Final Award in Quick Composing TT-202 | Окончательные итоги блицконкурса TT-202

Black hole | Черная дыра

Theme | Тема

58 entries were received from 32 authors representing 15 countries | На конкурс поступило 58 композиций от 32 авторов из 15 стран

EN <-> RU

From the tourney director Aleksey Oganesjan I have received 58 anonymous entries. The authors of No 12, 22 and 31 have presented their problems in two versions. As the director informed me, the authors of the ten problems (No 35 to 44) are six young composers, ages 10-15, so I decided to create separate award for them.
Problems No 19 (Kg2-Ke3) and No 30 (Kg2-Ke3) haven’t been awarded because of No 11 and No 15. All four problems have almost identical content, but positions of No 11 and No 15 are more economical. Problem No 28 (Ka2-Ke4) hasn’t been awarded because of No 50.
Many authors have tried to expand content in some unconvincing way. As far as "change of functions" is concerned, I don’t think it has been clearly implemented anywhere, covering all four thematic variants. Presence of parasite variants followed by the same mates like in thematic variants, I considered as a great disadvantage. While looking for anticipations in Albrecht problem database, I found some amazing realizations of the theme. That is the reason why some of the problems haven’t been rewarded or placed higher. A list of problems from Albrecht problem database is given in the Annex at the end of the award. E.g. problem No 56 (Kg5 Ke4) have similar idea like problem C but it has a dual in the threat. A few months ago, during analysis of the masterpiece A, with Marjan Kovačević, I came up with idea for the theme of this tournament.
I have selected 17 problems for the award. I believe that the other authors will understand why their works were not selected, after a detailed comparison with rewarded ones. For the first time, I had the honor to judge, so let me thank to Marjan Kovačević on his support and advice during this amazing experience. Finally, I want to thank to all the participants for the quality and quantity of the entries.

Award is the following | Отличия распределились следующим образом

Main section | Основной раздел
1st Prize, 1st Place - No 34
Mihail Hramtsevich
TT-202, SuperProblem, 24-03-2018
2nd Prize, 2nd Place - No 16
Valery Shanshin
TT-202, SuperProblem, 24-03-2018
3rd Prize, 3rd Place - No 58
Michel Caillaud
TT-202, SuperProblem, 24-03-2018

1st Prize, 1st Place - No 34, Mihail Hramtsevich (Belarus) 2b5/4K1p1/2P1pNP1/2p1k3/2PRB1P1/1Rq1b3/p2p1PN1/B1Q5

1.Bc2? – 2.Re4#, 1...Qxd4 2.Rxe3#, 1...Bxd4 2.f4#, 1...cxd4 2.Rb5#, 1...Kxd4!
1.Bd3? – 2.Re4#, 1...Bxd4 2.f4#, 1...Kxd4 2.Qxc3#, 1...cxd4 2.Rb5#, 1...Qxd4!
1.Bf3? – 2.Re4#, 1...Qxd4 2.Rxe3#, 1...Kxd4 2.Qxc3#, 1...cxd4 2.Rb5#, 1...Bxd4!
1.Bd5? – 2.Re4#, 1...Qxd4 2.Rxe3#, 1...Bxd4 2.f4#, 1...Kxd4 2.Qxc3#, 1...exd5 2.Rxd5#, 1...cxd4!
1.Bf5! – 2.Re4#
1...Qxd4 2.Rxe3#
1...Bxd4 2.f4#
1...Kxd4 2.Qxc3#
1...cxd4 2.Rb5#
1...exf5 2.Rd5#
Very nice idea. White combinations, closing 4 different lines, with 4 different refutations on the same square. Solution completes the WB star, geometrically matching with the diagonal “Black hole”.
EN <-> RU

2nd Prize, 2nd Place - No 16, Valery Shanshin (Russia) 5RB1/2K1B3/2pN1R1N/4k3/4p1pn/b1P5/3Pqrbn/5rQ1

1.Rf3! – 2.Bf6#
1…Qxf3 2.Sc4#
1…exf3 2.d4#
1…Bxf3 2.Qg3#
1…gxf3 2.Qxh2#
1…Rxf3 2.Qd4#
1…S2xf3 2.Sxg4#
1…S4xf3 2.Rf5#
1…Bxd6+ 2.Bxd6#
The record of 7 different variants on the same square, without use of BK as thematic piece. Changed mate in set play and solution after S4f3 (R6f5# and R8f5#). The construction is very nice and the key is spectacular!
EN <-> RU

3rd Prize, 3rd Place - No 58, Michel Caillaud (France) 1B1N1R2/5B2/3Kp3/1p4pP/2p2k1q/4Nprp/4P1p1/1Q6

1.Sd1! – 2.Bxe6#
1...Rg4 2.Kxe6#
(Sxe6? e3?)
1...g4 2.Sxe6# (e3? Kxe6?)
1...Qg4 2.e3# (Kxe6? Sxe6?)
1...Kg4 2.Qe4#
1...Qxh5 2.Bxh5#
The most impressive “Black hole cross”. Give and take key, Stocchi blocks on g4. Excellent choice of mating moves, three of them on the same square. Two white batteries which are used 3 times.
EN <-> RU
4th Prize - No 17
Valery Shanshin
TT-202, SuperProblem, 24-03-2018
1st-2nd Honorable mention - No 11
Igor Agapov
TT-202, SuperProblem, 24-03-2018
#2b) bPd4(12+8)
1st-2nd Honorable mention - No 15
Valery Shanshin
TT-202, SuperProblem, 24-03-2018

4th Prize - No 17, Valery Shanshin (Russia) 8/8/8/8/1Q1p1p2/4R3/3bNkN1/3K3B

*1…Kf1 2.Rf3#
1.Se1? – 2.Rf3#, 1…Bxe3! (2.Qe1?)
1.Sxf4? – 2.Rf3#, 1…dxe3! (2.Qf4?)
1.Sh4! – 2.Rf3#
1…Bxe3 2.Qe1#
1…dxe3 2.Qxf4#
1…Kxe3 2.Qxd4#
1…fxe3 2.Qf8#
One piece executes a choice of key (with obstructions on e1 and f4), another piece checkmates in all thematic variations. Only ten pieces without white pawns, or technical black pieces. The most economical position of the tournament.
EN <-> RU

1st-2nd Honorable mention - No 11, Igor Agapov (Russia) 2R5/4N3/Q1p1p1pR/2Pp1pPB/2qPkBb1/4P1K1/2P5/8

a) diagram:
1.Sxd5? – 2.Sf6#, 1...cxd5 2.Qxe6#, 1...exd5 2.Re8#, 1...Kxd5 2.Qxc6#, 1...Qxd5 2.Qd3#, 1...Qxd4!
1.Sxf5! – 2.Sd6#
1...exf5 2.Re8#
1...gxf5 2.Rxe6#
1...Kxf5 2.Bxg6#
1...Bxf5 2.Bf3#
(1...Qxc5 2.Qd3#)

b) bPd4:
1.Sxf5? – 2.Sd6#, 1...exf5 2.Re8#, 1...gxf5 2.Rxe6#, 1...Kxf5 2.Bxg6#, 1...Bxf5 2.Bf3# (1...Qxc5 2.Qd3#), 1...dxe3!
1.Sxd5! – 2.Sf6#
1...cxd5 2.Qxe6#
1...exd5 2.Re8#
1...Kxd5 2.Qxc6#
1...Qxd5 2.Qd3#
(1...dxe3 2.Qxc4#)
This is the best twin problem in the tournament. Both thematic moves are the keys and the tries. Unfortunately, in one twin there are WB & WR which have no functions in the solution. Very symmetrical white play.
EN <-> RU

1st-2nd Honorable mention - No 15, Valery Shanshin (Russia) 2R3KB/4N3/Q1p1p1pR/2Pp1p1B/2qpkPb1/6P1/3P4/4N3

1.Sxd5? – 2.Sf6#, 1…Qxd5 2.Qd3#, 1…Kxd5 2.Qxc6#, 1…cxd5 2.Qxe6#, 1…exd5 2.Re8#, 1…d3 2.Qxc4#, 1…e5!
1.Sxf5! – 2.Sd6#
1…Bxf5 2.Bf3#
1…Kxf5 2.Bxg6#
1…gxf5 2.Rxe6#
1…exf5 2.Re8#
1…Qxc5 2.Qd3#
Double “Black hole”, the same as in No 11. In this problem WB and WR do not play in try.
EN <-> RU
3rd Honorable mention - No 20
Stephen Taylor
TT-202, SuperProblem, 24-03-2018
4th Honorable mention - No 32
Mihail Hramtsevich
TT-202, SuperProblem, 24-03-2018
5th Honorable mention - No 4
Branislav Djurasevic
TT-202, SuperProblem, 24-03-2018

3rd Honorable mention - No 20, Stephen Taylor (England) 6QB/2N4K/2p5/2p1nR2/1q1k1b1p/1prpp1N1/2p1P3/3R1r1B

1.exd3? – 2.Qd8/Se2/Se6#, 1...e2!
1.Bxc6? – 2.Qd5#, 1...Rc4 2.Rxd3#, 1...Qc4!
1.Rf6? – 2.Rd6/Sf5#, 1...Rc4!
1.Rf8? – 2.Rd8/Sf5#, 1...Bg5!
1.Rf7! – 2.Rd7#
1...Kc4 2.Rxf4#
1...c4 2.Se6#
1...Rc4 2.Rxd3#
1...Qc4 2.Sf5#
Another “Black hole cross”. Thematic variations are without capturing, and the key-move gives thematic flight in a very attractive way, supported by 2 tries.
EN <-> RU

4th Honorable mention - No 32, Mihail Hramtsevich (Belarus) 4qN2/6R1/2Qp1pnK/2P5/rRNbrk1B/p3p1pB/4P3/8

1.Se5! – 2.Sd3#
1...Bxe5 2.Qxe4#
1...Kxe5 2.Qxd6#
1...dxe5 2.Qxf6#
1...fxe5 2.Bg5#
1...Qxe5 2.Sxg6#
1...Sxe5 2.Bxg3#
1...Rxe5 2.Qf3#
Another problem with seven variants on thematic square. Nice key without capturing. This problem is not placed higher because No 16 makes much better impression.
EN <-> RU

5th Honorable mention - No 4, Branislav Djurasevic (Serbia) 3NQ3/1pp1PK2/1B1kpR2/2rPr3/3q1P2/3R4/8/8

*1…Qxd5 2.Sxb7#, *1…Rcxd5 2.Sxb7#
1.Sc6? – 2.Qd8#, 1…Qxd5 2.fxe5#, 1…Rexd5 2.Rxe6#, 1…Kxd5 2.Rxd4#, 1…Rcxd5!
1.Sxe6! – 2.Qd8#
1…Qxd5 2.Bxc5#
1…Rexd5 2.Sxd4#
1…Rcxd5 2.Bxc7#
1…Kxd5 2.Rxd4#
(1…Qa4 2.Bxc5#)
Nice change of mates with pinned BQ and after Rcxd5. Black pawn on b7 is not necessary but in the set play on 1…Rcxd5 it prevents dual. With moving position to the left a parasite variant 1…Qa4 would be avoided.
EN <-> RU
6th Honorable mention - No 50
Chandrasekaran K. R.
TT-202, SuperProblem, 24-03-2018
1st Commendation - No 65
Bhushan, Chandrasekaran, Seetharaman
TT-202, SuperProblem, 24-03-2018
2nd Commendation - No 13
Igor Agapov
TT-202, SuperProblem, 24-03-2018

6th Honorable mention - No 50, Chandrasekaran K. R. (India) 2Q5/1R1R4/1p1p4/2N3r1/PqkbB1p1/1pPp4/1PN3K1/8

1.Qc6! – 2.Bxd3#
1...Qxc5 2.Sa3#
1...Rxc5 2.Bd5#
1...bxc5 2.Rxb4#
1...dxc5 2.Rxd4#
1...Bxc5 2.Se3#

1...Qxc3 2.Qb5#
Five pin-mates. Four thematic variants plus one more on thematic square. I hoped to see problems with this idea in the tournament, but some symmetrical mates reduce the impression of the problem. Moving WR from d7 to d8 was maybe a better choice.
EN <-> RU

1st Commendation - No 65, Bhushan Phani & Chandrasekaran K. R. & Seetharaman Kalyan (India) 2Rbr3/1Q2n3/r1p1pR2/p7/1Nb1kPB1/B3P3/3K4/8

1.Sd5! – 2.Sc3#
1...exd5 2.Re6#
1...cxd5 2.Rxc4#
1...Sxd5 2.Qh7# (Re6#?)
1...Bxd5 2.Qb1# (Re6#?)
1...Kxd5 2.Bf3#
Three Arrival corrections, flight giving key & pin-mate. Despite 18 pieces on the board position looks very light. Five variants on the thematic square.
EN <-> RU

2nd Commendation - No 13, Igor Agapov (Russia) 8/2R3pB/1Qp1p1K1/2Rp4/2b1kPp1/1Nnrn1P1/2PP4/B3N3

1.Rxd5! – 2.Re5#
1...cxd5 2.Qxe6#
1...exd5 2.Re8#
1...Bxd5 2.exd3#
1...Kxd5 2.Qxc6#
1...Scxd5 2.Sc5#
1...Sexd5 2.Kxg7#
1...Rxd5 2.Qxe3#
Another problem with seven variants on thematic square. Sacrifice of WR, but with capturing of BP. Nice mate 2.Kxg7 prevents the cook 1.Kxg7? Sf5+! Similar mechanism as in problem B.
EN <-> RU
3rd Commendation - No 18
Vasil Markovcij
TT-202, SuperProblem, 24-03-2018
4th Commendation - No 29
Stephen Taylor
TT-202, SuperProblem, 24-03-2018
5th Commendation - No 12A
Igor Agapov
TT-202, SuperProblem, 24-03-2018

3rd Commendation - No 18, Vasil Markovcij (Ukraine) 3K4/8/7p/pR1p1p1r/2k1p1Q1/1RNb1q2/2NPP3/2b2B2

*1...d4 (x) 2.Qg8# (A), *1...f4 (y) 2.Qc8# (B)
1.Qg8? (A) – 2.Qxd5#, 1...e3 2.exd3# (C), 1...f4! (y)
1.Sxd5? – 2.Sxb6#, 1...Qf2 2.exd3# (C), 1...Qe3 2.Sdxe3#, 1...Bxc2!
1.Sxe4! – 2.Sd6#
1...dxe4 2.Qg8# (A)
1...fxe4 2.Qc8# (B)
1...Qxe4 2.exd3# (C)
1...Bxe4 2.exf3#
Foschini theme. Change of functions of moves Qg8 and f4. More economical position is possible if giving up change of function of move f4.
EN <-> RU

4th Commendation - No 29, Stephen Taylor (England) 7n/3KB3/2pNB2N/4k3/4p1p1/4P1R1/3Pq1bn/5rQ1

1.Rf3! – 2.Bf6#
1...Bxf3 2.Qg3#
1...gxf3 2.Qxh2#
1...Qxf3 2.Sc4#
1...Sxf3 2.Sxg4#
1...Rxf3 2.Qa1#
1...exf3 2.d4#
Very nice variation after 1...Rf3. Almost the same construction as No 16, but more economical. Because of one variation less than No 16, this problem couldn’t get higher rank.
EN <-> RU

5th Commendation - No 12A, Igor Agapov (Russia) 5B2/6N1/pQ1pr3/3k1q1R/2p1r1NR/2P5/K1B5/5n2

1.Se5! – 2.Qa5#
1...R4xe5 2.Rd4#
1...Qxe5 2.Bxe4#
1...R6xe5 2.Qxd6#
1...dxe5 2.Qc5#
1...Kxe5 2.Rxf5#

1...Qf2 2.Qc6#
Key move unpins BQ which allows additional defense of the threat, and prevents dual with pinning of WB. Five variants on the thematic square.
EN <-> RU
6th Commendation - No 47
Anatoly Vasilenko
TT-202, SuperProblem, 24-03-2018
Special Commendation - No 31A
Mikhail Halma
TT-202, SuperProblem, 24-03-2018

6th Commendation - No 47, Anatoly Vasilenko (Ukraine) 4R1Qn/8/K1p1p3/8/1Nk1b3/BR2P3/2P3B1/8

1.Rxe6? – 2.Rxc6#, 1...Kc5 2.Rc3# (A), 1...c5 2.Rxe4# (B), 1...Sf7!
1.Sd5! – 2.Sb6#
1...Bxc2 2.Rc3# (A)
1...exd5 2.Rxe4# (B)
1...Kxd5 2.Qxe6#
1...cxd5 2.Rc8#
1...Bxd5 2.Bf1#
Mate transferences with interesting masking of WQ diagonal. Very economical black force.
EN <-> RU

Special Commendation - No 31A, Mikhail Halma (Ukraine) 2n4n/4BN2/R2p1p2/3B4/3bPk1P/5P2/3PPR1K/8

1.Se5! – 2.Sd3#
1...dxe5 2.Rxf6#
1...fxe5 2.Bg5#
1...Kxe5 2.f4#
1...Bxe5 2.e3#
Special distinction for “acro” problem (letter S)
EN <-> RU

Award among young composers (under 18 years) | Присуждение в категории юных композиторов (до 18 лет)
EN <-> RU

All authors have successfully completed the task. I want to thank to my young colleagues for taking part in this tournament.

Prize - No 41
Yana Kostornichenko
TT-202, SuperProblem, 24-03-2018
Honorable mention - No 42
Mihail Prilepin
TT-202, SuperProblem, 24-03-2018
Commendation - No 35
Ivan Novikov
TT-202, SuperProblem, 24-03-2018

Prize - No 41, Yana Kostornichenko (Russia) 8/4B3/3p1p1R/3BRP2/1K1k1b2/3P4/3pPP2/8

1.Be4! – 2.Rd5#
1...Kxe5 2.Bxf6#
1...fxe5 2.Rxd6#
1...Bxe5 2.e3#
1...dxe5 2.Bc5#
The most impressive problem by the young composers which is better than some problems sent to the main tournament. The key is not on the thematic square. Very open position and interesting try 1.Bc4? Three blocks on the thematic square.
EN <-> RU

Honorable mention - No 42, Mihail Prilepin (Russia) 1Kb1R3/3N4/Q4P2/1P1k2N1/2rPr3/2pqpP2/8/3R4

1.Rd8! – 2.Sb6#
1...Qxd4 2.fxe4#
1...Rcxd4 2.Qc6#
1...Kxd4 2.Qd6#
1...Rexd4 2.Qe6#

1...Bxd7 2.Rxd7#
The best “Black hole cross” among young composers. Similar mechanism as in Example 2, but there is no double threat.
EN <-> RU

Commendation - No 35, Ivan Novikov (Russia) 2R5/1nNRQ3/BKp1pN2/3p4/2bkqP2/1Ppp4/2PBP3/8

1.Qb4? Qxf4 2.Qxc3#, 1...cxd2!
1.Scxd5! – 2.Bxc3#
1...Qxd5 2.e3#
1...Bxd5 2.Qb4#
1...cxd5 2.Rxc4#
1...exd5 2.Qxe4#
1...cxd2 2.c3#
Commendation - No 36
Ivan Novikov
TT-202, SuperProblem, 24-03-2018
Commendation - No 37
Aleksey Abramenko
TT-202, SuperProblem, 24-03-2018
Commendation - No 38
Aleksey Abramenko
TT-202, SuperProblem, 24-03-2018

Commendation - No 36, Ivan Novikov (Russia) 8/1QRB4/2p1p3/3N4/2b1kPP1/2B4R/4P1K1/2b5

1.Be5? Bxf4!
1.Rf3! – 2.Sf6#
1...Bxd5 2.Qb1#
1...Kxd5 2.Qxc6#
1...exd5 2.Bf5#
1...cxd5 2.Rxc4#

Commendation - No 37, Aleksey Abramenko (Russia) 8/8/8/5K2/4p1pB/1Q3P1p/RN2b1kr/3BR3

1.Qb8? – 2.Qg3#, 1…Bf1!
1.Qc4!! – 2.Qxe2#
1...exf3 2.Qxg4#
1...Kxf3 2.Qxe4#
1...gxf3 2.Qg8#
1...B~ (Bxf3/Bxd1/Bf1) 2.Qf1#
1...Bd3 2.Sxd3#
1...Bxc4 2.Sxc4#

Commendation - No 38, Aleksey Abramenko (Russia) 5b2/8/3N4/KR6/NB1k1PpQ/2rPr3/2pqpP2/3R4

1.Sxс3? – 2.Rd5# (А), 1…Qxc3 2.Sf5# (B), 1…Re5!
1.Qd8! – 2.Sf5# (B)
1…Kxd3 2.Rd5# (A)
1…Qxd3 2.Bxc3#
1…Rcxd3 2.Qb6#
1…Rexd3 2.Qf6#
1…Bxd6 2.Qxd6#
Commendation - No 39
Glafira Kulish
TT-202, SuperProblem, 24-03-2018
Commendation - No 40
Glafira Kulish
TT-202, SuperProblem, 24-03-2018
Commendation - No 43
Maxim Romanov
TT-202, SuperProblem, 24-03-2018

Commendation - No 39, Glafira Kulish (Russia) 2B5/3R4/1Rp1p3/2P2pKQ/2bPk3/2P5/2P3N1/8

1.Rd5! – 2.Re5#
1...Bxd5 2.Qe2#
1...exd5 2.Bxf5#
1...Kxd5 2.Qf3#
1...cxd5 2.Rxe6#

Commendation - No 40, Glafira Kulish (Russia) 1R3bQB/4N2p/1KP2p2/1pP1k1P1/3rPr2/2P1q1P1/6N1/4R3

1.Re8! – 2.Sg6#
1...Kxe4 2.Rxe3#
1...Rdxe4 2.Qd5#
1...Qxe4 2.gxf4#
1...Rfxe4 2.Bxf6#

1...Bxe7 2.Rxe7#

Commendation - No 43, Maxim Romanov (Russia) R7/5p2/Rp1ppK2/BP6/Nb1kP3/n2Pp3/1P2B3/3Q4

1.Sc5! – 2.Sb3#
1...Kxc5 2.d4#
1...bxc5 2.Rxd6#
1...dxc5 2.Rd8#
1...Bxc5 2.Bc3#
Commendation - No 44
Maxim Romanov
TT-202, SuperProblem, 24-03-2018

Commendation - No 44, Maxim Romanov (Russia) 8/7B/p2B4/Q1p1p3/3N4/2b1kp1N/2K2p2/3n4

1.Qxc5? – 2.Qxe5# (A), 1…e4 (a) 2.Bf4# (B), 1…Bxd4!
1.Bd3! – 2.Sf5#
1…cxd4 (b) 2.Qxe5# (A)
1…exd4 (c) 2.Bf4# (B)
1…Bxd4 2.Qd2#
1…Kxd4 2.Qxc5#
Annex | Приложение
Zdravko Maslar
Partizan TT, 1958, 1st Prize
Erich Ernst
“Freie Presse”, 1998
Josef Goldschmidt
“Problem”, 1953

A, Zdravko Maslar

1.Rd5! – 2.Re5#, 1...Kxd5 2.Bxc6#, 1...exd5 2.e8Q(R)#, 1...cxd5 2.Rxe6#, 1...Bxd5/Kxe3 2.Qf4#, 1...Sxe3 2.Sxc3#, 1...Rxe3 2.Qxc4#, 1...Bxe3 2.Qg2#, 1...g3 2.Qf3#

B, Erich Ernst

1.Rxd6! – 2.Rc6#, 1...exd6 2.Qxc7#, 1...Sxd6 2.Bb4#, 1...Rxd6 2.Se4#, 1...Bxd6 2.exd4#, 1...cxd6 2.Rc8#, 1...Kxd6 2.Qxe7#

C, Josef Goldschmidt

1.Sd6! – 2.Sf7#, 1...Kxd6 2.Qd5#, 1...Sexd6 2.Bg7#, 1...Scxd6 2.Sg6#, 1...exd6 2.Rxe8#, 1...Bxd6 2.d4#, 1...cxd6 2.Rxe7#

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Sections | Разделы

#2 (twomovers | двухходовки)

Participants | Участники

Abramenko A. – No 37, 38
Agapov I. – No 11, 12A, 12B, 13
Bhushan P. – No 55**, 56*
Caillaud M. – No 57, 58
Chandrasekaran K. R. – No 50, 51, 52, 55**, 56*
Djurasevic B. – No 2, 3, 4
Érsek T. – No 24, 25
Halma M. – No 31A, 31B
Hramtsevich M. – No 32, 33, 34
Kapustin F. – No 9, 10, 21
Kerhuel M. – No 23
Kostornichenko Y. – No 41
Kostyukov A. – No 30
Krätschmer R. – No 53
Kulish G. – No 39, 40
Labai Z. – No 26*
Lind I. – No 48, 54
Manikumar S. – No 49*
Markovcij V. – No 18, 19
Mlynka K. – No 7, 8
Müller D. – No 22A, 22B
Navon E. – No 28
Novikov I. – No 35, 36
Pitton P. – No 6
Prilepin M. – No 42
Retter Y. – No 1
Romanov M. – No 43, 44
Seetharaman K. – No 49*, 55**
Shanshin V. – No 14, 15, 16, 17
Stojnić D. – No 5
Tar G. – No 26*, 27
Taylor S. – No 20, 29
Vasilenko A. – No 45, 46, 47

The Winner | Победитель

Mihail Hramtsevich
Congrats! | Поздравляем!

Judge | Арбитр

Ilija Serafimović

Director and editor
Директор и редактор

Aleksey Oganesjan

Comments | Комментарии

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