Final Award in Quick Composing TT-237 | Окончательные итоги блицконкурса TT-237

Black and White: Come-and-go-and-guard | Черно-белый ушел-пришел-защитил

Theme | Тема

51 entries were received from 13 authors representing 10 countries | На конкурс поступило 51 композиций от 13 авторов из 10 стран

EN <-> RU

First, we wish to thank all participants who responded to this unconventional composing challenge. We also thank the tourney director, Aleksey Oganesjan and Paz Einat for anticipation search and translating this award.
We received 51 anonymous problem, several with versions. Some of the problems were of high level but quite a few presented the theme in a rather elementary fashion.

The following problems were not thematic:
- No 12 (Ke1-Kd5), No 27 (Ka8-Kc8): the additional theme was not shown.
- No 17 (Kh6-Kb5), No 18 (Ka4-Kc6), No 19A & 19B (Kf1-Kf3), No 20 (Kg2-Ke4), No 32 (Kh1 Kc4): W2 guards the thematic square.
- No 49 (Kf1-Kc5): the BK moves away from the thematic square.

The major theme as well as the additional one are comprised of non-harmonic elements. They were chosen by our wish to drive the composers towards unconventional approaches and to enlarge the creativity space.
Most problems show the main theme in a rather banal way except for No 22 & No 44 that show something different. We found better variety and interest in the presentation of the additional theme. Only No 33 doubled both the main & additional themes. Several problems presented more than one element in the additional theme.

The following are the elements shown in the additional theme:
- Flight prevention from the BK was the most common element shown by 17 problems (see No 35 as an example).
- Indirect unpin was shown by 9 problems (see No 34 as an example).
- Interference of a mate preventing line was shown by 6 problems (see No 21 as an example).
- Preventing a check to the WK (No 41 & No 42).
- Avoiding guard of a rear battery pieces (No 29)
- Line opening (white to white / black to white – No 51)
- Bridge opening (white to black / black to white – No 6).
- White and black sacrifice (No 22).
- White and black castling (No 24).
- Two consecutive move by white and black (No 44).
- Other elements (4 problems).

In evaluating the problems, we also considered the purity of the thematic elements.

Award is the following | Отличия распределились следующим образом

1st Prize - No 42
Ricardo de Mattos Vieira
TT-237, SuperProblem, 23-05-2020
h#2b) Sf4->f5(5+11)
2nd Prize - No 33
Marko Klasinc
TT-237, SuperProblem, 23-05-2020
3rd Prize - No 38
Fadil Abdurahmanovic & Marko Klasinc
TT-237, SuperProblem, 23-05-2020

1st Prize - No 42, Ricardo de Mattos Vieira (Brazil) 3q4/r2p1KNp/1p2p3/1Pkb4/Ppp2N2/8/8/5r2

a) diagram: 1.Bb7 Sf5 2.d5 Sf4xe6#
b) Sf4->f5: 1.Bf3 Se7 2.d6 Sg7xe6#
The problem shows exchange of function between the WS and BB in check prevention and indirect unpin of the WS, as well as between the WS and BPd7 in interference and guarding duties. All four thematic units have an additional reason to move. BBd5 & BPd7 leave the mating square while the WS’s once make an interference and once guard a square. A unified execution while doubling the additional theme and perfect complementary harmony. Fantastic!!
EN <-> RU

2nd Prize - No 33, Marko Klasinc (Slovenia) K7/1r6/3p4/3bkP2/4qn2/8/8/3B3Q

1.Q~ Bc2 2.Q~ Qa1#??
1.Qxf5 Bb3 2.Be4 Qa1#
1.~ Bg4 2.~(switchback) Qh8#??
1.Bf7 Bc2 2.Qd5 Qh8#
An interesting presentation of function exchange of the three thematic units BB, WB & BQ to enable the mate by the WQ on a1 & h8. Additionally, we see interferences of the BR lines on b3 & f7. The composer was able to double the theme by exchanging the selfblocks of d5 & e4 between the BQ & BB, with the WB always guarding the other thematic square. Doubling the theme in itself is thematically sufficient.
Also thematic is the function exchange between the BQ & WB in guarding f5. The tries involving the hideaway of the BQ or BB fail due to the BR. A rich execution of the theme!!
EN <-> RU

3rd Prize - No 38, Fadil Abdurahmanovic (Bosnia & Herzegovina) & Marko Klasinc (Slovenia) 1R6/8/Nn6/7r/p1q2r2/pk1b2R1/nb1pN3/3K4

1.Qb4 (Q~?) Rg5 2.Sc4 Sc5#
(Q~?) Rc8 2.Be4 Sd4#
The BQ, on the thematic square c4, guards the mating squares d4/c5 but cannot move away from them. Instead, it moves into half-pin on b4 (also selfblock) or on c3 (interfering with BBb2). The other black piece, now unpinned, moves away to pin the BQ and makes a selfblock or an interference to enable the mate. One finds mutuality in the exchange of roles between the pinned and unpinning pieces that execute the first theme as well as the additional theme. We also see, for white, interference of BR5 or guard of the thematic square. A complex problem with dynamic pin play and good combination of the black & white play. A pity the motivation of the BQ play is not unified in the two solutions.
EN <-> RU
4th Prize - No 22
Vitaly Medintsev
TT-237, SuperProblem, 23-05-2020
5th Prize - No 51
Evgeny Gavryliv
TT-237, SuperProblem, 23-05-2020
Special Prize - No 35
Fadil Abdurahmanovic & Marko Klasinc
TT-237, SuperProblem, 23-05-2020

4th Prize - No 22, Vitaly Medintsev (Russia) 4N3/2p5/3n4/1P1k1P2/N2P4/1pB5/pP6/K7

1.Se4 ? 2.c6(c5) Sb6#
1.Se4 Sd6 2.cxd6 Sb6#
1.c5 ? 2.c4 Sf6#
1.c5 dxc5 2.Sc4 Sf6#
An especially original realization of the main theme involving the tempo element and white/black sacrifice. BSd6, on the thematic square, can move away as it is guarded by WSe8 and after BPc7 moves Sb6# is possible. However, white has no waiting move so the plan must be changed and it sacrifices its knight on d6 so it is selfblocked by the black pawn. White’s plan of mating on f6 must also change in the second solution: due to the lack of a white move BPc7 fails to selfblock c4 in two moves. Instead, dxc5 guards d6 and allows BSd6 to make the selfblock on c4. The additional theme is characterized by the black/white sacrifices and additional elements involve the capture by/capture of the BP and the model mates.
EN <-> RU

5th Prize - No 51, Evgeny Gavryliv (Ukraine) 5r2/2p5/2Pk1n2/3bq3/1P1B2N1/7B/8/5Kb1

1.Bxc6 Sf2 (Se3?) 2.Sd5 Bc5#
1.Qe7 Bg2 2.Be6 Be5#
The additional theme is done here in a special manner by opening and closing of lines: white – black/black – white, in the same move: in the first solution WSg4 opens the line for the WB and closes that of BBg1 (on f2 and not e3 to prevent a check to the WK). In the second solution, after 1.Qe7 Bg2, black bishop d5 opens the line to the WB and closes the line of the BQ.
EN <-> RU

Special Prize - No 35, Fadil Abdurahmanovic (Bosnia & Herzegovina) & Marko Klasinc (Slovenia) 3R4/5bK1/5Q2/3r4/N2q3r/p2k4/2nBn3/b7

1.Qc4 Bf4 (B~?) 2.Rd4 Qf5#
1.Re5 Qf4 2.Qd5 Sc5#
The half-pinned BQ and BR prevent the mates on f5 & c5. Their one way to help realize the mates is to hide one behind the other when one of them remains pinned(Leibovici interference). The BQ leaves the thematic square d4 twice: in the first solution the square is blocked by the BR, which also closes BBa1 and unpins the WQ, while in the second solution d4 is guarded by the WQ that also guards WBd2. The second element of the theme is done twice:
1. selfblock or guard of c4 by the BQ/WQ.
2. The move Bf4 closes a black line in the first solution while BRe5 & BQ close two black lines in the second solution. Evidently, there is a thematic imbalance between black and white.
The problem would have been placed together with the first prize if not for a partial predecessor (see pdb/P0532752). This predecessor is not as good and also does not fully show the theme.
EN <-> RU
1st Honorable mention - No 37
Fadil Abdurahmanovic & Marko Klasinc
TT-237, SuperProblem, 23-05-2020
2nd Honorable mention - No 43
Ricardo de Mattos Vieira
TT-237, SuperProblem, 23-05-2020
3rd Honorable mention - No 41
Ricardo de Mattos Vieira
TT-237, SuperProblem, 23-05-2020

1st Honorable mention - No 37, Fadil Abdurahmanovic (Bosnia & Herzegovina) & Marko Klasinc (Slovenia) 8/8/4K3/2rBN3/3k1b1R/2r1qp2/3nPn2/1b1R4

1.Qd3 Sc4 2.Sb3 e3#
1.Qe4 Kd6 2.Be3 Sxf3#
An original concept for the additional theme – mutual unpin of WSe5 by direct unpin by the BQ or by move away by the WK. The BQ has no other way to enable the mates but to pin itself on d3/e4, but by this it also releases Sd2/Bf4 to do their job in enabling the mates. The multitasking of the BQ and thematic black pieces, as well as the positioning of the WK on e6, which prevent tempo duals, weakens the thematic nature of the unpin of the WS. Due to this we were unable to give this complex problem a prize.
EN <-> RU

2nd Honorable mention - No 43, Ricardo de Mattos Vieira (Brazil) 2R5/nR2p3/b1p5/2b5/P1kp4/P4B2/4K3/8

1.Bd6 (Bb4?) Kd2 2.c5 Rb4#
1.Bb4 Rb5
(Rd7?) 2.Bc3 Bd5#
BPc6 is pinned once on c5 and once in its place, after BBc5 moves. The additional theme comprises prevention of c3 as flight to the BK by the WK/BB.
EN <-> RU

3rd Honorable mention - No 41, Ricardo de Mattos Vieira (Brazil) 7b/p7/Bkr5/3p4/2Pn4/8/1K1n4/R1R5

1.Rc7 Rc3 2.Sc6 c5#
1.Rf6 cxd5 2.Se6 Rc6#
Two elements of the additional theme are shown by role exchange of WRc1/BR in preventing check to the WK on f6/c3 and preventing a flight on c7. There is also a mutual support between Rc1/c4 for the mate.
EN <-> RU
4th Honorable mention - No 29
János Csák
TT-237, SuperProblem, 23-05-2020
h#2b) Pd2->f2(3+13)
5th Honorable mention - No 21
Vitaly Medintsev
TT-237, SuperProblem, 23-05-2020
Honorable mention - No 6
Aleksandr Tyunin
TT-237, SuperProblem, 23-05-2020

4th Honorable mention - No 29, János Csák (Hungary) 1K6/8/2qN4/p6r/r1ppNp2/p2nk2p/3pp3/8

a) diagram: 1.Sf2 Sg5 2.d3 Sf5#
b) Pd2->f2: 1.Sb4 Sc5 2.Qf3 Sxc4#
The additional theme presents interferences of the black rooks on the 4th and 5th rows by the BS/WSe4. Additionally, the BQ/WS exchange roles in preventing a flight on f3.
EN <-> RU

5th Honorable mention - No 21, Vitaly Medintsev (Russia) 2r5/KpqNr3/8/3n1P2/1B2k3/4n3/1bP1N1P1/8

1.Sxf5 Bc3 (Bd6?) 2.Sde3 Sf6# 1.Sf4 Bc5 (Bd2?) 2.Sed5 Sg3#
As in the previous problem, the additional theme involves white and black closing black lines, this time diagonal (a1-h8 & h2-b8). We see matching play between BSe3 and the WB in the two themes: in the first prevention of flight on the thematic square e3 and in the second the interferences mentioned by Bc3/Sf4. Mutuality is also seen between the white pieces and between the black knights: in each solution the WB guards a square guarded by the WS freeing it to make the mate and there is also exchange of places between the black knights. Beautiful.
EN <-> RU

Honorable mention - No 6, Aleksandr Tyunin (Russia) 8/2N3K1/8/4kp2/1b1r4/B1N2n2/5P2/3r4

1.Rd6 Bc1 2.Sd4 (2.Rd4?) f4#
1.Re4 S3b5 2.Bd2
(2.Sd2?) Bd6#
In the additional part of the theme there is an original implementation of bridge opening black to white/white to black: the BS opens the way to f2 and WSc3 opens the way to the BB. Complementing the harmony of the black play the BB open the bridge to the WB.
EN <-> RU
Honorable mention - No 34
Fadil Abdurahmanovic
TT-237, SuperProblem, 23-05-2020
Honorable mention - No 39
János Csák
TT-237, SuperProblem, 23-05-2020
Honorable mention - No 44
Ricardo de Mattos Vieira
TT-237, SuperProblem, 23-05-2020
h#2b) -Pb5(4+7)

Honorable mention - No 34, Fadil Abdurahmanovic (Bosnia & Herzegovina) 8/8/8/8/1pp5/2k2n1R/2Bq4/K1N2r2

1.Qd3 Bd1 (Ba4?) 2.Sd2 Se2#
1.Qd4 Rh2 2.Se1 Sa2#
The additional theme is shown twice: unpins and flight prevention. The unpins can be seen in two ways: unpin of the WS by BSe1/WBd1 or unpin of the WS by WBd1 and unpin of the BS by the BQ. There is also flight prevention on d4 by the BQ/WS.
EN <-> RU

Honorable mention - No 39, János Csák (Hungary) N7/3n4/P1kN2R1/3r4/4bK2/3p1B2/3p3p/2n4q

1.Rb5 Re6 2.Bd5 Sb7#
1.Rg5 Kxe4 2.Rg2 Kd4#
The only problem with indirect mates using one static and one dynamic battery with the front piece (Sb6/Kd4) moving to guard c5. In the additional theme – black/white preventing a guard on the rear battery piece: in the first solution the WR moves to e6 to avoid the guard by BSd7 and in the second solution the BR moves to block BQh1 while the WK captures on e4 and open the orthogonal battery. Except for the battery mates there is a sharp lack of unity.
EN <-> RU

Honorable mention - No 44, Ricardo de Mattos Vieira (Brazil) 5B2/8/8/1p1p1p2/2kq4/2p2BK1/3pP3/8

a) diagram: 1.Qh8 Bh5 2.d4 Bf7#
b) –Pb5: 1.Qb6 e3 2.Qb3 Be2#
The first theme – black Umnov/white Umnov. In the second theme – BQ/WB prevent a flights after moving twice, and WPe2/BPd5 move and open a line/square to the WB.
EN <-> RU
1st Commendation - No 30
János Csák
TT-237, SuperProblem, 23-05-2020
h#2b) Rd5->f5
c = b) Rc7->g7
d = c) Rf5->d5
2nd Commendation - No 24
Pietro Pitton
TT-237, SuperProblem, 23-05-2020
h#2b) Rg5->g1(4+5)
3rd Commendation - No 45
Ricardo de Mattos Vieira
TT-237, SuperProblem, 23-05-2020
h#2b) -Pe5(5+8)

1st Commendation - No 30, János Csák (Hungary) 8/2R1n3/8/3rq3/4k3/4P3/4K3/8

a) diagram: 1.Qf5 Rd7 2.Re5 Rd4#
b) Rd5->f5: 1.Qf4 exf4 2.Sd5 Rc4#
c = b) Rc7->g7: 1.Qd5 Rf7 2.Re5 Rf4#
d = c) Rf5->d5: 1.Qd4 exd4 2.Sf5 Rg4#
The WR guards d5 & f5, squares that are blocked by black in the respective phases. Symmetrical.
EN <-> RU

2nd Commendation - No 24, Pietro Pitton (Italy) r2qk3/R7/8/6r1/p7/8/8/R3KB2

a) diagram: 1.Qd4 Rb1 2.0-0-0 Ba6#
b) Rg5->g1: 1.Qf6 0-0-0 2.Qf8 Bb5#
Author’s comments: thematic square d8; same tactic idea: castling by white and by black.
EN <-> RU

3rd Commendation - No 45, Ricardo de Mattos Vieira (Brazil) 8/8/1p3K1b/4p2p/2pkr3/2pN4/4P3/3RR3

a) diagram: 1.Rf4+ Ke6 2.e4 e3#
b) –Pe5: 1.Re5 e4 2.Rc5 Sf4#
Author’s comments:
a) B1 – move to f4 for line closing; B2 – occupation of square e4.
b) W1 – occupation of square e4; W2 – move to f4 for line closing.
EN <-> RU
4th Commendation - No 26
Gábor Tar
TT-237, SuperProblem, 23-05-2020
Commendation - No 5
Aleksandr Tyunin
TT-237, SuperProblem, 23-05-2020
Commendation - No 31
János Csák
TT-237, SuperProblem, 23-05-2020

4th Commendation - No 26, Gábor Tar (Hungary) 2R5/nK2p1B1/3kb3/1B3r2/8/8/8/1r6

1.Bb3 Bc4 2.Rc5 Rd8#
1.Bf7 Rc5 2.e6 Bf8#

Commendation - No 5, Aleksandr Tyunin (Russia) 2B5/4p3/1r1nP3/4k1B1/2Pn4/1R6/8/1K6

1.Sf7 exf7 2.Rd6 Re3#
1.S4b5 Rd3 2.Se4 Rd5#

Commendation - No 31, János Csák (Hungary) 8/5B2/1Q6/8/8/4p3/4p3/K4k2

1.e1S Qxe3 2.Sg2 Bc4#
1.e1B Be6 2.e2 Bh3#
Commendation - No 47
Luis Miguel Martin
TT-237, SuperProblem, 23-05-2020
Commendation - No 50
Luis Miguel Martin
TT-237, SuperProblem, 23-05-2020

Commendation - No 47, Luis Miguel Martin (Spain) 2B5/r1p5/2nr4/3kp3/N7/1N6/K7/8

1.Sa5 Bf5 2.c6 Sb6#
1.Sd4 Sa5 2.c5 Sc3#

Commendation - No 50, Luis Miguel Martin (Spain) 6RK/7B/8/4N3/4pk2/4rP1P/8/b7

1.Rc3 Sc4 2.exf3 Rg4#
1.Rxf3 Rg7 2.e3 Sd3#

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