Saturday puzzle №14 | Субботняя головоломка №14
Sergey Shumeiko (Russia) , SuperProblem, 14-04-2018
It is required to compose an orthodox h#2 without extra-set pieces and with maximum number of solutions presenting switchback theme of black pieces.
Twins are not allowed.
Repeated black moves are disallowed
Any number of units can be used within a standard set of pieces.
Any type of mate position can be presented (model mates are not mandatory).
All participants may improve their entries before 24: 00 (Moscow time) on 20 April 2018.
Составить задачу на кооперативный мат в 2 хода (H#2) на тему возврата чёрных фигур(Switchback) с обычным комплектом фигур и максимальным количеством решений (без близнецов).
Повторы ходов черных запрещены.
Число фигур в H#2 любое для стандартного набора фигур.
Мат может быть любой, а не только правильный.
Разрешается улучшать свои ответы в пределах установленного времени, то есть до 24-00 часов (мск) 20 апреля 2018 г.
пример | example

H#2 34 решения/solutions (2+5)
1. Q~ Kd2 2. Qd5 Be3#
1. S~ Kd2 2. Se5 Be3#
1. R~ Kd2 2. Rc4 Be3#
1. B~ Kd2 2. Be4 Be3#
Send solutions to the column editor Grigory Popov on his e-mail: until 20/04/2018
Ответы на задания присылайте редактору рубрики Григорию Попову на его e-mail: до 20/04/2018
Luis Miguel MARTÍN(Spain), 20/04/2018 23-05

h#2 68 solutions (9+9)
Mikhail Khramtsevich(Belarus), 20/04/2018 16-20

h#2 66 solutions (5+9)
Seetharaman Kalyan (India), 17/04/2018 21-47

h#2 58 solutions (6+9)
The right solutions were sent by | Верные ответы прислали
1. Luis Miguel MARTÍN(Spain), 20/04/2018 23-05 - 68
2. Mikhail Khramtsevich(Belarus) , 20/04/2018 16-20 - 66
3. Seetharaman Kalyan (India), 17/04/2018 21-47 – 58
4. Zoltán Laborczi(Hungary) , 18/04/2018 08-38 – 58
5. Gábor Tar(Hungary) , 18/04/2018 15-56 – 58
6. Alexey Khanyan(Russia) , 18/04/2018 23-43 – 58
7. Manikumar Solaiappan (India), 17/04/2018 17-15 – 52
8. Nebojša Joksimović(Serbia) , 15/04/2018 20-18 – 51
9. Ravi Shankar S.N(India) ,18/04/2018 11-11 – 51
10. Valery Smirnov(Russia) , 15/04/2018 14-55 – 49
11. Arnold Beine (Germany) , 15/04/2018 19-04 – 49
12. Ingemar Lind (Sweden) , 20/04/2018 20-49 – 49
13. Gani Ganapathi(India) ,15/04/2018 19-24 – 38
Alexey Khanyan(Russia) dedicated to Roxana Babayan

h#2 58 solutions (6+9)
Alexey Khanyan(Russia) dedicated to poet Lyubov Voropaeva

h#2 51 solutions (5+7)
Alexey Khanyan(Russia) Dedicated to developers of calculator "Elektronika MK-61", my first programmable calculator in childhood.

h#2 61 solutions (8+9)
dedicated to singer Xenia Georgiadi | Dedicated to Elena Chubina, a linguist of Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL).
White pieces look like two commas -- symbol of linguistics

h#2 46 solutions --------------------------------- h#2 51 solutions
dedicated to actress Natalia Danilova

h#2 53 solutions