Final Award in Quick Composing TT-159 | Окончательные итоги блицконкурса TT-159

Novotny-Splitting | Расщепление угроз по Новотному

Theme | Тема

8 entries were received from 4 authors representing 3 countries | На конкурс поступило 8 композиций от 4 авторов из 3 стран

EN <-> RU

Tourney director Alexey Oganesjan sent me 8 entries, all threemovers, without composer names. I want to thank Erik Zierke, who suggested the theme of this TT and helped me writing this judge report.
Remarks to the entries not included in this judge report:
- No 3 (Kc1-Kc3) has too many weaknesses (key from outside, double-threat, refutation by an unprovided flight-creation, ...);
- No 6 (Ka4-Kc4) is not thematic because there are also Novotnys in solution (but in solution there should not be Novotny at all);
- No 7 (Kc7-Kd4/Qb1) is a weaker version of No 8 (Kc7-Kd4/Qa1) (repetition of a refutation).
The ideal thematic threemover would be one with quiet second white moves, a full-length threat and a not obvious refutation of the Novotny try. But none of the entries fulfills all three criteria – perhaps the theme is difficult to compose.
Thanks to all participants, and congratulations to the composers of the honoured problems.

Award is the following | Отличия распределились следующим образом

1st Prize, 1st Place - No 4
Dieter Müller & Sven Trommler
TT-159, SuperProblem, 06-02-2016
1st HM, 2nd Place - No 1
Evgeni Bourd
TT-159, SuperProblem, 06-02-2016
2nd HM, 3rd Place - No 2
Evgeni Bourd (version)
TT-159, SuperProblem, 06-02-2016

1st Prize, 1st Place - No 4, Dieter Müller & Sven Trommler (Germany)

1.Bc5? – 2.Rd6#, 1...Bxc5 2.Qxc5#, 1...Rxd7! (1.Qd1? Rxd7!)
1.Bd4? – 2.Bxe4#, 1...Rxd4 2.Qxd4#, 1...Bxg6! (1.Qh1? Bxg6!)
1.b4? – 2.Rd6#/Bxe4#, 1...Qxc2+!
1.g8S! – 2.Sf6# (1...Be7? 2.Sxe7#)
1...Bxg8 2.Bd4 – 3.Bxe4#, 2...Rxd4 3.Qxd4#
1...Rxg8 2.Bc5 – 3.Rd6#, 2...Bxc5 3.Qxc5#
White must lure away Rd8 or Bf7, this is possible by the underpromotion key. The logical tries are very tempting ones. But the refutation of the Novotny try is very simple. The main advantage of this problem is the reduction to only the thematic lines in solution. To me, composing moremovers, the short threat is not a serious flaw.
EN <-> RU

1st Honorable mention, 2nd Place - No 1, Evgeni Bourd (Israel)

*1...Kd4 2.Sf5#
1.Sf5+? Bxf5!
1.Sc4+? (Rcxc4 2.Qe5+) Rbxc4!
1.Se4? – 2.Rd3# / Qf4#,
1...Rd5 2.Rd2+/Re2+/Rg2+/Rxd5/Qxc3+/Qf4+
1.h3! – 2.Re2+ Kxf3 3.Re3#
1...Sf5 2.Sc4+ bxc4 3.Qf4#, 2...Rxc4 3.Rd3#
(2...Sxc4 3.Rd3#/Qf4#)
1...Sc4 2.Sf5+ Rxf5 3.Rd3#, 2...Bxf5 3.Qf4# (2...Sxf5 3.Rd3#/Qf4#)
1...Re5 2.Qxc3+ Bd3 3.Qxd3#, 1...Re4 2.Sf5+ 2.Sf5+ Bxf5/Sxf5 3.Rd3#, 2...Rxf5 3.Rd3# / Qxc3#
The Novotny try gets refuted by a Novotny, in solution we see homogeneous play by wS and bS: Black closes one thematic line and White the other one, but the white moves are checking ones. (You could argue that in the end, only black masses cut the thematic lines, but remember: Problems where it is doubtful whether they fulfill the theme will mostly be accepted.) The black and white duals prevent a prize.
EN <-> RU

2nd Honorable mention, 3rd Place - No 2, Evgeni Bourd (Israel) (version)

1.Sd4? – 2.Rxc5+ Kd6 3.Qxf6#/Sf5# / 2.Bxc4+ Kd6 3.Qxf6#/Sf5#
1...Rxd4 2.Rxc5+ Kd6 3.Qxf6#, 1...Bxd4 2.Bxc4+ Kd6 3.Qxf6#
1.Sd6! – 2.Qf7+ Kxd6 3.Qd7/Qe6#
1...Sxd6 2.Be3+ Rd2/Rd4 3.Rxc5#
[2.Bf4+? Bd4 3.Rxc5#, 2...Rd2! 3.Bxc4+ Sxc4!]
1...cxd6 2.Bf4+ Rd2/Bd4 3.Bxc4# [2.Be3+? Rd4 3.Bxc4#, 2...Rd2! 3.Rxc5+ dxc5!]
The only entry with Novotny threats longer than one move. Surprizing sacrificial key with dual avoidance after Black captured the key piece. But the sublines 2…Rd4/Bd4 close the thematic line a second time, making the line-closure by White superfluous – this black duals reduce the value of the thematic sublines. Also the threats are not clear-cut both in try and solution.
EN <-> RU
1st Commendation - No 5
Dieter Müller & Sven Trommler
TT-159, SuperProblem, 06-02-2016
2nd Commendation - No 8
Dieter Müller & Sven Trommler
TT-159, SuperProblem, 06-02-2016

1st Commendation - No 5, Dieter Müller & Sven Trommler (Germany)

*1...Rb4+ 2.Sxb4# 1.d4? – 2.Re5# (A) / Bxe4# (B), 1...exd3 e.p.!
1.Bc3? – 2.Re5# (A), 1...f6!
1.Bb4? – 2.Bxe4# (B), 1...f2!
1.Sg6! – 2.Re5+ Bxe5 3.Se7#
1...fxg6 2.Bc3 – 3.Re5# (A), 2...Rb4+/Bxc3 3.Sxb4#/Sxc3#
1...Qh4 2.Bb4 – 3.Bxe4# (B), 2...Be5/Qxf4/Qxe7/Rxb4+ 3.Rxe5#/Sxf4#/Sxe7#Sxb4#
Quiet second white moves. Full-length threat, but it already plays a thematic move. wPd2 is only on the board to play the Novotny.
EN <-> RU

2nd Commendation - No 8, Dieter Müller & Sven Trommler (Germany)

*1...Rb6+ 2.Sxb6#
1.Sf6? – 2.Sd6#/Rd4#, 1...Rh7+!
1.d6? – 2.Sb6#, 1...Rxb4!
1.c6? Rxb4!
1.e5? – 2.Rd4#, 1...Rd1 2.d6, 1...Sxd3!
1.Rgd1! – 2.Rd4+ Bxd4 3.Rxd4#
1...Rxd1 2.d6 – 3.Sb6#, 2...Rh7 3.Be6#, 2...Rxd6 3.Sxd6#
1...Sxd1 2.e5 – 3.Rd4#, 2...Bxe5 3.Sxe5#, 2...Rb6+ 3.Sxb6#
1...Sxd3 2.cxd3#
Quiet second white moves. Full-length threat, but it already plays a thematic move. Obvious key piece, having no function in set position.
EN <-> RU
URL address of this web page | Адрес этой страницы

Sections | Разделы

#3 (threemovers | трёхходовки)

Participants | Участники

Bourd E. – No 1, 2, 3
Kostyukov A. – No 6
Müller D. – No 4*, 5*, 7*, 8*
Trommler S. – No 4*, 5*, 7*, 8*

The Winners Are | Победители

Dieter Müller & Sven Trommler
Congrats! | Поздравляем!

Judge | Арбитр

Ralf Krätschmer

Director and editor
Директор и редактор

Aleksey Oganesjan