Final Award in Quick Composing TT-137 | Окончательные итоги блицконкурса TT-137One Piece on a Board (To Say Nothing of the King) | Один в клетке, не считая монархаTheme | Тема[ Announcement | Объявление ]
67 entries were received from 36 authors representing 15 countries | На конкурс поступило 67 композиций от 36 авторов из 15 странEN <-> RU In my decision I took into account the problems that contain the same problem theme and harmony in their solution, which was also my objective in this thematic tourney and at the same time I would like to address one remark to the judges that decide easily to give high awards to problems with one solution. Award is the following | Отличия распределились следующим образом
1st Prize, 1st Place - No 23, Mečislovas Rimkus (Lithuania) 2b5/2K4p/3r1Np1/4k3/3q4/4n3/3r4/b7 1.Qe4 Sd5 2.Rf6 Kd8 3.Rf4 Ke7 4.Bf5 Sb4 5.Rd5 Sc6#1.Be6 Sg8 2.Rd7+ Kc6 3.Qd5+ Kb6 4.Kd6 Se7 5.Be5 Sc8# 1.Bf5 Sd7+ 2.Ke6 Kc8 3.Sd5 Kd8 4.Qf6+ Ke8 5.Be5 Sc5# 1.Rc6+ Kb8 2.Qd8 Ka7 3.Kd6 Se4+ 4.Kc7 Sc3 5.Rd7 Sb5# 1.Ke6 Sd5 2.Kf7 Kxd6 3.Kg8 Ke7 4.Qh8 Ke8 5.Bg7 Se7#
In five solutions the black Bristol is represented, combined with from two to five active self-blocks and interferences and Umnov effects in Meredith position.
EN <-> RU
2nd Prize, 2nd Place - No 15, Torsten Linß (Germany) 8/6p1/8/3B4/2r5/1k6/6q1/3K4 1.Kc3 Kc1 2.Rh4 Kb1 3.Kd2 Kb2 4.Ke3+ Kc3 5.Kf4 Kd4 6.Kg4 Ke5 7.g5 Kf6 8.Kh5 Kg7 9.Qg4 Bf7#1.Qh2 Bg2 2.Rc8 Ke2 3.Kc4 Kf3 4.Kd5 Bf1 5.Ke6 Ke4 6.Kf7 Kd5 7.Rh8 Bc4 8.Kg8 Ke6 9.Qh7 Ke7#
Active self-blocks with exact maneuvers and interferences to the checkmate images in miniature and longitude task (?!) in helpmate within minimal wKB problem.
EN <-> RU
1st Honorable mention, 3rd Place - No 30, Daniel Novomesky (Slovakia) 8/8/8/8/1K1k4/3rn3/R3q3/8 1.Sf5 Ra5 2.Qd2+ Ka4 3.Kc3 Ka3 4.Sd4 Rc5#1.Rd1 Rb2 2.Kd3 Kc5 3.Sc2 Kd5 4.Rd2 Rb3# 1.Sd5+ Ka4 2.Kc4 Rb2 3.Rd4 Rb6 4.Qd3 Rc6#
Triple echo-ideal checkmate combined with Umnov and active self-blocks with one anti-critical tempo move in one solution.
EN <-> RU
2nd Honorable mention - No 32, Aleksandr Maksimov (Russia) 6q1/4p3/5kbr/3p4/3K1pp1/2pppp2/3P1b2/8 1.Be4 Kc5 2.Ke5 Kb5 (tempo!) 3.Kd4 Kb4 4.e5 dxc3#1.Kf5 Kxd3 2.e5 Kc2 (tempo!) 3.Ke4 Kxc3 4.Bf5 d3# 1.Bh5 dxe3 2.Qg6 Kxd5 (tempo!) 3.Kg5 Ke5 4.Bh4 exf4#
Three tempo moves of the white king combined with black Umnov
EN <-> RU
3rd Honorable mention - No 40, Harald Grubert (Germany) 7r/bknK4/1r1B4/8/8/8/8/8 1...Be5 2.Ra6 Bxh8 3.Bb6 Be5 4.Ka7 Kc8 5.Sa8 Bb8#1...Bc5 2.Ra8 Bxb6 3.Bb8 Ba5 4.Ka7 Kc6 5.Sa6 Bb6#
Miniature in aristocratic position with the switchback theme (with Bishop on b6 and e5) and two passive sacrifices of the black finishing with echo ideal mates.
EN <-> RU
1st Commendation - No 66, Anatoly Kirichenko (Russia) 7K/4pp2/3bp1b1/2p2pp1/8/8/2P4p/k7 1.h1B c4 2.Bd5 cxd5 3.f4 dxe6 4.f3 exf7 5.f2 f8Q 6.f1R Qf3 7.Rb1 Qa3#1.c4 c3 2.Bb4 cxb4 3.Kb2 b5 4.Kc3 b6 5.Kd4 b7 6.Ke5 b8S 7.Kf6 Sd7#
Meredith with fast and slow excelsior and mixed AUW with two model mates.
EN <-> RU
2nd Commendation - No 52, Ingemar Lind (Sweden) r1n1k1br/b6n/1p6/p2pp3/8/7q/3P4/6K1 1...d3 2.Sg5 d4 3.Bh7 dxe5 4.0-0 e6 5.Rf7 e7 6.Rg7 e8Q#1...d4 2.Sd6 dxe5 3.0-0-0 e6 4.Kb7 e7 5.Ka6 e8S 6.Sb7 Sc7#
Combination of fast and slow excelsior with castling and two different promotions.
EN <-> RU
3rd Commendation - No 14, Torsten Linß (Germany) 8/8/4K3/8/1p6/rB6/8/1k1r4 1.Ra1 Bd5 2.b3 Kd6 3.Ka2 Kc5 4.Rdb1 Kc4 5.b2 Kb4#1.Kb2 Ba4 2.Rb1 Be8 3.Kb3 Kd7 4.Ka4 Kc6 5.Rbb3 Kb6#
Presentation of two Indians with echo mates.
EN <-> RU
4th Commendation - No 37, Zlatko Mihajloski (Macedonia) 3bR3/2r5/2p5/K2n4/5kb1/8/n3p3/8 1.Bg5 Ra8 2.Ke3 Ka4 3.Kd2 Kb3 4.Kc1 Rxa2 5.Bd2 Ra1#1.Kf5 Rxd8 2.Ke6 Ra8 3.Kd7 Ra7 4.Kc8 Ka6 5.Bd7 Ra8#
Meredith with black KB Bristol maneuvers.
EN <-> RU
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