The Register of Prize Winners in Quick Composing Tourneys for 2014
Place |
Author |
Country |
1st Place |
2nd Place |
3rd Place |
2014 |
Total |
No |
Full Name |
Country |
отличие и место, например, 1st Prize, 1st Place
имя и фамилия автора по-английски
TT-XXX, SuperProblem, |
здесь решение задачи
8/8/8/8/8/8/8/8 |
# |
условие |
) |
отличие и место, например, 1st Prize, 1st Place
имя и фамилия автора по-английски
TT-XXX, SuperProblem, |
здесь решение задачи
8/8/8/8/8/8/8/8 |
# |
условие |
) |
отличие и место, например, 1st Prize, 1st Place
имя и фамилия автора по-английски
TT-XXX, SuperProblem, |
здесь решение задачи
8/8/8/8/8/8/8/8 |
# |
условие |
) |
N |
S |
1 |
Gabor Tar |
Hungary |
2.5 ( h#3
1st Prize, 1st Place - No 13 Gabor Tar TT-116, SuperProblem, 20.07.2014 |
}a) 1.g3*h2 Bf2-g1 2.h2-h1=B Ke3-f2 3.Ke5-f4 Bg1-h2 #{ }
b) bPd3-->f3
1.g3*f2 d2-d3 2.f2-f1=B Ke3-d2 3.Ke5-d4 Sh2*f3 #
white Pd2f3h4g4c4 Sh2 Bf2 Ke3
black Pg3d3c5c6c7 Ke5
| h#3 | b) wPd3->f3 | (8+6) |
1st Prize, 1st Place - No 3 Zoltan Labai & Gabor Tar TT-115, SuperProblem, 28.07.2014 |
{ }1...Qa1*f1 2.Re4*d4 { } Qf1-b1 3.Rd4-c4+ Kc5*d5 4.Rc4-c5#{ }2...e5*d4 3.c3*d4+ Kc5*d5 4.e2-e4#{
1.c3*d4+?{[A]}e5*d4{(a)} 2.Re4*d4{[B] } Qa1*d4 3.e2-e4 threat: 4.Sd2-b3#{ }2...Qa1-b1 3.Rd4-c4+ Kc5*d5 4.Rc4-c5#{ }1...Kc5*d5 2.Re4*e5+ f6*e5 3.e2-e4#{, } 1...Qa1*d4! 2.Re4*d4 e5*d4 3.e2-e4 d4*e3 ep.!{
1.Re4*d4!{[B] } e5*d4{(a)} 2.c3*d4+{[A]} Qa1*d4 { }3.e2-e4 threat: 4.Sd2-b3#{,}2...Kc5*d4 3.e2-e4#{ } 1...Qa1-b1 2.Rd4-c4+ Kc5*d5 3.Rc4-c5#
white Pe2c3a3f4a4f5d5 Sd2 Bf1f2 Kc7 Re4
black Qa1 Ph3d4e5f6 Kc5 Bg1
| #4 | условие | (12+7) |
#5 ) |
1 ( #5
3rd Prize, 3rd Place - No 4 Gabor Tar TT-115, SuperProblem, 28.07.2014 |
}1.c4*d5? {[A]} Sg6-e5 2.Bg7*e5 c6*d5 3.Qd8*d5 threat: 4.Qd5-e4#{(4.Qd3#/Be4#),}1...e7-e5 2.d5*e6 ep. Sg6-e5 3.Bg7*e5 threat: 4.Qd8-d3{(4.Be4#), but}1...c6*d5! {(y)} 2.Qd8*d5 {[B] (pos. A1)} e7-e5! 3.Qd5*e5 Sg6*e5 4.Bg7*e5 Rh6-d6!{
1.Qd8*d5! {[B]} c6*d5 {(y)} 2.c4*d5 {[A] (pos. A2)} e7-e5 3.d5*e6 ep. Sg6-e5 4.Bg7*e5 threat: 5.Bf3-e4#{,} 2...Sg6-e5 3.Bg7*e5 threat: 4.Bf3-e4#{,} 1...e7-e5 2.Qd5*e5 threat: 3.Qe5*a1# {(3.Qb2#/Qe4#/Qf5#/Be4#), } 2...Sg6*e5 3.Bg7*e5 Rh6-d6 4.Bf3-e4+ Rd6-d3 5.Be4*d3#
white Qd8 Pd2c4 Kd1 Bf3g7
black Sg6 Ph3b3f4d5c5c6e7a7 Kb1 Ra1h6 Ba2
| #5 | условие | (6+13) |
) |
3.5 |
3.5 |
2 |
Igor Agapov |
Russia |
2 ( #3 #3 )
1st Prize, 1st Place - No 9 Igor Agapov TT-120, SuperProblem, 18.09.2014 |
1.Qd2? h4! - zz 1.Qc3! [2.Qg3! - 3.Qf2#, 2...e1=Q 3.Qg2#] 1...h4 2.Qd2! - zz 2...e1=Q (a) 3.Qg2#(A), 2...e1=S (b) 3.Qf2#(B) (2... Kg1 3.Qe1#),
1...e1=Q(a) 2.Qf3+!(C) Kg1(e) 3.Qg2#(A) (2...Qf2 3.Q:f2#),
1...e1=S(b) 2.Qe3!(D) [- 3.Qf2/Sg3#] 2...h4(f) 3.Qf2#(B) (2...Sd3 3.Sg3#) |
8/8/6p1/Q5Pp/8/7K/4p3/5k1N |
#3 | | (4+4) |
2 ( #3
#3 ) |
4 |
38.5 |
3 |
Dragan Stojnić |
Serbia |
2 ( #2
1st Prize, 1st Place - No 24 Dragan Stojnić TT-103, SuperProblem, 24.01.2014 |
1...Re6 2.Qxd4#
1...cxd6 2.Sbxd4#
1...Rf6 2.Bxd4#
1...Qxb3 2.cxd4#
1...dxc3 2.d4#
1.Sexd4! – 2.Rc6#
1...Re6 2.Rd5#
1...cxd6 2.Sc7#
1...Rf6 2.Se6#
1...Qxb3 2.Sxb3#
1...Sxd6 2.Qxc7#
4nn2/K1p3Q1/3R4/RNk1r3/3p4/PBPP4/1q2Nr1b/6B1 |
#2 |
#2 )
1st Prize, 1st Place - No 8 Dragan Stojnic TT-106, SuperProblem, 01.02.2014 |
1.Sd5? – 2.d4# (A), Bd6# (B) but Bxc5!
1.Qh6? – 2.Bd6# (B), 1...Rg6 (a) 2.d4# (A) - Isaev 1...Bxc5 (b)
2.R6xc5#, but 1...Bb8!
1.Se2! – 2.d4# (A)
1...Rg6 (a) 2.Bd6# (B) - Isaev 1...Bxc5 (b) 2.Rcxc5#
5B2/b2K1p1B/2R2P2/2P1k1r1/2R3pQ/2NPN2n/5nr1/8 |
#2vv |
условие |
1 ( #2 )
2nd Prize, 2nd Place - No 23 Dragan Stojnić TT-103, SuperProblem, 24.01.2014 |
1...dxc5 2.Qe6#
1...Qd1 2.Be6#
1.Se6? – 2.Rxd4#
1...dxc5 2.Sc7#
1...Qd1 2.Sf4#
1...Sb3/Sc4 2.Qxb7# but 1...Sc6!
1.Rf~? – 2.Rxd4# but 1...e5!
1.Re6! – 2.Rxd4#
1...dxc5 2.Re5#
1...Qd1 2.Bxe4#
1...Sb3/Sc4 2.Qc6#
2QNK3/1n2pNB1/3p1R2/n1Pk1B2/R2pp1q1/4p3/8/8 |
#2 |
| |
3 |
7 |
4 |
Evgeni Bourd |
Israel |
1.7 ( s#4
1st Prize, 1st Place - No 20 Evgeni Bourd TT-102, SuperProblem, 30.12.2013 |
1.Qg7! – 2.Rf2+ Kd4 3.Qa7+ Kd3 4.Bc4+(A) Sxc4#
1...Sxe6 2.Sg8+ Kd5 3.Sge7+ Kc5 4.Rc4+(B) Sxc4#
1...Sxg6 2.Bc4+(A) Se7 3.Sd5+ Ke6 4.Sdb6+ Sxc4#
1...Rg1 2.Rc4+(B) Rxg3 3.Se4+ Kf4 4.Sd2+ Sxc4#
(1...e2 2.Rf3+ Kd4 3.Qc7! – 4.Qc4+ Sxc4#)
2N1Rn2/8/p3BNPQ/p3k1P1/K4RPP/nPp1p1B1/r1p5/q1r5 |
S#4 |
1–5 Prize, 1–5 Place - No 38 Evgeni Bourd TT-104, SuperProblem, 09.02.2014 |
1...Sxh5 (Se2) 2.Ra4 Sc4 3.Ra7 Sb6#
1...Sxb1 2.Be3 Se6 3.Ba7 Sc7#
1) 1.Rxf4+ Ke1 2.Ra4 Sc4 3.Ra7 Sb6#
2) 1.Bxd2+ Ke2 2.Be3 Se6 3.Ba7 Sc7#
kn6/8/2P3p1/3P1pPb/5Nrp/1p5P/pp1N4/qrbK4 |
H#3 |
2.1.. |
(7+13) |
#2* )
2 ( #2
2nd Prize, 2nd Place - No 16 Evgeni Bourd TT-106, SuperProblem, 04.02.2014 |
1.Bd5? – 2.Qc6# (A) 1...Bxd7 2.Qb8# (B) 1...Sxd7 (a) 2.Rxe6# (D)
1...Sxd5 (b) 2.Sf5# (C) 1...exd5, Rxd5 2.Rxb6#, but 1...Rc4!
1.Se5! – 2.Qb8# (B) 1...Bxc6+ 2. Qxc6# (A) 1...Sd7 (a) 2.Sf5# (C)
1...Sd5 (b) 2.Rxe6# (D)
2Q1b3/3Np3/1pBkpn1R/1R6/3r4/6N1/3p2K1/8 |
#2v |
условие |
2nd Prize, 2nd Place - No 5 Evgeni Bourd TT-112, SuperProblem, 09.06.2014 |
Kangaroo a5,c5,d5; Grasshopper e8; Nightrider a4
1.KEg5? – 2.KEh5#, 1...e5 2.Rf1#, 1...Sb3!
1.KEh5! – 2.Rf1#, 1...e5 2.KEg5#, 1...exf6 2.Sd6# |
B3(Q2)2b/4p2K/1P3P2/(N3)R(N3)(N3)1kp1/(N2)2BN3/2P3PP/1P6/n3R3 |
#2 | условие | (17+5)
) |
3.7 |
9.7 |
5 |
Arieh Grinblat |
Israel |
1.5 ( #3
#2* ) |
1.5 |
1.5 |
6 |
Valery Shanshin |
Russia |
1 ( #2 )
1st Prize, 1st Place - No 15 Valery Shanshin TT-117, SuperProblem, 22-09-2014 |
1...c5 (a) 2.Sb6# (A) 1.b4? – 2.Sb6# (A), 1...exd2! (b); 1.Se6? – 2.Sb6# (A) (2.Sc3?), 1...exd2 (b) 2.Sc3# (B), 1...Rxe8 2.Sc7#, 1...c5! (a)
1.d4! – 2.Sc3# (B) (2.Sb6?), 1...exd2 (b) 2.Sb6# (A), 1...Rc1 2.Qg2#, 1...Ke4 2.Sc3# |
2rNR3/1p6/2p5/3kPpK1/N5p1/1P1Pp3/1B1RQ3/n4rb1 |
#2 | | (10+10) |
1 ( #2 )
2nd Prize, 2nd Place - No 7 Valery Shanshin TT-117, SuperProblem, 22-09-2014 |
1.Sxe3? – 2.Se8# (A), 1...Rg8 2.Sc4#, 1...e5 2.Sf5#, 1...Rc2! (a)
1.Sc3! – 2.Se4# (2.Se8?), 1...Rc2 (a) 2.Se8# (A) (2.Se4? Kc6! – Levman), 1...Kc6 2.S3b5# (2.Se4? Rc2! – King`s Schiffmann) |
2Kn4/2N1p3/p2kp3/8/3B1n2/4p3/6r1/2RN3B |
#2 | | (6+8) |
1 ( #2 ) |
3 |
4 |
7-9 |
Sergey Abramenko |
Russia |
1 ( #5 ) |
1 ( h#3 ) |
2 |
13 |
7-9 |
Steven B. Dowd |
1 ( s#4 ) |
1 ( s#10 ) |
2 |
5.5 |
7-9 |
Zoltan Labai |
Slovakia |
1 ( h#3*
1st Prize, 1st Place - No 3 Zoltan Labai & Gabor Tar TT-115, SuperProblem, 28.07.2014 |
{ }1...Qa1*f1 2.Re4*d4 { } Qf1-b1 3.Rd4-c4+ Kc5*d5 4.Rc4-c5#{ }2...e5*d4 3.c3*d4+ Kc5*d5 4.e2-e4#{
1.c3*d4+?{[A]}e5*d4{(a)} 2.Re4*d4{[B] } Qa1*d4 3.e2-e4 threat: 4.Sd2-b3#{ }2...Qa1-b1 3.Rd4-c4+ Kc5*d5 4.Rc4-c5#{ }1...Kc5*d5 2.Re4*e5+ f6*e5 3.e2-e4#{, } 1...Qa1*d4! 2.Re4*d4 e5*d4 3.e2-e4 d4*e3 ep.!{
1.Re4*d4!{[B] } e5*d4{(a)} 2.c3*d4+{[A]} Qa1*d4 { }3.e2-e4 threat: 4.Sd2-b3#{,}2...Kc5*d4 3.e2-e4#{ } 1...Qa1-b1 2.Rd4-c4+ Kc5*d5 3.Rc4-c5#
white Pe2c3a3f4a4f5d5 Sd2 Bf1f2 Kc7 Re4
black Qa1 Ph3d4e5f6 Kc5 Bg1
| #4 | условие | (12+7) |
) |
1 ( #4
2nd Prize, 2nd Place - No 1 Zoltan Labai TT-115, SuperProblem, 28.07.2014 |
1...c5 2.cxd5 (3.Rxe4#) 2...e5 3.dxe6 e. p. – 4.Rxe4#
1...h6 2.Rxe4+ dxe4 3.Sg6+ Bxg6 4.Rg4#
1.cxd5? (2.Rxe4#) 1...e5 2.dxe6 e.p. - 3.Rxe4#, 1...cxd5! 2.Qxd5 e5! 3.Sd8 Sc4+!
1.Qxd5! – 2.Q(R)xe4#, 1...cxd5 2.cxd5 (3.Rxe4#) 2...e5 3.dxe6 e. p. - 4.Rxe4#
1...e5 2.Sxd8 (3.Se6#) 2…Sxc4+ 3.Qxc4 Sd6 4.Se6#
| #4 | условие | (11+13) |
) |
2 |
2 |
10-12 |
Pavel Arestov |
Russia |
1 ( #12 ) |
1 ( #8 ) |
2 |
2 |
10-12 |
Juri Gorbatenko |
Russia |
1 ( #2 ) |
1 ( #3 )
3rd Prize, 3rd Place - No 11 Юрий Горбатенко TT-120, SuperProblem, 18.09.2014 |
1.Sb6! - 2.Sa8 ~ 3.Sc7# 1...Be3 2.Qf6+ Rxf6+ 3.Rxf6#, 1...Rc4 2.Qxd5+ Bxd5 3.Bxd5#, 1...d4 2.Qd3 ~ 3.Qc4# (2...Re~ 3.Qf5#) |
2N5/3p4/3Pk1K1/2Ppp1p1/p3rbN1/5Q2/3pPrb1/5R1B |
#3 | | (9+11) |
2 |
3 |
10-12 |
Vladimir Russkih |
Russia |
1 ( #3 ) |
1 ( #4 ) |
2 |
2 |
13 |
Manfred Rittirsch |
Germany |
1 ( h#2 ) |
1 |
1 |
14-18 |
Arno Tüngler |
Germany |
1 ( TT-108 ) |
1 |
1 |
14-18 |
János Csák |
Hungary |
1 ( #3 ) |
1 |
1 |
14-18 |
Nikola Stolev |
Macedonia |
1 ( #2 ) |
1 |
1 |
14-18 |
Janez Nastran |
Slovenia |
1 ( #2 ) |
1 |
1 |
14-18 |
Aleksandr Kostyukov |
Russia |
1 ( h#2 ) |
1 |
1 |
19 |
Dieter Müller |
Germany |
0.5 ( s#3* ) |
2 ( #6 h#2 ) |
2.5 |
43.3 |
20 |
Valery Kopyl |
Ukraine |
0.5 ( #2* ) |
1 ( #2 ) |
1.5 |
31.83 |
21 |
Sven Trommler |
Germany |
0.5 ( #2* ) |
1 ( #2 ) |
1.5 |
13 |
22-26 |
Michael Schreckenbach |
Germany |
0.5 ( s#3* ) |
0.5 |
0.5 |
22-26 |
Rolf Wiehagen |
Germany |
0.5 ( h#2**
h#2** ) |
0.5 |
7.8 |
22-26 |
Vlaicu Crişan |
Romania |
0.5 ( h#2* ) |
0.5 |
0.5 |
22-26 |
Eric Huber |
Romania |
0.5 ( h#2* ) |
0.5 |
0.5 |
22-26 |
Alexander Fica |
Czech Republic |
0.5 ( h#3* ) |
0.5 |
0.5 |
27 |
Mario Parrinello |
Italy |
0.4 ( h#3****
h#3**** ) |
0.4 |
0.4 |
28 |
Anatoly Stepochkin |
Russia |
0.25 ( h#2* ) |
0.5 ( s#4 ) |
0.75 |
7.75 |
29-30 |
Illo Krampis |
Latvia |
0.2 ( h#3**** ) |
0.2 |
0.2 |
29-30 |
Rodolfo Riva |
Italy |
0.2 ( h#3**** ) |
0.2 |
0.2 |
31 |
Ingemar Lind |
Sweden |
2 ( h#4
2nd Prize, 2nd Place - No 36 Ingemar Lind TT-116, SuperProblem, 20.07.2014 |
{ }1.a2-a1=Q b5-b6 2.Qa1-h8 b6-b7 3.Qh8-a8 b7*a8=Q 4.d2-d1=S Qa8-h1 #{ }1.d2-d1=R b5-b6 2.Rd1-d8 b6-b7 3.Rd8-a8 b7*a8=Q 4.a2-a1=B Qa8-h1 #
white Pb5 Kb3
black Pd2a2g3a5 Kh3 Bg4
| h#4 | 2.1.. | (2+6) |
#2 ) |
2 |
2 |
32-34 |
Jaroslaw Brzozowicz |
Poland |
1 ( s#4 ) |
1 ( #2 ) |
2 |
2 |
32-34 |
Christian Poisson |
France |
1 ( #8 ) |
1 ( #6 ) |
2 |
2 |
32-34 |
Vjacheslav Pilchenko |
Russia |
1 ( #2 ) |
1 ( #2 ) |
2 |
3 |
35-39 |
Peter Novitsky |
Ukraine |
1 ( #3 ) |
1 |
15,5 |
35-39 |
Valery Ivanov |
Russia |
1 ( #5 ) |
1 |
1 |
35-39 |
Fedir Kapustin |
Ukraine |
1 ( #2 ) |
1 |
20 |
35-39 |
Paul Raican |
Romania |
1 ( TT-108 ) |
1 |
1 |
35-39 |
Torsten Linß |
Germany |
1 ( s#8 ) |
1 |
1 |
40 |
Viktor Volcek |
Belarus |
0.5 ( #3* )
2nd Prize, 2nd Place - No 14 V. Krasichenok & V. Volchek TT-120, SuperProblem, 19.09.2014 |
1.Qe5! – 2.Sh2! R~ 3.Re2# (2...Bc4 3.Sxg4#) 1...b2 2.Se1! ~ 3.Re2# (2...Bc4 3.Sxc2#, 2...b1=Q 3.Bxc1#) 1...Rg3 2.Sd2! ~ 3.Re2# (2...Bc4 3.Qxe4#)
1...Bd4 2.Sxd4! Be6 3.Re2# (2...Bc4 3.Sf5#) 1...Rf4 2.Bc5+ Bxc5 3.Qc3# (2...Rxc5 3.Qd4#) 1...Bc4 2.Qc3+ Bd3 3.Qd2# (2...Kf4 3.Sd4#) |
8/2r1p3/nb6/1R1b2p1/p3p1rp/Bp2kN2/2p2RpQ/2N3K1 |
#3 | | (7+14) |
0.5 ( s#4*) |
1 |
2 |
41-44 |
Vjacheslav Krasichenok |
Belarus |
0.5 ( #3* )
2nd Prize, 2nd Place - No 14 V. Krasichenok & V. Volchek TT-120, SuperProblem, 19.09.2014 |
1.Qe5! – 2.Sh2! R~ 3.Re2# (2...Bc4 3.Sxg4#) 1...b2 2.Se1! ~ 3.Re2# (2...Bc4 3.Sxc2#, 2...b1=Q 3.Bxc1#) 1...Rg3 2.Sd2! ~ 3.Re2# (2...Bc4 3.Qxe4#)
1...Bd4 2.Sxd4! Be6 3.Re2# (2...Bc4 3.Sf5#) 1...Rf4 2.Bc5+ Bxc5 3.Qc3# (2...Rxc5 3.Qd4#) 1...Bc4 2.Qc3+ Bd3 3.Qd2# (2...Kf4 3.Sd4#) |
8/2r1p3/nb6/1R1b2p1/p3p1rp/Bp2kN2/2p2RpQ/2N3K1 |
#3 | | (7+14) |
0.5 |
0.5 |
41-44 |
Vladimir Klipachev |
Russia |
0.5 ( s#6 ) |
0.5 |
2.5 |
41-44 |
Dmitry Turevski |
Russia |
0.5 ( h#2* ) |
0.5 |
0.5 |
41-44 |
Dmitry Zhilko |
Belarus |
0.5 ( h#2* ) |
0.5 |
0.5 |
45-46 |
Vitaly Medintsev |
Russia |
2 ( h#2
3rd Prize, 3rd Place - No 1 Vitaly Medintsev TT-116, SuperProblem, 20.07.2014 |
{ }a) 1.f3*e2 Rh3*e3 2.e2-e1=S Rf2-f4 #{ }
b) +wPa3
1.e3*f2 Be2*f3 2.f2-f1=S Bf3-c6 #
white Sa3 Kh1 Rf2h3 Be2
black Pf3e3a5 Ka4
| h#2 | b) wPa3 | (5+4) |
) |
2 |
2 |
45-46 |
Vladimir Koci |
Czech Republic |
2 ( h#3
#2 ) |
2 |
3 |
47-57 |
Pavel Murashev |
Russia |
1 ( #2 )
Special Prize, 3rd Place - No 18 Pavel Murashev TT-117, SuperProblem, 22-09-2014 |
1...Rb~ 2.Bxd6#, 1...Rxc4! 1.Qd2? – 2.Qxd6#, 1...Rd1 (b) 2.Rxf5#, 1...Sd5 (c)/Sb5 2.Qd5#, 1...d5 2.Sd7# (A), 1...e3!
1.Rf6? 2.Sd7# (A), 1...Kxf6 2.Qd4# (B), 1...gxf6 2.Sxf7# (C), 1...Sxb6/Sc5 2.Qxc3#, 1...Rxc4! (a)
1.Rxd6! – 2.Qd4# (B) (A?), 1...Rxc4 (a) 2.Sd7# (A), 1...Kxd6 2.Sf7# (C), 1...Rd1 (b) 2.Qf4#, 1...Sd5 (c)/Sb5/Se2 2.Rd5# |
1NB1KR1N/6p1/1PRpP1Pp/4kp2/nrP1p1PP/B1n1Q1P1/8/5r2 |
#2 | | (15+10) |
1 |
13 |
47-57 |
C.G. Sathya Narayanan |
India |
1 ( #2 ) |
1 |
1 |
47-57 |
Sven-Hendrik Lossin |
Germany |
1 ( s#3 ) |
1 |
1 |
47-57 |
Ofer Comay |
Israel |
1 ( h#2 ) |
1 |
2 |
47-57 |
Miodrag Mladenović |
Serbia |
1 ( #2 ) |
1 |
8 |
47-57 |
Milomir Babić |
Serbia |
1 ( TT-108 ) |
1 |
1 |
47-57 |
Mihail Kostylev |
Russia |
1 ( #4 ) |
1 |
1 |
47-57 |
Molnár A. József |
Hungary |
1 ( #3 ) |
1 |
1 |
47-57 |
Aleksandr Feoktistov |
Russia |
1 ( #3 ) |
1 |
1 |
47-57 |
Aleksandr Bakharev |
Russia |
1 ( #4 ) |
1 |
7 |
47-57 |
Menachem Witztum |
Israel |
1 ( h#2 ) |
1 |
2 |
58-60 |
Juraj Lörinc |
Slovakia |
0.5 ( h#2* ) |
0.5 |
0.5 |
58-60 |
Ladislav Packa |
Slovakia |
0.5 ( h#2* ) |
0.5 |
0.5 |
58-60 |
Leonid Makaronets |
Israel |
0.5 ( s#4*) |
0.5 |
0.5 |
... |
Joint compositions (in co-authorship) are marked with asterisk *. The distinction gotten by a joint work is divided by the number of co-authors.
The column "2014" - the amount of distinctions in the current period (2014 year).
The column "total" - the total amount of distinctions which were gotten by author's works in all completed TT.
Sport Masters in Quick Composing
No1 |
No2 |
 |
 |
Valery Kopyl |
Igor Agapov |
The title of Sport Master in Quick Composing ( Quick Master) is assigned to a composer whose work has at least 10 points for the 1st place in any quick composing theme tourney. Records are maintained on all quick composing TT since No1 (2012 year).
Shock-workers in Composing
No1 |
No2 |
No3 |
 |
 |
 |
Dieter Muller |
Valery Kopyl |
Igor Agapov |
The honorary title of Shock-worker in Composing is assigned to a composer who was the TT prize winner at least 25 times. Records are maintained on all quick composing TT since No1 (2012 year).
The Unicums in Composing
Send remarks on the Register of prize winners on our e-mail: