Final Award in Quick Composing TT-214 | Окончательные итоги блицконкурса TT-214

Pinned by common purpose | Связанные одной целью

Theme | Тема

46 entries were received from 34 authors representing 14 countries | На конкурс поступило 46 композиций от 34 авторов из 14 стран

EN <-> RU

I received 46 entries in anonymous form from TT Director Aleksey Oganesjan. I think that the tourney is success both in quantity and quality.
I excluded following problems that pretended on distinctions:
- No 15 (Kh7-Ke5) – wSd8 is excess in 3rd solution;
- No 32 (Kd5-Kh1) – a repetition of the white move in a) and d);
- No 34 (Ke4-Kc6) – wBg4 is excess in 3rd solution;
- No 38 (Kh1-Kf7) – there is no an unpinning of white piece in the twin d);
- No 40 (Kh4-Ke4) – such matrix with cyclic Zilahi is not original.

Award is the following | Отличия распределились следующим образом

1st Prize, 1st Place - No 24
Aleksandr Kostyukov
TT-214, SuperProblem, 01-09-2018
2nd Prize, 2nd Place - No 2
Vitaly Medintsev
TT-214, SuperProblem, 01-09-2018
3rd Prize, 3rd Place - No 28
Ivan Antipin
TT-214, SuperProblem, 01-09-2018
c)Ph6->e6; d)Pe7->d6

1st Prize, 1st Place - No 24, Aleksandr Kostyukov (Russia) K5Qr/3n1P2/5kq1/7p/8/7b/8/8

1.Be6 f8B 2.Qf5 Qg7#
1.Ke7 f8R 2.Qd6 Qf7#
1.Kg5 f8S 2.Kh6 Qxg6#
1.Qg7 f8Q+ 2.Kg6 Qgxg7#
AUW completes thematic unpinnings! The form is excellent too – only 9 pieces! The mating move is repeated in 1st and 4th solutions but a conception of mating pictures are different.
EN <-> RU

2nd Prize, 2nd Place - No 2, Vitaly Medintsev (Russia) 5brq/3n1p2/7R/1P1k3K/p2P1p1Q/8/4Bp1r/n2b4

1.Qg7 (A) Rc6 2.f3 (B) Bc4#
1.f3 (B) Bd3 2.Rhg2 (C) Qe4#
1.Rhg2 (C) Qe7 2.Qg7 (A) Rd6#
Multi-solutions-form with cycle of Black moves. There are unpinnings not only on 2nd move but automatically on 1st too. Also there is Vinokurov theme (cyclic support of mating pieces). As a result – two unpinnings and two cycles. It is very whole and meaningful.
EN <-> RU

3rd Prize, 3rd Place - No 28, Ivan Antipin (Russia) 3b4/1qrpp1np/2N4p/3Nrkp1/8/8/1n2B3/2K2b2

a) diagram: 1.Kg6 Bg4 2.Bc4 (Sc4?) Sxe5#
b) Bf1->f3: 1.Be4 Bh5 2.Sc4 (Bc4??) Sd4#
c) Ph6->e6: 1.Rc8 Bf3 2.Bc7 (Sc4? Bc4?) Scxe7#
d) Pe7->d6: 1.Ke6 Bc4 2.Sf5 (Sc4? Bc4?) Sxd8#
In four twins – unpinnings of wS that complete model mates.
EN <-> RU
4th Prize - No 44
Phani Bhushan
TT-214, SuperProblem, 01-09-2018
5th Prize - No 22
Mario Parrinello
TT-214, SuperProblem, 01-09-2018
h#2b)wBd4; c)wSd4(10+9)
1st Honorable mention - No 25
Aleksandr Kostyukov
TT-214, SuperProblem, 01-09-2018

4th Prize - No 44, Phani Bhushan (India) 8/b7/8/3r1n2/P1Pk3r/3N1p2/PR6/5BK1

1.Ke4+ Rb6 2.Rdd4 Re6#
1.Kxc4+ Rf2 2.Rhd4 Rc2#
1.Kc3+ Sf2 2.Sd4 Sd1#
White execute a self-pin as a defense against a check, and Black unpin by threefold play on d4. Author wrote about Umnov theme but this theme cannot be in helpmate genre because in h# there is no Umnov paradox. The theme “come-and-go” (FML) is present here, yes.
EN <-> RU

5th Prize - No 22, Mario Parrinello (Italy) 1r6/7B/5K1p/2p5/1qPR1P2/2bPPP2/2pkpP2/nR6

a) diagram: 1.Qxc4 Ke7 2.Qxd3 Rxd3#
b) wBd4: 1.Re8 Kf7 2.Rxe3 Bxe3#
c) wSd4: 1.Qb7 Ke6 2.Qxf3 Sxf3#
Forsberg twins. wK has three squares for moving but every time Black take two squares and so only one square remains for wK. Cyclic motive but non-cyclic dual avoidances.
EN <-> RU

1st Honorable mention - No 25, Aleksandr Kostyukov (Russia) r2q2RK/4pbrP/3bnnkp/7p/7B/3P4/8/8

1.Se4 dxe4 2.Sf8 Rxg7#
1.Sxg8 hxg8Q 2.Be8 Qxe6#
1.Rxg8+ hxg8B 2.Se8 Bh7#
1.Qxg8+ hxg8S 2.Bb8 Sxe7#
In 1st solution wR is unpinned, in three another solutions Black captures this Rook, and Pawn promotes in new piece that is unpinned by Black. It is originally but there is missing 4th promotion for AUW. If the author could execute it then the problem would be consider as a winner.
EN <-> RU
2nd Honorable mention - No 9
Pietro Pitton
TT-214, SuperProblem, 01-09-2018
h#2b)wBe7; c)wRe7(6+6)
3rd Honorable mention - No 23
Christer Jonsson & Rolf Wiehagen
TT-214, SuperProblem, 01-09-2018
h#2b) Pd3->d2
c) Bc1->f2
4th Honorable mention - No 33
Gennadi Chumakov
TT-214, SuperProblem, 01-09-2018
b-e) Sc4->a5, c7, d4, h2

2nd Honorable mention - No 9, Pietro Pitton (Italy) 5K2/4N3/Bp6/4P3/8/b3kNP1/bp3p2/8

a) diagram: 1.Bb4 Sg5 2.Bd2 Sf5#
b) wBe7: 1.Bc5 Sd2 2.Bd4 Bg5#
c) wRe7: 1.Bd6 Be2 2.Bxe5 Rxe5#
Forsberg twins and light form. Solutions are united by moves of Black Bishop. Pity that the mate in 2nd solution is not model.
EN <-> RU

3rd Honorable mention - No 23, Christer Jonsson (Sweden) & Rolf Wiehagen (Germany) 2n1N2r/2P3pr/8/1b2k3/p6Q/3p3K/4p3/2BB2q1

a) diagram: 1.Bxe8 Bb3 2.Bh5 Qf4#
b) Pd3->d2: 1.dxc1B Bc2 2.Bh6 Qe4#
c) Bc1->f2: 1.exd1B Sxg7 2.Bh5 Qd4#
“Massacre” of white pieces in helpmate genre always look nicely. In this composition Black thrice capture White pieces on 1st move. In two last solutions there is black-and-white Bishop phoenix. Unpinned White Queen execute model mates on three adjacent squares.
EN <-> RU

4th Honorable mention - No 33, Gennadi Chumakov (Russia) 8/5p2/6p1/4q3/2N1k3/4b3/p3r3/r5QK

a) diagram: 1.Kf5 Qxa1 2.Kf6 Qxe5#
b) Sc4->a5: 1.Rc1 Qxc1 2.Kd4 Qc4#
c) Sc4->c7: 1.Rd1 Qxd1 2.Qf4 Qd5#
d) Sc4->d4: 1.Rae1 Qxe1 2.Kf4 Qh4#
e) Sc4->h2: 1.Rf1 Qxf1 2.Bd4 Qf3#
5 twins with model mates.
EN <-> RU
5th Honorable mention - No 16
Mihail Gershinsky
TT-214, SuperProblem, 01-09-2018
h#2b) Kd5->f5
c) Pg6->e4
6th Honorable mention - No 3
Vitaly Medintsev
TT-214, SuperProblem, 01-09-2018
7th Honorable mention - No 4
Fadil Abdurahmanovic
TT-214, SuperProblem, 01-09-2018

5th Honorable mention - No 16, Mihail Gershinsky (Ukraine) 7B/8/3p2p1/2nk3n/5p2/KN1N1r2/8/4b3

a) diagram: 1.Re3 Sd2 2.Re6 Sb4#
b) Kd5->f5: 1.Rg3 Sf2 2.Rg5 Sd4#
c) Pg6->e4: 1.Rh3 Sa5 2.Sg3 Sxf4#
On 1st move White create a half-pin, and Black unpins white Knight. Shifting of Black King for twinning b) reduces a value of the composition.
EN <-> RU

6th Honorable mention - No 3, Vitaly Medintsev (Russia) n7/Pk1p4/1r1q4/8/KQ4r1/2bp4/2p3b1/8

a) diagram: 1.Kc7 Kb3 (Ka3/Ka5?) 2.Rc6 Qb8#
b) Kb7->e7: 1.Kd8 Ka3 (Ka5/Kb3?) 2.Qc7 Qf8#
c) Kb7->d2: 1.Kc1 Ka5 (Kb3/Ka3?) 2.Bb2 Qe1#
Here is, in author’s opinion, white-and-black presentation of the theme. No, here there is only white presentation of the theme. There is no black theme because unpinned Queen does not go away from pinning line – Queen checkmates by moving along former pinning line. So White do not use an unpinning. Of course, Shifting of Black King for all twinnings reduces a value of the composition.
EN <-> RU

7th Honorable mention - No 4, Fadil Abdurahmanovic (Bosnia & Herzegovina) 8/8/8/2r5/2k1p3/1R2pb2/1pBP2p1/nr1Q2K1

1.Sxc2 Rd3 2.Se1! Qb3#
1.Sxb3 Bxe4 2.Sc1! Qa4#
1.exd2 Qe1 2.Bd1! Qxe4#
1.Be2 dxe3 2.Bf1! Qd4#
1st pair of solutions is good. If 2nd pair were homogeneous then the problem would be evaluated higher.
EN <-> RU
8th Honorable mention - No 43
Chandrasekaran K. R.
TT-214, SuperProblem, 01-09-2018
Commendation - No 8
Illo Krampis
TT-214, SuperProblem, 01-09-2018
Commendation - No 14
Valery Gurov & Boris Shorokhov
TT-214, SuperProblem, 01-09-2018

8th Honorable mention - No 43, Chandrasekaran K. R. (India) 1q4nK/pp2p3/2rrp2p/2n1B3/6p1/4kPp1/4p3/b2R1R2

1.Rd5 Bb2 2.Re5 Bc1#
1.Sd3 Bc3 2.Rd4 Bd2#
1.h5 Bf6 2.e5 Bg5#
1.Qc7 Bg7 2.Sf6 Bxh6#
1.Se4 fxg4 2.Rc3 Bf4#
The problem in task style. 5 mates on diagonal c1-h6 by unpinned Bishop. Fourfold Pelle theme.
Three of five solutions are already were in pdb/P1311874.
EN <-> RU

Commendation - No 8, Illo Krampis (Latvia) 4k3/8/2pnK2n/2PPP3/1P1Qr1P1/p6q/b7/4r3

1.Rxe5+ Qxe5 2.Se4 Qb8#
1.Rxg4 Qxg4 2.Shf5 Qg8#
1.cxd5 Qxd5 2.Sc4 Qa8#

Commendation - No 14, Valery Gurov & Boris Shorokhov (Russia) 8/8/2n5/3k3P/1PN1p1B1/4P3/3bbP2/r3Q2K

1.Bxb4 Qb1 2.Be1 Qb5#
1.Bxc4 Qc1 2.Bf1 Qc5#
1.Bxg4 Qg1 2.Bd1 Qg8#
Commendation - No 18
Alexander Fica & Zoltan Labai
TT-214, SuperProblem, 01-09-2018
Commendation - No 19
Miroslav Svítek & Zoltan Labai
TT-214, SuperProblem, 01-09-2018
Commendation - No 20
Miroslav Svítek & Zoltan Labai
TT-214, SuperProblem, 01-09-2018

Commendation - No 18, Alexander Fica (Czech Republic) & Zoltan Labai (Slovakia) 8/1K6/4p2r/8/B3R3/3kp1P1/3rNPq1/5n1b

1.Sh2 Bb3 2.Sf3 Rxe3#
1.Kxe2 Bb5+ 2.Kf3 Rf4#
1.Rf6 Bd1 2.Rf3 Rd4#

Commendation - No 19, Miroslav Svítek (Czech Republic) & Zoltan Labai (Slovakia) 2n3b1/4pq1p/1p1PQP2/1p5p/1p1k1P2/P2P3r/K4P2/3N4

1.Rxd3 Sb2! (f3? axb4?) 2.Rb3 Qe5#
1.exd6 f3!
(axb4? Sb2?) 2.d5 Qe3#
1.Sxd6 axb4!
(Sb2? f3?) 2.Sc4 Qe4#

Commendation - No 20, Miroslav Svítek (Czech Republic) & Zoltan Labai (Slovakia) 2q5/1b3p2/3nkPr1/P2Rn2p/1PN5/2P3p1/3P2K1/7r

1.Rf1 Kh3 2.Rf5 Rxd6#
1.Kd7 Sb6+ 2.Kc6 Rc5#
1.Kf5 Se3+ 2.Ke4 Rd4#
1.Rxf6 Kxg3 2.Qd7 Rxe5#
Commendation - No 31
Yury Gorbatenko
TT-214, SuperProblem, 01-09-2018
Commendation - No 36
Aleksandr Pankratyev
TT-214, SuperProblem, 01-09-2018
Commendation - No 42
Ilija Serafimović
TT-214, SuperProblem, 01-09-2018

Commendation - No 31, Yury Gorbatenko (Russia) 6b1/1r3nK1/5Q2/1ppk4/P2b4/3P4/5n2/8

a) diagram: 1.Re7 axb5 2.Re5 Qc6#
b) Pa4->b4: 1.Rb8 bxc5 2.Se5 Qd6#
c) Pa4->f4: 1.Sg4 f5 2.Sge5 Qe6#

Commendation - No 36, Aleksandr Pankratyev (Russia) q2n2n1/2r4b/1k2p3/p3b3/1NB5/5P2/2QP4/1K6

1.Kc5 Sd3+ 2.Kd4 Qc3#
1.Ra7 Bd3 2.Sb7 Qc6#
1.Rb7 d3 2.Bc7 Qf2#

Commendation - No 42, Ilija Serafimović (Serbia) 8/4pb2/4k3/2R5/3q1n2/2b2Pn1/K4Qr1/8

1.Qf6 Qd2 2.Sfe2 (Sf~?) Qd5#
1.Qd6 Qc2 2.Sge2
(Sg~?) Qf5#
1.Qd7 Qb2 2.Bd2
(B~?) Qe5#
Commendation - No 46
Phani Bhushan
TT-214, SuperProblem, 01-09-2018

Commendation - No 46, Phani Bhushan (India) 7q/2pk2br/8/2p3P1/P3pP2/2Qn4/8/K2Rr3

1.Ke8 Qf6 2.Sc1 Rd8#
1.Ke6 Qd4 2.Sb2 Qd7#
1.Kc6 Qb2 2.Se5 Qb5#

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Sections | Разделы

(helpmates in two | коопматы в 2 хода)

Participants | Участники

Abdurahmanovic F. – No 4
Antipin I. – No 28, 29
Balasubramanian S. K. – No 5, 45*
Bhushan P. – No 44, 46
Chandrasekaran K. R. – No 43
Chumakov G. – No 33
Diatlov O. – No 12, 13
Elbaz J. – No 15
Érsek T. – No 37
Fica A. – No 18*
Gershinsky M. – No 16
Gorbatenko Y. – No 30, 31
Gurov V. – No 14*
Halma M. – No 26*, 27
Janko R. – No 26*
Jonsson C. – No 23*
Koci V. – No 38, 39
Kostyukov A. – No 24, 25
Krampis I. – No 6, 7, 8
Labai Z. – No 17, 18*, 19*, 20*
Manikumar S. – No 45*
Medintsev V. – No 2, 3
Mlynka K. – No 32
Pankratyev A. – No 34, 35, 36
Parrinello M. – No 21, 22
Perović Ž. – No 41
Pitton P. – No 9, 10
Semenenko V. – No 40
Serafimović I. – No 42
Shorokhov B. – No 14*
Svítek M. – No 19*, 20*
Tar G. – No 11
Wiehagen R. – No 23*
Witztum M. – No 1

The Winner | Победитель

Aleksandr Kostyukov
Congrats! | Поздравляем!

Judge | Арбитр

Anatoly Stepochkin

Director and editor
Директор и редактор

Aleksey Oganesjan

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