Final Award in Quick Composing TT-265 | Окончательные итоги блицконкурса TT-265

Pin me | Связка без мата

Theme | Тема

42 entries were received from 17 authors representing 13 countries | На конкурс поступило 42 композиций от 17 авторов из 13 стран

EN <-> RU

We received from the tourney controller, Aleksey Oganesjan, 42 anonymous problems for evaluation. The overall quality was fine.
Most problems employed opening of a hidden pin line when executing the theme. This entails pinning one of two white pieces that guard the same square near the black king so that the second white piece can mate. Several of the problems used a double mechanism of this type to tackle the theme. A variant of this pattern was used in several problems in the form of the Baltic theme.
We looked for problems that deviated from this thematic pattern, fully or partly, or that had significant added content. We were surprised not to find much use of thematic black pins, as in example 1, and only one problem - No 2 (Ke2-Kg5) - managed to successfully employ this idea (in three other problems the similarity to the example was too high).

The following problems were not included in the award:
- No 28 (Kf1-Kh5), No 29 (Kc2-Kg3), No 30 (Kg8-Kf4) – too similar to example 1;
- No 19 (Kb8-Ke7, h#1.5), No 21 (Kb8-Kc6, twinning with check to black king);
- No 33 (Kb8-Kc4) – illegal position;
- No 35 (Kg8-Kf5), No 37 (Kc7-Kd5) – artificial addition of a piece just to justify the threat by a pinned piece;
- No 17 (Kc7-Kc3) – one of the judges discovered that the problem can be upgraded 4 phases, so joint version is published at the end of the award out of the tourney;
- No 3 (Kb2-Kd5) is very similar to No 4, and by the same author, and we preferred the later.

After claims for provisional award, two problems were excluded:
- No 40, initially marked by 1st Prize, – due to strong anticipation pdb/P1228447;
- No 23, initially marked by 1st Special HM – due to authors’ request.

Before moving into the award, we would like to issue the following statement. We deeply sympathize with our colleagues from Ukraine, their families and friends. The brutal attack on civilians is incomprehensible to us, and we strongly condemn this. Quoting the famous science & science fiction writer, Isaac Asimov: “Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent”.

Award is the following | Отличия распределились следующим образом

1st Prize - No 7
János Csák
TT-265, SuperProblem, 29-07-2022
2nd Prize - No 15
Vitaly Medintsev
TT-265, SuperProblem, 29-07-2022
3rd Prize - No 16
Francesco Simoni
TT-265, SuperProblem, 29-07-2022
h#22.1.. b)Ka5->g1(6+14)

1st Prize - No 7, János Csák (Hungary) 8/8/8/3p4/b1nk1rq1/5R2/1rP1K1p1/4R3

1.Rb5 Kf2 (Kd1?) 2.Rc5 c3# (Rd3#?)
1.Qc8 Kd1 (Kf2?) 2.Qc5 Rd3# (c3#?)
In the diagram position two white pieces (Pc2 & Rf3) are pinned. In each solution, B1 unpins one of these pieces. On W1 the white king, which must open the line of WRe1 to guard e4 & e5, has to carefully choose between squares d1 & f2, each pinning a different white piece. If the wrong square is chosen the two white pieces will be pinned and the mate impossible. Thus, the WK must avoid repining the white piece unpinned on B1 and instead keep the pin of the other white piece on a different line. On B2 square c5 is blocked by the black piece that moved on B1. An original idea of dual avoidance by the WK executed with full harmony.
EN <-> RU

2nd Prize - No 15, Vitaly Medintsev (Russia) 2r3b1/3p2nN/p1NPR1P1/Pp3k2/1K2pp2/7r/8/2q5

1.Qd1! (Qg1?) Kc5 (tempo) 2.Qg4 Rf6# (Sd4#??)
1.Rh4! (Rg3?) Kb3 (tempo) 2.Rg4 Sd4# (Rf6#??)
Can be compared to pdb/P1089261 (author.)
Qc1/Rh3 must select their route to g4 between two options to allow the WK its sole tempo move that sees it entering into a pin-line. This disables the pinned white piece from delivering a mate. The mating piece on only one of two possible squares in order to keep all squares around the BK guarded. An interesting execution of the black and white play.
EN <-> RU

3rd Prize - No 16, Francesco Simoni (Country) 7K/8/n3rQ2/kpr3p1/3B1p2/P1b1n1Pp/5ppP/5b1q

a) diagram:
1.Rc4 Qxe6 2.Ra4 Qb6# (Bb6#?)
1.Re4 Bxc5 2.Ra4 Bb6# (Qb6#?)

b) Ka5->g1:
1.Sg4 Qxf4 2.Sxh2 Qxf2# (Bxf2#?)
1.fxg3 Bxe3 2.gxh2 Bxf2# (Qxf2#?)
The only problem in the competition to double the theme in four solutions. The theme is combined with the Chumakov and Baltic themes, a good achievement but at the price of heavy construction employing two separate groups of pieces on two “wings” of the board. Both groups revolve around the white half-pin. In each “wing pair” of solutions two black pieces can make a required self-block. The static black piece, the one that does not make the self-block, is captured by one of the half-pinned white pieces, leaving the pinned piece only as a support to the other on the mating square. Thematically, it is the half-pin that is at the center of the problem.
EN <-> RU
4th Prize - No 4
János Csák
TT-265, SuperProblem, 29-07-2022
Special Hon. mention - No 42
Michel Caillaud (after Franz Pachl)
TT-265, SuperProblem, 29-07-2022
1st Honorable mention - No 2
Gábor Tar
TT-265, SuperProblem, 29-07-2022

4th Prize - No 4, János Csák (Hungary) 8/1b1p2pr/2n3Rn/3N1kpN/3p4/3P2p1/5p2/7K

1.Se5 Rc6 2.Shg4 Se7# (Sxg3?)
1.Sg4 Rh6 2.Sce5 Sxg3# (Se7?)
Another problem showing the theme in an original way and unique to this tourney. Paradoxically, it is the piece that gets pinned first that give the mate: after B1 (Se5/Sg4 the white knight (Sd5/Sh5) is pinned (anti-ziel element). The WR corrects this on W1 by moving into the evacuated square and unpinning the knight just pinned. B2 now pins the other knight preventing it from giving mate. There is exchange of move order on B1 & B2 between the solutions, though the block of the same square in both solutions reduce the richness of the problem.
EN <-> RU

Special Honorable mention - No 42, Michel Caillaud (France), after Franz Pachl 8/7N/2K3nr/8/7k/4Pn1p/5Nbp/8

1.Kg3 Sf6 2.Sgh4 S2e4# (S6e4#?)
1.Kh5 Se4 2.Sfh4 Shf6# (Sef6#?)
W1 is the key move in this interesting problem, with a WS move into a black battery-line. On one hand, this allows black to open this battery without giving check, and on the other hand, the WS gets pinned. This becomes the thematic pin as both WSs can potentially mate but the pin prevents one of them from mating. The composer added a very similar predecessor pdb/P0555281 that does not present the theme.The addition of the theme is worthwhile and the reader are encouraged to make the comparison.
EN <-> RU

1st Honorable mention - No 2, Gábor Tar (Hungary) 4r1N1/4Bp2/b2p1P1P/1R1n2kp/4n3/p2r1Pp1/2BpKpN1/bq6

1.Rb3 Bxe4 2.Bxf6 Bxf6# (Rxd5#?)
1.Rc3 Bd3 2.Sxf6 Rxd5# (Bxf6#?)
A complex problem with thematic indirect pins that avoids mimicking example 1 (unlike several other entries). However, the problem lacks a central unifying line. In both solutions BRd3 moves away to open the line to WBc2: but in the first solution it makes a hideaway move refraining from blocking BBa1, while in the second solution it moves to block BBa1 (selecting c3 and not d4). In both solutions B1 pins WRb5 but in the first this pin is thematic, preventing WRb5 from giving mate, while in the second W1 unpin the WR to allow it to give mate. Both B2 move are to f6: the first by the BB allows recapture on f6 for the mate and the second is a self-pin of BSe4 – a hideaway move opening the guard line of the WB and avoiding interfering with the mate but also pinning WBe7 that cannot mate by capturing f6. Incredible complexity but lacks in unity.
EN <-> RU
2nd Honorable mention - No 39
Ricardo de Mattos Vieira
TT-265, SuperProblem, 29-07-2022
3rd Honorable mention - No 8
Ralf Krätschmer
TT-265, SuperProblem, 29-07-2022
4th Honorable mention - No 13
Frank Richter
TT-265, SuperProblem, 29-07-2022

2nd Honorable mention - No 39, Ricardo de Mattos Vieira (Brazil) 8/8/8/2prP3/3k1pK1/5nR1/2PP3q/1bb5

1.Sxd2 Kf5! (Kxf4?) 2.Sd2-c4 Rd3 (c3#?)
1.Sxe5 Kxf4! (Kf5?) 2.Se5-c4 c3 (Rd3#?)
On its way to selfblock on c4 the BS captures a pawn and creates a battery that opens at B2. The WK, moving to guard e4 & e5, must choose between f4 or f5 so it will not be checked by B2. Doing so, the WK enters into a pin-line, pinning either WPc2 or WRg3, and thus only one of them can mate. It is a pity that the BS blocks the same square in both solutions, but at least it gets there by two different routes.
EN <-> RU

3rd Honorable mention - No 8, Ralf Krätschmer (Germany) 4R3/7b/6n1/3p4/p2k4/8/NPP5/1Kn1N2r

1.Sd3 b3 2.Sc5 c3# (Sf3#?)
1.Se5 b4 2.Sc4 Sf3# (c3#?)
B1 determines if WPb2 will move one or two squares, exchanging roles with the BSs in guarding c4 & c5. This is a nice play on W1 and the only problem in the tourney using guard of two squares around the BK. If not for the double mechanism (BRh1 & BSc1 are relevant only to the first solution while BBh7 & BSg6 only to the second) the problem would have been ranked higher.
EN <-> RU

4th Honorable mention - No 13, Frank Richter (Germany) 8/3r4/3B4/k3n1b1/np6/r1P3p1/2p1Kp2/5B2

1.Sc4 Kf3 (Kd3?) 2.Scb6 Bxb4# (cxb4#?)
1.Bd8 Kd2 (Ke3?) 2.Bb6 cxb4# (Bxb4#?)
WK hideaway, while opening the line WBf1, into one of two squares unguarded by B1. Choosing the wrong square will either pin both intended mating pieces (1st solution) or expose the WK to check by B2 (2nd solution) - an imbalance leading to a lower place in the award. The black piece move to the same square and the white pieces mate on the same square (the Baltic theme), with model mates.
EN <-> RU
No 18A - Misha Shapiro
(version Witztum, Navon, Einat)
SuperProblem, 29-07-2022
Solution | Решение

1.Sd5 Kg6 (Kg7?) 2.Se3 Sxh5# (Sh3#?)
1.Ra3 Kh8 (Kg7?) 2.Re3 Sh3# (Sxh5#?)
5th Honorable mention - No 1
Shaul Shamir
TT-265, SuperProblem, 29-07-2022
6th Honorable mention - No 22
Misha Shapiro
TT-265, SuperProblem, 29-07-2022
h#2b) wBe5(4+6)
7th Honorable mention - No 18
Misha Shapiro (see also version No 18A)
TT-265, SuperProblem, 29-07-2022

5th Honorable mention - No 1, Shaul Shamir (Israel) 8/1N6/8/p1bk4/3P4/1np1PP2/1r1PNK1B/8

1.Sxd2 Sd8 2.Sc4 e4# (Sxc3#?)
1.Sxd4 Sxa5 2.Se6 Sxc3# (e4#?)
In each one of the set white half-pins is opened after capture of one of the piece by the BS on its way for self-blocks on c4 or e6. A single BS is doing all of black’s work and it exchanges roles with WSb7 in blocking/guarding c4 & e6. The opening of the half-pin prevents from one of the white pieces from mating.
EN <-> RU

6th Honorable mention - No 22, Misha Shapiro (Israel) Kn5r/P1p5/1k6/4N3/3n4/1p6/4B3/8

a) diagram: 1.Sdc6 axb8S 2.Sa5 Sd7# (Sbd7#?)
b) wBe5: 1.c5 axb8B 2.Sc6 Bc7# (Bbc7#?)
In each phase the promoted piece parallels the thematic piece, with both guarding the same square. However, the promoted piece is pinned and cannot mate.
EN <-> RU

7th Honorable mention - No 18, Misha Shapiro (Israel) 1nK5/2Nn4/1qpNp3/2krP3/2bp3b/8/8/8

1.Be1 Kd8 (Kxd7?) (tempo) 2.Bb4 Se4# (Sxe6#?)
1.Sa6 Kxd7 (Kd8?) (tempo) 2.Sb4 Sxe6# (Se4#?)
WK tempo play moving to a square unguarded by B1 and into a pin line. The composer used the double mechanism efficiently by using the pinning black pieces to make the required self-blocks. The use of BSd7 is a pity, see a suggested correction (No 18A).
EN <-> RU
No 6A - János Csák
(version Witztum, Navon, Einat)
SuperProblem, 29-07-2022
Solution | Решение

1.Sbc5 Kd5 (Kb4? Kd3?) 2.S(b)b7 d7# (Sba7#?)
1.Sec5 Kb4 (Kd5? Kd3?) 2.S(e)b7 Sba7# (d7#?)
1st Commendation - No 6
János Csák (see also version 6A)
TT-265, SuperProblem, 29-07-2022
2nd Commendation - No 5
János Csák & Gábor Tar
TT-265, SuperProblem, 29-07-2022
3rd Commendation - No 36
Aleksandr Pankratyev & Evgeny Gavryliv
TT-265, SuperProblem, 29-07-2022

1st Commendation - No 6, János Csák (Hungary) 3k2b1/8/1p1NPPq1/1rN5/3K1n2/2n3b1/2r5/8

1.Scd5 Ke5 (Kc4? Ke3?) 2.S(c)c7 e7# (Scb7#?)
1.Sfd5 Kc4 (Ke5? Ke3?) 2.S(f)c7 Scb7# (e7#?)
WK tempo play with dual avoidance: B1 open a black line preventing entry into one of the thematic squares and guards e3. Thus, the WK enters into one of two potential pin-lines with pin-prevention of one of the mating moves. We suggest an improved position (see No 6A).
EN <-> RU

2nd Commendation - No 5, János Csák & Gábor Tar (Hungary) 2r1N3/6p1/3pp2b/4k3/q1b1Nr2/2P1P1P1/8/2K5

1.d5 S4d6 2.Rd4 cxd4# (exd4#?)
1.Bd5 S8xd6 2.Qd4 exd4# (cxd4#?)
Combination with the Baltic theme: B1 self-blocks square d5, B2 has active black sacrifices on d4, and the mates are with different white pawns. The WSs also move to the same square to guard f5 & e4. Interestingly, in one solution white opens the line for the black sacrifice and in the other solution it is black that opens the line.
EN <-> RU

3rd Commendation - No 36, Aleksandr Pankratyev (Russia) & Evgeny Gavryliv (Ukraine) 8/8/B1K1n1Nr/5P1p/4nrkP/5Np1/4pp2/7b

1.S4g5 Bd3 2.S(4)h3 Sge5# (Sfe5#?)
1.S6g5 Bc8 2.S(6)h3 Sfe5# (Sge5#?)
Again, combination with the Baltic theme (B2 and the mates on the same square), but the blocks with the BSs on the same square are less interesting than blocks on different squares.
EN <-> RU
4th Commendation - No 41
Michel Caillaud
TT-265, SuperProblem, 29-07-2022
5th Commendation - No 24
Anatoly Mityushin
TT-265, SuperProblem, 29-07-2022
Commendation - No 9
Ralf Krätschmer
TT-265, SuperProblem, 29-07-2022
h#2b) wPd6(5+8)

4th Commendation - No 41, Michel Caillaud (France) 8/7b/2P3nR/1nk5/1r2r3/3K4/8/7Q

1.Re6 Rxg6 2.Rxc6 Qxc6# (Rxc6#?) 1.Se7 Qxe4 2.Sxc6 Rxc6# (Qxc6#?)
Active self-pinning by white and active sacrifices by black, a nice combination with black half-battery.
EN <-> RU

5th Commendation - No 24, Anatoly Mityushin (Ukraine) q4B1r/1n1b4/8/4P2n/5kpR/4p3/4P1R1/7K

1.Sg7 Bd6 (Bg7?) 2.Sdf5 Rgxg4# (Rhxg4#??)
1.Sd6 Bg7 (Bd6?) 2.Sgf5 Rhxg4# (Rgxg4#??)
Here, too, two different BSs self-block on the same square. The mates are by the WR that remains not pinned on g4 (competing the Baltic theme). The obstructions, determining W1, are a nice addition.
EN <-> RU

Commendation - No 9, Ralf Krätschmer (Germany) 2R5/8/b2p1p2/1n1Pk2q/2R3n1/4pP2/4K3/8

a) diagram: 1.Sh6 R8c5 2.Sf5 Re4# (f4#?)
b) wPd6: 1.Sxd6 Rd8 2.Sf5 f4# (Re4#?)
Commendation - No 10
Ralf Krätschmer
TT-265, SuperProblem, 29-07-2022
Commendation - No 14
Frank Richter
TT-265, SuperProblem, 29-07-2022
Commendation - No 26
Aleksandr Pankratyev
TT-265, SuperProblem, 29-07-2022

Commendation - No 10, Ralf Krätschmer (Germany) 4B3/7b/1q4r1/2pP4/1np5/1N3P2/2Rpkpp1/1K5R

1.Sxd5 Bc6 2.Se3 Rxd2# (Sc1#?)
1.Re6 Bh5 2.Re3 Sc1# (Rxd2#?)

Commendation - No 14, Frank Richter (Germany) 8/3N2r1/8/3N2B1/3k2b1/2bnp3/2r1nPK1/8

1.Sg3 S5b6 2.Se4 Bxe3# (fxe3#?)
1.Be6 S5f6 2.Bc4 fxe3# (Bxe3#?)

Commendation - No 26, Aleksandr Pankratyev (Russia) 5b2/4n1p1/3N2b1/2KPk1pp/4p1pP/4N3/5nPr/6q1

1.Sh3 hxg5 2.Sf4 Sdc4# (Sec4#?)
1.Sg8 g3 2.Sf6 Sec4# (Sdc4#?)
Dedicated to TT-265 participants -
Misha Shapiro & Menachem Witztum
SuperProblem, 29-07-2022
h#2b-d) Kc3->d2,g5,c8(5+15)

Dedicated to TT-265 participants - Misha Shapiro & Menachem Witztum (Israel) 3n4/1b6/2NP4/2K1p2r/3pR3/p1k2q1p/ppp2b1P/3n1r2

a) diagram: 1.Kb3 Rxd4 2.Sc3 Sa5# (Rb4#?)
b) Kc3->d2: 1.Qe2 Sxd4 2.Ke1 Rxe2# (Sd4-f3#?)
c) Kc3->g5: 1.Qg4 Sxe5 2.Kh4 Rxg4# (Se5-f3#?)
d) Kc3->c8: 1.Kd7 Rxe5 2.Bc8 Sb8# (Re7#?)