Final Award in Quick Composing TT-121 | Окончательные итоги блицконкурса TT-121

A single unit gives mate by double check | Мат двойным шахом одной фигуры

Theme | Тема

42 entries were received from 22 authors representing 13 countries | На конкурс поступило 42 композиции от 22 авторов из 13 стран

Award is the following | Отличия распределились следующим образом

1st Prize, 1st Place - No 18
Manfred Rittirsch
TT-121, SuperProblem, 20-12-2014
2nd Prize, 2nd Place - No 16
Torsten Linß
TT-121, SuperProblem, 20-12-2014
3rd Prize, 3rd Place - No 9
Juraj Lörinc & Ladislav Packa
TT-121, SuperProblem, 20-12-2014
h#23.1..    Anchor Ring(2+3)

1st Prize, 1st Place - No 18, Manfred Rittirsch (Germany)

f8 – black Double Grasshopper (DG); a4 – black Rose (RO)
1.d8DG+? ROb6/Rb6/cxd6!
1.DGxf4! b8RO! (1...b8DG? 3.Kxe5!) 2.DGe3 d8DG#
1.d8RO+? Qe6/Be6!
1.DGxc6! b8DG! (1...b8RO? 3.Kxe4!) 2.DGd5 d8RO#
Paradoxical AntiZiel key annihilates a white piece guarding a flight square. Subsequently Black blocks the flight. The idea hidden behind is to open the second checking line for the promoted white piece. The specific DG play is complemented by a neat dual avoidance of promotions. Although the overall strategy is impressive, we have to mention the drawbacks: the rather technical Rose and only one black unit is active, the others are bystanders.
A well deserved winner!
EN <-> RU

2nd Prize, 2nd Place - No 16, Torsten Linß (Germany)

h5 (c3) – white (black) Spiral Springer (Spiral Knight) (SS)
*1...Kd4 2.Qb4+ Kd3 3.SSf8+ SSd5 4.Rd2+ Ke3 5.SSg6+ Kf3 6.Qg4+ Ke3 7.SSe7+ SSxe7 8.Qf3+ Kxf3#
1.SSf6+ Kd4 2.Qb6+ SSc5 3.Kd1 Kc3 4.Rc2+ Kd4 5.Qd6+ Ke3 6.Qf4+ Kd3 7.SSd7+ SSxd7 8.Qe3+ Kxe3#
The usage of spiral knight in an aristocratic setting is ingenious and unexpected! This is clearly the best miniature from the competition, as it displays the full package: activity of all pieces, black battery creation, chameleon echo mates and intensive fairy specificity both in set and actual play. Only our personal preference for deeper strategic motivation hindered a higher placement.
EN <-> RU

3rd Prize, 3rd Place - No 9, Juraj Lörinc & Ladislav Packa (Slovakia)

a3, e1 – white Nightrider Lion (NL); h1 – black Lion (LI)
1.LIf3 NLc5+ 2.Kf4 NLa2#
1.LIa1 NLd7 2.LId4 NLc7#
1.Kd4 NLd5 2.LIe4 NLf1#
Achieving three times the imposed theme is a task deserving high recognition. The clever idea of using black King as a hurdle over the Anchor Ring is doubled by the amazing baby setting and the echoed final positions. Black Lion seems rather technical at first sight but using another unit leads to cooks. The mechanism of checking over black King as a hurdle is already known, otherwise this splendid composition would have won the tournament.
EN <-> RU
Special Prize - No 4
Vaclav Kotesovec
TT-121, SuperProblem, 20-12-2014
1st Honorable mention - No 6
Klaus Wenda
TT-121, SuperProblem, 20-12-2014
h#23.1..    Circe(6+13)
2nd Honorable mention - No 31
Mario Parrinello
TT-121, SuperProblem, 20-12-2014
hs#3KoBul Kings b) wBb8(6+5)

Special Prize - No 4, Vaclav Kotesovec (Czech Republic)

a4, e7, h1 – Double Grasshoppers (DG)
1.Sc6 2.Kb4 3.Kc5 4.DGb5 5.DGb7 6.DGb8 7.Kb6 8.Ka7 9.Ka8 10.Sa7 Kg2#
1.Kb2 2.DGc1 3.Sa2 4.DGd1 5.Sc3 6.DGd3 7.Ka1 8.DGb2 9.DGb1 10.Sa2 Kg1#
Another superb miniature, featuring white specific royal battery. All four corners are used. The diagonal-orthogonal correspondence and the very precise play in both solutions, with active usage of bDGs make it the best seriesmover of the lot. The “special” distinction is due to the analogy with certain previous works by Mechislovas Rimkus.
EN <-> RU

1st Honorable mention - No 6, Klaus Wenda (Austria)

a1 – Double Grasshopper (DG)
1.e1R! Kxe1(Rh8) [DGxe1?] 2.0-0 DGf4# [doublecheck]
1.e1B+! DGxe1(Bf8) [Kxe1?] 2.Qc4 Qxc4(Qd8)# [threefoldcheck]
1.Rg4! fxg4(Ra8) 2.0-0-0 DGxa3(Sb8)# [doublecheck]
Another task rendering, with three echo mates skillfully employed, one even with triple-check! Good exploitation of Circe as well. Regrettably no capture and Circe rebirth on W2 in one solution causes a lower ranking.
EN <-> RU

2nd Honorable mention - No 31, Mario Parrinello (Italy)

d8 – black Double Grasshopper (DG)
a) 1.Qe4+ DGf3 2.Rb7 Sxg8[a1=rB] 3.Qxf3[h1=rDG]+ rDGa8#
; b) 1.Qh4+ DGh3 2.Bh7 Sxb8[a1=rB] 3.Qxh3[h1=rDG]+ rDGh8#
This is the best helpselfmate from the tournament, in a solid and convincing presentation. Undoubtedly it could win a distinction in any tournament, with its impressive usage of corners in both phases. Why not a prize then? Mainly because of certain small inherent blemishes: the white sacrifices are passive and the white KoBul King becomes Bishop in both solutions.
EN <-> RU
3rd Honorable mention - No 7
Igor Kochulov
TT-121, SuperProblem, 20-12-2014
Special HM - No 20
C. Pacurar & A. Storisteanu
TT-121, SuperProblem, 20-12-2014
-2b & #1see text(4+2)
1st Commendation - No 40
Ingemar Lind
TT-121, SuperProblem, 20-12-2014

3rd Honorable mention - No 7, Igor Kochulov (Russia)

c7, g5 – Double-Grasshoppers (DG)
1.Kc3 Se5 2.Sd4 (2.DGd4?) Sd3#
1.Kd3 Sd6 2.DGd4
(2.Sd4?) Sc4#
Another splendid strategic idea: white echo-battery creation on diagonal/orthogonal lines. The black tries are welcome. The artistic impression is however slightly spoilt by the numerous pawns on the board.
EN <-> RU

Special Honorable mention - No 20, Cornel Pacurar & Adrian Storisteanu (Canada)

-2b & #1, b) wSb4->a3, Circe Assassin, 2 solutions
a) diagram:
I) –1.Bb8xPh2(+wPh2, -bBh2) –2.Bc7xPh2(+wPh2, -bBh2) & 1.Sb4-a6#
II)–1.Be5xPh2(+wPh2, -bBh2) –2.Bf4xPh2(+wPh2, -bBh2) & 1.Sb4-d3#
b) wSb4->a3
I) –1.Bc7xPh2(+wPh2, -bBh2) –2.Bd6xPh2(+wPh2, -bBh2) & 1.Sa3-b5#
II)–1.Bd6xPh2(+wPh2, -bBh2) –2.Be5xPh2(+wPh2, -bBh2) & 1.Sa3-c4#
bB-bB Loshinski magnet four times – probably shown for the first time in a series Retractor Circe Assassin – a specialty of Canadian composers. The contents might seem not very deep at first glance, but it is fully satisfactory, with specific suicides and mates.
EN <-> RU

1st Commendation - No 40, Ingemar Lind (Sweden)

a2 – Rose (RO); a8 – Eagle (EA); h7 – Reflecting Bishop (RB)
1.b3 cxb3 2.b5 d8RB#
1.Ka6 ROxb4+ 2.Ka7 d8EA#
1.EAb5 ROc3 2.EAa6 d8RO#
Three different white promotions on the same square and double-check mates by promotion is a commendable achievement. The rather technical black Reflecting Bishop forbids a higher placement. This is much lighter than 39 and with no twinning.
EN <-> RU
2nd Commendation - No 25
Valerii Kopyl
TT-121, SuperProblem, 20-12-2014
3rd Commendation - No 35
Dieter Müller
TT-121, SuperProblem, 20-12-2014
h#2b) wDGa8->b3(4+12)
4th Commendation - No 13
Zoltán Laborczi
TT-121, SuperProblem, 20-12-2014
Ser-h#4see text(3+7)

2nd Commendation - No 25, Valerii Kopyl (Ukraine)

f3, d5 – Rose (RO); a1 – Bishop-Lion (BL); h7, b7 – Rook-Lion (RL); h8, a2 – Nightrider Lion (NL)
1...c3 (a) 2.ROb4, ROe1## (A,B)
1.Ke4? ~ 2.ROe1## (A), 1...c3 (a) 2.ROb4## (B), 1...RLh4+ (b) 2.ROxh4## 1...d2!
1.Kd4! ~ 2.ROb4## (B), 1...c3 (a) 2.ROe1## (A), 1...RLh4+ (b) 2.Sxh4#, 1...RLbe7 2.Bxf7#
The direct problems were not particularly successful in this tournament. Here we see the combination of Le Grand and Makihovi themes. One can’t avoid remarking the symmetry around the axis b1-h7 and the double-check mate 2.ROxh4# in the try is superfluous (a simple check would be sufficient).
EN <-> RU

3rd Commendation - No 35, Dieter Müller (Germany)

a8, h8 – white Double Grasshoppers (DG)
a) diagram: 1.Sde3 DGh8-h3 2.Bd5 DGa8-d8##
b) wDGa8->b3: 1.Sfe3 DGb3-h3 2.Bf5 DGh8-f8##
Nice exchange of roles between wDGs and bSs, featuring twofold come-and-go. But the twinning moves a thematic white DG and there is a lack of interplay in the first solution, hence the Commendation.
EN <-> RU

4th Commendation - No 13, Zoltán Laborczi (Hungary)

Ser-h#4, b) wKd8->h8, Circe Assassin
a) diagram: 1.f1B 2.Be2 3.Bd1 4.g1Q Qd4# (2.Bd3? 3.Bb1/c2 4.g1Q+)
b) wKd8->h8: 1.f1S 2.Se3 3.Sd1 4.g1R Qh2# (2.Sd2? 3.Sb1 4.g1R+)
We decided to praise the evergreen and unexpected AUW using Circe Assassin. Although tries are not convincing, the same pawns are promoting and the solutions are quite homogeneous.
EN <-> RU
5th Commendation - No 41
Ingemar Lind
TT-121, SuperProblem, 20-12-2014
h#2Vertical Cylinder(2+2)

5th Commendation - No 41, Ingemar Lind (Sweden)

1.Kf8 Kd6 2.Qf7 Qh8#
1.Qe7 Kc6+ 2.Ke8 Qg8#
Finally a chameleon echo in Wenigsteiner in the best entry of the set using Vertical Cylinder condition.
EN <-> RU
Manfred Rittirsch
TT-121, SuperProblem, 14-04-2015
f2: Double Grasshopper
d1: Rose

Manfred Rittirsch (Germany) (version)

1.d8DG+? ROb6/cxd6!
1.ROxg4! b8RO! (1...b8DG? 3.Kxe5!) 2.ROe3 d8DG#
1.d8RO+? Qe6/Be6/Se6!
1.DGxc6! b8DG! (1...b8RO? 3.Kxe4!) 2.DGd5 d8RO#
2x annihilation of double guarding piece obstructing thematic 2nd chess line with compensation of lost guards by:
- block of thematic fairy piece (RO/DG)
- guard by promoted pawn in addition to guard of d3 (kind of dual avoidance).
Reciprocal change of promotions DG/RO. Model mates.

This is a version inspired by a comment of Frank Müller at the mpk meeting (April 11th 2015), partially matching the judges' comment: “The rather technical Rose and only one black unit is active, the others are bystanders”.
Now both fairy pieces in the diagram share the thematic play (and – replacing the pair bR/bP by a bS – the black economy was improved, too).
EN <-> RU
URL address of this web page | Адрес этой страницы

Sections | Разделы

fairies | сказки

Participants | Участники

Grubert H. – No 27, 28
Kochulov I. – No 7
Kopyl V. – No 24, 25
Kotesovec V. – No 4, 5
Laborczi Z. – No 12, 13, 14, 15, 23
Lind I. – No 39, 40, 41, 42
Linß T. – No 16
Lörinc J. – No 9*
Müller D. – No 1, 26, 34, 35, 36, 37
Novomesky D. – No 17, 21
Packa L. – No 8, 9*
Pacurar C. – No 19*, 20*
Parrinello M. – No 31, 32
Pitton P. – No 33, 38
Raican P. – No 22
Rehm H. P. – No 30*
Rittirsch M. – No 18
Shifrin S. – No 29
Storisteanu A. – No 19*, 20*
Solja K. – No 2, 3
Tar G. – No 10, 11
Wenda K. – No 6, 30*

The Winner Is | Победитель

Manfred Rittirsch
Congrats! | Поздравляем!

Judges | Судьи

Vlaicu Crişan & Eric Huber

Translation | Перевод

Aleksey Oganesjan

Editor | Редактор

Aleksey Oganesjan