Final Award in Quick Composing TT-228 | Окончательные итоги блицконкурса TT-228

Change of several move-functions in threat | Перемена функций нескольких ходов угрозы

Theme | Тема

5 entries were received from 3 authors representing 1 countries | На конкурс поступило 5 композиций от 3 авторов из 1 страны

EN <-> RU

The set theme offers the widest scope for creativity. Few problems were sent for this TT, but there is the differences in approaches (what pleases), but with imperfection. In my comments, I will point out how I see an enhancement of each problem.

Award is the following | Отличия распределились следующим образом

1st Prize, 1st Place - No 4
Yury Gorbatenko
TT-228, SuperProblem, 11-08-2019
2nd Prize, 2nd Place - No 2
Igor Agapov
TT-228, SuperProblem, 11-08-2019
Honorable mention, 3rd-5th Place - No 1
Aleksandr Shpakovsky
TT-228, SuperProblem, 11-08-2019

1st Prize, 1st Place - No 4, Yury Gorbatenko (Russia) 2n5/1pN4N/1P1b4/2B1q3/Q1p1kPP1/2p2R2/b1P3K1/8

1.Qd7! – 2.Qe6 – 3.Sf6#/Sg5#, 2...Bxc5/Be7 3.Qxe5#
1...Bxc5 2.Sf6+ Qxf6 3.Qd5#
1...Bxc7 2.Sg5+ Qxg5 3.Qd4#
1...Be7 2.Qd3+ cxd3 3.cxd3#
1...Qxc5 2.Sf6+ Kd4 3.Se6#
Interesting problem in a sense of tactics and development of the set theme. Double quiet thematic threat transforms into 2nd moves and defenses in the threat – into variations.
Unfortunately the author “mixed” the idea and didn’t separate variations. The problem would be much better if the moves of threat execute in response to another defenses and Black thematic moves – with another White answers (of course, with the same interesting tactics) or strictly paradoxical Dombrovskis answers from double threat in response to Black defenses.
In any case it is the most interesting problem of the tourney.
EN <-> RU

2nd Prize, 2nd Place - No 2, Igor Agapov (Russia) 1b6/1Qp2p2/5pPp/2r4P/1N1P1k1P/5P2/p1b3B1/K4N2

*1...Kf5 2.Qc8+ 3.Qg4#

1.Qc8? – 2.Qg4#
1...Rf5 (a) 2.Sd5+! (A) Rxd5 3.Qg4#
1...Bf5 (b) 2.Sd3+! (B) Bxd3 3.Qg4#

1.Qc6! – 2.Qxf6+
   2...Rf5 (a) 3.Sd5# (A)
   2...Bf5 (b) 3.Sd3# (B)
1...Rf5 (a) 2.Sd3+! (B) Bxd3 3.Qc1#
1...Bf5 (b) 2.Sd5+! (A) Rxd5 3.Qc1#
1...Kf5 2.Qd7+ Kf4 3.Qg4#
1...f5 2.gxf7! – 3.Qxh6#, 2...Rxc6 3.Sd5#

(1...Rxc6 2.Sd5+ Kf5 3.Bh3#)
An actual play includes two thematic variations with threat and reciprocal change of thematic answers. The try cannot be considered in view of short threat that downgraded an idea of change-play itself. But… once more two defenses on thematic square were added harmonically, and the key is good. The mechanism itself of pinning of bR and bB with following line-opening for wQ is not new, of course.
EN <-> RU

Honorable mention, 3rd-5th Place - No 1, Aleksandr Shpakovsky (Russia) 8/4p3/2P1Pr2/R4pp1/2PNk3/p3P2r/K3BQ2/2b5

1.Rd5! – 2.Sb3! – 3.Sc5#/Bd3#
   2...Bxe3 (a) 3.Bd3# (A)
   2...Rxe3 (b) 3.Sc5#
1...Bxe3 (a) 2.Bd3+ (A) Kxd3 3.Qc2#
1...Rxe3 (b) 2.Bf3+! Kd3 3.Qc2#, 2...Kf4 3.Qh2#, 2...Rxf3 3.Qxf3#
Two thematic variations with thematic threat. A blocking of thematic square on 1st move, a play of wB on 2nd move and a light construction are merits of the problem.
A shortcoming is automatic repetition of one move (A). Here it would be better:
- either to repeat also 2nd move (B), but to unite mating moves by any common theme;
- or to make another answers, but with its own theme, desirable on 2nd and 3rd moves.

A harmony on every move of solution is good demonstrated in better problems of helpmate genre. But why another artistic requirements must be in orthodox problems? Nevertheless in the bulk of nowadays threemovers this principle is not respected, especially in pursuit of "scale" in “Adabashev theme”.
EN <-> RU
Honorable mention, 3rd-5th Place - No 3
Yury Gorbatenko
TT-228, SuperProblem, 11-08-2019
Honorable mention, 3rd-5th Place - No 5
Yury Gorbatenko
TT-228, SuperProblem, 11-08-2019

Honorable mention, 3rd-5th Place - No 3, Yury Gorbatenko (Russia) 1B4n1/1K6/p1R1P1Np/1p1kP3/r2P2r1/3p1P2/N4Q2/b7

1.Qe3! – 2.Qxd3 – 3.Rd6#
   2...Raxd4 3.Sb4#
   2...Bxd4 3.Sc3#
   2...Rgxd4 3.Sf4#
1...Raxd4 2.Sb4+ Rxb4 3.Qc5#
1...Bxd4 2.Sc3+ Bxc3 3.Qc5#
1...Rgxd4 2.Sf4+ Rxf4 3.Qc5#
A problem with 3 (!) thematic variations. But in creative terms the play is well-known, schematic and not particularly interesting. It would be much better if the problem has different mating moves, each with its own idea.
EN <-> RU

Honorable mention, 3rd-5th Place - No 5, Yury Gorbatenko (Russia) 1n5K/3p1N2/4B2B/3p4/1N2k1b1/2PpPp2/5P2/4r3

1.Kg7! – 2.Kf6 – 3.Sd6#/Sg5#/Bxd5#
1...d6 2.Sg5+ Ke5 3.Sxd3#
1...dxe6/Bxe6 2.Sd6+ Ke5 3.Bf4#
1...Rh1 2.Bxd5+ Kf5 3.e4#
1...Bh5 2.Kf6 Bxf7 3.Bf5#
Light constructed problem with three quiet thematic threats. But 3rd variation with play of bR knocks out of general harmony. It would be much better if this variation has a square-blocking too.
EN <-> RU

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Sections | Разделы

#3 (threemovers | трёхходовки)

Participants | Участники

Agapov I. – No 2
Gorbatenko Y. – No 3, 4, 5
Shpakovsky A. – No 1

The Winner | Победитель

Yury Gorbatenko
Congratulations! | Поздравляем!

Judge | Арбитр

Valery Shavyrin

Director and editor
Директор и редактор

Aleksey Oganesjan

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