Final Award in Quick Composing TT-123 | Окончательные итоги блицконкурса TT-123

SuperVariation | СуперВариант

Theme | Тема

13 entries were received from 9 authors representing 5 countries | На конкурс поступило 13 композиций от 9 авторов из 5 стран

EN <-> RU

I thank Aleksey Oganesjan for agreeing to hold this quick composing tourney. Despite the fact that among 13 sent problems there are some interesting compositions, I have to say I am disappointed. Problems out of award:
- No 1 (Ke7-Ke5) – there is no “SuperVariation”;
- No 4 (Kb2-Kf5) – despite a “SuperVariation” (with 4 mates) and four “simple variations”, I does not see a relations between phases;
- No 5 (Ke7-Kd4) – there is no “simple variations”;
- No 6 (Kc4-Kh5) – the idea can become a theme of new TT: the reduction of quantity of mates in variations (3-2-1);
- No 7 (Kh6-Kh4) – despite a good key, the play is not precise and clear;
- No 8 (Kc6-Ke4) – the author must deepen an idea: “SuperVariation” with three mates is not enough, because it needs “simple variations” which will matching with “SuperVariation”;
- No 9 (Ka8-Ke4) – I liked a star-flights of black king. But in my opinion, sharpness is not enough in this problem;
- No 10 (Kh4-Kd5) – one more star-flights of black king. But it is not enough;
- No 11 (Kb6-Kb3) – miniature with a key into a corner;
- No 12 (Kg1-Ke5) – there is double “SuperVariation”, in contrast to all other problems of the tourney.

Award is the following | Отличия распределились следующим образом

Special Prize, 1 Place - No 2
Arieh Grinblat
TT-123, SuperProblem, 29-11-2014
Honorable mention, 2 Place - No 13
Igor Agapov
TT-123, SuperProblem, 29-11-2014
Commendation, 3 Place - No 3
Aleksandr Feoktistov
TT-123, SuperProblem, 29-11-2014

Special Prize, 1st Place - No 2, Arieh Grinblat (Israel)

1.Rb6! – 2.Sxd7+ Ke4 3.Bxb7#
1...Rfxf6 2.Sf7+ Ke4 3.Bxb7#
1...Rhxf6 2.Sg6+ Ke4 3.Bxb7#
1...Bxf6 2.Qg5+ Ke4 3.Bxb7#
1...dxe2 2.d3 – 3.Sxd7#
  2...Rfxf6 3.Sf7#
  2...Rhxf6 3.Sg6#
  2...Bxf6 3.Qg5#
“SuperVariation” is fully embedded in “simple variations” (second black moves in “SuperVariation” are their first moves in “simple variations”). Really original idea. I liked it.
EN <-> RU

Honorable mention, 2nd Place - No 13, Igor Agapov (Russia)

1.Re8! – 2.Sxd7+ Be5 / Re5 3.Sc5#
1...Bd6 2.Sec4+! – 3.Sd6#
1...d6 2.Sf3+! Re5 3.Sg5#
1...Bxe5 2.Sbc4! – 3.Sd6#
1...Rxe5 2.g4! – 3.Qf5#
1...Qc1 2.Sf7+!!
  2...Be5 3.Sd6#
  2...Re5 3.Sg5#
  2...Kd5 3.Sd8#
  2...Kf5 3.Sh8#

Parasitic variation | Паразитный вариант: 1...Qxh3 2.Sxb1 - 3.Sc3#
Difficult idea. The author was able to realize four “simple variations” which prepare “SuperVariation” including (besides two moves from “simple variations”) two moves of black king on freed squares after 2.Sf7+.
EN <-> RU

Commendation, 3rd Place - No 3, Aleksandr Feoktistov (Russia)

1.Bg3! – 2.Qh4+ f4 3.Qxf4#
1...g5 2.Qh6! – 3.Qh1#
1...Bd4 2.Qe5+! Bxe5 3.Re3#
1...Qd4 2.Re3+! Qxe3/Kxd5 3.Qe5#
1...e5 2.Qb6!!
  2...Bxb6 3.Sf6#
  2...Rxb6 3.Re3#
  2...Qxb6 3.Sc3#
  2...f4 3.Bxg6#
Good problem with themes of Novotny and Plachutta. But I am not entirely satisfied.
EN <-> RU
URL address of this web page | Адрес этой страницы

Sections | Разделы

#3 (threemovers | трёхходовки)

Participants | Участники

Agapov I. - No 13
Feoktistov A. - No 3
Grinblat A. - No 2
Kopyl V. - No 9, 10
Kostylev M. - No 1*
Labai Z. - No 7, 8
Melnichuk A. - No 1*
Müller D. - No 4
Shumarin V. - No 5, 6, 11, 12

The Winner Is | Победитель

Arieh Grinblat
Congrats! | Поздравляем!

Judge | Арбитр

Abdelaziz Onkoud

Translation | Перевод

Aleksey Oganesjan

Editor | Редактор

Aleksey Oganesjan