Final Award in Quick Composing TT-189 | Окончательные итоги блицконкурса TT-189

Anti-Dombrovskis | Анти-Домбровскис

Theme | Тема

16 entries were received from 15 authors representing 7 countries | На конкурс поступило 16 композиций от 15 авторов из 7 стран

EN <-> RU

“Second convocation” of the tourney collected 16 entries. The following problems are not included in a final award:
- No 5 (Ke7-Kc5), No 12 (Kh5-Ke4), No 16 (Kc6-Ke4) are non-thematic;
- No 4 (Kh8-Ke6) was initially marked by 4th Comm., but excluded in view of its non-thematic: in the solution after a thematic defense 1....Rxd5 (а) the mate 2.Bf7+? (А) is impossible for two reasons – Kxe7 and Kxd7;
- No 15 (Kf7-Kf5) – substantially the author adds a nothing to a content of the example 1A from the announcement.

All rest 11 problems were included in the award. The best problems show potentialities of proposed theme that has (as in its “antipode” – Dombrovskis theme) two kinds – “anti-Dombrovskis paradox” (the move a refutes a try) and “anti-Dombrovskis effect” (the move a is a defense in both phases). The content of winning problem is described more detailed – as an example of perception of a logic and anti-logic.

Award is the following | Отличия распределились следующим образом

1st Prize, 1st Place - No 6
Vasil Markovcij & Pavel Murashev
TT-189, SuperProblem, 05-06-2017
2nd Prize, 2nd Place - No 10
Rodolfo Riva
TT-189, SuperProblem, 05-06-2017
3rd Prize, 3rd Place - No 3
Anatoly Slesarenko
TT-189, SuperProblem, 05-06-2017

1st Prize, 1st Place - No 6, Vasil Markovcij (Ukraine) & Pavel Murashev (Russia) KB6/PQ4nr/R5pq/3P4/r1p1k1Pb/2PR2p1/4B2N/8

The main defensive resource is 1...cxd3.
Externally strong first move 1.Qb1? creates a threat 2.Bf3# (A) and variations 1...cxd3 2.Qxd3#, 1...Qe3 2.Rd4# (B), but the Black Queen refutes it – 1...Qf4!

The manifested weakness of “e3” square is eliminated by 1.Qb6? with a threat 2.Qd4# – and, as a result, the former mate from the threat goes in the variation: 1...cxd3 2.Bf3# (A) – it’s Dombrovskis effect. The Black Queen is “pacified” – 1...Qe3 2.Qxe3# (1...Se6/Sf5 2.Qxe6#), but 1...Bf6!

The key 1.Sf1! with new guarding of “e3” square with an intention to fulfill again Bf3# (A) leads to metamorphosis: now 2.Rd4# (B threatens, that gives a second Dombrovskis effect – 1...Qe3 2.Rxe3#, and after 1...cxd3 the square “f3” is weakened suddenly (as a result of the key!) and the planned mate becomes impossible [2.Bf3+? (A) Kxf3! – Dombrovskis antieffect], but the Rook, that didn’t play earlier, helps out – 2.Rxa4#, and it turned out that White Queen is “camouflage” (1...Se6/Sf5 2.Rxe6#, 1...Bf6 2.Sxg3#, 1...Qd2 2.Sxd2#).

A powerful concept contains several consonant pairs of thematic elements. A little sorry that there are many captures of Black pieces.
EN <-> RU

2nd Prize, 2nd Place - No 10, Rodolfo Riva (Italy) N6r/8/1ppq1PN1/b1Pkp1p1/2pP2BP/2P1Q3/8/6K1

*1...Qxc5 (a) 2.Qxe5#
1.Sxe5? – 2.Qf3# (A), 1...Qxf6 2.Sc7#, 1...Qxc5! (a) (2.Qxe5??)
1.dxe5! – 2.Qd4# [2.Qf3+? (A) Kxc5! – threat correction]
1...Qxc5 (a) 2.Sc7# [2.Qf3?? – antiparadox]
1...bxc5 2.Qf3# (A)
1...Qxe5 2.Qxe5#
1...Bxc3 2.Sxb6#
It’s very promising way – insertion an element “anti” in threat correction. Rude but very non-standard play with creation of multiple “self-obstructions” for White Queen!
EN <-> RU

3rd Prize, 3rd Place - No 3, Anatoly Slesarenko (Russia) 2Q5/8/1K1p4/1p1pp3/1p1kr2R/p2Pp3/3P4/2N5

1.Qc2? – 2.Sb3# (A) / 2.Se2# (B), 1...exd2! (a)
1.Rh3? zz 1...exd2 (a) 2.Sb3# (A) [2.Se2+? (B) Rxe2! – antiparadox], 1...a2!
1.Qh3! – 2.Qxe3#
1...exd2 (a) 2.Se2# (B)
[2.Sb3+? (A) Kc3! – antiparadox]
In despite of simplicity of performing, the first full-fledged realization of “anti-Dombrovskis” theme is worthy of high distinction! Peculiar reciprocal change of thematic elements gives the well-known scheme a new life.
EN <-> RU
4th Prize - No 9
Andrey Zhuravlev & Gennady Egorov
TT-189, SuperProblem, 05-06-2017
1st Honorable mention - No 13
Andrey Zhuravlev & Gennady Egorov
TT-189, SuperProblem, 05-06-2017
2nd Honorable mention - No 1
Anatoly Vasilenko
TT-189, SuperProblem, 05-06-2017

4th Prize - No 9, Andrey Zhuravlev & Gennady Egorov (Russia) n2R1r2/3n4/b5p1/4N1p1/p1P2kP1/1QB3NB/2P2P2/2K5

*1...Sxe5 (a) 2.Bd2# (A)
1.Qb2? – 2.Bd2# (A), 1...Sxe5! (a)
1.Qb8? – 2.Bd2# (A), 1...Sxe5 (a) 2.Rxf8#, 1...Sc7!
1.Bg2! – 2.Se2#
1...Sxe5 (a) 2.Rd4#
[2.Bd2? (A) Kxg4! – antiparadox and antieffect simultaneously]
1...Bxc4 2.Qxc4#
It’s quite complex mechanism of interaction between pieces, but now in the end of the play a White Queen is almost “out of business”.
EN <-> RU

1st Honorable mention - No 13, Andrey Zhuravlev & Gennady Egorov (Russia) 5KB1/2n3P1/1R5B/2NPk3/1pRNP3/4r3/5b2/2Qrq3

*1...Rxe4 2.Sd7 / 2.Qg5#
1.Qb2? – 2.Sf3# (A), 1...Rxe4 (a) 2.Sd7# (B#, 1...Rxd4 2.Qxd4#, 1...Qc3!
1.Bh7! – 2.Sd7# (B)
1...Rxe4 (a) 2.Qg5#
[2.Sf3+? (A) Kxd5! – antieffect]
1...Rf3+ 2.Sxf3# (A)
1...Se6+ 2.Rxe6#
Another promising way – “anti-le Grand”! It is desirable that a purity of change-play would fulfill.
EN <-> RU

2nd Honorable mention - No 1, Anatoly Vasilenko (Ukraine) 6Q1/2n5/2pp3K/5pp1/3Pk3/4P2p/nN6/1NB2R2

*1...g4 2.Rf4#
1.Qb3? – 2.Sd2# (A),1...Sc3 2.Sxc3#, 1...f4! (a)
1.Kxg5? – 2.Rf4# (B), 1...Sd5/Se6+ 2.Qxe6#, 1...Sxc1!
1.Qxg5! – 2.Qxf5# [2.Sd2+? (A) / 2.Rf4+? (B) Kd5! – threat correction]
1...f4 (a) 2.Rxf4# (B) [2.Sd2+? (A) Kxe3! – antiparadox]
1...Sxc1 2.Sc3#
1...Kd5 2.Qxf5#
Here there is an uniqueness of key weakening (unlike No 10 and No 11).
EN <-> RU
3rd Honorable mention - No 11
Mark Basisty & Anatoly Vasilenko
TT-189, SuperProblem, 05-06-2017
4th Honorable mention - No 8
Grigory Atayants
TT-189, SuperProblem, 05-06-2017
1st Commendation - No 2
Vjacheslav Pilchenko
TT-189, SuperProblem, 05-06-2017

3rd Honorable mention - No 11, Mark Basisty & Anatoly Vasilenko (Ukraine) b4q2/2PR4/4PP1p/Q2N1p1r/3Pk3/2RN4/6P1/3K2B1

1.f7? – 2.Sf6#, 1...Qd8/Qh8/Qxf7/Qg7 2.Sc5# (A), 1...Qe7!
1.e7? – 2.Sc5# (A), 1...Qxe7 2.Rxe7#, 1...f4! (a)
1.Qc5? – 2.Sf2# (X), 1...Qxc5 2.Sxc5 (A), 1...f4! (a)
1.Se7! – 2.Qe5# [2.Sc5+? (A) Kf4! – threat correction]
1...f4 (a) 2.Sf2# (X) [2.Sc5+? (A) Rxc5! – antiparadox]
1...Qxf6 2.Qxa8#
1...Bd5 2.Qxd5#
And now we see a combination of threat correction and theme, but here all is much more trivial.
EN <-> RU

4th Honorable mention - No 8, Grigory Atayants (Russia) 6Q1/8/4R3/2p5/5B2/5pPB/2N1Nk2/2K5

1.Kd2? – 2.Be3# (A), 1...fxe2! (a)
1.Qg4? – 2.fxe2 (a) 2.Be3# (A), 1...c4!
1.Qa8! zz
1...fxe2 (a) 2.Qg2#
[2.Be3+? (A)? Kxg3! – antiparadox]
1...c4 2.Qa7#
Nice key, but there are many tries that are refuted by thematic move.
EN <-> RU

1st Commendation - No 2, Vjacheslav Pilchenko (Russia) 4N3/1BpkP1N1/3P4/1n1P4/4R2B/6K1/8/8

*1...Sxd6 2.Sf6# (A)
1.Re6? – 2.Sf6# (A), 1...cxd6! (a)
1.Rc4! zz
1...c~ 2.dxc6#
1...cxd6 (a) 2.Bc8#
[2.Sf6+? (A) Kxe7! – antiparadox]
1...S~ 2.Rxc7#
Probably in this scheme there are possibilities for more interesting development of the play.
EN <-> RU
2nd Commendation - No 14
Aleksandr Kostyukov
TT-189, SuperProblem, 05-06-2017
3rd Commendation - No 7
Grigory Atayants
TT-189, SuperProblem, 05-06-2017

2nd Commendation - No 14, Aleksandr Kostyukov (Russia) 8/3K4/1p6/1B1k4/1P1P4/8/2Q2P2/8

1.Bd3? – 2.Qc4# (A), 1...b5 2.Qc5#, 1...Kxd4! [2.Qc4+? (A) Ke5!]
1.f4! zz [2.Qc4+? (A) Ke4!]
1...Kxd4 2.Qd3# [2.Qc4+? (A) Ke3!]
Everything is forgivable for this “babe”!
EN <-> RU

3rd Commendation - No 7, Grigory Atayants (Russia) 1b4QK/2p1R3/8/1p3pPB/1p2Nk1p/1p2p3/1B4P1/8

1.Bf3? – 2.Be5# (A), 1...fxe4! (a)
1.Qc8! zz
1...fxe4 (a) 2.Qg4#
[2.Be5+? (A) Kxg5! – antiparadox]
1...Ba7 2.Qxc7#
1...c~ 2.Qxb8#
1...e2 2.Bc1#
1...h3 2.g3#
It is schematically.
EN <-> RU

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Sections | Разделы

#2 (twomovers | двухходовки)

Participants | Участники

Atayants Grigory (Russia) – No 7, 8
Basisty Mark (Ukraine) – No 11*
Egorov Gennady (Russia) – No 9*, 13*
Kostyukov Aleksandr (Russia) – No 14
Labai Zoltan (Slovakia) – No 4
Markovcij Vasil (Ukraine) – No 6*
Mosiashvili Givi (Georgia) – No 12*
Müller Dieter (Germany) – No 15, 16
Murashev Pavel (Russia) – No 6*, 12*
Pilchenko Vjacheslav (Russia) – No 2
Riva Rodolfo (Italy) – No 10
Slesarenko Anatoly (Russia) – No 3
Tar Gábor (Hungary) – No 5
Vasilenko Anatoly (Ukraine) – No 1, 11*
Zhuravlev Andrey (Russia) – No 9*, 13*

The Winners | Победители

Vasil Markovcij

Pavel Murashev
Congrats! | Поздравляем!

Judge | Арбитр

Valery Shanshin

Director and editor
Директор и редактор

Aleksey Oganesjan

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