Final Award in Quick Composing TT-226 | Окончательные итоги блицконкурса TT-226

Model functionary miniature | Правильная функциональная миниатюра

Theme | Тема

13 entries were received from 8 authors representing 5 countries | На конкурс поступило 13 композиций от 8 авторов из 5 стран

EN <-> RU

Since there are not so many problem (all of them are checked by Popeye), I decided to say about excluded problems:
- No 1 (Ka1-Kc2) – the mates are not model, because in mating positions of both twins a square b2 is unavailable for wK for two reasons. Also there is an unpleasant technical Ph2 that prevents a move 2.Qh2 in b);
- No 7 (Ka4-Kc5) – these ideal mates are from 2nd example, but with Queen instead Rook.

Award is the following | Отличия распределились следующим образом

1st Prize, 1st Place - No 3
Dmitry Turevski
TT-226, SuperProblem, 04-08-2019
Functionary Chess
2nd Prize, 2nd Place - No 2
Dmitry Turevski
TT-226, SuperProblem, 04-08-2019
Functionary Chess
3rd Prize, 3rd Place - No 9
Ján Golha
TT-226, SuperProblem, 04-08-2019
Functionary Chess

1st Prize, 1st Place - No 3, Dmitry Turevski (Russia) 8/1p2R2q/8/8/1K6/8/k7/8

1...Qe4+ 2.Ka5 Qe2 3.Re3 Qf2 4.Re2+ Ka3 5.Rb2 Qa7 6.Rb5 b6#
1...Qh4 2.Ka4 b6 3.Re4 Qh1 4.Re1 Qf1 5.Rb1 Qa6 6.Rb4 b5#
1...b5 2.Rc7 Qh2 3.Rc2+ Ka1 4.Rb2 Qd2+ 5.Ka3 Qa5 6.Rb3 b4#
Delightful 5-pieces-problem! Excellent functional play and three ideal echo-chameleon mates with shifting on one rank.
EN <-> RU

2nd Prize, 2nd Place - No 2, Dmitry Turevski (Russia) 8/8/8/8/2k5/B2R4/2Kp4/q7

1...d1R! 2.Bb2 Qa3 3.Rc3+ Kb4 4.Bc1 Rd3 5.Bd2 Qxc3+ 6.Kd1 zz Qxd2#! (6...Q~?)
1...d1B+! 2.Kc1 Bc2 3.Bb4 Bb1 4.Bc3 Qxc3+ 5.Rd2 Bd3 6.Rc2 zz Qxc2#! (6...Q~?)
Ortho-diagonal analogy of zugzwang positions with pinned bQ. Function permutation of White pieces “sacrifice on c3 / pinning of bQ”. Different routes of bQ on c3 and promoted Pawn on d3. Model mates.
EN <-> RU

3rd Prize, 3rd Place - No 9, Ján Golha (Slovakia) 8/8/7Q/3p4/K1k5/8/3P4/7r

1.Qh4+ Kc5 2.Qe4 Rh8 3.Qh1 Ra8 4.Ka5 d4#
1.Qh5 d4 2.Qf3 Rf1 3.Qh1 Ra1+ 4.Qh8 d3#
Two-phases-problem in multi-solutions-form with nice play – three moves to corner in each phase! Technical wPd2 reduces an impression slightly.
EN <-> RU
Special Prize - No 12
Vlaicu Crişan (after Viktor Zheglov)
TT-226, SuperProblem, 04-08-2019
hs#7b) Ke6->f5
c, d) Ke1->h4, c6
Functionary Chess
1st Honorable mention - No 4
Anatoly Stepochkin
TT-226, SuperProblem, 04-08-2019
hs#5b, c) Qb1->h1, h2
Functionary Chess
2nd Honorable mention - No 5
Anatoly Stepochkin
TT-226, SuperProblem, 04-08-2019
hs#6b) Bg5->a4
c) Ra1->h4
Functionary Chess

Special Prize - No 12, Vlaicu Crişan (Romania), after Viktor Zheglov8/8/4k3/1b6/8/2b5/3R4/4K3

a) diagram: 1.Re2+ Kd5 2.Re5+ Kc4 3.Rc5+ Kb4+ 4.Kd1 Be2+ 5.Kc1 Ba1 6.Rb5+ Kc3 7.Rb1 Bb2#
b) Ke6->f5: 1.Rb2 Be2 2.Rb5+ Kf4 3.Rg5 Bf3 4.Rg3 Bh1+ 5.Kf1 Bd2 6.Rg4+ Kf3 7.Rg1 Bg2#
c) Ke1->h4: 1.Rd3 Bf6 2.Rd5 Bd7 3.Rd6+ Ke7+ 4.Kh5 Bg4+ 5.Kh6 Bh8 6.Rd7+ Kf6 7.Rh7 Bg7#
d) Ke1->c6: 1.Kb6 Bc6 2.Rd7 Ba8 3.Re7+ Kd6 4.Rc7 Ba5+ 5.Ka6 Bb4 6.Rd7+ Kc6 7.Ra7 Bb7#
The only four-phases-problem in the tourney. The author managed to made the same finals in all four corners but via twinning with shifting a King closer to desirable corner. That’s why I give special distinction – for the attempt.
EN <-> RU

1st Honorable mention - No 4, Anatoly Stepochkin (Russia) 8/8/8/2kb4/K7/5R2/1b6/1Q6

a) diagram: 1.Rb3 Ba3 2.Rb6 Bb4 3.Rd6 Ba2 4.Rd5+ Kc4 5.Qb3+ Bxb3#
b) Qb1->h1: 1.Rd3 Bc6+ 2.Qh8 Bc3 3.Qe5+ Kc4 4.Qa5 Bb4 5.Qb5+ Bxb5#
c) Qb1->h2: 1.Rf6 Be5 2.Rd6 Bc6+ 3.Ka5 Bb5 4.Qb2 Bc3+ 5.Qb4+ Bxb4#
Good three-phases-problem with homogeneous twins and echo-chameleon model mates.
EN <-> RU

2nd Honorable mention - No 5, Anatoly Stepochkin (Russia) q5k1/8/8/6b1/8/8/8/R3K2R

a) diagram: 1.Rf1 Qh1 2.Rf5 Bf6 3.0-0-0 Qh3 4.Rf3 Ba1 5.Rb3 Qc3+ 6.Rb1 Bb2#
b) Bg5->a4: 1.Rg1 Bc6 2.Ra6 Bh1 3.Re6 Kf7 4.Re8 Qe4+ 5.Kf1 Qf3 6.Re1 Bg2#
c) Ra1->h4: 1.Rh8+ Kg7 2.R1h3 Qa5 3.R8h5 Bh6+ 4.Kf2 Qf5+ 5.Kg3 Qf4+ 6.Kh4 Bg5#
Three-phases-problem with echo-chameleon model mates. Initial position implies two castlings but there is no Kingside the one!
EN <-> RU
3rd Honorable mention - No 6
Anatoly Stepochkin
TT-226, SuperProblem, 04-08-2019
hs#5b) Pd3->f3
Functionary Chess
4th Honorable mention - No 8
Ján Golha
TT-226, SuperProblem, 04-08-2019
Functionary Chess
5th Honorable mention - No 10
Ivo Tominić
TT-226, SuperProblem, 04-08-2019
hs#7.5b) Pc6->g4
Functionary Chess

3rd Honorable mention - No 6, Anatoly Stepochkin (Russia) b3k3/8/8/8/8/2bp4/8/R3K2R

a) diagram: 1.Rf1 Bh1 2.0-0-0 Bf3 3.Rd2 Bg2 4.Re1 Be4 5.Rdd1 d2#
b) Pd3->f3: 1.0-0 Be4 2.Rac1 Bd2 3.Rc2 Be1 4.Re2 Bg3 5.Ree1 f2#
Only two phases but the mates are interesting and there are both castlings!
EN <-> RU

4th Honorable mention - No 8, Ján Golha (Slovakia) 8/1p6/8/8/K7/3k4/1Q6/1q6

1...b5+ 2.Kb4 Qa1 3.Qd4+ Kc2 4.Qe5 Qa5+ 5.Ka3 b4#
1...b6 2.Qb5+ Kc3 3.Qf1 Qd3 4.Qe2 Qa6+ 5.Qe6 b5#
Five-pieces-problem with two-solutions-form.
EN <-> RU

5th Honorable mention - No 10, Ivo Tominić (Croatia) 8/8/B1p3k1/4K3/3r1p2/8/8/8

a) diagram: 1...Ra4 2.Bb5 Rd4 3.Ba4 Rd5+ 4.Ke6 Rd6+ 5.Ke7 Rd7+ 6.Ke8 Re7+ 7.Kf8 Re8+ 8.Kg8 c5#
b) Pc6->g4: 1...Rd6 2.Bd3+ Kf7 3.Be2 Re6+ 4.Kf5 Rf6+ 5.Kg5 Rg6+ 6.Kh5 Rg5+ 7.Kh6 Kh5+ 8.Kh7 g3#
Only two phases too but all is beautiful.
EN <-> RU
1st Commendation - No 11
Geoff Foster
TT-226, SuperProblem, 04-08-2019
Functionary Chess
2nd Commendation - No 13
Juraj Lörinc
TT-226, SuperProblem, 04-08-2019
Functionary Chess
3rd Commendation - No 14
Geoff Foster & Balasubramanian S. K.
TT-226, SuperProblem, 04-08-2019
Functionary Chess

1st Commendation - No 11, Geoff Foster (Australia) 2q1b1r1/5P2/8/3k4/7K/8/8/8

*1...Rg5 2.fxe8B Rf5 3.Bd7 Rf4 4.Bg4 Qf5 5.Bf3+ Ke6 6.Bg4 Qxg4#
1.fxg8R Bh5 2.Re8 Qc4 3.Re4 Bf3 4.Rg4 Qf4 5.Rg5+ Ke4 6.Rg4 Qxg4#
The only block problem in the tourney. It is an ideological “twin” of No 2 but with White promotions. Unfortunately the mates are on the same square.
EN <-> RU

2nd Commendation - No 13, Juraj Lörinc (Slovakia) 8/8/8/8/3k2p1/6Q1/2RK2P1/7n

1.Qh3 Sf2 2.Qf3 Se4+ 3.Kd1 Sg3 4.Qf2 Kd3 5.Rc4 Sh1 6.Qe1 g3 7.Rc1 Sf2#
I give a distinction for the geometry.
EN <-> RU

3rd Commendation - No 14, Geoff Foster (Australia) & Balasubramanian S. K. (India)3K4/5q2/2rRB3/3b4/2k5/8/8/8

1...Bxe6 2.Rxc6 Kd5 3.Rc7 Qf4 4.Rf7 Qd6 5.Rd7 Qxd7#
1...Rxd6 2.Bxd5+ Kb5 3.Be6 Qb7 4.Bc8 Qc6 5.Bd7 Qxd7#
The mates are the same as in No 2 or No 11, with passive sacrifice of one White piece on 1st move. But the mates are on the same square.
EN <-> RU
Dedicated to the participants
Viktor Zheglov
TT-226, SuperProblem, 04-08-2019
Functionary Chess

Dedicated to the participants - Viktor Zheglov (Russia) 8/4k3/2K5/7b/6Q1/8/8/b7

1.Qd1 Bh8 2.Qe2+ Kf6 3.Qe8 Bf7 4.Qg8 Bd5+ 5.Kd7 Be6+ 6.Ke8 Bd7+ 7.Kf8 Bg7#
1.Qe2+ Be8 2.Kb5 Ke6 3.Ka4 Kd5+ 4.Ka3 Bb5 5.Qe5+ Kc4 6.Qe2 Kc3 7.Qa2 Bb2#
1.Qd4 Bc3 2.Qc5 Bf3 3.Kb7 Kd7 4.Ka6 Bb4 5.Qf8 Ba8 6.Qe7+ Kc6 7.Qa7 Bb7#

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Sections | Разделы

(helpselfmates | кооперативно-обратные маты)

Participants | Участники

Balasubramanian S. K. – No 14*
Crişan V. – No 12
Foster G. – No 11, 14*
Golha J. – No 7, 8, 9
Gurgui D. – No 1
Lörinc J. – No 13
Stepochkin A. – No 4, 5, 6
Tominić I. – No 10
Turevski D. – No 2, 3

The Winner | Победитель

Dmitry Turevski
Congratulations! | Поздравляем!

Judge | Арбитр

Viktor Zheglov

Director and editor
Директор и редактор

Aleksey Oganesjan

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