Published: 09/06/2018Опубликовано: 09/06/2018
Saturday puzzle №22 | Субботняя головоломка №22
Sergey Shumeiko (Russia) , SuperProblem, 09-06-2018

PG 5.5#
Add units to this position in order to achieve checkmate to black king and restore the play from initial position of chess game.
На доске мат черному королю.
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Send solutions to the column editor Grigory Popov on his e-mail: until 14/06/2018
Ответы на задания присылайте редактору рубрики Григорию Попову на его e-mail: до 14/06/2018
1.h2-h4 g7-g5 2.h4*g5 Sg8-f6 3.Rh1*h7 Sf6-g4 4.Rh7-g7 Rh8-h1 5.g5-g6 Sg4-h2 6.g6*f7#

The right solutions were sent by | Верные ответы прислали
1. Alexey Khanyan (Russia) , 09/06/2018 18-23
2. Zoltán Laborczi(Hungary), 09/06/2018 18-25
3. Ravi Shankar S.N (India), 09/06/2018 18-33
4. Gábor Tar (Hungary), 09/06/2018 23-02
5. Gani Ganapathi(India) , 10/06/2018 08-59
6. Anton Bidleň(Slovakia) , 10/06/2018 09-34
7. Anatoly Kirichenko(Russia) , 10/02/2018 13-22
8. Manikumar Solaiappan (India), 10/06/2018 13-44
9. Andrzej Babiarz (Poland) , 10/06/2018 16-21
10. Rajendiran Raju(India), 10/06/2018 19-15
11. Ingemar Lind(Sweden) , 11/06/2018 19-54
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Author of the puzzle Автор головоломки |
Sergey Shumeyko | Сергей Шумейко e-mail: |