Final Award in Quick Composing TT-148 | Окончательные итоги блицконкурса TT-148

Fairy model mates | Сказочные правильные маты

Theme | Тема

17 entries were received from 8 authors representing 7 countries | На конкурс поступило 17 композиций от 8 авторов из 7 стран

RU <-> EN (EN <-> RU)

I would like to thank organizer Alexej Oganesjan for invitation to provide the theme of this theme tourney and to judge it. We see today a strong preference of authors to compose help problems of various kinds (helpmates, helpselfmates and series helpmates, sometimes their stalemate counterparts), therefore any theme tourney dedicated to direct mates is bound to be special.
In the past I have already organized a tourney for direct mates with fairy pieces and model mates as thematical requirement. Its award can be found at The variety of competing and awarded problems in the tourney proved the theme is more than viable – the vast thematical space was just touched.
That is why I have chosen this theme also for 148th TT SuperProblem. I was expecting generally better level of entries than was that of the 32nd TT CCM and I would say this my expectation was correct. However, the statement about huge still uncovered potential of the theme still stands. Thus I would like to encourage any readers of this award to try to compose some direct mate with fairy pieces and model mates – they can find the experience very rewarding.
My remarks on some competing problems:
- No 4 (Kg8-Ke6) – dual 1...Gd7 2.EMe8#/2.EMc6# (rook + knight = empress, bishop + knight = princess);
- No 5 (Ka5-POe5) – only one model mate 2.Qe4#;
- No 6 (Kd6-Kh4) – 21 claimed model mates are just very artifical;
- No 7 (Kh1-Ke5) – checkmate 5.Sd5# is not model due to d8;
- No 8 (Kd6-POf7) – no checkmate is model due to square f6;
- No 9 (Kc1-Ka2) – checkmate 3.Rb2# is not model because of square b1.
Finally I have decided to award 5 of 17 competing problems. It is a fair number, especially if I awarded 4 prizes and 1 commendation. I would not be surprised if author of three prizes would be the same, similarly, the remaining prize and commendation probably share author as well. You will find why for yourself, when you look at problems.
Once again thanks to all authors participating in the tourney!

Award is the following | Отличия распределились следующим образом

1st Prize, 1st Place - No 11
M. Dragoun & D. Müller
TT-148, SuperProblem, 14-10-2015
e1: Rose (RO)
a2, b2, g2, h7, h8: Lion (LI)
e2, h2: Zebra (Z)
c8: Camel (CA)
2nd Prize, 2nd Place - No 13
D. Müller & M. Dragoun
TT-148, SuperProblem, 14-10-2015
h8: Grasshopper (G)
a6,g2,c2,g8: Camel (CA)
h4, a5, a3: Moose (M)
3rd Prize, 3rd Place - No 12
M. Dragoun & D. Müller
TT-148, SuperProblem, 14-10-2015
c3, c8, c1: Camel (CA)
b2,d1,f8,h5: Grasshopper (G)
g7: Equihopper (EQ)
b3, e2, g2: Bishophopper (BH)

1st Prize, 1st Place - No 11, Michal Dragoun (Czech Republic) & Dieter Müller (Germany)

1.Sg5-e6! – 2.Se6-f4#
1...Kd5*e6 2.g7-g8=LI#, 1...LIa2*e6 2.b7*a8=RO#, 1...f7*e6 2.g7-g8=RO#, 1...Sd8*e6 2.b7*c8=CA#, 1...LIb2*f2 2.b7-b8=Z#
Although it was not my primary criterion, this twomover shows the highest number of model mates: six. What has decided about its top place? Besides flight-giving key that is always welcome, it is especially the fact that all variation model mates are given by fairy promotion, amounting to fairy AUW. It is a very bold idea that surely was not easy to finish with free wQ and wRO available to White.
An interesting theoretical question is related to guard of c6 by ROe1. The rose holds c6 using two different lines: e1-c2-b4-c6 and e1-f3-e5-c6. Can such mate be considered pure (and in turn model)? For answer I have turned to old Bohemian masters that were composing Bohemian directmates using orthodox force on cylindric board. As I have found, mates in which the same squares were guarded by rook using two opposite directions could have been considered pure (of course, all squares had to be dealt with purely). Thus for me two different ways of guarding c6 are not preventing purity of all thematical mates.
RU <-> EN (EN <-> RU)

2nd Prize, 2nd Place - No 13, Dieter Müller (Germany) & Michal Dragoun (Czech Republic)

1.Mh4-d7+? Ke4-f3!
1.Ma5-d7+? Ke4-d3!
1.CAa6-d7+? Ke4*d5!
1.CAg8-d7+? Ke4-f5!
1.Ke8-d8? – 2.e7-e8=G#, 1...CAc2-f3 2.Mh4-d7#, 1...CAc2*d5 2.CAa6-d7#, 1...CAg2-f5 2.CAg8-d7#, 1...CAg2-d3 2.Ma5-d7#, 1...Gh8-f8!
1.Ke8-f7! – 2.e7-e8=G#, 1...CAc2-f3 2.Mh4-d7#, 1...CAc2*d5 2.CAa6-d7#, 1...CAg2-f5 2.CAg8-d7#, 1...CAg2-d3 2.Ma5-d7#
Another entry with play unified in a different way. While in first prize the main relationship was the same square of defence (e6) vs. different promotions, here we see relationship different blocked square vs. mates on the same square (d7). Moreover, the author managed to find excellent geometry for two pairs of variations, related to deftly chosen fairy pieces. Four checking tries just underline the selfblock motivation, additional royal try adds little.
RU <-> EN (EN <-> RU)

3rd Prize, 3rd Place - No 12, Michal Dragoun (Czech Republic) & Dieter Müller (Germany)

1.Gb2*e2+? Ke4-d4!
1.Gh5-h7+? Ke4*e5!
1.CAc8-b5+? Ke4-d5!
1.d7-d8=G? – 2.CAc8-b5#, 1...h2-h1=EQ!
1.d7-d8=EQ? – 2.Gb2*e2#, 1...BHg2-d5 2.CAc8-b5 #, 1...h2-h1=CA!
1.d7-d8=CA? – 2.Gh5-h7 #, 1...h2-h1=G!
1.d6*e7! – 2.e7-e8=G#, 1...CAc1-d4 2.Gb2*e2#, 1...BHg2-d5 2.CAc8-b5#, 1...EQg7*e5 2.Gh5-h7#
In this case tries by promotion on d8 add considerably to the thematic content as they are refuted by cyclically shifted promotions on h1. This is something that could work even in non-model-mates setting. Again the threat uses the threat by promotion to grassgopper and three model mates utilize selfblocks. Unfortunately, bishoppers are more technical pieces than I would like them to be.
RU <-> EN (EN <-> RU)
4th Prize - No 17
Victor Zheglov
TT-148, SuperProblem, 14-10-2015
f1: Triton (TR)
c6, d8: Poseidon (PO)
d7: Sirene (SI)
g5, f5: Nereide (ND)
Commendation - No 14
Victor Zheglov
TT-148, SuperProblem, 14-10-2015
d5: Poseidon (PO)
d7, d4: Sirene (SI)
d3, f4: Nereide (ND)

4th Prize - No 17, Victor Zheglov (Russia)

1.SIg7! – 2.SIh8# / 2.SIf8# / 2.SIg8#
1...TRc1+ 2.NDc2 TR*c2-c3+ 3.SI*c3-b2 POe8 4.SIf6 POf8 5.NDh4 – 6.SIh8 + POf7 7.SIg8#, 2...TRe1 3.NDe3 TR*e3-e4 4.ND*e4-f5 POe8 5.POd6 POf8 6.SIh8+ POf7 7.NDg6#
1...TRe1 2.NDe3 TRc1+ 3.NDc2 TR*c2-c3+ 4.NDc5 TRe3 5.ND*e3-f2 POe8 6.SIg8+ POe7 7.NDh4#
The play starts by strong key threatening three immediate mates. But the Black is not defenseless and it takes some time for White to neutralize black triton. There is huge amount of variations, including threats and short variations, but after removing all trash we end up with four lines of play ending in three different model mates of similar kind, including one chameleon echo.
RU <-> EN (EN <-> RU)

Commendation - No 14, Victor Zheglov (Russia)

1.NDe3! – 2.ND*d4-c5 + POe5 3.SId6#
1...POc5 2.SId6 + POd5 3.ND*d4-c5#
1...POe5 2.SIe6 + SIe4 3.ND*e4-f5#
In the initial position and after the key bSI is pinned by wSI. As a consequence, the threat is virtual as Black has no move keeping it real. But the threat is there for me, moreover in variations can be found nice echo.
The author has chosen the flight-giving key and I respect this choice, although personally I would consider also the possibility of key 1.NEd2-e3! as it would bring into action nice asymmetry effect 1.NEc3? POc5! 2.SIc6+ SIc4! 3.NExc4-b5+ POxb5-a5!
RU <-> EN (EN <-> RU)
URL address of this web page | Адрес этой страницы

Sections | Разделы

F# (fairies | сказки)

Participants | Участники

Dragoun M. – No 11*, 12*, 13*
Gordian M. – No 3, 4
Kawagoe T. – No 5, 8
Krätschmer K. – No 1
Mlynka K. – No 2
Müller D. – No 6, 7, 11*, 12*, 13*
Tar G. – No 9, 10
Zheglov V. – No 14, 15, 16, 17

The Winners Are | Победители

Michal Dragoun & Dieter Müller
Congrats! | Поздравляем!

Judge | Арбитр

Juraj Lörinc

Translation | Перевод

Aleksey Oganesjan

Editor | Редактор

Aleksey Oganesjan