Award in SuperProblem - 2024 Informal Tourney | Fairies

Итоги годового конкурса SuperProblem - 2024 | Сказки

Published: January 17, 2025
Опубликовано: 17 января 2025

A total of 69 problems were published during 2024. Among them, the following are incorrect:
(new version of G609), G632, and G633 (both have shorter solutions, making the given condition nonsensical).
G615 was previously published as G498a in SP 2022. Along with G584, the author added a version of G584a.
G634, a very interesting problem related to G632 and G633, is a chess-mathematical problem and is not comparable to the others. It would be more appropriate for it to be published as a theoretical article or at a specialized tournament for that type of problem. Such tournaments are very rare. I know of one: E. Bonsdorff – 80 JT, 2002-2004, in which I won 2nd Prize;
G636, with cyclic Zilahi and double capture of thematic white pieces, combined with the take & make conditions, is very attractive. However, there are more such examples:
1) yacpdb/351595 (D. Turevskij, 2nd HM Olympic Ty, 2012) – All moves are take & make, and the black King is mated on the same square, g3, which he arrives at after capturing different thematic pieces;
2) yacpdb/639965 (P. Tritten, 1st HM Problemist Ukraine, 2017) – The black King is mated in three corners: a1, a8, h8;
3) yacpdb/639966 (P. Tritten, 1st HM Sinfonie Scacchistiche, 2017) – In every solution, both white thematic pieces are captured on the same square.
Regarding G590, there are more ser-h# problems with excelsior, minor promotion, and mate by castling.
The tournament is of high quality, featuring numerous valuable compositions. Here is my ranking:

1st Prize - G622
Aleksey Oganesjan
SuperProblem, 03-11-2024
2nd Prize - G613
N. Shankar Ram
SuperProblem, 15-09-2024
Sc5, Qa4: Transparent Pieces
3rd Prize - G618
SuperProblem, 12-10-2024
hs#33 sol.
g5: Lion
h5: Rook-Lion

1st Prize - G622 Aleksey Oganesjan (Russia)
a) diagram: 1...Qc5 2.Bc4! (Be6?) Qh5 3.Ke2+ Rg1#
b) Se4->f4: 1...Rg5 2.Be6! (Bc4?) Rc5 3.Kf2+ Rc1#
c) Se4->d4: 1...Rxf4 2.d7 Qh6 3.Kd2+ Rf1#
d) Se4->h4: 1...Rxh3 2.f5 Rd4 3.0-0+ Rd1#

An exceptional hs# task! In the last (s#1) move, after all 4 possible openings of the white KR-battery (with both pieces on the initial squares), Black mates by opening different RQ-batteries created in play with only 2 black help moves. A harmonious change of twins with bS shift in the 4th row. The way bRa3 plays a role in all 4 mates is perfectly executed! The only white "help move" in each phase is strategically the same — opening the black line: twice with antidual play of wBd5 and twice with pawns (wPd6 and f4). The absence of wSa1's role in the third twin is not a significant weakness in such a task, and I believe it could not have been avoided. All in all, a brilliant composition in only 2.5 moves!

2nd Prize - G613 N. Shankar Ram (India)
1.Rxa6[+bBa7]+? tQxb3[+wPa4]! / tQxb4[+wPa4]!
1.Bd6? fxe2[+wRf3]! / f2!
1.Ra8! – 2.Rxa6[+bBa8]+ (A) tQxb3[+wPa4] 3.Rxe3[+bPe2]+ (B) tQxb4[+wPb3] 4.Bd6# (C), 2...tQxb4[+wPa4] 3.Bd6+ (C) tQxa4[+wPb4] 4.Rxb2[+bPe2]# (B) (2.Rxe3[+bPe2]? e1~! 2.Bd6? f4!)
1...tQxb3[+wPa4] 2.Rxe3[+bPe2]+ (B) tQxb4[+wPb3] 3.Bd6+ (C) tQxa4[+wPb4] 4.Rxa6[+bBa8]# (A), 2...tQxa4[+wPb3] 3.Rxa6[+bBa8]+ (A) tQxb4[+wPa4] 4.Bd6# (C) (2.Bd6? / 2.Rxa6[+bBa8]?)
1...tQxb4[+wPa4] 2.Bd6+ (C) tQxa4[+wPb4] 3.Rxa6[+bBa8] (A) tQxb3[+wPa4] 4.Rxe3[+bPe2]# (B), 2...tQxb3[+wPb4] 3.Rxe3[+bPe2]+ (B) tQxa4[+wPb3] 4.Rxa6[+bBa8]# (A) (2.Rxa6[+bBa8]? / 2.Rxe3[+bPe2]?)

With two fairy pieces (Transparent bQ & wS) and a well-matched PWC condition, they were enough for a wonderful logical mechanism in this composition. White cyclic 2-4 moves are shown, and, as the author states, a kind of "rotating Jacobs theme." Also, the tQ circling in both directions (a4-b3-b4-a4 & a4-b4-b3-a4). The first move, the arrival of wR in the corner, seems paradoxical. The PWC condition disables the main plan in the try 1.Rxa6?, but enables it after the key 1.Ra8!, because the captured bBa6 "is reborn" on the white (not black) square.
The solution can also be schematically shown like this: Rxa6[+bBa8] = A, Rxe3[+bPe2]) = B, Bd6 = C, tQa4xb3[+wPa4] = ab, tQa4xb4[+wPa4] = ac, tQb3xb4[+wPb3] = bc, tQb4xb3[+wPb4] = cb, tQb3xa4[+wPb3] = ba, tQb4xa4[+wPb3] = ca,
1.Rxa6[+bBa7]+? ab!, ac!; 1.C? - 2.Rc2/Rd2, 1...fxe2[+wRf3]! / f2!
1.Ra8! - 2.A+ ab 3.B+ bc 4.C#, 3.C+ cb 4.B#
1...ab 2.B+ bc 3.C+ ca 4.A#, 3.A+ ac 4.C# 2.C+ cb 3.B+ ba 4.A#, 3.A+ ab 4.B#

3rd Prize - G618 Mario Parrinello, Antonio Garofalo, Francesco Simoni, Marco Guida (Italy)
1.Be6 Rd5 (Rc~?) 2.LIxd5 Kxb3 3.LIg2+ RLd5#
1.Ba6 Rb5
(Rc~?) 2.LIxb5 Kd3 3.LIe2+ RLb5#
1.Bf6 Re5
(Rc~?) 2.LIxe5 Kxc3 3.LIh2+ RLe5#

Using the same fairy pieces (Lion & Rook-Lion) as the outstanding winners of the 22nd Tzuica Ty (Hans Uitenbroek & Joost Michielsen), the Indian theme is also shown, but completely different. White Fairy-Indian, in which after the first (anti-critical) move of wB, bR comes to the critical square to allow wLI to cover the line! After bK comes to the line, wLI opens it with a check and puts the squares on the second row under control. In the last move, Black is forced to activate his RLI-R battery on the h-file with the arrival of bRLI on the thematic critical square! The same play is shown three times with different thematic diagonals and different critical squares on the 5th row (b5, d5, and e5). A clever and excellently realized idea with minimal use of fairy elements.

4th Prize - G585
Vitaly Medintsev
SuperProblem, 23-01-2024
hs#4b) Rd6->d7(13+6)
5th Prize - G621
Nikola Petković
SuperProblem, 30-10-2024
hs#42 sol.(5+4)
6th Prize - G626
Georgy Evseev
SuperProblem, 18-11-2024
h#2.5b) VAd8->h8

d8, e3: Vao
h3: Pao

4th Prize - G585 Vitaly Medintsev (Russia)
a) diagram: 1.axb5 Bd5 2.Kd4 Ra6 3.Kd4xd5 Ra3 4.Rd3+ Rxd3#
b) Rd6->d7: 1.gxf5 Rd5 2.Ke4 Be8 3.Ke4xd5 Bh5 4.Rf3+ Bxf3#

Unexpected active Zilahi after Grimshaw on d5, where wK captures the thematic black units. At the beginning of both solutions, wP takes a black piece to open a line (a6-a3 or h5-f3) for Black's officers. Black's R or B, as a background unit, leaves the battery and mates White after a half-round trip in three moves (d6-a6-a3-d3 or c6-e8-h5-f3)! Reciprocal changes of functions of three pairs of pieces: bS/bPf5, bB/bR, wRd2/wRf2. A flawless ODT with powerful strategic play.

5th Prize - G621 Nikola Petković (Serbia)
1.Sf5 Rd1 2.Qd2 Bf6+ 3.Kd6 Bd8 4.Qd5+ Rxd5#
1.Sf4 Ba1 2.Qb2 Rd7+ 3.Kf6 Rg7 4.Qe5+ Bxe5#

In a very economical position, with only nine pieces and in a perfect ODT, an exceptional strategic and geometric content is displayed. The bicolour Turton, with the addition of the Maslar theme and the Pelle manoeuvre. Reciprocal arrivals of black officers to the starting square of the other. Exchange of functions of two pairs of pieces: wSf4/wSf5 and bRd8/bBg7. Each pair of moves from one and the other solution contains identical strategic elements: W1 = field control, B1 = anti-critical move of maximum length, W2 = arrival to the critical square, B2 = check, W3 = self-pinning, B3 = arrival at the starting square of the other black unit, W4 = Pelle with check, B4 = Maslar mate.

6th Prize - G626 Georgy Evseev (Russia)
a) diagram: 1...g8PA 2.g1PA PAxg5 3.PAxg5 exd8VA#
b) VAd8->h8: 1...e8VA 2.d1VA VAxh5 3.VAxh5 gxh8PA#

The tries in a) 1...exd8VA#?? 2.Rxg6! and b) 1...gxh8PA#?? 2.Bxg6! do not pass, because bRg5 and bBh5 neutralize the Chinese officers VA and PA by leaving their lines. In the solutions, bR & bB are replaced by the corresponding Chinese pieces bPAg5 and bVAh5, which are immobilized and allow checkmates from the tries! A witty idea, as a Logical combination, realized with the help of promotions and captures of promoted units. Active Zilahi with the capture of thematic wPe7 and wPg7 after the promotions and after the move with capturing of bRg5 or bBh5! Some call it the Ceriani-Frolkin theme, which, in my opinion, is a theme related primarily to retro play. An additional strategic element is the double same promotions of wPe7 and wPg7 on different squares. There are six fairy promotions in total: 2 x wVA, bPA, 2 x wPA & bVA. Excellent!

7th-8th Prize - G619
T. Argirakopoulos, K. Prentos, T. Giakatis
SuperProblem, 20-10-2024
h#2b) Pa3->c3
c) Pe3->a2
d) +bPa2

b2, f3: Joker
7th-8th Prize - G620
S.K.Balasubramanian, V. Crișan
SuperProblem, 26-10-2024
h#2b) Kd2->g3

h6, a3, h3,
c1: Bul Leo
Special Prize - G579
Nikola Petković (after K. Prentos)
SuperProblem, 19-01-2024
hs#3.5b) +bSe8(8+8)

7th-8th Prize - G619 Themis Argirakopoulos (Greece), Kostas Prentos (USA) & Theodoros Giakatis (Greece)
a) diagram: 1.g1B Jxa3 2.Bf2 Je7#
b) Pa3->c3: 1.g1S Jxc3 2.Se2 Je4#
c) Pe3->a2: 1.g1R Jb4 2.Rxg4 Jxg4#
d) +bPa2: 1.g1Q Jb3 2.Qa1 Jg8#

The idea of AUW + checkmates with the Joker, who plays as a promoted black unit, was first presented by yacpdb/490960 (K.A.L. Hill, The Fairy Chess Review, 1944). Here the authors have significantly improved it. In all four phases, wJb2 plays both moves. The first as a pawn (after the beginning move Pg1) in four different ways (Albino), and the checkmate move as a promoted black piece on g1 (BSRQ). The cooks are nicely eliminated by using bJf3, while wSh2 plays a role in all four final positions.

7th-8th Prize - G620 S. K. Balasubramanian (India) & Vlaicu Crișan (Romania)
a) diagram: 1.BLEh3-d3 Sb7-d6 2.BLEd3xd8[wSd6-c5] BLEh6xc1[bKd2-d7]#
b) Kd2->g3: 1.BLEc1-h1 Sd8-c6 2.BLEh1xb7[wSc6-e6] BLEa3xh3 [bKg3-c7]#

An excellent showcase of the paradoxical possibilities of BUL pieces. In the help play, first the black BUL Leo brings wS to the square from which he mates, and then wBUL Leo moves bK to the square where he is mated! Rotated chameleon echo mates! Three pairs of units exchange roles: wBLEa3 / wBLEh6, bBLEc1 / bBLEh3, and wSb7 / wSd8. An unusual passive Zilahi in which, in the same move, bBLE reciprocally moves one wS to the mated square, and takes the other with an anticipated self-blocking! Already the initial position with two bP on the eighth rank hints at a lucid strategy in the solutions of this very original h#2.

Special Prize - G579 Nikola Petković (Serbia), after K. Prentos
a) diagram: 1...Qh8 2.Bg7 f6 3.Rb5+ Kc3 4.Bxf6+ Qxf6#
b) +bSe8: 1...Qh5 2.Rg5 f5 3.Ba3+ Kb5 4.Rxf5+ Qxf5#

When you decide to improve a composition that won 2nd Prize at the 5th FIDE World Cup 2017 and was rated 9.5 at the WCCI 2016-18 and succeed in doing so, it deserves great respect. Nikola Petković was inactive for almost 15 years as both a composer and a solver, and then in 2023 he shone with a series of high-quality h#, and especially hs#, which he had not even composed before! He showed an exceptional feeling and understanding for the orthogonal-diagonal echo play, which is confirmed by all his works at this tournament. In the manner of an experienced master, he noticed that the valuable work of Kostas Prentos could be significantly improved! First, the main actor, wQ, now performs his Bristol maneuver orthogonally and diagonally in both phases, starting from the same square e5. Secondly, wB and wR play in both solutions and exchange roles perfectly. The most effective improvement is that the closing of both thematic lines is done by only one pawn (instead of two) - bPf7. With these changes, the composition by Prentos has been raised to an even higher level technically and aesthetically. It is obvious that Nikola has been very studiously preparing for his performance in the field of hs#. For all of the above, I believe he deserves this award.

Nikola Petković
SuperProblem, 25-01-2024
Solution | Решение

a) diagram: 1...Bc8-f5 2.Re8-e6 Kd4-d5 3.Sc1-d3 Bf5-e4 4.Re6-d6+ Kd5xd6#
b) +wPc4: 1...Bc8-g4 2.Bg8-e6 Kd4-e4 3.Sc1-e2 Bg4-f3 4.Be6-f5+ Ke4xf5#
hs#3.5b) +wPc4(5+4)
1st HM - G584See also version G584a
Nikola Petković
SuperProblem, 25-01-2024
hs#4b) Pa4->c4(7+4)
2nd Honorable mention - G597
Parrinello, Garofalo, Simoni, Guida, Gatti
SuperProblem, 24-03-2024
h#23 sol.

g6, f6, e6: Bishop Hopper
c1: Nightrider
3rd Honorable mention - G612
Vitaly Medintsev
SuperProblem, 09-09-2024
hs#3b) Pc4->g3(6+7)

1st Honorable mention - G584 Nikola Petković (Serbia)
a) diagram: 1.Bg8 Bf5 2.Re6 Kd5 3.Sd3 Be4 4.Rd6+ Kxd6#
b) Pa4->c4: 1.Re8 Bg4 2.Be6 Ke4 3.Se2 Bf3 4.Bf5+ Kxf5#

In an elegant Meredith position and harmonious play, the author shows White's Grimshaw on e6 after anticritical moves by wB & wR. This is also reciprocal White Indian with anticipation of self-pinning of rear units. BB pins White's officers and with bK create KR-battery on d5 and e4. After opening White's battery, with the sacrifice of the front unit, bK mates by opening self KB-battery. Very nice ODT with echo pin mates by K moves. It is useful to compare this composition with the version G584a, which is half a move shorter. With the addition of a white move at the beginning, instead of White's masked half-pinning, we see a reciprocal White’s Indian!

2nd Honorable mention - G597 Mario Parrinello, Antonio Garofalo, Francesco Simoni, Marco Guida, Daniele Gatti (Italy)
1.Bd2 (B~?) Rxg3 2.BHg6-e8 (BHg6-e4?) Kg6#
1.Rd2 (Re~?) Rxe3 2.BHe6-c8 (BHe6-g4?) Ke6#
1.Qd2 (Q~?) Rxf4 2.BHf6-d8 (BHf6-a1?) Kf6#

The combination of the Superguards condition and the Bishop Hopper (a Grasshopper, which jumps only diagonally) allows for an unusual strategic combination. What makes this composition special is the same play realized three times! Both black moves have specific motivations for hideaways. In B1 moves, departure effects are based on the need to lose control over black units so that wR can capture them. Arrival effects are based on the need to prevent the move 3.d2! that under the Superguards condition would control bKf7 by bNc1. In B2 moves, departure effects are based on vacating the mating square to allow wK to mate. Arrival effects are based on the need to prevent the move 3.Rf8! (would control his K). Triple direct checkmate with the king on g6, f6 & e6. Triple self-obstruction on d2 by bB, bR & bQ. Triple closing of the a8-f8 line on c8, d8, e8. Brilliant idea, which is very well presented.

3rd Honorable mention - G612 Vitaly Medintsev (Russia)
a) diagram: 1.Rxf6 Rb5 2.Rxf4 Rb1 3.Qe1+ Rxe1#
b) Pc4->g3: 1.Qxd5 Be7 2.Qxe4 Ba3 3.Rc1+ Bxc1#

Another exceptional hs# with extended Zilahi. Masterfully composed with ODT, perfect reciprocal roles of wQ/wR, and model orthogonal-diagonal mates.

4th Honorable mention - G623
Alexander Shpakovsky
SuperProblem, 14-11-2024
5th Honorable mention - G583
Ján Golha
SuperProblem, 23-01-2024
hs#32 sol.
Take & MakeChess

d5: Neutral Locust
6th Honorable mention - G608
Paul Rãican
SuperProblem, 14-06-2024

4th Honorable mention - G623 Alexander Shpakovsky (Russia)
*1...d1S (B) 2.Ke7 (A) ~ 3.Rd6#
1.Ke7? (A) – 2.Rd6#, 1...d1R! (a)
1.Se3+? (B) d1S 2.Ke7 (A) ~ 3.Rd6#, 1...f1S!
1.Bd3! – 2.Bc4+ f1B 3.Ra5#, 2...Rxc4 3.bxc4#
1...d1R (a) 2.Se3+ (B) f1S 3.Bxf1# (C)
1...f1Q(R)+ 2.Bxf1 (C) – 3.Bg2#, 2...d1Q(B) 3.Se3# (B)
1...f1B 2.Ke7 (A) ~ 3.Rd6#

A nice Logical Madrasi Threemover. Black defenses are multiple promotions on two squares! Very good (Madrasi) refutation of the Main plan in the try: 1.Ke7? ~ 2.Rd6#, but: 1...d1R! We can see also: AUW, Schnoebelen, Exchange of the 2nd and 3rd white moves!

5th Honorable mention - G583 Ján Golha (Slovakia)
1.nLd5xb7-a5 f7-f5[+bRb5] 2.Kf6 Rb6+ 3.nLa5xb6-f7 f5-f4[+bRb5]#
1.nLd5xb7-a6 f7-f6[+bRb6] 2.Kf7 Rb7+ 3.nLa6xb7-f8 f6-f5[+bRb6]#

Attractive Wenigsteiner with vertically shifted chameleon echo mates. Well-connected ParrainCirce and Take&Make conditions and the neutral Locust. Still, the main actor is the “little” bP!

6th Honorable mention - G608 Paul Rãican (Romania)
1.Sg6 hxg6[+wSb1] 2.Kxg1[+bRh8] gxf5[+wQd1] 3.Be4 Qxg4[+wPg2] 4.Rf3 fxe4[+wBf1] 5.Ra5 exf3[+wRh1] 6.Qa4+ Ke3==

In the final position, 7 pairs of units are paralyzed! All except bPe6. After 6 circe-captures in 6 moves, a mutual fairy stalemate position is created with the same pieces as at the beginning!

7th Honorable mention - G617
Menachem Witztum
SuperProblem, 08-10-2024
hs#3.5b) Bg2->h6(8+10)
8th Honorable mention - G611
Sergey Smotrov
SuperProblem, 31-07-2024
g5: Empress
e4, a4: Princess
1st Commendation - G609
Yury Arefiev
SuperProblem, 16-06-2024
e5, a6, e6, d5,
e4: Bishop Hopper
g2: Pao
f8, d2, d3, g3
g4: Rook Hopper

7th Honorable mention - G617 Menachem Witztum (Israel)
a) diagram: 1...Qa7 2.Qh8 Sb6 3.Ke3 Rf2 4.Qe8+ Sd7#
b) Bg2->h6: 1...Rd8 2.Qh1 Sd6 3.Kd2 Re6 4.Qxb7+ Sxb7#

The half-pinned bQ & bR with the help of the bSc4 perform the diagonal and orthogonal Indian combination. The White Q, by moving over the corners h8 & h1, forces Black to open his SQ or SR battery with mates. The half-pinning and the Indian theme are very nicely connected here.

8th Honorable mention - G611 Sergey Smotrov (Kazakhstan)
Main plan: 1.PRc2+ PRxc2#, 1...Sxc2+! 2.Kd1
1.EMd5+? Sxd5 2.PRc2+ PRxc2#, 1... Kxd4!
1.PRf2+! Kf4 2.EMe6+ Kf3 3.PRh4+ Kg4 4.PRf5+ Kh5 5.EMf4+ Kg5 6.PRh7+ Kh6 7.EMf7+ Kh5 8.Rh1+ Kg4 9.EMg5+ Kf4 10.Rf1+ Ke3, and Main plan 11.EMd5+ Sxd5 12.PRc2+ PRxc2#
(2...Kf5 3.PRd4+ Kg4 4.PRf5+ Kh5 etc.)

A logical selfmate miniature with an interesting combination of fairy units Princess = S+B and Empress = S+R. To realize the main plan: 1.PRc2+ PRxc2#??, 1…Sxc2+! 2.Kd1, or 1.EMd5+? Sxd5 2.PRc2+ PRxc2#, but 1...Kxd4! White must remove PR from e4 with tempo! This is only possible with a complicated maneuver: the bKe3 long trip and return from h6, the cycle EMg5–e6–f4–f7–g5, switchback wRf1 and a complex path PRe4 to h7!

1st Commendation - G609 Yury Arefiev (Russia)
1.RHd3-h3 PAg2-f2 2.RHd2-g2 PAf2-f4 3.RHf8-f3 PAf4-f7 4.BHd5-a8 PAf7-d7 5.BHe6-c8 PAd7-d5 6.BHe4-c6 PAd5-d1 =

The extraordinary "star-cross" stalemate. Star with 4 Black Bishop-hoppers and bB in the center. Cross with 4 Rook-hoppers and bR in the center. Nice play, where all 6 white moves are with Pao!

2nd Commendation - G580
Aliaksandr Bulauka (after R. Nojek)
SuperProblem, 20-01-2024
Relegation Chess
3rd Commendation - G582
Ján Golha
SuperProblem, 20-01-2024
h#43 sol.

d5: Neutral Princess
e5: Neutral King
e4: Neutral Pawn
d7: Neutral Locust
4th Commendation - G577
János Csák
SuperProblem, 19-01-2024
hs#32 sol.(9+12)

2nd Commendation - G580 Aliaksandr Bulauka (Belarus), after Ryszard Nojek
1.f2-f3 2.fxe4 3.e5 4.exf6 5.f7 6.f8R 7.Rxf5 8.Rf2(P) 9.f2xe3 10.e4 11.e5 12.e6 13.e7 14.e8S 15.Sf6 16.Sxg4 17.Sf2(P) 18.f2-f4 19.f5 20.f6 21.f7 22.f8B 23.Bxc5 24.Bf2(P) 25.f2xg3 26.g4 27.g5 28.g6 29.g7 30.g8Q 31.Qb3=

Significant improvement of P1304052 (3.Pl. Problemkiste, 19th TT, 1999). The combination Albino + 4 x Excelsior + AUW is shown in several problems (4 solutions). Here, with the help of two fairy conditions, everything is in one solution with multiple Pf2 cycles and minimal final position.

3rd Commendation - G582 Ján Golha (Slovakia)
1.f3 nPRe7 2.nLxe7-f7 nKf4[+nPRf6] 3.nLxf6-f5 nKe3[+nPRe5] 4.nLxe4-d3 nPRxd3[+nPd2]#
1.nPRe7 nKxf4 2.nPRc6[+bPd3] nPRxd7 3.nKe3[+nLc6] nPRe5 4.nLxe4-f3 nPRxf3[+nPf2]#
1.nPRe6 nKxe4 2.nPRf8[+nPf6] nPf7 3.nLxf7-g7 nPRe6[+nPe5] 4.nLxe5-d4 nPRxd4[+nPd3]#

ParrainCirce, 4 different neutral pieces, and only one orthodox black pawn, were enough for the author to show us 3 exact chameleon-echo fairy mates.

4th Commendation - G577 János Csák (Hungary)
1.Sfxd3 Qxb4+ 2.S(f)c5 (Sxf4?) Qd2 3.Sxe6+ Kc3# 1.Sbxd3 Qxf2 2.S(b)c5 (Sxf4?) Qd2 3.Sxe6+ Kc3#

Good idea, but the solutions are too similar (especially in the short notation). The final position is also the same, but with different wSe6!

5th Commendation - G616in memoriam P. Petkov
Igor Kochulov
SuperProblem, 07-10-2024
h#3b) h=3(0+0+6)
1st-2nd Special Commendation - G596
Béla Majoros
SuperProblem, 16-03-2024
h#2b) Pd3<->Pd7

bPd3 illegal piece! (stigma)
1st-2nd Special Commendation - G627
Francesco Simoni
SuperProblem, 22-11-2024
h#2*2 sol.
b,c) Qe4->e5,e6

d6, d5: Moa

5th Commendation - G616 Igor Kochulov (Russia)
a) h#3: 1.nKd6+ nPc8=nR 2.nRe8 nPa8=nB 3.nBxb7 nKd7[+nPb8=nQ]#
b) h=3: 1.nPe5 nPc8=nQ 2.nQxb7 nPa8=nB[+nPb8=nS] 3.nKd5+ nPcxb7 =

Beautiful Argentinian twins and an absolute fairy: 5 x nP + nK + ParrianCirce. At the end, of course, fairy checkmate and stalemate.

1st-2nd Special Commendation - G596 Béla Majoros (Hungary)
a) diagram:
Because d3bP is a shadow-piece (illegal-piece), there can be no solution (shadow-solution): 1.Kxe4 c3 2.d5 Sd2# (MM)
The d7bP is legal-piece, so the solution is: 1.cxb3 c4+ 2.Ke6 Sg5# (MM)

b) Pd3<->Pd7:
Because d7bP is a shadow-piece (illegal-piece), there can be no solution (shadow-solution): 1.cxb3 c4+ 2.Ke6 Sg5# (MM)
The d3bP is legal-piece, so the solution is: 1.Kxe4 c3 2.d5 Sd2# (MM)

With the Shadowchess condition in identical twins (Russian: „однояйцевые близнецы“; Serbian: „једнојајчани близанци“) we have reciprocal false and real solutions.

1st-2nd Special Commendation - G627 Francesco Simoni (Italy)
a) diagram: *1...Bc3 2.Kf4 Se6#. 1.Qe5 Bd2+ 2.Kf5 e4#, 1.Qe6 Sd3 2.Kxf6 Bd8#
b) Qe4->e5: *1...Bd2+ 2.Kf5 e4#. 1.Qe6 Sd3 2.Kxf6 Bd8#, 1.Qe4 Bc3 2.Kf4 Se6#
c) Qe4->e6: *1...Sd3 2.Kxf6 Bd8#. 1.Qe4 Bc3 2.Kf4 Se6#, 1.Qe5 Bd2+ 2.Kf5 e4#

A humorous depiction of the cyclical Perpetuum mobile problem. Compared to the “regular PM," instead of reciprocals, we see cyclical changes in the set play and the solutions! Perhaps the condition for twins could be: b-c) after 1st move in solutions.

3rd Special Commendation - G598
Luka Tyrtyshnikov
SuperProblem, 30-03-2024

3rd Special Commendation - G598 Luka Tyrtyshnikov (Russia)
1.e8S Kf7 2.d8S+ Rxd8#

When at the age of 10 you compose a problem with a stipulation that few adults understand, that is to be respected. Let this praise be an incentive for the young author to try his hand at more complex ideas of this kind.

Judge: Borislav Gadjanski (Serbia)
January 17, 2025
Судья: Борислав Гадьянски (Сербия)