actively sacrificed; in the other one, wSg1 is actively sacrificed and wPd2 is the visitor after Phoenix promotion. The change of identity of bPd6 is a nice addition.
EN <-> RU

4th Honorable mention - No 23, Zoltán Laborczi (Hungary) rn1qBn1r/pbp1kppp/1p6/8/8/8/PPP1PP1P/RNBQK2R

1.d4 b6 2.d5 Bb7 3.d6 Bxg2 4.Sf3 Bxf3 5.dxe7 Bb7 6.exf8S Se7 7.Bh3 Sg6 8.Bxd7+ Ke7 9.Be8 Sxf8
Two white visitors including a Schnoebelen promotion. The sequence 4.Sf3 Bxf3 is a typical «technical addition» for Sf8 to fit the theme.
EN <-> RU

5th Honorable mention - No 26, Paul Raican (Romania) rnbbR1n1/pp4p1/5pk1/8/8/8/P1PKPPPP/5BNR

1.d4 h6 2.Bxh6 Rxh6 3.d5 Rb6 4.d6 Rxb2 5.dxc7 Rxb1 6.cxd8B! Rxd1+ 7.Rxd1 f6 8.Rxd7 Kf7 9.Rxe7+ Kg6 10.Re8 Be7 11.Kd2 Bxd8
Again two white visitors including a Schnoebelen promotion, but the massacre play is not very entertaining.
EN <-> RU
1st Commendation - No 31
Nallusamy Velmurugan
TT-266, SuperProblem, 25-02-2023
PG 7(13+14)
2nd Commendation - No 4
Mikhail Khramtsevich
TT-266, SuperProblem, 25-02-2023
PG 10.5(11+15)
3rd Commendation - No 2
Allan Bell
TT-266, SuperProblem, 25-02-2023
PG 16(13+12)

1st Commendation - No 31, Nallusamy Velmurugan (India) rnbqk1n1/1ppppp1p/7b/8/8/8/P1PPPPP1/RrBQKBNR

a) 1.h4 a5 2.h5 a4 3.h6 a3 4.hxg7 axb2 5.gxh8B bxc1R 6.Bb2 Rxb1 7.Bc1 Bh6
b) final position of a), i.e. 1r1qk1n1/3ppp1p/b6b/8/8/Q7/P3PPP1/R1BnKBNR - 1.d4 b5 2.d5 b4 3.d6 b3 4.dxc7 bxc2 5.cxb8Q cxd1S 6.Qxa8 Rb8 7.Qa3 Ba6
AUW with black Phoenix as visitor in both phase. I am rather reluctant to consider this kind of twinning as «integrated thinking» (as is the case for 3rd HM) and the phases appear to me rather unconnected.
EN <-> RU

2nd Commendation - No 4, Mikhail Khramtsevich (Belarus) rnb1kbnr/pp1ppppp/8/8/8/4P1P1/PPPP1PP1/4KRqR

1.e3 c5 2.Bd3 c4 3.Se2 cxd3 4.0-0 dxe2 5.Re1 exd1Q 6.Kf1 Qxc1 7.Ke2 Qxb1 8.Rh1 Qg1 9.Rf1 Qc7 10.Ke1 Qg3 11.hxg3
The «serial-visitor» (see 4th Com) visits 4 different squares. The motivation is more crude than in 4th Comm but fits perfectly the theme. The castling paradox is a welcomed addition.
EN <-> RU

3rd Commendation - No 2, Allan Bell (Ireland) 2k1Kbnr/2pppppp/pp6/8/8/3P2P1/PPPN1P1P/R2QB1N1

1.g3 b6 2.Bg2 Ba6 3.Bxa8 Bxe2 4.Kxe2 Sa6 5.Kd3 Qxa8 6.Kc4 Kd8 7.d3 Kc8 8.Bd2 Kb7 9.Be1 Kc6 10.Sd2 Kd6 11.Kb5 Qxh1 12.Kxa6 Qb7+ 13.Kxb7 a6 14.Kc8 Kc6 15.Kd8 Kb7 16.Ke8 Kc8
The first visitor Ba8 is almost unnoticed but distinguishes this problem from other existing PGs with King (unique) visitor (as example 3 in the announcement).
EN <-> RU
4th Commendation - No 21
Mario Parrinello
TT-266, SuperProblem, 25-02-2023
PG 10.5(16+13)
5th Commendation - No 3
Allan Bell
TT-266, SuperProblem, 25-02-2023
PG 11.5(16+15)

4th Commendation - No 21, Mario Parrinello (Italy) 1Bb1r2r/pp3ppp/1qppk1n1/8/8/3P4/PPP1PPPP/RN1QKBNR

1.d3 c6 2.Bf4 Qb6 3.Bxb8 d6 4.Bc7 Kd7 5.Bd8 Ke6 6.Bxe7 Bd7 7.Bxf8 Re8 8.Be7 Bc8 9.Bd8 Se7 10.Bc7 Sg6 11.Bb8
An original rendering. Only one visitor but a «serial-visitor» that visits several squares and performs a switchback.
EN <-> RU

5th Commendation - No 3, Allan Bell (Ireland) Bkbn1bnr/p1qppppp/1pp5/8/8/5PPQ/PPPPP2P/RNBR2NK

1.g3 b6 2.Bg2 Ba6 3.Bxa8 Sc6 4.Sf3 Qb8 5.0-0 Kd8 6.Kh1 Kc8 7.Rg1 Sd8 8.Qf1 c6 9.Qh3 Qc7 10.Rd1 Kb8 11.Sg1 Bc8 12.f3
An early visitor stays a visitor for a long time (19 half moves). Original concept, but this doesn't make an exciting proof-game.
EN <-> RU

Judge: Michel Caillaud
February 25, 2023
Судья: Michel Caillaud