Final Award in Quick Composing TT-219 | Окончательные итоги блицконкурса TT-219

Black and White Kniest | Двуцветный Книст

Theme | Тема

43 entries were received from 26 authors representing 15 countries | На конкурс поступило 43 композиций от 26 авторов из 15 стран

EN <-> RU

From neutral judge Aleksey Oganesjan I have received 45 problems, two of which have two versions.
I excluded No 23 (Kd6-Ke4), No 38 (Ka8-Kg5), No 39 (Ke1-Ke4) in view of its are non-thematic.

Award is the following | Отличия распределились следующим образом

1st Prize, 1st Place - No 15
Ofer Comay
TT-219, SuperProblem, 28-02-2019
h#4.5b) wBd4(5+13)
2nd Prize, 2nd Place - No 28
Aleksandr Kostyukov
TT-219, SuperProblem, 28-02-2019
h#4b) Sa7->f3(6+9)
3rd Prize, 3rd Place - No 30
Luis Miguel Martin
TT-219, SuperProblem, 28-02-2019

1st Prize, 1st Place - No 15, Ofer Comay (Israel) 8/8/p1K1p1p1/1r2P1P1/1P1Rp3/3ppp2/2bqrb2/4k3

a) diagram: 1...Rxd3 2.Rxb4! Rd8! (Rd7?) 3.Qd7+! (3.Qd6+? Kc5??) Kc5! 4.Kd2 Kxb4 5.Kd3 Rxd7#
b) wBd4: 1...Bxe3 2.Rxe5! Ba7! (Bb6?) 3.Bb6! (3.Bc5? Kd6??) Kd6! 4.Kf2 Kxe5 5.Ke3 Bxb6#
Excellent problem in twins form where, besides thematic bicolor Kniest, also Maslar and bicolor Bristol are realized. In similar problems from WinChloe (that are pointed out by the author himself) there is no bicolor Kniest in twins form.
EN <-> RU

2nd Prize, 2nd Place - No 28, Aleksandr Kostyukov (Russia) 8/n1p5/K1P5/1pP1k3/2pb4/2ppN3/PPr5/8

a) diagram: 1.Sxc6 Sxc4+ 2.Kd5 Kb7 3.Kxc4 Kxc6 4.b4 b3#
b) Sa7->f3: 1.Bxc5 Kxb5 2.Kd4 bxc3+ 3.Kxc3 Kxc5 4.Sd2 Sd1#
It is very good problem too. In twins form, besides the tourney theme, also Zilahi and Helledie themes are realized. That is why the problem produces strong impression.

Editorial. Helledie theme – h#3-4 where the motive for the first Black move become apparent only after the second White move has been played, or later. (Definition from “Encyclopedia of Chess Problems”, by Velimirovic & Valtonen)
EN <-> RU

3rd Prize, 3rd Place - No 30, Luis Miguel Martin (Spain) 3b4/8/Np4p1/kp4p1/bp4Pp/1p3p1K/1P3P1P/8

1.Bc7 Sc5 2.Bxh2 Sxa4 3.Bc7 Sxb6 4.Bd8 Sd7 5.Ka4 Kh2 6.Ba5 Sc5#
Interesting play including a duel between Black Bishop and White Knight. These two pieces execute all moves except thematic King Moves. Also there is Kozhakin theme.
EN <-> RU
4th Prize - No 42
Michel Caillaud
TT-219, SuperProblem, 28-02-2019
Special Prize - No 1
Valery Gurov
TT-219, SuperProblem, 28-02-2019
h#4b) Ba3->a2(5+11)
Special Prize - No 41
Theodoros Giakatis
TT-219, SuperProblem, 28-02-2019

4th Prize - No 42, Michel Caillaud (France) 6n1/8/3p4/3kbp2/3p1p2/3P1p2/5P2/4K2N

1.Sf6 Sg3 2.Se4 Se2 3.fxe2 dxe4+ 4.Kxe4 Kxe2 5.d5 f3#
Combination of Kniest and Zajic themes with spectacular play of White and Black Knights ends with an ideal mate.
EN <-> RU

Special Prize - No 1, Valery Gurov (Russia) 8/7p/3p1n1p/5k1P/4nPpK/B4pPb/5pp1/8

a) diagram: 1.Sxg3 Kxg3 2.Sxh5+ Kh4 3.Kxf4 Kxh5 4.Kg3 Bxd6#
b) Ba3->a2: 1.Sxh5 Kxh5 2.Sxg3+ Kh4 3.Kg6 Kxg3 4.Kh5 Bf7#
The theme is realized in twins with interesting play of Black Knights.
EN <-> RU

Special Prize - No 41, Theodoros Giakatis (Greece) 8/2p5/2B5/3K4/3P2n1/4kpp1/4bp2/2b2n2

1...Ke6 2.Kxd4 Bxf3 3.Bf4 Bc6 4.Ke3 Kd5 5.Kf3 Kd4#
Combination of the tourney theme and bicolor Klasinc (where Kings pass Bishops) with Indian theme.
EN <-> RU
Special Prize - No 12
Misha Shapiro
TT-219, SuperProblem, 28-02-2019
1st Honorable mention - No 16
Ivan Antipin
TT-219, SuperProblem, 28-02-2019
2nd Honorable mention - No 14
Misha Shapiro
TT-219, SuperProblem, 28-02-2019
h#4b) Kg5<->Ph5(3+13)

Special Prize - No 12, Misha Shapiro (Israel) 8/6Np/p1p5/P1P2p1P/RKPp2k1/RBpP4/P1P5/bn6

1...Sxf5! (Se6?) 2.Sxa3! (Sd2?) Sxd4 3.Sxc4 Se6 4.Se5 Ka3+ 5.Kf5 Rf4#
Interesting position in which there are no difficulties with finding of thematic moves but there are difficulties with in ensuring participation of all White pieces in mating picture. And these difficulties are successfully solved by finding of unexpected mating final.
EN <-> RU

1st Honorable mention - No 16, Ivan Antipin (Russia) 8/4n2b/2kp4/3n1r2/p1P1Kp2/pPr2P2/B3P3/4q3

1.Rxc4+ Kd3 2.Kb5 bxa4+ 3.Kxa4 Kxc4 4.Qa5 Bb3#
1.Rxf3 Kxf3 2.Re5 cxd5+ 3.Kxd5 e3 4.Sc6 b4#
Realization of the theme in two-solutions-form with model mates.
EN <-> RU

2nd Honorable mention - No 14, Misha Shapiro (Israel) 8/8/2p2ppp/2p2pkP/2P5/p1Kp3n/br1P4/2n5

a) diagram: 1.Bxc4 hxg6 2.Bf7 g7 3.Bh5 Kc4 (tempo) 4.Kg6 g8Q#
b) Kg5<->Ph5: 1.Rxd2 gxh6 2.Rg2 h7 3.Rg5 Kd2 (tempo) 4.Kh6 h8Q#
Realization of the theme in twins form with White Pawn and with Black Rook and Bishop executing thematic captures. Helledie theme.
EN <-> RU
3rd Honorable mention - No 21
Christer Jonsson & Rolf Wiehagen
TT-219, SuperProblem, 28-02-2019
4th Honorable mention - No 2
Anatoly Stepochkin
TT-219, SuperProblem, 28-02-2019
5th Honorable mention - No 43B
Viktoras Paliulionis
TT-219, SuperProblem, 28-02-2019

3rd Honorable mention - No 21, Christer Jonsson (Sweden) & Rolf Wiehagen (Germany) 8/p1N5/ppp5/k1p1q2p/7K/7P/6b1/8

1.c4? Sxa6 2.c5 Sxc5 3.Bb7 Se6 4.Ka6 ?? 5.Qa5 Sc7#
1.Bxh3 Sxa6 2.Bc8 Sxc5 3.Bb7 Se6 4.Ka6 Kh3! 5.Qa5 Sc7#
The set theme are performed with rundlauf of White Knight and interesting play of Black Bishop. Model mate.
EN <-> RU

4th Honorable mention - No 2, Anatoly Stepochkin (Russia) 8/8/8/7q/rn2R1p1/3k2p1/4prPp/3b3K

1...Rxe2 2.Rxg2 Ra2 3.Rd2 Rxa4 4.Ke2 Kg2 5.Sd3 Re4#
Bicolor Bristol performed by Black and White rooks. Rundlauf of White Rook.
EN <-> RU

5th Honorable mention - No 43B, Viktoras Paliulionis (Lithuania) 3N4/3rp3/4p1r1/4p3/2k4K/7n/8/1B6

1...Sxe6 2.Kd5 Sg5 3.Rgd6 Bh7 4.Sxg5 Kxg5 5.Ke6 Bg8#
An interesting play – sacrifice of White Knight and ideal mate.
EN <-> RU
Commendation - No 5
Marcos Roland
TT-219, SuperProblem, 28-02-2019
Commendation - No 11
Vladimir Evseev
TT-219, SuperProblem, 28-02-2019
Commendation - No 17
Petre Stojoski (+)
TT-219, SuperProblem, 28-02-2019

Commendation - No 5, Marcos Roland (Brazil) 5b2/4k1p1/4N3/5r2/8/p7/P2nr3/Kb6

1.Rf7? Sxf8 3.Bh7 Se6 4.Bg8 Sf4 5.Kf8 ?? 6.Re8 Sg6#
1.Bxa2! Sxf8 2.Bg8 Se6 3.Rf7 Sf4 4.Kf8 Ka2 5.Re8 Sg6#

Commendation - No 11, Vladimir Evseev (Ukraine) 4k2n/8/5ppp/4N2p/3KP3/8/8/8

1.f5 exf5 2.Sf7 fxg6 3.Sxe5 g7 4.Kf7 Kxe5 5.Kg6 g8Q#

Commendation - No 17, Petre Stojoski (+) (Macedonia) 8/p7/3p4/1k1p2p1/2ppr3/3p4/3P4/1nBK4

1...Bb2 2.Sxd2 Bxd4 3.Sf3 Bxa7 4.Se5 Bb8 5.Kc5 Kd2 6.Kd4 Ba7#
Commendation - No 20
Rolf Wiehagen & Christer Jonsson
TT-219, SuperProblem, 28-02-2019
Commendation - No 31
Luis Miguel Martin
TT-219, SuperProblem, 28-02-2019

Commendation - No 20, Rolf Wiehagen (Germany) & Christer Jonsson (Sweden) 8/8/8/1p1k1p1r/1p5r/1Pp1PK2/P2P4/8

1.Rc4 bxc4+ 2.Kxc4 e4! (tempo, ?? 3.f4 Ke4) 3.f:e4+ (f4? Ke3??) Kxe4 4.Rc5 d3#

Commendation - No 31, Luis Miguel Martin (Spain) rB6/1k6/2pp4/1pnp4/1p6/6p1/6Pp/7K

1.Ra2 Ba7 2.Rxg2 Bxc5 3.Rc2 Ba7 4.Rc4 Bb8 5.Kb6 Kg2 6.Kc5 Ba7#

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Sections | Разделы

H# (helpmates | коопматы)

Participants | Участники

Antipin I. – No 16
Bhushan P. – No 44, 45
Caillaud M. – No 42
Comay O. – No 15
Evseev V. – No 11
Giakatis T. – No 40, 41
Gurov V. – No 1
Halma M. – No 37, 38, 39
Harl A. – No 10
Ivunin A. – No 34*, 35*, 36*
Jonsson C. – No 20*, 21*, 33
Koci V. – No 26, 27
Kostyukov A. – No 28
Kuhn R. – No 4A, 4B
Leck J. – No 22*
Martin L. M. – No 29, 30, 31
Milošeski B. – No 23, 24, 25
Paliulionis V. – No 43A, 43B
Pankratyev A. – No 34*, 35*, 36*
Pitton P. – No 32
Roland M. – No 5, 6, 7
Shapiro M. – No 12, 13, 14
Shorokhov B. – No 19
Stepochkin A. – No 2, 3
Stojoski P. – No 17
Tar G. – No 8, 9, 18
Wiehagen R. – No 20*, 21*, 22*

The Winner | Победитель

Ofer Comay
Congrats! | Поздравляем!

Judge | Арбитр

Zlatko Mihajloski

Director and editor
Директор и редактор

Aleksey Oganesjan

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