Final Award in Quick Composing TT-194 | Окончательные итоги блицконкурса TT-194

Defense on the threat-mate square | Защита на поле мата угрозы

Theme | Тема

23 entries were received from 10 authors representing 7 countries | На конкурс поступило 23 композиций от 10 авторов из 7 стран

EN <-> RU

Unfortunately the tourney was not very success both quantitatively and qualitatively. Apparently the reasons are summer vacation period and complexity of the theme.
I excluded the following problems:
- No 1 (Ke6-Ke4), No 9 (Kh1-Ka4), No 12 (Kc2-Ka6), No 13 (Kd1-Ka6), No 14 (Kc2-Ka6) – threats are “virtual”. So in fact these problems refer to zugzwang-type;
- No 2 (Kd1-Ka5), No 5 (Ka1-Kc1), No 7 (Kd3-Kb5), No 11 (Ke3-Ke1) – non-thematic;
- No 10 (Kh8-Kd5) – illegal position.

Award is the following | Отличия распределились следующим образом

Prize, 1st Place - No 20
Evgeni Bourd & Arieh Grinblat
TT-194, SuperProblem, 16-08-2017
1st Hon. mention, 2nd Place - No 18
Ingemar Lind
TT-194, SuperProblem, 16-08-2017
2nd Hon. mention, 3rd Place - No 19
Zoltan Labai
TT-194, SuperProblem, 16-08-2017

Prize, 1st Place - No 20, Evgeni Bourd & Arieh Grinblat (Israel) 1B2N1B1/8/2P2RP1/5P2/1n2kn2/2p1p1pp/2P1P3/1K1Q4

1.Sg7! – 2.Bd5+! Sbxd5 3.Re6+! Sxe6 4.Qd3#
1...Sbd3 2.cxd3+ Kd4 3.Qa4+ Kc5 4.Ba7#
1...Sfd3 2.exd3+ Kd4 3.Se6+ Kd5 4.Qf3#, 2...Sxd3 3.Qg4+Sf4 4.Qxf4#
1...Sxe2 2.Qxe2
(3.Qg4#) 2...Sxc2 3.Kxc2 – 4.Qg4#, 3...Kd4 4.Qc4#
Line-opening of wQ in two thematic variations. Good threat with white sacrifices. Solid and technically irreproachable problem. The only shortcoming is rough second moves but I don’t know how it can be realized otherwise.
EN <-> RU

1st Honorable mention, 2nd Place - No 18, Ingemar Lind (Sweden) 8/4pR2/8/p7/8/1pK5/1p1p1N2/brk5

1.Kd3? zz d1Q+ 2.Sxd1 e5 3.Ke2 ~ 4.Rc7#, 1...a4!
1.Rf4/Rf3? e5/d1S+!
1.Rf8! – 2.Rd8 e5 3.Rxd2 e4 4.Rd1#
1...d1Q 2.Sd3+ Qxd3+ 3.Kxd3 ~ 4.Rf1#
1...d1S+ 2.Kd3 Sxf2 3.Rxf2 ~ 4.Rd1#, 2...Se3 3.Kxe3 ~ 4.Rc8#, 2...e5 3.Rc8+ Sc3 4.Rxc3#
White and Black plays on the same square. Mates on adjacent squares of 1st rank. Change-play on one defence. Air position. White aristocrat.
EN <-> RU

2nd Honorable mention, 3rd Place - No 19, Zoltan Labai (Slovakia) K2b4/3B4/p4p2/3k4/P3NP2/2pP2B1/R1N1Pp1r/8

1.Be6+ (A) Kc6 2.Sd4+ (B) Kb6 3.a5+ (C) Kc7 4.f5# (D), 2…Kc7 3.f5+ (D) Kb6 4.a5# (C), 1...Kxe6!
1.f5! (D) – 2.Be6+ (A) Kc6 3.Sd4+ (B) Kb6 4.a5# (C)
1...a5 2.Sxc3+ Kc5 3.Rb2 ~ 4.Rb5#
1...Ba5 2.Sxf6+ Kc5 3.d4+ Kc4 4.Be6#, 3...Kb6 4.Sd5#
Change-functions of four moves in a try and in a solution. White use a Black diversion from crucial squares. A disharmony of thematic variations causes a place of this unordinary problem.
EN <-> RU
3rd Honorable mention - No 21
Ilija Serafimović
TT-194, SuperProblem, 16-08-2017
4th Honorable mention - No 16
Ingemar Lind
TT-194, SuperProblem, 16-08-2017
1st Commendation - No 6
Dieter Müller
TT-194, SuperProblem, 16-08-2017

3rd Honorable mention - No 21, Ilija Serafimović (Serbia) 1Kb5/B3N2p/2p4r/1pN2p2/3k1P2/1P3p1p/1P2BP2/8

1.Bd1! – 2.Bc2 – 3.Se6#
1...Rh4 2.Bc2
(3.Se6#) 2...Rxf4 3.Sd7+ c5 4.Bxc5#
1...Re6 2.Sxf5+ Kd5 3.Bxf3+ Re4 4.Bxe4#
1...Be6 2.Sxc6+ Kd5 3.Kc7 ~ 4.Bxf3#
Two thematic variations with Grimshaw interference. The key is not success. Variations are heterogeneous.
EN <-> RU

4th Honorable mention - No 16, Ingemar Lind (Sweden) 4B3/B5P1/nP2P3/pR1p1N2/k5r1/1p6/1P1P4/K1n1b3

1.Se3? (2.Sxd5) 1...Sb4 2.Rc5+ and etc., 1...Rb4!
1.Sd4? (2.Rxb3#) 1...Rxd4 2.Rxd5+ and etc., 1...Sb4! 2.b7 Rxg7! 3.Rb6+ Rd7! or 2.Rc5+ Sc6 3.Sxc6 Bxd2!
1.b7? (2.Rb6#) 1...Rb4 2.Rxd5+ Rb5 3.b8Q Sxb8 4.Rd4#, 1...Sc7!
1.Se7! –(Bxd2) 2.Sxd5 – 3.Rb4#
1...Sb4 2.Rc5+ Sc6 3.Sxd5 – 4.Bxc6#, 3...Rb4 4.Sc3#
1...Rb4 2.Rxd5+ Rb5 3.Bxb5+ Kb4 3.Sc6#
1...Rg5 2.Rxd5+ Kb4 3.Rd4+ Kc5 4.b7#
1...Sc7 2.bxc7 Rb4 3.Rxd5+ Rb5 4.Rd4#
Battery play on 2nd move with using blocking of thematic square b4 in two variations. Mates on the same square. The problem claimed a 1st Prize but promoted wBa7 and technical White Pawns influenced a final distinction.
EN <-> RU

1st Commendation - No 6, Dieter Müller (Germany) 4r3/1p2p3/1K1p3n/1B1k2N1/1p6/3p1N2/1P3P2/8

1.b3? – 2.Bc4#, 1...Rc8!
1.Bd7! (2.Be6#) 1...e6 2.Ba4 Kc4 3.Sd2+ Kd5 4.Sgf3 Rc8 5.Bb3+ Rc4 6.Bxc4#
Logical problem with interesting quiet play, using of blocking e6 and White FML-effect. The flight-giving-key.
EN <-> RU
2nd Commendation - No 3
Dieter Müller
TT-194, SuperProblem, 16-08-2017
3rd Commendation - No 8
Dieter Müller
TT-194, SuperProblem, 16-08-2017
4th Commendation - No 23
Pietro Pitton
TT-194, SuperProblem, 16-08-2017

2nd Commendation - No 3, Dieter Müller (Germany) N1b1r3/B1K1p3/1N1p4/2k2n2/B7/P1p5/2P3n1/8

1.Bc6! – 2.Sd7+ Kc4 3.Se5+ dxe5 4.Sb6+ Kc5/Kd4 5.Sd7+ Kc4 6.Sxe5#
1...e5 2.Sxc8+ Kc4 3.Sxc6+ Sxd6 4.Sb6+ Kc5/Kd4 5.Sc8+ Kc4 6.Sxd6#
White FML-effect with battery play in a threat and in a thematic variation. The Popandopulo mechanism is used. Compare to yacpdb/67060.
EN <-> RU

3rd Commendation - No 8, Dieter Müller (Germany) 5r2/4p3/8/4Kp2/3p4/ppNk4/6p1/2Q5

1.Sd5! – 2.Sf4#
1...Ke2 2.Sf4+
 2...Kf3 3.Qc6+! Ke3 4.Qxg2
(5.Qe2#) 4...d3 5.Sd5# (switchback), 3...Kg4/Kg3 4.Qxg2+ Kh4 5.Qh3+ Kg5 6.Qh5#
 2...Kf2 3.Qd2+! Kg3 4.Qxg2+ Kh4 5.Qh3+ Kg5 6.Qh5#
1...f4 2.Qd1+ Kc4 3.Qxd4+ Kb5 4.Qb6+! Kc4 5.Ke4! g1Q 6.Qb4#
The one thematic variation with mild play. A paired variation with Qh5# slightly animates a concept.
EN <-> RU

4th Commendation - No 23, Pietro Pitton (Italy) 8/5p1N/8/3Bpk1P/6pK/4P3/8/B7

1.Kg3! – 2.e4#
1...e4 2.Kh4 f6 3.Sf8 g3 4.Be6#, 2...g3 3.Sg5 g2 4.Bxe4#
A variation with quiet play and using of blocking f6.
EN <-> RU
Special HM (for miniature) - No 15
Ingemar Lind
TT-194, SuperProblem, 16-08-2017
Special HM (for miniature) - No 17
Ingemar Lind
TT-194, SuperProblem, 16-08-2017

Special Honorable mention (for miniature) - No 15, Ingemar Lind (Sweden) 8/1B6/8/2R5/8/1bK5/1P6/2k5

1.Re5! – 2.Re1+ Bd1 3.Bd5 Kb1 4.Rxd1#
1...Kd1 2.Bf3+ Kc1 3.Re1+ Bd1 4.Rxd1#
1...Bd1 2.Re1 Kb1 3.Rxd1+ Ka2 4.Bd5#
1...Kb1 2.Kxb3 Kc1 3.Rd5 Kb1 4.Rd1#
Two thematic variations is a good achievement in mini-genre.
EN <-> RU

Special Honorable mention (for miniature) - No 17, Ingemar Lind (Sweden) 8/1p2pkP1/7R/1p2K3/8/8/8/8

1.Rg6! – 2.g8Q#
1...Kg8 2.Ke6 b4 3.Kxe7 b3 4.Kf6 b2 5.Rh6 b1Q 6.Rh8#
1...Kxg6 2.g8Q+ Kh5 3.Kf4 Kh6 4.Kf5 e6+ 5.Kf6 Kh5 6.Qg5#
Spectacular sacrifice of Rook is good addition to thematic play.
EN <-> RU

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Sections | Разделы

#N (moremovers | многоходовки)

Participants | Участники

Bourd E. – No 20*
Grinblat A. – No 20*
Khachaturov S. – No 10
Labai Z. – No 19
Lind I. – No 15, 16, 17, 18
Mlynka K. – No 12, 13, 14
Müller D. – No 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11
Neef W. – No 1
Pitton P. – No 22, 23
Serafimović I. – No 21

The Winners | Победители

Evgeni Bourd

Arieh Grinblat
Congrats! | Поздравляем!

Judge | Арбитр

Viktor Volchek

Director and editor
Директор и редактор

Aleksey Oganesjan

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