Final Award in Quick Composing TT-132 | Окончательные итоги блицконкурса TT-132

Mates on the same square | Маты с одного поля

Theme | Тема

47 entries were received from 27 authors representing 15 countries | На конкурс поступило 47 композиций от 27 авторов из 15 стран

EN <-> RU

I received 47 problems in anonymous form and uniform format from the tourney director. Given a rather simple theme, most of the composers decided to enrich their entries with additional themes, which were also useful at determinig the ranking. The tourney level was high and it was not easy to determine the placements.
Excluded problems:
1. Non-thematic problems:
- No 4 (Kh4-Ka8). The stipulation is h#3;
- No 5 (Kg2-Kd3). Triple mate by the same piece (wSa3);
- No 25 (Kc4-Ke6). wPd6 promotes and mates twice;
- No 30 (Kc2-Kf5). wPd7 promotes and mates twice;
- No 42 (Kf1-Ke5). wPd7 promotes to Q/R mates.
2. Anticipations:
- No 6 (Ka4-Kf6). Strong similarity to pdb/P0521609.
3. Idle white piece (except pawns and the king) in at least one phase:
- No 10 (Kd8-Kd3) – Rh1/Rb5/Qb8;
- No 18 (Ke1-Kc5) – Ra1/Sc7/Be8;
- No 19 (Ke1-Kd4) – Sg2;
- No 28 (Kf8-Ke5) – Rb4/Rc1;
- No 36 (Kb3-Kc6) – Se3;
- No 43 (Kh6-Kd5) – Ra4/Se1.
4. Unallowed twins:
- No 12 (Ka8-Kf4) – bBf6 is a promoted piece. Also: a correction arrived too late;
- No 29 (Kc1-Ke4) – wPc2->c7 (bPc7);
- No 32 (Kd1-d4) – bKd4->c4 (bPc4);
- No 33 (Kf7-Kd5) – bKd5->c5 (bBc5).
Thanks to all participants in the tourney, and congratulations to the authors of the honoured problems.

Award is the following | Отличия распределились следующим образом

1st Prize, 1st Place - No 11
Boško Milošeski
TT-132, SuperProblem, 17-03-2015
2nd Prize, 2nd Place - No 27
Aleksandr Kostyukov
TT-132, SuperProblem, 17-03-2015
h#2b, c, d (see text)(6+14)
3rd Prize, 3rd Place - No 45
Illo Krampis
TT-132, SuperProblem, 17-03-2015

1st Prize, 1st Place - No 11, Boško Milošeski (Macedonia)

1.Bh2 c4 2.Qd4+ exd4#
1.Qa3 e4 2.Bd4 cxd4#
1.Qxb3 cxb4+ 2.Kc4 Rd4#
1.Bd3 exd3 2.b5 d4#
1.fxe5 h8Q 2.e4 Qd4#
A wonderfully constructed outstanding problem!
EN <-> RU

2nd Prize, 2nd Place - No 27, Aleksandr Kostyukov (Russia)

a) diagram: 1.Kxe6 e4 2.Se5 Sf5-d4#
b) Bc5->d2: 1.Kxf5 exf3 2.Re5 Se6-d4#
c) Sf5->c7: 1.Be4 exd3 2.Rf5 d4#
d) Se6->g7: 1.Bd5 e3 2.Se4 Bd4#
Albino. HOTF:
- a, b – Zilahi;
- b, c – double square-block (e4/f5, e4/d5) (author)
The twin pairs a-b and c-d show quite a different themes but they are joined by the Albino theme. A masterpiece!
EN <-> RU

3rd Prize, 3rd Place - No 45, Illo Krampis (Latvia)

1.Rc3 Sb4 2.Be4 Sbc6#
1.Re3 f3 2.Sc4 Sc6#
1.Sd8 exd8S 2.Re4 Sdc6#
1.Qe5 b8S 2.Qe4 Sbc6#
Four mates by different pieces of the same kind. There is an active black sacrifice with line opening.
EN <-> RU
4th Prize - No 7
Ivan Antipin
TT-132, SuperProblem, 17-03-2015
Special Prize - No 3
Vladislav Nefedov
TT-132, SuperProblem, 17-03-2015
h#2b, c, d (see text)(8+11)
1st Honorable mention - No 39
Zoltan Labai
TT-132, SuperProblem, 17-03-2015

4th Prize - No 7, Ivan Antipin (Russia)

1.Kd4 Sg4 2.Rd5 Rc4#
1.Kd6 Bf5 2.Sbd5 Sc4#
1.Re4 Sf7 2.Bd4 Bc4#
1.Rd6 Sf3 2.Ree6 c4#
Not counting the king, the white force only consists of four different thematic pieces. Precise and economical construction. Meredith.
EN <-> RU

Special Prize - No 3, Vladislav Nefedov (Russia)

a) diagram: 1.g1B Se2 2.Bd4 cxd4#
b) = in mating position a) –wPd4: 1.h1B Kd1 2.Be4 d4#
с) = in mating position b) –wPd4: 1.Se8 Bc5 2.Sd6 Bd4#
d) = in mating position c) –wBd4: 1.Rf7 Sd7+ 2.Kxe6 Sd4#
Model mates. HOTF:
a, b – pawns play: black pawns promote in bishops, white pawns checkmate
c, d: black unblock squares and block another squares. White complete piece mates. (author.)
The special twinning is impressive: the white pieces having done their duties are removed for the next position.
EN <-> RU

1st Honorable mention - No 39, Zoltan Labai (Slovakia)

1.Bh4 Rf4 2.Bf6 d4#
1.Bxh3 Rxg6 2.Bxf5 Bd4#
1.d4 Bd6+ 2.Kd5 Rxd4#
1.Kxf5 Be7 2.Se5 Sd4#
Four pieces of different kinds mate on d4.
EN <-> RU
2nd Honorable mention - No 46
Illo Krampis
TT-132, SuperProblem, 17-03-2015
3rd Honorable mention - No 26
Aleksandr Kostyukov
TT-132, SuperProblem, 17-03-2015
h#2b, c, d - see text(5+7)
4th Honorable mention - No 14
Christer Jonsson
TT-132, SuperProblem, 17-03-2015

2nd Honorable mention - No 46, Illo Krampis (Latvia)

1.Bb1 Sd4 2.Qg3 Sde6#
1.Se3 d3 2.Rg3 Se6#
1.Bh4 d8S 2.Bg3 Sde6#
1.Rg8 f8S 2.Rg3 Sfe6#
There are mates by four knights, two of which are on the diagram while the other ones come from promotions. No captures occur in the solutions. Square-block g3.
EN <-> RU

3rd Honorable mention - No 26, Aleksandr Kostyukov (Russia)

a) diagram: 1.d3 cxd3 2.Bd4 b4#
b) Pd6->d7: 1.Bc7 c3 2.Bb6 Bb4#
c) Sa7->a2: 1.Kc6 c4 2.Sc5 Sb4#
d) Pb3->d3: 1.Qb3 cxb3 2.Bd5 b4#
Albino. Meredith.
EN <-> RU

4th Honorable mention - No 14, Christer Jonsson (Sweden)

1.Kxg3 Rg5+ 2.Kh4 Rg5-g4#
1.Kxe5 Rg7 2.Kf6 Sg4#
1.Rxe3+ Rb5 2.Kxe4 Rg3-g4#
Cyclic Zilahi and model mates. The black king moves to 3 different squares.
EN <-> RU
5th Honorable mention - No 20
Fadil Abdurahmanovic
TT-132, SuperProblem, 17-03-2015
6th Honorable mention - No 16
Vidadi Zamanov
TT-132, SuperProblem, 17-03-2015
1st Commendation - No 47
L. Packa & E. Klemanič
TT-132, SuperProblem, 17-03-2015

5th Honorable mention - No 20, Fadil Abdurahmanovic (Bosnia)

1.Rxc8 Qe3+ 2.Kf5 g4#
1.Rf4 gxf4 2.Kxf4 Rg4#
1.Qxg2 Qd4+ 2.Kf3 Bg4#
Cyclic Zilahi. Again, the black king moves to 3 different squares. Active sacrifice (bRf8).
EN <-> RU

6th Honorable mention - No 16, Vidadi Zamanov (Azerbaijan)

1.Kxg6 Bd3+ 2.Kh6 hxg5#
1.Kg4 Be6+ 2.Kxh4 Bxg5#
1.Sxf6 Bd5 2.Rf4 Rxg5#
Cyclic Zilahi with model mates. Meredith. The wBc4 Bishop moves to 3 different squares.
EN <-> RU

1st Commendation - No 47, Ladislav Packa & Emil Klemanič (Slovakia)

1.Qh6 Bxd6 2.Qe6 Rd4#
1.Ke6 Re4 2.d5 Sd4#
1.Kc5 Sa3 2.Sd5 Bd4#
Cyclic reciprocal change functions. Model mates.
Similar problems (but not anticipations): pdb/P0535158, pdb/P0539991, pdb/P0574443, pdb/P0574476, pdb/P1006749, pdb/P1277240. (authors)
EN <-> RU
2nd Commendation - No 44
Zoltan Labai
TT-132, SuperProblem, 17-03-2015
3rd Commendation - No 1
Dieter Müller
TT-132, SuperProblem, 17-03-2015
4th Commendation - No 40
Zoltan Labai
TT-132, SuperProblem, 17-03-2015

2nd Commendation - No 44, Zoltan Labai (Slovakia)

1.Rxc5 Rhh6 2.Bc4 e4#
1.dxe3 Rh5+ 2.Kd4 Re4#
1.dxe6 c4+ 2.Kxd6 Se4#
Cyclic Zilahi.
EN <-> RU

3rd Commendation - No 1, Dieter Müller (Germany)

1.Qb5 b4 2.Qd7 bxc5#
1.Bb5 d4 2.Bd7 dxc5#
1.Bd4 cxd4 2.Rd7 dxc5#
Line opening. Square-block d7. Model mates. (author)
EN <-> RU

4th Commendation - No 40, Zoltan Labai (Slovakia)

1.d3 Be7 2.dxe2 d4#
1.hxg3 Bf6+ 2.Kxf4 Rxd4#
1.Kxd6 b4 2.Se5 Rxd4#
1.Rxd6 e3 2.Bd5 exd4#
5th Commendation - No 24
Tibor Érsek
TT-132, SuperProblem, 17-03-2015
Special Commendation - No 31
Ilija Serafimović
TT-132, SuperProblem, 17-03-2015

5th Commendation - No 24, Tibor Érsek (Hungary)

1.Bd3 Bd6+ 2.Ke4 Rf4#
1.Be4 Be7 2.Qd4 f4#
1.Se6 Be3 2.Kd6 Bf4#
Meredith with model mates.
EN <-> RU

Special Commendation - No 31, Ilija Serafimović (Serbia)

1.Kxf1 Rg5 2.Sf2 Be2#
1.Kg1 Rxe1 2.Bf2 Se2#
1.Rh1 Bg2 2.Rg1 Re2#
This is the only aristocratic thematic problem, i.e. it contains no pawns. The author of the problem is 10 years old!
EN <-> RU
URL address of this web page | Адрес этой страницы

Sections | Разделы

H#2 (helpmates in two |
коопматы в 2 хода)

Participants | Участники

Abdurahmanovic F. – No 20
Abramenko S. – No 25
Antipin I. – No 7
Biénabe A. – No 28
Bidlen A. – No 5
Érsek T. – No 24
Jonsson C. – No 14, 15
József M. – No 17, 18, 19
Klemanič E. – No 8, 47*
Klipachev V. – No 9, 10
Koci V. – No 4
Kopyl V. – No 21
Kostyukov A. – No 26, 27
Krampis I. – No 29, 45, 46
Labai Z. – No 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44
Lind I. – No 35, 36, 37
Martin L. M. – No 30
Medintsev V. – No 6
Milošeski B. – No 11
Müller D. – No 1, 2
Navon E. – No 22, 23
Nefedov V. – No 3
Packa L. – No 47*
Pankratyev A. – No 32, 33, 34
Serafimović I. – No 31
Witztum M. – No 12, 13
Zamanov V. – No 16

The Winner Is | Победитель

Boško Milošeski
Congrats! | Поздравляем!

Judge | Арбитр

Gábor Tar

Translation | Перевод

Aleksey Oganesjan

Editor | Редактор

Aleksey Oganesjan