Final Award in Quick Composing TT-173 | Окончательные итоги блицконкурса TT-173

Help-Babson | Кооперативный Бабсон

Theme | Тема

7 entries were received from 6 authors representing 5 countries | На конкурс поступило 7 композиций от 6 авторов из 5 стран

EN <-> RU

I received 7 problems (one in 2 versions) for this tourney.

I was aware that the theme I chose was difficult, so I am not very surprised that the number of entries would be quite few. Still, I was hoping for a few more – especially as I also had to exclude three of them because of strong anticipations:
- No 2 (Kb7-Ka5) – pdb/P1253837;
- No 3 (Ka8-Kc4) – pdb/P0508477 (only shortened by one move, and using twins);
- No 4A (Ka6-Ke4), No 4B (Kg5-Ke4) – pdb/P0508463 (only shortened by one move, and using twins).

Finally, I would like to thank all participants for all their fine entries, and their brave efforts in implementing this difficult theme! Last but not least, I also want to thank the SuperProblem tourney director Aleksey Oganesjan for his fine work, and for letting me judge this tourney.

Thank you all, and congratulations to all awarded composers!

Award is the following | Отличия распределились следующим образом

1st-2nd Prize, 1st-2nd Place - No 1
Miodrag Mladenović
TT-173, SuperProblem, 12-10-2016
hs#3b)-d) see text(7+8)
1st-2nd Prize, 1st-2nd Place - No 6
Aleksandr Kostyukov
TT-173, SuperProblem, 12-10-2016
hs#3b)-d) see text(9+11)
1st Commendation, 3rd Place - No 5
Misha Shapiro
TT-173, SuperProblem, 12-10-2016
h#3b)-d) see text(8+10)

1st-2nd Prize, 1st-2nd Place - No 1, Miodrag Mladenović (Serbia) 8/n3Prn1/b2K4/N3p2r/3kP3/5B2/1P2pP2/8

a) diagram: 1.e8R e1R 2.Rxe5 Rxe4 3.Rd5+ Rxd5#
b) Ba6->a8: 1.e8S e1S 2.Sc7 Sd3 3.Sb5+ Sxb5#
c) wRb2: 1.e8B e1B 2.Bb5 Bc3 3.Rb4+ Bxb4#
d) –Rh5: 1.e8Q e1Q 2.Be2 Qxa5 3.Qxe5+ Qxe5#
A fine implementation of the theme. It has a nice, light position, where almost all pieces are playing vital roles in all variants. The twinning method is a bit heavy, but acceptable. At least it is good that no twins are created by moving any of the Kings or the thematic Pawns.
EN <-> RU

1st-2nd Prize, 1st-2nd Place - No 6, Aleksandr Kostyukov (Russia) 4N3/3N1P2/4Pn2/3k1Ppp/Bp3ppR/1n1KP2r/6pr/8

a) diagram: 1.f8Q g1Q 2.Qxb4 Qc1 3.Qc4+ Qxc4#
b) Pe6->e7: 1.f8R g1R 2.Rxf6 Rb1 3.Bxb3+ Rxb3#
c) Rh4->d1: 1.f8B g1B 2.Bd6 Bxe3 3.Sb6+ Bxb6#
d) Pg5->e7: 1.f8S g1S 2.Sg6 Se2 3.Sxf4+ Sxf4#
Also a fine implementation. The position here is a bit heavier than in No 1, and some pieces, primarily the White Rook on h4 and the Black Knights, play quite passive roles. However, the twinning mechanism is much smoother here, with simple piece movements in each twin.

I chose to share 1st-2nd Prize between the 2 hs# entries, as I think they have about the same number of strong and weak points, and also that the play is about equal in the two entries – they both implement the set theme in a harmonical way, but none of them has any special features beside the set theme.
However, this theme is after all quite difficult, and I think that managing to implement it at all, in a quite OK setting, is an achievement that is well worth a Prize! Congratulations!
EN <-> RU

1st Commendation, 3rd Place - No 5, Misha Shapiro (Israel) 1K6/8/5BPp/1p5b/pP1PP1kP/2p2prp/2P3p1/8

a) diagram: 1.g1S g7 2.Se2 g8S 3.Sf4 Sxh6#
b) Ph3->d6: 1.g1B g7 2.Be3 g8B 3.Bf4 Be6#
c) Kg4->c4: 1.g1R g7 2.Rb1 g8R 3.Rxb4 Rc8#
d=c) Pc2<->Pc3: 1.g1Q g7 2.Qxd4 g8Q+ 3.Qd5 Qxd5#
The best of the remaining helpmates. However, the variants a) and b) are quite similar to the S and B variants in pdb/P0508463. The fact that the Black King stands on a different square in c) and d) is also a weakness, as this makes it quite a bit easier to motivate different promotion types.
Variant d), however, where the Black Queen must clear the path for the White Bishop to protect c3, adds some originality to this setting compared to the previously mentioned problem, and therefore, I present this entry with a Commendation.
EN <-> RU
2nd Commendation - No 7
Menachem Witztum
TT-173, SuperProblem, 12-10-2016
h#3b)-d) see text(9+8)

2nd Commendation - No 7, Menachem Witztum (Israel) 8/8/1P6/1P1B2p1/1kPP2P1/p1p1p2p/2Pp3P/K1b5

a) diagram: 1.d1S b7 2.Sb2 b8S 3.Sa4 Sc6#
b) Kb4->f4: 1.d1R b7 2.Rg1 b8R 3.Rxg4 Rf8#
c) Kb4->h8: 1.d1B b7 2.Bxc2 b8B 3.Bh7 Be5#
d=c) Pg5->f5: 1.d1Q b7 2.Qxg4 b8Q+ 3.Qg8 Qxg8#
This entry is rather similar to pdb/P0508502, especially the B and Q variants. This entry, also, has a much heavier position, and also the Black King on three different fields in the different variants.
However, as the predecessor is practically using zero position, because of the double change in the twin, this entry can avoid exclusion because of anticipation. And, because of the fine achievement of fulfilling the difficult theme, I also present this entry with a Commendation!
EN <-> RU

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Sections | Разделы

H# (helpmates | коопматы)
HS# (helpselfmates |
кооперативно-обратные маты)

Participants | Участники

Jonsson C. – No 2, 3, 4A*, 4B*
Kostyukov A. – No 6
Mladenović M. – No 1
Shapiro M. – No 5
Wiehagen R. – No 4A*, 4B*
Witztum M. – No 7

The Winners Are | Победители

Miodrag Mladenović

Aleksandr Kostyukov
Congrats! | Поздравляем!

Judge | Арбитр

Ingemar Lind

Director and editor
Директор и редактор

Aleksey Oganesjan

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