Final Award in Quick Composing TT-195 | Окончательные итоги блицконкурса TT-195

Meredith of Change | Мередит перемен

Theme | Тема

7 entries were received from 7 authors representing 5 countries | На конкурс поступило 7 композиций от 7 авторов из 5 стран

EN <-> RU

When I propose a theme for the tourney I secretly hoped that I’ll see at least 3-phase change of 2 mates, combination of several themes/ideas. Unfortunately participants composed nothing of the sort.
A quantity of sent entries is very few – only 7 entries, herewith in most of its ideological content is limited only by implementation of the tourney theme.

Award is the following | Отличия распределились следующим образом

Prize, 1st Place - No 2
Ilija Serafimović
TT-195, SuperProblem, 18-09-2017
1st Hon. mention, 2nd Place - No 1
Eduard Nagovitsyn
TT-195, SuperProblem, 18-09-2017
2nd Hon. mention, 3rd Place - No 7
Narayanan C.G.S.
TT-195, SuperProblem, 18-09-2017

Prize, 1st Place - No 2, Ilija Serafimović (Serbia) 8/8/1N1Q2n1/1R1N4/3kp3/2p4p/n1P4K/8

*1...Sg~ 2.Qf6#
*1...Se5 (a) 2.Qc5# (A)
*1...e3 (b) 2.Sf6#
*1...Sb4 (c) 2.Rxb4#
*1...Sc1 2.Rb4#

1.Rc5? – 2.Rc4#, 1...Se5! (a)
1.Sd7? – 2.Qc5# (A), 1...e3! (b)
1.Ra5? zz 1...Sc1 2.Ra4#, 1...Sb4! (c)

1.Qg3! zz
1...S~ 2.Qg7#
1...Se5 (a) 2.Qe3#
1...e3 (b) 2.Qxe3#
1...Sb4 (c) 2.Qxc3#
1...Sc1 2.Qxc3#
Change of 3 mates in 2 phases + change of 1 mate in 3 phases + change of functions of 3 Black moves “refutation – defense” + change of functions of 1 White moves “threat – mate”. In the try there is a play of battery, in the solution – an elimination of this battery. Repeated mates on different defenses strongly reduce the impression of the problem.
EN <-> RU

1st Honorable mention, 2nd Place - No 1, Eduard Nagovitsyn (Russia) 8/8/2n4b/3p3b/7Q/2BpkP2/3N1p2/5K2

*1...S~ 2.Q(x)d4#
*1...d4 2.Qe4#
*1...B5~ 2.Qxh6#
*1...Bg4 2.Qxh6#
*1...Bf3 2.Qxh6#
*1...B6~ 2.Q(x)g5#
*1...Bf4 2.Qxf2#

1.Qg3! zz
1...S~ 2.Q(x)e5#
1...d4 2.Sc4#
1...B5~ 2.f4#
1...Bg4 2.fxg4#
1...Bxf3 2.Qxf3#
1...B6~ 2.Q(x)g5#
1...Bf4 2.Qxf2#
Correction of Black Bishops’ play. Simple change-mates 3x2 is realized purely + change-play 2x2, but unfortunately there are repeated mates in one of phases.
EN <-> RU

2nd Honorable mention, 3rd Place - No 7, Narayanan C.G.S. (India) 7N/8/3Qpp1R/3nPkp1/4p3/4B1K1/8/8

*1...fxe5 2.Qxe6#
*1...S~ 2.Rxf6#
*1...g4 2.Rh5#

1.Rg6? zz 1...fxe5 2.Qxe6#, 1...S~ 2.Rxf6#, 1...g4!

1.Sg6! zz
1...fxe5 2.Qxe5#
1...S~ 2.S(x)e7#
1...g4 2.Sh4#
Change of 3 mates in 2 phases + change of function “refutation – defense”. All is made very distinctly but there are no any additional nuances.
EN <-> RU
3rd Honorable Mention - No 3
Ralf Krätschmer
TT-195, SuperProblem, 18-09-2017
1st Commendation - No 5
Vasil Markovcij & Mykola Chernyavskyy
TT-195, SuperProblem, 18-09-2017
2nd Commendation - No 6 (version)
Narayanan C.G.S.
TT-195, SuperProblem, 23-10-2017

3rd Honorable Mention - No 3, Ralf Krätschmer (Germany) 8/4p3/4K1pp/6kN/4p3/6PQ/6nB/6N1

*1...gxh5 2.Qf5#
*1...S~ 2.Q(x)h4#
*1...Sf4+ 2.gxf4#
*1...e3 2.Sf3#

1.g4! zz
1...gxh5 2.Qxh5#
1...S~ 2.B(x)f4#
1...Sf4+ 2.Bxf4#
1...e3 2.Sf3#
Change of 3 mates in 2 phases. Black correction. In the solution there is a repeated thematic mate that decreases an evaluation of the problem.
EN <-> RU

1st Commendation - No 5, Vasil Markovcij & Mykola Chernyavskyy (Ukraine) 5k1K/2qR3P/5NBP/5N1P/8/8/8/8

*1...Qb7/Qa7/Qc4 2.Rd8#
*1...Qc8/Qc6/Qd6/Qe5/Qb6/Qa5/Qb8 2.Rf7#
*1...Qxd7 2.Sxd7#
*1...Qc5/Qc3/Qc2/Qc1/Qf4/Qg3/Qh2/Qd8 2.Rd8/Rf7#

1.Rg7! – 2.Rg8#
1...Qf7 2.Rxf7#
1...Qxg7+ 2.hxg7#
1...Qc4 2.Sd7#
Simple change-mate on 1...Qc4 and random change of 2 mates. It is the only problem with random change-play in this tourney but in the initial position there are dual mates on bQ moves that is a big shortcoming for block-problem.
EN <-> RU

2nd Commendation - No 6 (version), Narayanan C.G.S. (India) 8/8/8/3p1NK1/3p4/3P1kp1/Q4p2/N6R

*1...Kg2 2.Qxd5#
*1...f1~ 2.Rxf1#
*1...g2 2.Rh3#

1.Sb3? zz 1...Kg2!
1.Sc2? zz 1...g2/f1Q(R) 2.Scxd4#, 1...Kg2 2.Qxd5#, 1...Ke2!

1.Qb2? zz 1...g2 2.Rh3#, 1...f1~ 2.Rxf1#, 1...Kg2!
1.Qb3? zz 1...Kg2 2.Qxd5#, 1...g2/Ke2 2.Qd1#, 1...f1~!

1.Qb1! zz
1...Kg2 2.Sh4#
1...g2/Ke2 2.Qd1#
1...f1~ 2.Qxf1#
It is the only problem sent for the tourney in which a key is a flight-giving. But this fact, of course, does not justify the existence of technical White Knight that doesn’t participate in the solution phase.
EN <-> RU
3rd Commendation - No 4
Oleg Diatlov
TT-195, SuperProblem, 18-09-2017

3rd Commendation - No 4, Oleg Diatlov (Ukraine) 8/8/5p2/K2n1R2/2QNk1N1/4P1p1/6P1/1b6

*1...S~ 2.R(x)f4#
*1...Sxe3 2.Sxf6#
*1...B~ 2.Q(x)c2#
*1...Bd3 2.Qxd5#

1.Qe2! zz
1...S~ 2.Sxf6#
1...Sxe3 2.Qxe3#
1...B~ 2.Q(x)c2#
1...Bd3 2.Qf3#
Simple change-play 3x2, Black correction. Secondary Dombrovskis with a move 2.Sf6#. Initially the problem was marked by 1st HM, but its final distinction is decreased in view of strong anticipation yacpdb/40559.
EN <-> RU

Appendix | Приложение

Erling Kristensen
“Problemisten”, 1944-10
2nd Prize
H. S. Nymian
“The Problemist Supplement”

Erling Kristensen 8/8/8/4RpR1/5p2/2N1PkPB/6p1/6Kb

*1...fxg3 (a) 2.Rgxf5# (A)
*1...fxe3 (b) 2.Rexf5# (B)

1.Rg4? zz 1...fxe3 (b) 2.Rexf5# (B), 1...fxg3 (a) 2.Rf4# (C), 1...fxg4!
1.Re4? zz 1...fxe3 (b) 2.Rf4# (C), 1...fxg3 (a) 2.Rgxf5# (A), 1...fxe4!
1.Rg8? zz 1...fxg3! (a)
1.Re8? zz 1...fxe3! (b)

1.Bxf5! zz
1...fxg3 (a) 2.Bg4#
1...fxe3 (b) 2.Be4#

H. S. Nymian 8/8/8/8/6p1/3p2p1/3P2PP/Q4K1k

*1...gxh2 (a) 2.Kf2#
*1...Kxh2 (b) 2.Qh8# (A)

1.hxg3? (B) – 2.Qh8# (A), 1...Kh2! (b)
1.Qh8? (A) – 2.hxg3# (B), 1...gxh2! (a)

1.Qa8! zz
1...gxh2 (a) 2.g3# (B)
1...Kxh2 (b) 2.Qh8# (A)

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Sections | Разделы

#2 (twomovers | двухходовки)

Participants | Участники

Chernyavskyy M. – No 5*
Diatlov O. – No 4
Krätschmer R. – No 3
Markovcij V. – No 5*
Nagovitsyn E. – No 1
Narayanan C. G. S. – No 6, 7
Serafimović I. – No 2

The Winner | Победитель

Ilija Serafimović
Congrats! | Поздравляем!

Judge | Арбитр

Mark Basisty

Director and editor
Директор и редактор

Aleksey Oganesjan

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