Saturday puzzle №23 | Субботняя головоломка №23
Sergey Shumeiko (Russia) , SuperProblem, 16-06-2018

PG 5.0#
Add units to this position in order to achieve checkmate to white king and restore the play from initial position of chess game.
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Send solutions to the column editor Grigory Popov on his e-mail: until 21/06/2018
Ответы на задания присылайте редактору рубрики Григорию Попову на его e-mail: до 21/06/2018
1.g2-g4 h7-h5 2.Bf1-g2 h5*g4 3.Bg2*b7 Rh8*h2 4.Sg1-h3 Bc8*b7 5.0-0 Rh2-h1#.

К сожалению, нашлись другие рещения | Unfortunately, there were other solutions.
1.g4 h5 2.Bg2 hxg4 3.Bxb7 Bxb7 4.Sf3 Rxh2 5.Se5(~) Rxh1#
Интересное решение нашёл Gani Ganapathi | An interesting solution found Gani Ganapathi
1.d4 g5 2.Kd2 g4 3.Kd3 b5 4.Ke4 d6 5.Kd5 Bb7#.

The right solutions were sent by | Верные ответы прислали
1. Ravi Shankar S.N (India), 16/06/2018 18-10
2. Zoltán Laborczi(Hungary), 16/06/2018 18-24
3. Gábor Tar (Hungary), 16/06/2018 20-34
4. Alexey Khanyan (Russia) , 16/06/2018 20-47
5. Andrzej Babiarz (Poland) , 17/06/2018 05-48
6. Gani Ganapathi(India) , 17/06/2018 06-55
7. Yuri Bilokin(Ukraine), 17/06/2018 08-04
8. Jozef Kobolka (Slovakia) , 18/06/2018 08-17
9. Wilfried Neef(Germany), 18/06/2018 17-15
10. Ingemar Lind(Sweden), 18/06/2018 20-11