Окончательные итоги блицконкурса ТТ-94 | The Final Award in Quick Composing TT-94

Чёрный Бристоль | Black Bristol

Тема | Theme

На конкурс поступило 12 задач от 7 авторов из 5 стран | 12 entries were received from 7 authors representing 5 countries

I received 12 entries in neutral form. According to the description of the theme the following problems didn’t meet the requirements: No. 5, 8, 10.
Also I excluded:
- No 6 (Kc5-Kd2). The author should improve the problem by avoidance the check in the key and the dual 2.c8Q/R;
- No 7 (Kc1-Kc3). The check in the key is too simple;
- No 11 (Kg3-Kb3). The check in the key isn’t good. There are additional tries. Not only 1.Se3+? but also 1.Sa3+? and 1.Sb2+? fail due to 1...Bc4!

Отличия распределились следующим образом | Award is the following

1st Prize, 1st Place - No 4
Michael Barth (ver. M. Mladenovic)
TT-94, Superproblem, 26.11.2013
S#3 (8+10)
2nd Prize, 2nd Place - No 12
Miodrag Mladenovic
TT-94, Superproblem, 26.11.2013
S#4 (11+12)
1st H. M., 3rd Place - No 9
Ralf Krätschmer
TT-94, Superproblem, 26.11.2013
S#3 (10+12)

1st Prize, 1st Place - No 4, Michael Barth (version by Miodrag Mladenovic)

1.Rf2! - 2.Qc6+ bxc6 3.Bd5+ cxd5# 1...Rf3 2.Bd5+ (2.Bf5+?) Kf4 3.Sd3+ Qxd3#, 1...Bd6 2.Bf5+ (2.Bd5+?) Kxe5 3.Qc5+ Qxc5#
A very nice idea is realized in this s#3: The black king must move in order to get the pin of black bishop/rook. Additional white has to decide between Bf5+ and Bd5+ in the second move. Because of the good strategy in two harmonic variations this problem is my favorit of the tourney!

2nd Prize, 2nd Place - No 12, Miodrag Mladenovic

1.Rd8! - 2.Sd7+ Kd5 3.Sb6+ Ke5 4.Sxc4+ bxc4# 1...S~ 2.Re8+ Kd5 3.Se4+ Be5 4.Sc3+ Qxc3#, 1...Sd6 2.Sxf3++ Ke6 3.f7+ Bf6 4.Sd4+ Qxd4#
The combination of Bristol and black knight correction is impressive. The variations are not so harmonic as in the 1st prize. But the idea is also very nice.

1st Honorable Mention, 3rd Place - No 9, Ralf Krätschmer

1.Qd3! – 2.Sxd8+ Bf6 3.Qd4 Qxd4# 1...Rxf8(e8) 2.Bxd6+ Be5 3.Qd4 Qxd4#, 1...Bf6 2.e3+ Kf3 3.Se5+ Qxe5#
The only one with 3 Bristols! But some moves are less impressive, e.g. two times 3.Qd4+ or B:d6+.
2nd Honorable Mention - No 2
Evgeni Bourd
TT-94, Superproblem, 26.11.2013
S#4 (10+10)
3rd Honorable Mention - No 1
Michael Barth
TT-94, Superproblem, 26.11.2013
S#3 (8+11)
Commendation - No 3
Evgeni Bourd
TT-94, Superproblem, 26.11.2013
S#5 (8+4)

2nd Honorable Mention - No 2, Evgeni Bourd

1. Qf1! - 2.Reg2+ Ke4 3.Rg4+ Qf3+ 4.Qe2 Re3# 1...Bb2 2.Re3+ Kxd4 3.Re6+ Qe3 4.Rxd2 Rd3#, 1...f3 2.Re4+ Kxe4 3.Qe2+ Qe3 4.Qxe3 Rxe3#, 1...Qxd4 2.Be4+ Qxe4 3.Rxe4+ Kxe4 4.Qe2 Re3#.
Here we find the two Bristols in thread and the first variation. Furthermore there are two non-thematic variations with some repetitions of move.

3rd Honorable Mention - No 1, Michael Barth

1.Se7! — 2.Qc7 — 3.Qe5+ fxe5# 1...f2 2.Qa1+ Rc3 3.Be3+ Qxe3#, 1...fxe4 2.Qd8+ Bd7 3.Sf5+ Qxf5#
Good harmony in two variations. Furthermore a quiet thread. I was surprised that I didn’t find any anticipation to this relative simply schema.

Commendation - No 3, Evgeni Bourd

1.Sb6+? Rxb6 2.Qd1+ Rb3 3.Rc4+ Rb4 4.?? Rxc4# (Fast black Bristol fails)
1.Qc6+! Rb5 2.Sb6+ R8xb6 3.Qc2+ Rb3 4.Rc4+ R6b4 5.Qd1! Rxc4#.
Two Bristols with two rooks on a line is an interesting concept. But it is realized by four checks, even if the mate is done by zugzwang.

Адрес этой страницы | URL address of this web page http://superproblem.ru/htm/tourneys/quick-tt/results/tt-94_award.html

Разделы | Sections

S # (самоматы | selfmates)

Участники | Participants

Barth M. – 1, 4
Bourd E. – 2, 3
Hadzi-Vaskov G. – 5, 7, 11
Kopyl V. (Копыл В.) – 8*, 10
Kozjura G. (Козюра Г.) – 8*
Krätschmer R. – 6, 9
Mladenovic M. – 12

Победитель | The Winner Is

Michael Barth
Поздравляем! | Congratulations!

Арбитр | Judge

Sven Trommler

Редактор | Editor

Виталий Мединцев | Vitaly Medintsev
e-mail: vitalymedintsev@rambler.ru