Award in SuperProblem - 2019 Informal Tourney | Fairies

Итоги годового конкурса SuperProblem - 2019 | Сказки

Published: January 12, 2024
Опубликовано: 12 января 2024

My thanks to Alexey for inviting me. This is the first time I have judged a tourney in Russia! SuperProblem is possibly the most active online chess problem site, with regular informal tourneys, theme tourneys, and various other activities and reference material.

There were a total of 63 originals. In these, two were unsound: G230 (Shumeyko) Cook 1.GNd6+! and G259 (Shumeyko) Cook 1.Ra2 Bxa2 2.Kh8 Be1 3.Bc3 Ka1 4.Bd2 b1=B 5.Bc3+ Bxc3#.

I have split the award into Gravures and Others. Many problems, especially in the 1st section showed echoes and were possibly found by computer! Other than these there were the fashionable ODT and HOTF style help play problems. And a smaller proportion of series play and direct play problems.

Many of the problems would obviously have participated in the 2019-21 WCCI and Album cycle. The WCCI selection was available, but I have not referred to it!

My congratulations to the composers and best wishes to the editorial team – Grigory, Alexey, and Vitaly: May SuperProblem continue to thrive and flourish!

Section I: Gravures (10 pieces and below)

1st Prize - G218
Sergey Smotrov
SuperProblem, 08-05-2019
hs#5.54 sol.
2nd Prize - G201
Dmitry Grinchenko
SuperProblem, 06-01-2019
ser-h#42 sol.(6+4)
3rd Prize - G241
Viktor Zheglov
SuperProblem, 31-08-2019
hs#10*2 sol.
Functionary Chess

1st Prize - G218 Sergey Smotrov (Kazakhstan)
With just 4 pieces, two of them neutral, no other fairy pieces, no twinning, and only one fairy condition, this problem shows 4 exact chameleon echo mates and with 11-ply move sequences. Quite remarkable!
1...Kg7 2.Ke6 nRf6 3.Kf5 nRf8 4.Kg6+ nRf5+ 5.Kh7 Kh6 6.nRh5+ Kg7#
1...nRc7+ 2.Ke5+ nQd4+ 3.Kf5+ Kg5 4.Kg6 nRf7+ 5.Kh5 Kh6 6.nRh7+ Kg5#
1...Kg6 2.nRf5 nRc5+ 3.Ke7 nQd4 4.nRg5 Kf7 5.Ke8 Kf8 6.nRg8+ Ke7#
1...nQd7 2.nRg7 nRg5 3.nQg4 nRd5 4.Ke7 Kf7 5.Kf8 Ke8 6.nRd8+ Kf7#

2nd Prize - G201 Dmitry Grinchenko (Ukraine)
The "WP Square" theme of TT-215 is here shown with chameleon echoes and ODT – a rare combination.
1.Kxd5 2.Kxe6 3.Rd5 4.Qf5 Re7#
1.Kxe5 2.Kxd6 3.Be5 4.Qc5 Rd7#

3rd Prize - G241 Viktor Zheglov (Russia)
The best of the composer’s 3 problems all showing triple chameleon echoes. This problem has set play and a 20-ply sequence.
*1...Qh8 2.Be4 Qb8 3.Be5+ Qxe5[+wBb8]+ 4.Kb6 Qb5+ 5.Kb7 Ke5 6.Bd5 Kd6 7.Ka8+ Kd7 8.Bc6+ Kc8 9.Bc7 Qa6 10.Bd7+ Kxc7[+wBc8]#
1.Bf6 Qg5+ 2.Kd6 Qd5+ 3.Ke7 Qe4+ 4.Kf8 Qxa8[+wBe4]+ 5.Kg7 Qb7+ 6.Kh8 Qe7 7.Be5+ Kg5 8.Bf6+ Kh6 9.Bg6 Qf8 10.Bg5+ Kxg6[+wBh6]#
1.Be5+ Ke3 2.Bc3! Qe5+ 3.Kb4 Qe4+! 4.Ka3 Qxa8[+wBe4]+ 5.Kb2 Qb7+ 6.Ka1 Qb4 7.Bd4+ Kd2 8.Bc3+ Kc1 9.Bc2 Qa3 10.Bd2+ Kxc2[+wBc1]#

1st Honourable Mention - G257
Daniel Novomesky
SuperProblem, 12-12-2019
hs#32 sol.
b) Rc5->c1
c) Rd4->a3
d) Kd3->b5

2nd Honourable Mention - G242
János Csák
SuperProblem, 18-09-2019
h=4.5b) Bc4->d2(2+6)
3rd Honourable Mention - G206
Eric Huber
SuperProblem, 23-01-2019
h#2b) Kb3->c4
Partial Paralysis

1st Honourable Mention - G257 Daniel Novomesky (Slovakia)
8-fold exact echo with 4 twins each with 2 solutions.
a) diagram: 1.Rd6 Qe2 2.Kd4 Qe7 3.Kd5 Qe4#, 1.Re4 Qb6 2.Rb4 Qd6 3.Kc4 Qd3#
b) Rc5->c1: 1.Kd2 Qe1+ 2.Kd3 Qe5 3.Rc3 Qe2#, 1.Rd5 Qe2 2.Kd4 Qe6 3.Rc4 Qe3#
c) Rd4->a3: 1.Rc2 Qa2 2.Rb3 Qa4 3.Kc3 Qd4#, 1.Rc4 Qe2+ 2.Kc3 Qa2 3.Rb3 Qd2#
d) Kd3->b5: 1.Rc6 Qe3 2.Rc3 Qe5 3.Kc4 Qb5#, 1.Re5 Qa6 2.Kc5 Qf6 3.Kd5 Qc6#

2nd Honourable Mention - G242 János Csák (Hungary)
The sequence of 5 BP captures are reversed between the WB and WK. This is the Zalokotsky theme (A piece visits in succession two or more squares. In another solution another piece of the same colour visits the same squares but in reverse order). The BK makes a long march to opposite sides of the board.
a) diagram: 1...Bxd3 2.Kg6 Bxe4+ 3.Kf7 Bxd5+ 4.Ke8 Bxc6 5.Kd8 Bxd7=
b) Bc4->d2: 1...Kxd7 2.Kg4 Kxc6 3.Kf3 Kxd5 4.Ke2 Kxe4 5.Kd1 Kxd3=

3rd Honourable Mention - G206 Eric Huber (Romania)
Reciprocally changed promotions to nQ/nR by nPs on d2/h8. The final mate in both twins depends on various effects of neutral pieces (self-check), partial paralysis (pieces can’t move), and leffie (moves are illegal).
a) diagram: 1.Ke4 h8=nR 2.d1=nQ+ nQc2#
b) Kb3->c4: 1.d1=nR h8=nQ 2.nQc3 nRd4#

4th Honourable Mention - G240
Viktor Zheglov
SuperProblem, 31-08-2019
hs#8.53 sol.
Functionary Chess
5th Honourable Mention - G256
Eric Huber
SuperProblem, 05-12-2019
hs#2Billiard Chess
Super Circe
6th Honourable Mention - G239
Viktor Zheglov
SuperProblem, 31-08-2019
hs#5.53 sol.
Functionary Chess

4th Honourable Mention - G240 Viktor Zheglov (Russia)
3-fold K-in-corner exact echoes utilising both conditions.
1...Kf4 2.Kc6 Ke5 3.Rxd8[+bRd1] Ra1 4.Rb1 Ra6 5.Kb7 Rb6+ 6.Ka8 Rb7 7.Rb5+ Kd6 8.Rb6+ Kc7 9.Rdb8 Ra7#
1...Kg4 2.Ke6 Rd6+ 3.Kf7 Rxd1[+wRd6] 4.Rf5 Rd5 5.Rg6 Rd7 6.Kg7 Kh5 7.Kh8 Kxg6[+wRh5] 8.Rh7 Rg7 9.Rff7 Rg8#
1...Ke2 2.Kc4 Rd4+ 3.Kb3 Rxd1[+wRd4] 4.Ra4 Rb1+ 5.Rf2+ Kd2 6.Ka2 Rb2+ 7.Ka1 Kc3 8.Rc2+ Kb3 9.Raa2 Rb1#

5th Honourable Mention - G256 Eric Huber (Romania)
Nice Super Circe and Billiard Chess effects. Promotion to nBg1 by different Ps. Consecutive cross checks on B1/W2. Royal battery mates.
1.Kc5 nQxf5(+nPb3)+ 2.nQxb3(+nPg1=nB)+ Kd2#
1.nQxf5(+nPf1=nR) nQxf1(+nRd6)+ 2.Kxc7(+nPg1=nB)+ Ke4#

6th Honourable Mention - G239 Viktor Zheglov (Russia)
3-fold B-in-corner exact echoes utilising both conditions.
1...Kg5 2.Qh7 Bh8 3.Qh1 Qd1+ 4.Ke4 Qe1+ 5.Kf3 Kf5 6.Qxh8[+bBh1] Bxg2[+wRh1]#
1...Kf4 2.Qa1 Qb7 3.Ke6 Bh8 4.Rg7 Qa8 5.Qh1 Qe8 6.Kf6 Bxg7[+wRh8]#
1...Kf3 2.Qh7 Ba1 3.Qh1 Qd1+ 4.Kc4 Qa4 5.Rb2 Ke3 6.Kc3 Bxb2[+wRa1]#

1st Commendation - G233
Udo Degener
SuperProblem, 20-07-2019
ser-h#202 sol.

c4: Locust (L)
2nd Commendation - G222
Jaroslav Štúň
SuperProblem, 16-05-2019
Semi-r=7Haaner Chess

h7: Neutral
Royal Ibis (I)
3rd Commendation - G202
Vitaly Medintsev
SuperProblem, 10-01-2019
hs#7one solution(5+2)

1st Commendation - G233 Udo Degener (Germany)
Two diagonally shifted monochrome echoes, with a change of the firing piece in the Locust battery.
1.Kf6 2.Kxf5[+wSf6] 3.Ke5 4.Kd4 5.Ke3 6.Kxe2[+wPe3] 7.Kd2 8.Kc3 9.Kb3 10.Kxc4[+wLb3] 11.Kd3 12.Ke2 13.Kf3 14.Kxe3[+wPf3] 15.Kf4 16.Kg5 17.Kxf6[+wSg5] 18.Kf5 19.Kf4 20.Ke3 f4#
1.Ke5 2.Kxf5[+wSe5] 3.Kf4 4.Ke3 5.Kxe2[+wPe3] 6.Kf2 7.Kxe3[+wPf2] 8.Kf4 9.Kxe5[+wSf4] 10.Ke4 11.Kf3 12.Kxf2[+wPf3] 13.Kg3 14.Kxf3[+wPg3] 15.Kg4 16.Kxg3[+wPg4] 17.Kh4 18.Kg5 19.Kxg4[+wPg5] 20.Kxf4[+wSg4] Sh6#

2nd Commendation - G222 Jaroslav Štúň (Slovakia)
The royal neutral Ibis stalemated on a total of 5 different squares (h5, b5, h1(twice), d7, d1).
1.nrIc8? nrIb3 2.nrIa8 nrIf7 3.nrIg2 nrIb1 4.nrIa6 nrIf5 5.nrIa4 nrIf3 6.nrIe8 nrId3=, but 1...nrId3!
1...nrId1 2.nrIe6 nrIf1 3.nrIg6 nrIb5
(3...nrIb7 4.nrIg6 nrIh1=; 3...nrIh1 4.nrIc2 nrIh3 5.nrIc4 nrIh5=) 4.nrIg4
    4...nrIb3 5.nrIa8 nrIf7 6.nrIe2 nrId7 7.nrIc2 nrIh1=
    4...nrId7 5.nrIe2 nrIf7 6.nrIa8 nrIb3 7.nrIg4 nrIb5=
    4...nrIb7 5.nrIa2 nrIf3 6.nrIg8 nrIh3 7.nrIc4 nrIh5= 1...nrIh5 2.nrIc4 nrIh3 3.nrIc2
(3...nrIb7 4.nrIg6 nrIh1=) 4.nrIe2 nrIf7 5.nrIa8 nrIb3 6.nrIg4 nrIb5 7.nrIg6 nrIh1=
  3...nrIh1 4.nrIg6
(4...nrIf1 5.nrIe6 nrId1=)
    4...nrIb5 5.nrIg4 nrIb3 6.nrIa8 nrIf7 7.nrIe2 nrId7=
    4...nrIb7 5.nrIg8 nrIf3 6.nrIa2 nrIf1 7.nrIe6 nrId1=

3rd Commendation - G202 Vitaly Medintsev (Russia)
A reciprocal bi-colour Bristol between the BB and WB.
1.Bg2! Bf3! 2.Bd4 Ke4 3.Rh8!(Rh7, Rh6?) Kf5 4.Kh1 Ba8!(Kg4?) 5.Bb7! Kg4 6.Rg8+ Kh3 7.Bg1 (zz) Bxb7 #

4th Commendation - G205
Anatoly Stepochkin
SuperProblem, 16-01-2019
hs#43 sol.
Messigny Chess
5th Commendation - G243
Daniel Novomesky
SuperProblem, 08-10-2019
h#43 sol.

e5: Wazir (WE)
e4, c3: Grasshopper (G)
6th Commendation - G223
Jaroslav Štúň
SuperProblem, 16-05-2019
Pser-hs#83 sol.
Circe Parrain

h7, h6, g8:
Querquisite (QQ)

4th Commendation - G205 Anatoly Stepochkin (Russia)
Triple chameleon echo with 1 Messigny interchange in 2 solutions and 2 in 1 solution.
1.Qf5+ Kg5 2.Qh3 Qf4 3.Kg6+ Kh4 4.Kh5+ Kh5<->Kh4#
1.Kg6<->Kf7 Qh6+ 2.Kh7 Qf6 3.Qe8+ Kf8 4.Kg8+ Kg8<->Kf8#
1.Kf6 Kf7 2.Ke7 Qd6+ 3.Kf7<->Ke7+ Kd8 4.Ke8+ Ke8<->Kd8#

5th Commendation - G243 Daniel Novomesky (Slovakia)
Three vertically shifted chameleon echo mates.
1.Ge1 Kc1 2.Kc3 WEd5 3.Gb4 WEd4 4.Gc4 WEd3#
1.Gb1 WEe4 2.Gc5 c3 3.Gf5 Kc2 4.Gb5 WEd4#
1.Kc5 Kd3 2.Gc6 c4 3.Ge6 Kc3 4.Gb6 WEd5#

6th Commendation - G223 Jaroslav Štúň (Slovakia)
3 complicated sequences, two ending in chameleon echoes. There are 7, 8, and 4 Circe Parrain rebirths.
1.QQh6xh7+ Kxh7[+wQQh6] 2.Ke2[+bQQh8]+ Kg7 3.QQg8-f6+ Kxf6 4.QQh8xh6[+bQQf4]+ Kf5[+wQQh5] 5.QQh6xh5+ Ke4[+wQQg4] 6.QQf4-e3+ QQg4xe3+ 7.Ke1[+bQQe2] QQe3xe2+ 8.Kxe2[+bQQe3]#
1.QQh6-f6+ Kxg8 2.Kf1[+bQQh8]+ Kf7 3.QQh8xh7+ Kxf6[+wQQh6] 4.QQh7xh6[+bQQf5]+ Kxf5[+wQQh5] 5.QQh6xh5[+bQQf4]+ Kxf4[+wQQh4] 6.QQh5xh4[+bQQf3]+ Ke3[+wQQg3]+ 7.Ke1 QQg3-e2+ 8.QQf3xe2#
1.QQh6-g6+ Kg7 2.QQg8-f6+ Kxf6 3.Kd1[+bQQe6]+ Kxe6 4.Kd2[+bQQe7]+ Kd5 5.QQe7-d7+ QQh7xd7 6.Kd1[+bQQd6]+ Ke4 7.QQd6-d2 QQd7xd2+ 8.Kxd2[+bQQd3]#

7th Commendation - G217
Miroslav Bílý
SuperProblem, 30-04-2019

d6, e6: Fers (FE)
8th Commendation - G220
Mykhailo Halma
SuperProblem, 08-05-2019
h=4b) Pg3->d2(3+4)
9th Commendation - G214
Dan-Constantin Gurgui
SuperProblem, 01-04-2019
h#2b) Pf3->e5
c) Pf3->f6

7th Commendation - G217 Miroslav Bílý (Czech Republic)
Chameleon echo models. Exchange of functions between wFEe6/d6, WPe2/e4, and BBb1/c3.
1.Bf5 e4 2.Bg7 exf5 3.Kf6 e4 4.Qg5 e5#
1.Be5 FEd5 2.Bf4 FEe5 3.Bg6 exf4+ 4.Kf5 e4#

8th Commendation - G220 Mykhailo Halma (Ukraine), in memoriam Mikhail Mishko
BK/WK magnet over 4 moves in a), twice forming letter M. 1 model + 1 ideal stalemate.
a) diagram: 1.Ke2 Kd4 2.Kf1 Kxe3 3.Kg2 Kf4 4.Kh1 Kg3=
b) Pg3->d2: 1.g3 Bxg3 2.e2 Bxf4 3.e1=S Bxd2 4.Sd3 Kxd3=

9th Commendation - G214 Dan-Constantin Gurgui (Romania)
3 pretty mates of the neutral King, including a mirror mate.
a) diagram: 1.nKe5 Rf8 2.nQd7 Rf5#
b) Pf3->e5: 1.nQc8 nKd6+ 2.nKe7 Rg7#
c) Pf3->f6: 1.nKd6 f7 2.nKe7 f8Q#

10th Commendation - G262
Karol Mlynka
SuperProblem, 22-12-2019
hs#2.52 sol.
Chameleon Chess

f2: Royal Neutral Pawn

10th Commendation - G262 Karol Mlynka (Slovakia)
4 promotions and 6 chameleon changes with only 3 pieces.
1...b1S 2.g8R Sa3=B 3.Rf8=Q+ Bxf8=R#
1...b1B 2.g8B Bh7=R 3.Bf7=R+ Rxf7=Q#

Section II: Other Problems (with more than 10 pieces)

1st Prize - G216
SuperProblem, 17-04-2019
hs#5.52 sol.
Chameleon Sequence

e5: Hamster
e3: Rook-Lion (RL)
e4,f1,g3:Bishop-Lion (BL)
b6,g4:Chameleon BL
d4,g8:Chameleon RL
2nd Prize - G258
Michal Dragoun
SuperProblem, 17-12-2019

e4, a1: Bishop-Lion (BL)
h5: Rook-Lion (RL)
f5, d4: Lion (LI)
b4: Nightrider (N)
3rd Prize - G221
Bosko Miloseski
SuperProblem, 08-05-2019

1st Prize - G216 Vlaicu Crișan (Romania), Ofer Comay (Israel), & S. K. Balasubramanian (India)
Another extravaganza by the three ODT masters! The two bewildering 11-ply sequences show:
- In each solution, 10 effects of opening / closing / avoiding closure of the thematic lines g8-g1, b6-g1, g3-c7, e3-e7.
- Active play of the Hamster, a normally passive piece: Opens a line, closes a line, opens a line again, and blocks a critical square that enables the final selfmate.
- The Hamster paradoxically opens a line in the first move which is closed in the second move, and closes a line in the first move (unpin) which is opened several moves later.
- The wK is used 3 times as hurdle in each solution.
- Reciprocal batteries by the wCRL/wCBL and bRL/bBL.
- Selfblocks on f2/g2 by the bCBL/bCRL with exchange of B3/B5 moves.
- Selfblocks on the wK’s initial square (d7) by the wCRL/wCBL.
- 4-fold cycle of hopping piece and hurdle piece between the Chameleon pieces.
- RL/BL Grimshaw (e5) and switchback, and Four pairs of function exchanges: (d4/g4, b6/g8, e3/g3, e4/f4).
1...HAg5 2.cBLc8=cRL RLe5 3.Kc7 cBLf2=cRL (3....HAf5?) 4.cRLc5=cBL HAf5 5.Kd6 cRLg2=cBL 6.cRLd7=cBL+ RLe3# (6....cRLf5?)
1...HAc5 2.cRLd8=cBL BLe5 3.Ke7 cRLg2=cBL (3....HAd5?) 4.cBLg5=cRL HAd5 5.Ke6 cBLf2=cRL 6.cBLd7=cRL+ BLg3# (6....cBLd5?)

2nd Prize - G258 Michal Dragoun (Czech Republic)
A 2+2+2 HOTF with ODT, showing:
- Reciprocal exchange of black moves with selfblocks and Zilahi (I, II).
- Interferences of black rook, anticipatory stopping of a black hurdle, black-black Umnov moves, compared with the first pair reciprocal captures of two pairs of lions (III, IV).
- Distant selfblocks, creation of white anti-batteries, white-black Umnov moves (V, VI).
I: 1.BLxd4 LIb1 2.RLf5 LIb8#
II: 1.RLxf5 LIh4 2.BLd4 LIe7#
III: 1.Sb1 LIc2 2.c3 LIxa1#
IV: 1.Sh3 LIg4 2.g5 LIxh5#
V: 1.g6 LIc5 2.Kf5 Nd5#
VI: 1.c5 LIxg7 2.Kd4 Nf6#

3rd Prize - G221 Bosko Miloseski (North Macedonia)
W Grimshaw d6, Black double castling, Banny theme, and Mate by the BR after castling. The WK square (after the 4th move) and the BR mating squares are exchanged (d4/f4).
The Kontrawechsel theme (1.A? b 2.C 1...A!, 1.B? a 2.C 1...B!, 1.C! a/b 2.A/B) is also seen, but unfortunately has duals after 1.Bd6? Sf7 2.Sxe3/Bg3.
1.Rd6? (A) Sf7! (a); 1.Bd6? (B) Sd7! (b)
1.Sxe3! zz
1...Sf7 (a) 2.Bd6 (B) 0-0-0 3.Bg3 Rxd2 4.Kf4 Rd8 5.Qd4 Rxd4#
1...Sd7 (b) 2.Rd6 (A) 0-0 3.Rd3 Rf1 4.Kd4 Rf8 5.Sf4 Rxf4#

4th Prize - G247
Michal Dragoun
SuperProblem, 29-10-2019
h#24 sol.

d6, a7, g8, c8: Lion (LI)
1st Honourable Mention - G211
Ivo Tominic & Borislav Gadjanski
SuperProblem, 09-03-2019
h#22 sol.
Take & Make Chess

a6, c7: Berolina Pawn
c8: Vao
2nd Honourable Mention - G231
Hubert Gockel
SuperProblem, 05-07-2019

4th Prize - G247 Michal Dragoun (Czech Republic)
A 2+2 HOTF with ODT, showing:
- Anti-battery mates.
- Function exchange of the white lions.
- In the first pair unguard of a mating line and selfblocks by the black lion a7.
- In the second pair activation of the white lions by creation of a hurdle after moves of the black king.
- Moves of the black lion a7 to four adjacent squares.
1.LId7 LIg3 2.LId5 Sc6#
1.LIe7 LIh3 2.LIb4 Se6#
1.Kc5 LIc1 2.LIf7 Sc2#
1.Kd5 LIa2 2.LIc7 Sb3#

1st Honourable Mention - G211 Ivo Tominic (Croatia) & Borislav Gadjanski (Serbia)
This problem shows the theme of TT-206 (Switchback after T&M) on the last two moves in each solution, in addition to:
- An unusual Grimshaw on b6 between the Normal Pb7 and Berolina Pc7.
- Line opening + Umnov move.
- Annihilations and Selfpins.
- Dual avoidance.
- ODT.
The Vao on c8 is needed for soundness.
1.b6 BPb7 2.BPxc6-c7 Rxa5-a7# (2...Bxb5-d7? b5!)
1.BPb6 c7 2.bxa6-b7 Bxb5-d7# (2... Rxa5-a7? BPa5!)

2nd Honourable Mention - G231 Hubert Gockel (Germany)
The WP can capture on c6 with 5 different WP disappearances. These form the 4 tries and key showing:
- WP/BR duel in the tries.
- Barnes theme.
- Doubled Pseudo Le Grand.
- Anti-Novotny and Grimshaw on e5.
- Threat correction and mate transference.
*1...Qxg7[-bSd3]#?? (Illegal due to selfcheck!)
1.dxc6[-wPc6]? ~ 2.Qd5#(A)/Qd4#(B), but 1...Rxd6[-bQg5]!
1.dxc6[-wPa7]? ~ 2.Qd5#(A)/Qd4#(B), but 1...Ra8+!
1.dxc6[-wPc3]? ~ 2.Qd5#(A), 1...Rxe5[-bPe3](x) 2.Sf2#(C), but 1...Ra5!
1.dxc6[-wPc4]? ~ 2.Qd4#(B), 1...Bxe5[-bPe3](y) 2.Sf2#(C), but 1...Ra4! 1.dxc6[-wPe5]! ~ 2.Sf2#(C)
1...Re5(x) 2.Qd4# (B)
1...Be5(y) 2.Qd5# (A)
1...Qxg2[-bPe3] 2.Sg5#

3rd Honourable Mention - G232
Anatoly Stepochkin
SuperProblem, 08-07-2019
hs#3.5b) Pe2->g2(5+9)
4th Honourable Mention - G226
Yevhen Trakhtman
SuperProblem, 29-05-2019

x: Hole
f4, e3, f2:
Berolina Pawn (BP)
5th Honourable Mention - G228
János Csák
SuperProblem, 26-06-2019

3rd Honourable Mention - G232 Anatoly Stepochkin (Russia)
BB-BR/WQ voidance, with BP Promotion, BP annihilation, Line clearance, and ODT.
a) diagram: 1...Bh1 2.Qg2 e1B 3.Qxb7 Bg3 4.Qf3+ Bxf3#
b) Pe2->g2: 1...Ra1 2.Qa2 g1Q 3.Qxa7 Qg3 4.Qa3+ Rxa3#

4th Honourable Mention - G226 Yevhen Trakhtman (Ukraine)
A shuffling exercise, on a board restricted by holes, to promote the 3 Berolina Ps to Ss and move the BK to g5. Reminiscent of T.R.Dawson's famous Revolver Practice!
1.Kh1 2.Rgh2 3.Kg2 4.Rh1 5.R3h2 6.Kh3 7.Rg2 8.Bh2 9.BPg1=S 10.Rf2 11.Kg2 12.Sh3 13.Bg1 14.Kh2 15.Rg2 16.BPf2 17.BPe3 18.Bf4 19.Sg5 20.Kh3 21.Bh2 22.BPg1=S 23.Rf2 24.Kg2 25.Sgh3 26.Bg1 27.Kh2 28.Rg2 29.BPf2 30.Be3 31.Sf4 32.Kh3 33.Bh2 34.BPg1=S 35.Rf2 36.Kg2 37.S1h3 38.Kg1 39.Rg2 40.Kf2 41.Bg1 42.Rgh2 43.Sg2 44.Shf4 45.Rh3 46.Bh2 47.Kg1 48.Bf2 49.Se3 50.Kg2 51.Bfg1 52.Kf2 53.Seg2 54.Ke3 55.Bf2 56.Bhg1 57.R3h2 58.Sfh3 59.Kf4 60.Be3 61.Sf2 62.Sgh3 63.Kg5 Qxh6#

5th Honourable Mention - G228 János Csák (Hungary)
After capturing the BPf3, the WK cannot retrace his steps back to h3 and is forced to make a round trip around the BR till d8 to get back. Both the WB and WK execute lengthy Rundlaufs. A fine sequence with 7 shielding moves by the WB.
1.Bg2+? fxg2!
1.Bc4 2.Bxe6 3.Bg4 4.Kh4 5.Kg5 6.Kf5 7.Ke5 8.Bf5 9.Be4 10.Kf4 11.Kxf3 12.Bd3 13.Ke2 14.Kd2 15.Kc3 16.Bc4 17.Kb4 18.Kc5 19.Bb5 20.Kc6 21.Kc7 22.Bd7 23.Kd8 24.Ke7 25.Bg4 26.Ke6 27.Kf5 28.Kg5 29.Kh4 30.Kh3 31.Be2 32.Bf1 33.Bg2+ Qxg2#

6th Honourable Mention - G215
Boris Shorokhov
SuperProblem, 09-04-2019
Protean Chess

c2: Royal Queen
1st Commendation - G235
Alexander Tyunin
SuperProblem, 26-07-2019

f2, e2, a3, h8: Pao (PA)
e1, d2: Vao (VA)
2nd Commendation - G234
Igor Kochulov
SuperProblem, 22-07-2019
Functionary Chess

g8, f5, d4, c2: Lion (LI)
b1, h8: Neutral Lion (nLI)

6th Honourable Mention - G215 Boris Shorokhov (Russia)
3 protean power changes in each solution: R/B to B/R, rQ to rB/rR and wK to wS mating the black royal piece. And with ODT and Model mates.
1.Re4+ Bxe4=R 2.rQxe4=rR+ Kxc5=rS#
1.Ba2+ Rxa2=B 2.rQxa2=rB+ Kxc3=rS#

1st Commendation - G235 Alexander Tyunin (Russia)
After the try 1.PAe3?, there is dual separation of 3 Anti-battery mates by the WSs on the f-file. After the key, there is a Pao/Vao Grimshaw on e3 with double arrival correction by BS and royal Anti-battery mates on the f-file. All defences also carry the motive of closing the line PAe2-e7 and allowing WK to vacate the same line.
1.b8S? - 2.Sd7#, 1...PAxb8 2.e8S#, 1...PAd3!
1.PAe3? - 2.Sf3/Sf4/Sf5#, 1...PAxh3 2.Sf3#, 1...VAxh4 2.Sf4#, 1...Sxe3 2.Sf5#, 1...PAxh4 2.e8S#, 1...Sd4!
1.Sg5! - 2.Sh7#
1...PAe3 2.Kf3#
1...VAe3 2.Kf4#
1...Se3! 2.Sf5#
1...PAxh4 2.e8S#

2nd Commendation - G234 Igor Kochulov (Russia)
Reciprocal pin line formation and function exchange between the Neutral Lions, with Selfblocks and function exchange between BR/BB, Double Pin-mates, Dual avoidance, and ODT.
1.Re1 nLIf8 2.Rg1 (2.LIg1? ... 3.nLIc5!) 2...nLIxf5#
1.Be2 nLIb6 2.Bf1
(2.LIf1? ... 3.nLIf6!) 2...nLIxd4#

3rd Commendation - G203
Anton Bidlen
SuperProblem, 11-01-2019
ser-h#11b) Kh5->h4(8+4)
4th Commendation - G260
Sergey Shumeyko
SuperProblem, 22-12-2019

c7: Princess (PR)
a6, b4: Lion (LI)
5th Commendation - G254
Gábor Tar
SuperProblem, 20-11-2019
hs=2b) Sd8->h3
c) Pe7->f5

3rd Commendation - G203 Anton Bidlen (Slovakia)
Two BK marches on the edge of the board, anti-clockwise and clockwise, with a changed mating position, and mates on the same square.
a) diagram: 1.Kh6 2.Kh7 3.Kg8 4.Kf8 5.Ke8 6.Kd8 7.Kc8 8.Kb7 9.Kxa6 10.Ka5 11.a6 Sxc6#
b) Kh5->h4: 1.Kh3 2.Kh2 3.Kg1 4.Kf1 5.Ke1 6.Kd2 7.Kc2 8.Kb3 9.Kb4 10.Kxc5 11.Kd6 Rxc6#

4th Commendation - G260 Sergey Shumeyko (Russia)
In try and key, the wLeo unpins the BQ. The BQ again selfpins itself on two different lines to defend against the threat. This is the Nietvelt theme, with the additional element of an initial unpin by the thematic pinning piece.
1.LIe1? - 2.LIh4#, 1...Qxe2 2.d3# (2...Qxd3??), 1...Qxd4 2.exd4#, 1...PRd8 2.Sd6#, 1...Bf3 2.exf3#, 1...Sh6 2.Sf6#, 1...PRxe5!
1.LIe7! - 2.LIh7#
1...Qxe6 2.dxc5#
1...PRxe5 2.Sd6#
1...Qxd4 2.Rxd4#
1...f6 2.LIh4#
1...fxe6 2.LIg6#
1...Sxe7 2.Sf6#

5th Commendation - G254 Gábor Tar (Hungary)
3 selfpins on different squares by the WQ, followed by block of d1 by the battery firing Black piece.
a) diagram: 1.Qf6 Sf2+ 2.Qh8+ Sd1=
b) Sd8->h3: 1.Qb6 Shf2+ 2.Qd8+ Sd1=
c) Pe7->f5: 1.Qc5 Rd3+ 2.Qf8+ Rd1=

6th Commendation - G204
Anatoly Stepochkin
SuperProblem, 12-01-2019
ser-h#43 sol.(4+10)
7th Commendation - G261
Karol Mlynka
SuperProblem, 22-12-2019
Black Ultra SchachZwang
White Super Transmuting King

6th Commendation - G204 Anatoly Stepochkin (Russia)
Cyclic Zilahi with model mates on the same square f4.
1.Sxg6 2.Sf4 3.Kg4 4.Kf3 Rxf4#
1.Bxe4 2.Kg4 3.Kh3 4.Sg4 Sef4#
1.fxe6 2.e5 3.Ke6 4.Sf5 Sgf4#

7th Commendation - G261 Karol Mlynka (Slovakia)
Changed promotions and mates in set, try and key with Black refutations showing AUW.
*1...f1Q+ (a) 2.Kxf1=Q# (A), *1...f1R+ (b) 2.Kxf1=R# (B)
1.Bd1? Qxd1+ 2.Kxf2=Q#, 1...f1R+ 2.Ke3=R#, 1...f1Q+!; 1.Sd1? f1=R+!; 1.Kg2? f1=B+!; 1.Kg3? f1=S+!
(1.Kf4? dxc1=B+!; 1.Kg4? Be6+!)
1.Ke3! f1(d1)S+ (c) 2.Kg2=S# (C)
1...dxc1B+ (d) 2.Kxf2=B# (D)
1...dxc1Q+ 2.Kxf2=Q#

(1...Qxd3+ 2.Kxf2=Q#)

Judge: Shankar Ram (India)
January 12, 2024
Судья: Shankar Ram (Индия)